- a question about admin banning
- The new DoD:S servers is having problems
- [Help] Baneduser.cfg problem
- [help] add a menu in admin menu for sourcemode
- [Help] DoD:S Gamedata log "Could Not Connect"
- Scripting (Beginner)
- SourceMod menu modifications?
- [Help]SourceMod installation problem (1.3)
- Immunity for players
- SQL Admin problem
- [Help] COOP server map won't change
- Custom Menu: help with mapcycle
- Plugin Writers for Hire?
- Speed differences Between SMM Plugins and SM Plugins
- Custom Menu: one trigger -> multiple commands?
- sm_admin menu - time length....?
- Admin not working
- slow motion?
- Strange errormessage in Dods
- Afk plugin and admins_simple.ini errors
- adminmenu.smx again
- Do I have to activate mapchooser?
- [Help] Installing plugins etc for TF2 Server
- mySQL admins... No loading admins... HELP PLEASE
- Unknown Command sv_accelerate= How to change it for surf map
- souceMod Installation - sm commands not available
- Vote output??
- Can you convert an amxx plugin to sourcemod?
- Admin hierarchy
- Need help with mapchooser plugin.
- dustbowl on 1.1.0 r2422
- Can you limit Admin's ability to PERMANENTLY Ban?
- Plugins Per Map
- Mapchooser and rockthevote
- Admin Menu & hanging
- Sourcemod install - meta list don't work
- server not changing map- tf2- surf maps
- about time for everyone to switch from mani altogether..
- 33 slot player servers, reversing setmaxvisible..how?
- saying nextmap = pending vote :(
- adding console commands to admin menu?
- multi vote for setnextmap how?
- Dod:s Admiin menu Help
- need some help with overrides
- An easier way to access admin options?
- How do I extend message/vote txt?
- dropped due to slot reservation
- adminmenu_custom.txt help
- Goldrush question
- Problem With DoD:S Server and SourceMod
- Trouble with adding menu items with adminmenu_custom.txt
- Did Snapshots 1.1 works with TF2 (Linux)??
- Is A Conversion Possible
- Tracking down Server Crash Error
- Defining Root Admin
- Set gravity on mapname.cfg
- Adding admins
- Blind function?
- Changing admin chat @ prefix
- Immunity doesn Work
- Error Log? "Not an error" "Flooding the server"
- Funcommands not working?
- disconnect d:
- Admin maps menu
- Admin Menu will not show in TF2
- What is turbo mod?
- dod source - gun game plugin?
- Server crashing when player dies
- TF2 Crash?
- dods hide and seek plugin?
- sm_mapvote_startfrags bug?
- CTX Files
- Increasing the max players (HL2:DM)
- Votekick stopped working
- sm_immunity_mode 2 working?
- name changing
- Can't show sm_admin menu?
- How to bug report or get support for a mod
- sm_nextmap
- Map Cycle Help
- TF2 33/33 Players Any Ideas?
- random server crash
- Binding Keys, Redirecting....
- I search extention weapon.ext(.so)
- Vote plugin
- Searching for a plugin/effect (Turn Off Lights)
- Admin menu showing to wrong admins
- [TF2] Sourcemod not working?
- Language code for plugin translation ?
- SM Question about CS:S
- TF2 Update release
- Admin doesn't add
- Addig RTV delay?
- SQL Can't connect
- Vote Gravity
- How to mod the backburner?
- mapchooser.smx not working
- Nominations plugin? Requesting Wiki update
- Overrides - stupid question
- Double Kill Message
- Plugin conflict?
- Error from adminlist.cfg
- Noclip Hide.
- DODs Update - Funcommands not working correctly?
- All Maps Not Showing On Nomination List/RTV
- Weighted Companion Cube Soccer
- admin
- unconnected
- Forcing Bzip2 Downloads
- Mapchange
- loading and config processing order?
- sourcemod crashes about every 12 hours no matter what
- Enable source mod
- de_office for CS Source
- in-game menus
- Setting up RTV/Map voting
- MM+Country Filter for Garry's Mod
- Adverts
- TF2 crashes
- How do you make Nominate not effect Map Chooser?
- sm_setnextmap
- Its time to choose
- Double up of maps in menu
- New TF2 Exploit!!
- Disable SM commands like nextmap, ff, ...
- Tiny problem with gravity.
