- Players using sm commands like !zmenu applies to host only
- how do i turn off "Player kicked for suiciding too many times?"
- Exit Admin Menu after command
- Hooking website purchase with server
- Nominate Plugin Error
- PrecacheScriptSound: problem
- [TF2] Change how Medic bots work?
- Cant get mapchooser to popup at 3 mins left
- map console error
- GOTV Bot in the way
- adminmenu_custom.txt issues
- Compile Extension On Linux?
- some bugs with my server
- Workshop rtv text remove
- Weird timer plugin bug
- [GO] Fire in the hole REMOVER for SRCDS
- Custom commands not working
- Problem with updating
- Help Please.
- [CS:GO] Restarting/Crashing server from FTP.
- Auto kick / ban for suicide??
- All 8 Survivors Sourcemod Errors
- [CS-GO] Mod for reserved slots + know winning team
- [TF2] How to gag/mute/silence with custom time with Basecomm ?
- The specified module could not be found.
- [TF2] Turbine server is crashing at random
- Groups Overrides dont work[Solved]
- [CS:GO]How to compact vmt and vtf or increase Precache Table limit
- [RESULTS] Server-Side Bot Detection Using Artificial Neural Networks
- Is my server in the masterlist?
- CSGO - Minigame Course Timer Plugin
- New Sourcemod Website!
- [HELP] Reserveslots does not kick players
- Searching a Plugin
- Sourcemod default voting system
- !radio error on kztimer
- CS GO - Mod to know issue of a match
- Problem with plugins (Sourcemod, CSGO)
- [TF2] Workshop Items in game
- Will not load any maplist
- Fastdl services ?
- Reserved slots not being hidden
- Request: Minigame timer plugin [CS:GO]
- [CSoundEmitterSystemBase] GetParametersForSound: No such sound Error
- [SM] How to disable manual commands
- [CS:GO] SM Hosties !revive error
- Multiple servers one install disable plugins
- [CS:GO] overriding a katana knife skin
- [CS:GO] sm_dump_datamaps crashes server
- Use console to bypass max slots - default behaviour or sourcemod?
- [CSGO] Sourcemod slot reservation counting Bots as Player
- I updated sourcemod and now databases.cfg causes server to freeze
- server not recognizing !admin
- [Help]Ba_jail Suicide Kick
- (HELP) How to install/run retake mod on LAN?
- the map doesn't get changed-mapchooser
- CS:GO Good plugins for !store?
- Surf Server CSGO. Rankings Code
- Identify supporting players and activate certain plugins for them
- Can i remove the "Round Draw" box from above the score board.
- Gift Menu stuck on screen entire game?
- [CS:GO] suddenly everything stops working??
- [Dota 2] Increase time allowed for players to load
- How to force mp_maxrounds 0
- Random Server crashes on de_cache
- Help Installing Plugins -noob- [cs:s]
- sm_cvar spec_freeze_time -1 not working in autoexec.cfg
- Map changes cvars itself?
- Public SM Statistics
- [CS:GO] Classic Competitive Game Finished event
- Disable certain tf2 default sounds.
- [CS:GO] Prevent HLTV Bot get kicked if reserved slot is joined
- What the hell happened ?
- TF2ItemsInfo error
- Workshop map change
- [cs:go] wanted! A modeler [will $$$]
- Problem with Zipcore's Timer
- Enable / Disable nades? Problem
- donation system for csgo and webstie?
- DM Server - End round despite mp_ignore_round_win_conditions
- [CSGO]Help with maps for download / game server
- pawn studio stuck
- Linux (ubuntu) server cant get SM to work !
- Access to sv_cheats 1?
- SPCompiler crash with this code
- Endmap mapchange
- Automatic Commands for CS:GO?
- How to access/change weapon stats in CS:GO
- Making two plugins work with each other
- flag?
- Sourcemod help
- Donator server access whitelist
- Looking for plugin no spam commands
- [HELP] Server crash
- Vote Change Map not work needed help
- [CS:GO] error - models
- Installing Metamod and SourceMod the local server Left 4 Dead help
- CS:GO Jailbreak help
- About "Introduction to SourceMod Plugins" tutorial
- SourceMod / Metamod VAC?
- vip plugin error
- [CS:GO Help] Random Map Crashing
- Having a plugin update server?
- Making plugins admin exclusive.
- custome chat colour not working
- command to hear dead people?
- repeat killer plugin?
- missing maps?
- Server bot problem
- Server lags and i have to change map
- How do I make an .spr that actually works to attach?
- How would I determine what's causing lag spikes?
- [CS:GO] Random server crash
- Sourcemod 1.7 Weapon Bug
- No weapon_usp_silencer.txt script ?
- Mysql database problem
- Disable map music?
- Need YOUR opinion!
- Auto-execute commands server-side upon player join.
- [ CS:GO ] FAstl DL ??
