View Full Version : General
- Latest Sourcemod, Latest Metamod
- mapcycle.txt
- CSS roundsound?
- Steam Update 01/07/2011 (CSS/TF2)
- Invisible hats
- DoD:S Reserved Slots
- MasterRequestRestart
- Please update to 1.4.0 ??
- Need TF2 server.cfg
- How to get sdkhooks extension working ?
- Maps vote
- Reserved Slotting
- Change Map Crashes Server
- sv_lan issues.
- Help Modding Server
- Admin menu issue
- Decompiling SMX files?
- Giving Allied Modders a "Plug" :P
- Problems Upon Startup
- Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx"
- Very slow startup/mapchange - Related to SQL
- What is the best donation system for SM?
- Where to find server.cfg
- Can't startup my server
- Problem with votemaps
- latest soucremod snapshot's fail
- About the mapchooser
- Server Crashing
- {SOLVED] MySQL Not Retrieving Admins from sm_admins correctly
- SourceMod and Java plugins
- Ghost Players
- Pausing plugins
- SM Crashing the Server, need some help please
- [TF2] How to disable map vote before timelimit is left
- Showing Team Attacks in Chat
- Teams limit for Sourcemod
- SourceBans Problem
- Terrific news.. not really.
- [SM] You do not have access to this command - problem
- Map plugin
- Cvar for Charger Charge Distance
- Any chance for PostGreSQL support in Sourcemod?
- Hide N Seek Source
- Need help finding plugin
- sourcemod help
- Reserved slots
- Multiple Server Setup - Unknown command "sm_cvar" - Only After Multiple CFG Files
- Anyway to slay an entire team in L4D2?
- SERVER SLOTS.. after it was working so well
- ok
- Need TF2 Server Help [HELP]
- Server Name Characters
- Two Issues after running dedicated L4D2 Server - Help.
- Hide Online Admins From Players..
- No Funcommands/Custom Plugins
- Reserved slots question
- TF2 Server Lag, tried everything, absolutely everything
- Looking for a admin file
- CS Source SErver Problem
- human slots
- Problem with reserved slot on TF2 server
- problem with dod_spawnhealth plugin
- L4D2 Server gets laggy over time. Restart fixes it.
- SRCDS - Launch Options for Command Line | Server Gametype Issue
- Custom content on L4D2?
- Adding new Content to L4D2
- adminmenu_custom.txt what is wrong here?
- Statsmod for zombie?
- sourcemods possible on Listen
- Make the announcer speak
- [TF2] Friendly fire for Admins
- Different autoexecs for different servers with SourceMod?
- adminmenu_custom.txt not working???
- Reserved slots not working
- [TF2] Host_Error: CL_CopyExistingEntity: missing client entity X.
- how to make mods work?
- L4D2 Server Help!
- human slots on local server
- [Solved] Menu Sounds - No download to clients :/
- [TF2] Disable file checksum verification during "Retrieving server info"?
- mangler,bison netprops?
- L4D2 Server Error - HELP
- Map Vote or Extend [TF2]
- !votemenu question
- Can't find a Boomer mod for L4D2
- a few simple questions
- Need help - Annoying Crash
- [L4D2] Dead Air Beta - Server crashing
- Is it possible to check a given users flag/immunity?
- New way to log files.
- Sourcemod stopped logging? 0_o
- Server shows always 2 players
- [TF2] How can i disable all InGame votes?
- Where I can find these maps please tell me .. who?
- Specific Map Configs for L4D2
- Server Messages
- Custom Admin Menü
- Total newbie needing help
- Unable to disable votemap.
- CSS - Want to Hire Map Maker - WE PAY!
- Collapsable Sections
- [TF2] Nominations and RTV PLugins failed.
- nextmap and votemap errors?
- Questions about loading plugins from another directory.
- Are there any ways to disable certain weps on server?
- Unknown Command | Problem
- (Noob) Need help with TF2 Reserved Slots
- What is the problem?
- Nominate & RTV do not work properly.
- Delete this post. sorry.
- Plugins staying default, not listening to configs.
- what plugin for round end effects?
- L4D2 dedicated performance issues.
- Reserved by sourcemod
- help
- Bots use radio commands
- TF2:TD server problems, may be sourcemod
- [TF2] Maps for Nominate but Not in Rotation
- Can anyone help setup 10vs10 l4d2 versus server
- Dumb question
- "You are no longer protected"
- Mapcycle help
- [TF2] Mapchooser not using mapcycle.txt
- Disabling cvar change messages with sm_cvar?