- Fatal error in logs
- Adding rcon commands
- changing setup time in dustbowl
- Bad rcon_password expliot
- How do you induce yourself to have a power nap
- What does this error mean?
- disconnect:round_end_freeze
- Reserved Slots Glitches
- Problem - spectating opposing team while dead
- problem:kicking for low minimum packets
- TF2 Critical Hit CTX Help
- sm_setnextmap didnīt work
- Can someone help me out here?
- Help with hlstatsx for TF2
- Melee Mode under X number of players?
- Double Announces when Player Joins
- map voting and maplists
- Server not allowing 2 people with the same ip to join!?
- Admin multiple servers while in game?
- Voice outside of server?
- Sourcemod Admin help
- DM team balancing
- CTF (CODER NEEDED) plz read
- Kick and rcon commands not working
- Required extension "SDKTools" file("sdktools.ext") not running
- HLStatsX Download Page Removed!
- How to offer in-game redirect to another server?
- How can you tell if your server is live
- [TF2] Weird Server Problem
- why cant i get nominate to use anything but the mapcyclefile??????
- Admin Chat?
- Kick and Ban buttons do not work
- Plugin problem, compiling error?
- Paid Couter-Strike Source Mod help
- Disconnect: BOT. MSG
- Question
- 1.1 snapshot tf2 crashes server?
- Default OFF (disabled) for plugins
- limiting ban to admins no perma ban
- sv_alltalk sets back to 0 at map change
- Basetriggers Problem
- Snapshot 1.1.0 2452 [Upload it NOW]
- Force client to load new texture data
- Redirecting motd to the web for free= for noobs
- Be careful when upgrading to
- Fine Tuning SM Admin Commands
- How to disable @commands ?
- Problems with admin immunity
- Why does spawning bots via server.cfg cause a segfault?
- Looking for older snapshot 1.1 r2441 linux
- [RELEASE] SourceLogFileReader
- Just how volatile should I consider the 1.0 and 1.1 branches to be?
- [BUG] Bug found within ban plugin for SourceMod
- How to use RTV without Mapchooser?
- If you've installed HlStatsX, Question
- Up for Takings...FunCommandsX for HLSW
- [BUG] Odd map changing SM1.1.0.2462
- TF2 bonus round all talk?
- Changing the physics of TF2? HOW??
- sm_mapvote_startround "0"
- Mute All but Admins...
- Need some help with adding admins
- TF2 Disable Map Menus that show at start of round or on joining?
- Snapshot Linux Binaries?
- Really silly question i know
- Admin Menu Not Staying Up
- View Plugins Loaded...
- Question about getting IP addresses with Source mod
- Allow players to join Steam Group in-game?
- Sourcemod Won't install
- Any update to sourcemod for tf2 achievements update needed?
- TF2 Update out!
- TF2 Server crashes on map change
- Crashes after update (funcommands, votes)
- make sourcemod spit out the laoded admin list?
- sm_reloadadmins wipes admins.cfg and admin_groups.cfg
- Restricting Admin Menu Command Access
- reserve slot help please
- TF2 Arena Style 12 v 12 ?
- Servers being de-listed?
- Shortcut commands
- Auto mute waiters
- TF2 Arena, Confused.
- TF2 arena crashes on my server
- TF2 Dustbowl 3rd stage.
- SourceMod Log Errors
- SM disables certain features
- [Help] / Question
- Need some advice/your thoughts.
- Player Votes without Admin
- using sourcebans making errors about clientprefs
- Fastdownload servers
- MyG0t Griefers?
- Reserved Slots
- Dead Body TF2 Plugin?
- What happened wit hthe site?
- New 1.1.0 Snapshot working again!
- Arena mode more than 6v6
- Need some help
- Spontaneous Birthday mode?
- Rtv Bug
- Reserved Slot Problems
- Admin Configuration Settings
- Plugin Translations
- funcommands.smx error for ES server
- sprays and sourcemod
- Admin limit with admin-sql-prefetch
- TF2 problems
- rank/stats pluginsq
- sv_tags In Server Name
- TF2 arena problems
- Admins can see team messages
- Source Mod Question
- HLSW for iPhone possible?
- Autoexec stuff
- New Exploit? - Crashes Servers
- Need help with Dedicated Server Plugins
- End of round map vote stops coming up
- Admin Chat double lines
- Slap, and Slay and someother commands dont work ?
- uploaded source mod but cant get it working
- Automatic entry into arena mode/maps? (TF2)