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  1. Players using sm commands like !zmenu applies to host only
  2. how do i turn off "Player kicked for suiciding too many times?"
  3. Exit Admin Menu after command
  4. Hooking website purchase with server
  5. Nominate Plugin Error
  6. PrecacheScriptSound: problem
  7. [TF2] Change how Medic bots work?
  8. Cant get mapchooser to popup at 3 mins left
  9. map console error
  10. GOTV Bot in the way
  11. adminmenu_custom.txt issues
  12. Compile Extension On Linux?
  13. some bugs with my server
  14. Workshop rtv text remove
  15. Weird timer plugin bug
  16. [GO] Fire in the hole REMOVER for SRCDS
  17. Custom commands not working
  18. Problem with updating
  19. Help Please.
  20. [CS:GO] Restarting/Crashing server from FTP.
  21. Auto kick / ban for suicide??
  22. All 8 Survivors Sourcemod Errors
  23. [CS-GO] Mod for reserved slots + know winning team
  24. [TF2] How to gag/mute/silence with custom time with Basecomm ?
  25. The specified module could not be found.
  26. [TF2] Turbine server is crashing at random
  27. Groups Overrides dont work[Solved]
  28. [CS:GO]How to compact vmt and vtf or increase Precache Table limit
  29. [RESULTS] Server-Side Bot Detection Using Artificial Neural Networks
  30. Is my server in the masterlist?
  31. CSGO - Minigame Course Timer Plugin
  32. New Sourcemod Website!
  33. [HELP] Reserveslots does not kick players
  34. Searching a Plugin
  35. Sourcemod default voting system
  36. !radio error on kztimer
  37. CS GO - Mod to know issue of a match
  38. Problem with plugins (Sourcemod, CSGO)
  39. [TF2] Workshop Items in game
  40. Will not load any maplist
  41. Fastdl services ?
  42. Reserved slots not being hidden
  43. Request: Minigame timer plugin [CS:GO]
  44. [CSoundEmitterSystemBase] GetParametersForSound: No such sound Error
  45. [SM] How to disable manual commands
  46. [CS:GO] SM Hosties !revive error
  47. Multiple servers one install disable plugins
  48. [CS:GO] overriding a katana knife skin
  49. [CS:GO] sm_dump_datamaps crashes server
  50. Use console to bypass max slots - default behaviour or sourcemod?
  51. [CSGO] Sourcemod slot reservation counting Bots as Player
  52. I updated sourcemod and now databases.cfg causes server to freeze
  53. server not recognizing !admin
  54. [Help]Ba_jail Suicide Kick
  55. (HELP) How to install/run retake mod on LAN?
  56. the map doesn't get changed-mapchooser
  57. CS:GO Good plugins for !store?
  58. Surf Server CSGO. Rankings Code
  59. Identify supporting players and activate certain plugins for them
  60. Can i remove the "Round Draw" box from above the score board.
  61. Gift Menu stuck on screen entire game?
  62. [CS:GO] suddenly everything stops working??
  63. [Dota 2] Increase time allowed for players to load
  64. How to force mp_maxrounds 0
  65. Random Server crashes on de_cache
  66. Help Installing Plugins -noob- [cs:s]
  67. sm_cvar spec_freeze_time -1 not working in autoexec.cfg
  68. Map changes cvars itself?
  69. Public SM Statistics
  70. [CS:GO] Classic Competitive Game Finished event
  71. Disable certain tf2 default sounds.
  72. [CS:GO] Prevent HLTV Bot get kicked if reserved slot is joined
  73. What the hell happened ?
  74. TF2ItemsInfo error
  75. Workshop map change
  76. [cs:go] wanted! A modeler [will $$$]
  77. Problem with Zipcore's Timer
  78. Enable / Disable nades? Problem
  79. donation system for csgo and webstie?
  80. DM Server - End round despite mp_ignore_round_win_conditions
  81. [CSGO]Help with maps for download / game server
  82. pawn studio stuck
  83. Linux (ubuntu) server cant get SM to work !
  84. Access to sv_cheats 1?
  85. SPCompiler crash with this code
  86. Endmap mapchange
  87. Automatic Commands for CS:GO?
  88. How to access/change weapon stats in CS:GO
  89. Making two plugins work with each other
  90. flag?
  91. Sourcemod help
  92. Donator server access whitelist
  93. Looking for plugin no spam commands
  94. [HELP] Server crash
  95. Vote Change Map not work needed help
  96. [CS:GO] error - models
  97. Installing Metamod and SourceMod the local server Left 4 Dead help
  98. CS:GO Jailbreak help
  99. About "Introduction to SourceMod Plugins" tutorial
  100. SourceMod / Metamod VAC?
  101. vip plugin error
  102. [CS:GO Help] Random Map Crashing
  103. Having a plugin update server?
  104. Making plugins admin exclusive.
  105. custome chat colour not working
  106. command to hear dead people?
  107. repeat killer plugin?
  108. missing maps?
  109. Server bot problem
  110. Server lags and i have to change map
  111. How do I make an .spr that actually works to attach?
  112. How would I determine what's causing lag spikes?
  113. [CS:GO] Random server crash
  114. Sourcemod 1.7 Weapon Bug
  115. No weapon_usp_silencer.txt script ?
  116. Mysql database problem
  117. Disable map music?
  118. Need YOUR opinion!
  119. Auto-execute commands server-side upon player join.
  120. [ CS:GO ] FAstl DL ??