- adminmenu_custom.txt what is wrong here?
- Any good TF2 Anti-Cheat plugin?
- Hello AM world again
- sb_all_bot_game
- No admin can be rcon log
- TF2 Hidden Slot: Replay Problem
- Server lagging :(
- Linux sourcemod log hard to read
- Sourcemod ban question
- Evade afk kick for admins
- TF2 Linux Server crashes 8-2-11 Update
- Ask for help to create a server
- TF2 Changing KOTH Cap time with Stripper Source
- Working respawn time modifier?
- L4D2 Custom Map Rotations Possible?
- L4D2 Dedicated IVP failed message
- Mapcycle,mapchooser :let mapcycle decide option
- 10 vs 10 l4d2 server help ($pay for help)
- RTV plugin.
- Name changing hackers need help.
- Server crashes if only 1 person on and he dies
- [L4D2] sb_all_bot_game ruining games.
- Is there any coding tutorials?
- Jetpack mod modification??
- L4D2 Update 09-08-2011
- Is there any good custom sound tutorial?
- Name Changing Hackers
- MySQL SSL Connections
- Source Mod and demos
- Help to set up Admin special group
- Need help with server.cfg
- Help remove server cvar...
- Need some advice
- Quick question about tf2 weapon restrict
- [Solved] SM Showdamage not working
- SourceMod Plugin Error
- SERVER restarts my PC
- Plugin cfg's only work if I put them into the server.cfg
- List 5 plugins .. Bug?
- l4d2 updates fcked up infected spawn cvars?
- Problem with all kind of addons
- Errors with setting up admins and admin groups
- [TF2]Can't load sourcemod and metamod
- Edit: How do i disable voice delay
- Commands of ZombieReloaded doesnt work
- [(L4D?)/L4D2] Crawl Without Plugins! Just 3 Steps!
- [L4D2] Hidden Zoey's Subtitle. (For Community)
- SQL Issue
- !settings = server crash
- change css default skins
- Commands not working in chat only in console.
- a (possibly) new exploit in a certain game
- Competitive Mode Requires Human Players??
- SourceBans or New Bans
- Error for Compile
- rotatable MOTD for TF2
- How to make a prettyier motd?
- Admin for all who Connect - Experiment
- My server crashes after update 8/18/2011
- Interest in Sourcemod+AdsQL WebUI?
- Sourcemod On Local Server
- Reserved slot not working
- Asynchronous callbacks
- MySQL issue, anyone seen /tmp/mysql.sock' (2) ??
- Skin admin with steamid
- Teamswitch before round starts
- [TF2] The Diamondback - Unlimited Crit Glitch
- Server problems
- player votes with confirmation
- [SM] You Cannot Target This Player
- SM error, Skins
- RTV: Maplist
- Custom reason kick in custom menu
- Where is my error please ?
- @me targets all
- Admins, moderators and users. Please read.
- Crash Server
- L4D2 Female Hunter Help
- Admin flags do not work
- SM Admin Menu Display Time Extension
- Installation Help {Noob Question}
- Chinese translation string.
- Best TF2 Weapon Ever!
- Overriding CVAR config from single config file
- CModelloader map_isvalid error loading my map?
- Sourcemod for Nuclear Dawn?
- [TF2] Engineers unable to build in arena
- Mixing maps in vote
- A few newbie tf2 server qestions.
- Plugin info
- Admin Commands Execute 3 Times
- Sourcemod compilation
- [SM] You do not have access to this command
- Does sourcemod/metamod work with CSS beta?
- help with plugins sp
- Is SourceMod 2 for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive epic?
- Admins able to see team chat?
- Having a problem with admins on server
- open a sub-forum
- Admin problems Sourcebans
- Change Voting Keys
- "Please remove your plugin"
- How to change Round Win/Loses Sounds on Server?
- Zombie Riot help
- Sourcemod + Plugins + Mapchange with admin menu = crash after last update
- 2 MOTD's
- Question regarding private plugins being made public
- Seeking Project Assistance
- trying to turn unholy_tank.vpk into a useable l4d2 sound file replacement
- Left4Dead Help
- Mapchooser losing settings on map change
- question about "convars"
- Jail Ergeben plugin
- ! teams -> Help!
- Error in sourcemod logs and problem with admin rights
- RankMe Web Interface
- Console support utf-8 charset
- Reservedslots | Specate mode
- Can you disable the minimap in the server?
- Timeleft Porblem
- Crash TF2 serwer
- TF2 - Server Stuck at map Dustbowl
- need help with custom menu
- TF2: Playing announcer sounds
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