- Needing some help for various problems
- admin_overrides.cfg problem, commands not working. (Team Fortress 2 Server)
- [L4D2] Looking for plugin to put out Tank
- Plugin unloads incorrectly
- FastDL problem
- [TF2] Deathrun server problem. Spamming chat (not working properly)
- [REQ] Model
- Show players on server problem
- [TF2] tf_server_identity_account_id not set; not logging into registered account ???!
- Compiling help
- change level problem cs:go
- Admin menu help
- CS:GO Custom Chat colors question
- Steamid problem
- Admin Glitch?
- Need Help Setting up gamemodes
- Best settings for jailbreak server
- [CS:GO] Error while playing
- Unloading plugins via sm_rcon crashes server
- Why Are My CSS Zombie Skins Purple&Black?
- whats causing this crash (spawn point)
- [CS:GO] Extending roundtime
- Custom admin menu - warmup end option
- SM Notepad++ Syntax Highlighter
- [TF2] No Free Edicts returns!
- FastDL for server.
- Creating and scripting working custom tf2 weapons?
- [HELP] Server crash
- Players can kick other players
- [Search] Plugin 2 bullet per 2 bullet
- Reserved Slots not working
- Help about roundtime
- Newbie csgo dedicated server
- How to ban people that are not connecter on my server ?
- Host_error: recursively entered. When trying to download a map
- How to disable showing Engine Error message?
- Team limit problem 64 slot server
- Can AMX Plugins Coexist w Sourcemod?
- How to change admin titles
- HNS BlockBuilding Problem
- Server-Bot
- Need some help with homing projectiles
- pawn-docgen
- dbi.sqlite.ext.dll crashing
- Voice Chat enable only if admin is online
- add more players to one team
- automatic download
- CS:GO Server Required
- [TF2] What is this HUD message?
- New syntax broken?.
- CS:GO Random Crash only in Deathmatch.
- [CS:GO] Setting up Server Hop
- server goes down
- Block other team? Problem.
- How to create database ?
- CSGO Reserved slots not working!
- Botspawns.smx + Custom Theater help needed
- [CS:GO] Is there a way to set a certain limit to custom admin groups?
- Player Skins Chooser help
- Anti VPN connection?
- Is There a Portal for CSS?
- L4D Server Ping Spike
- Community Administration Setup
- [CS:GO] Players can't select a team after joining
- How Do A Attach a .txt File to a New Tread
- How Can I as L4D2 Admin Reserve Rochelle
- I need some start help
- Fast reload weapons Left 4 Dead 2
- [Paying] Models
- Make game end screen last longer.
- [CS:GO] Make map least 15 minutes
- Bug after csgo update
- csgo newest update ****** things up!?!?
- Admin Immunity
- remove
- Map Voting No longer works.
- IP rate limit Bugs console help
- Accessing Temp files
- [HELP] Delayed text output in chat
- Where is a rank plugin?
- Timer plugin for course server?
- Admin thigny
- Store plugins Catagory help
- [Help] Bug my server not ranked help me plz
- [HELP] MySQL/SQLite Modification
- V.i.p/donation issues
- How to refresh "tf2items.weapons.txt"?
- Installing plugin without smx?
- God this annoys me. I can edit this write ? please tell me i can :(
- not respawn when I enter the server
- Glowing (team color) TF2 grapplinghook?
- directory of banned_user.cfg?
- 2 64-bit steam ids for an account
- [CS:GO]Player teleports if he's model was changed
- TF2 Mini games plugin
- SourceMod SQL admins
- Map change problem admin panel.
- block "jointeam ct/t" command?
- Gungame Stats migrate
- Anyway to make reserved slots ignore spectating players?
- [CS:GO] Anymay to increase Spawn Points on Maps?
- [CS:GO] Slot reserve
- CSGO tickrate
- Forcing Server Models
- (cs:go) someone can help me with the respawn ?
- [HELP] PHP code error but I can't find any problem
- L4D2 Help needed with server
- Server Lag
- Finding reputable plugin writers for paid jobs
- First round spawn problem
- Update broke MM? - srcds.exe - Entry Point Not Found...
- Good surfmap to utilize fun plugins and deathmatch
- Bot problem
- Day of Defeat Source Plugins WebSite
- Change Timer method to 00:00:00
- Sourcemod messages prefix [SM] changing to something new?
- Installing Metamod (and sourcemod) in L4D2
- [SOLVED]Problem with my test server
- Dodhooks?
- CS:GO team balancer plugin help
- Possible Slap Exploit
- [Solved] Major Issue Sourcemod Please Help
- How to restrict players from joining a certain team?
- Working timer
- 9/15/2015 CSGO Update broke SM?
- sourcemod-1.7-git5251 build failed
- Prefixes for plugins section of forum?
- 9/16/2015 CS:S, DOD, HL2DM Update
- cstrike.inc needs an update