  121. Needing some help for various problems
  122. admin_overrides.cfg problem, commands not working. (Team Fortress 2 Server)
  123. [L4D2] Looking for plugin to put out Tank
  124. Plugin unloads incorrectly
  125. FastDL problem
  126. [TF2] Deathrun server problem. Spamming chat (not working properly)
  127. [REQ] Model
  128. Show players on server problem
  129. [TF2] tf_server_identity_account_id not set; not logging into registered account ???!
  130. Compiling help
  131. change level problem cs:go
  132. Admin menu help
  133. CS:GO Custom Chat colors question
  134. Steamid problem
  135. Admin Glitch?
  136. Need Help Setting up gamemodes
  137. Best settings for jailbreak server
  138. [CS:GO] Error while playing
  139. Unloading plugins via sm_rcon crashes server
  140. Why Are My CSS Zombie Skins Purple&Black?
  141. whats causing this crash (spawn point)
  142. [CS:GO] Extending roundtime
  143. Custom admin menu - warmup end option
  144. SM Notepad++ Syntax Highlighter
  145. [TF2] No Free Edicts returns!
  146. FastDL for server.
  147. Creating and scripting working custom tf2 weapons?
  148. [HELP] Server crash
  149. Players can kick other players
  150. [Search] Plugin 2 bullet per 2 bullet
  151. Reserved Slots not working
  152. Help about roundtime
  153. Newbie csgo dedicated server
  154. How to ban people that are not connecter on my server ?
  155. Host_error: recursively entered. When trying to download a map
  156. How to disable showing Engine Error message?
  157. Team limit problem 64 slot server
  158. Can AMX Plugins Coexist w Sourcemod?
  159. How to change admin titles
  160. HNS BlockBuilding Problem
  161. Server-Bot
  162. Need some help with homing projectiles
  163. pawn-docgen
  164. dbi.sqlite.ext.dll crashing
  165. Voice Chat enable only if admin is online
  166. add more players to one team
  167. automatic download
  168. CS:GO Server Required
  169. [TF2] What is this HUD message?
  170. New syntax broken?.
  171. CS:GO Random Crash only in Deathmatch.
  172. [CS:GO] Setting up Server Hop
  173. server goes down
  174. Block other team? Problem.
  175. How to create database ?
  176. CSGO Reserved slots not working!
  177. Botspawns.smx + Custom Theater help needed
  178. [CS:GO] Is there a way to set a certain limit to custom admin groups?
  179. Player Skins Chooser help
  180. Anti VPN connection?
  181. Is There a Portal for CSS?
  182. L4D Server Ping Spike
  183. Community Administration Setup
  184. [CS:GO] Players can't select a team after joining
  185. How Do A Attach a .txt File to a New Tread
  186. How Can I as L4D2 Admin Reserve Rochelle
  187. I need some start help
  188. Fast reload weapons Left 4 Dead 2
  189. [Paying] Models
  190. Make game end screen last longer.
  191. [CS:GO] Make map least 15 minutes
  192. Bug after csgo update
  193. csgo newest update ****** things up!?!?
  194. Admin Immunity
  195. remove
  196. Map Voting No longer works.
  197. IP rate limit Bugs console help
  198. Accessing Temp files
  199. [HELP] Delayed text output in chat
  200. Where is a rank plugin?
  201. Timer plugin for course server?
  202. Admin thigny
  203. Store plugins Catagory help
  204. [Help] Bug my server not ranked help me plz
  205. [HELP] MySQL/SQLite Modification
  206. V.i.p/donation issues
  207. How to refresh "tf2items.weapons.txt"?
  208. Installing plugin without smx?
  209. God this annoys me. I can edit this write ? please tell me i can :(
  210. not respawn when I enter the server
  211. Glowing (team color) TF2 grapplinghook?
  212. directory of banned_user.cfg?
  213. 2 64-bit steam ids for an account
  214. [CS:GO]Player teleports if he's model was changed
  215. TF2 Mini games plugin
  216. SourceMod SQL admins
  217. Map change problem admin panel.
  218. block "jointeam ct/t" command?
  219. Gungame Stats migrate
  220. Anyway to make reserved slots ignore spectating players?
  221. [CS:GO] Anymay to increase Spawn Points on Maps?
  222. [CS:GO] Slot reserve
  223. CSGO tickrate
  224. Forcing Server Models
  225. (cs:go) someone can help me with the respawn ?
  226. [HELP] PHP code error but I can't find any problem
  227. L4D2 Help needed with server
  228. Server Lag
  229. Finding reputable plugin writers for paid jobs
  230. First round spawn problem
  231. Update broke MM? - srcds.exe - Entry Point Not Found...
  232. Good surfmap to utilize fun plugins and deathmatch
  233. [ANTI AIM]
  234. Bot problem
  235. Day of Defeat Source Plugins WebSite
  236. Change Timer method to 00:00:00
  237. Sourcemod messages prefix [SM] changing to something new?
  238. Installing Metamod (and sourcemod) in L4D2
  239. [SOLVED]Problem with my test server
  240. Dodhooks?
  241. CS:GO team balancer plugin help
  242. Possible Slap Exploit
  243. [Solved] Major Issue Sourcemod Please Help
  244. How to restrict players from joining a certain team?
  245. Working timer
  246. 9/15/2015 CSGO Update broke SM?
  247. sourcemod-1.7-git5251 build failed
  248. Prefixes for plugins section of forum?
  249. 9/16/2015 CS:S, DOD, HL2DM Update
  250. cstrike.inc needs an update