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  1. any plug-in like imessage.amxx in AMX mod for Source mod?
  2. player_spawn event receives invalid event handle
  3. Latest snapshot error
  4. Windows / (Plugin) filelock
  5. mapchooser votes ignored.
  6. What the logs from Sourcemod register?
  7. Make a custom sound play
  8. Problems, problems problems [Anyone...anyone?]
  9. sm_play
  10. FastDL
  11. SourceMod and Synergy?
  12. Automatic nextmap information
  13. Sounds download
  14. Proper server config for Goldrush/Badwater
  15. Weird symbols and broken commands
  16. Restrict classes for specific maps
  17. TF2 Server - high CPU usage?
  18. Mute problem
  19. Webserver for Sourcebans???
  20. Mysql database @ gameservers
  21. Sourcemod crashing TF2- HELP PLEASE!!!
  22. Rtv/Vote menu closes too fast!
  23. Vote: wrong map (after mapchange) / rtv: right map
  24. lost slots on server
  25. Mysql
  26. proper cfg for pl and cp
  27. Sourcemod 1.0.4 -r2482 startup message
  28. Sound plugin
  29. check SteamID
  30. War Mode setup
  31. How much plugins sourcemod can run?
  32. Critical error
  33. map voting not working and map changing itself
  34. help needed
  35. TFTurbo Source Code Released
  36. Map Menu list
  37. [HL2DM] Restricting weapons
  38. DOD:S error - why ?
  39. map changing
  40. I need help
  41. What is the SM admin command to see all plugin commands etc.
  42. Licensing question
  43. anyone know
  44. Hide admin activity.
  45. sv_cheats 0 causing dark map
  46. Roll the dice Problem
  47. Teamlimit?
  48. Link on server
  49. How do you open the source code?
  50. mp_respawnwavetime
  51. Default Options for SourceMod Menu
  52. Request quake sounds
  53. Map change after x amount of seconds.
  54. Getting Error with Latest Stable Release
  55. mp3 triggers
  56. Spray info
  57. Arena Mod Name?
  58. Problem with BASE mapchooser
  59. Disable SM_votealltalk
  60. Adding CSSDM to Admin Menu.
  61. started using mapchooser but same maps appear
  62. Adminmenu_custom
  63. Hiding Menu Categories
  64. dustbowl question - putting blue on defense
  65. Looking for custom server Ideas
  66. Problem bringing up admin menu
  67. nextmap bug latest 1.1 snapshots
  68. potty mouth
  69. Restrict Burn, Beacon, Drug etc.?
  70. Reserved Slots
  71. Rock the vote Nominations
  72. Problem becoming admin
  73. Need help with mp_clan_ready config
  74. Custom Admin Menu - getting other commands to work
  75. 1.1 update by itself?
  76. Servers Crashing
  77. Where is sourcemod looking to find the map list?
  78. A server Song..
  79. Weapon Resrict
  80. Custom admin menu
  81. Branch 1.0.4 OUT - NEW 1.1.0 Builds
  82. Crit Damage Modifier?
  83. HLStatsX is it Free?
  84. restart server via ftp
  85. [Core]gamedata.lock issue
  86. Editing the Nextmap trigger output
  87. Please Help
  88. [DOD:S] Server Redirect
  89. nextmap = pending votes
  90. Where to put .blk and .res files?
  91. Admin Menu problems.
  92. [Q] Manimod - sourcemod
  93. 1.1 rtv not working
  94. simple map vote?
  95. Strange Issue
  96. multiple mapchooser.cfg's
  97. weapon in the left arm in sourcemode 1.0.4
  98. Another plugin posted without the source?
  99. Adding comands to sourcemod admin menu
  100. Which program are you using?
  101. Changing IPs
  102. You know a simple plugin with something like +fjump
  103. sourcemod and updating
  104. hlstatsx and mani admin
  105. Where to hire a TF2 map maker?
  106. Download's on Server + Different Player Models
  107. Getting Disconnected When Trying to Join Server
  108. ZPS Windows server doesn't start with SourceMod Installed
  109. Requesting HL2DM roleplay!
  110. Can too many plugins stop people from getting on a server?
  111. Licensing Question
  112. Auto Redirecting
  113. nextmap visible to all
  114. Help adding new stuff to admin menu
  115. SourceTV Admins
  116. Problem with basechat.smx
  117. zombie panic source
  118. Question about SM versions.
  119. A way to give my server a better signal?
  120. Script Help
  121. libz.so.1 and gentoo 64
  122. Srcds bandwidth usage
  123. Editing the .CTX's
  124. Adding Admins via Menu?
  125. bombcart
  126. Limit perm bans
  127. Longer hostname?
  128. One flag multiple groups (Overrides)
  129. Newbie Here, Want to Adjust Server Settings For Weapons And Health Mods
  130. Welcome message plugin
  131. for-hire HL2 SP Mod scripting?
  132. Adding nukem to admin menu
  133. Model menu and more
  134. Stats program question
  135. Play music
  136. Multiple instances of sourcemod!
  137. Need a little hepl
  138. Transfering Mani Statistics
  139. No mapvote under X number of players?
  140. [TF2] Change individual weapon push-back
  141. Is there something like single player gravity for alltalk?
  142. Mapchooser isnt wokring?
  143. zombie panic admin
  144. Rock the Vote requries 219 more to vote
  145. [req] text base vote options
  146. HL2DM Custom Sounds And Other Mod Help
  147. D.I.P.R.I.P Support
  148. Admins can't be set
  150. Delete please
  151. Weekend Map cycle?
  152. New custom admin menu
  153. TF2 Events Wiki
  154. removing of "server cvar changed"
  155. [Question]FastDL
  156. updating SM
  157. Source Mod Console Command
  158. Listen Servers
  159. Multiple CMD's via Custom Menu?
  160. Multiple Plugin Directories?
  161. Chat text doesn't track in console & Log output doesn't get logged.
  162. Gungame 4.0 Daily Server Crashes - SourceMod bug?
  163. CS:S First Steam Dedicated Server Question
  164. DOD:S Map
  165. Plugin on SM 1.0.4 is broken
  166. Admins with same Immunity value Cannot target each other
  167. Help! sm_cvar
  168. Failed SQL Query
  169. DOD:S map change problem
  170. Team Fortress 2 - Dedicated Server(linux) Master server list
  171. Ban not working
  172. only 1 RTV/nominate per map :(
  173. Switching Player
  174. DOD:S Display text
  175. Console commands for admins
  176. Server Idea
  177. Im new to SourceMod, How do I configure End of MapVotes?
  178. How activate votekick, voteban, votemap
  179. SourceBans-Problem
  180. Last round map doesnt change
  181. DOD:S Admin Help
  182. custom admin menu help
  183. SM Admin
  184. HLStatsx Community Edition v1.2 Hosting
  186. core commands #steamid not an option? wtf.
  187. Can't see sprays after setting up fast dwloads.
  188. Fake Client
  189. Menu Time Problem
  190. Delete this please NT
  191. Map change message repeats?
  192. difference between sourceMod and metamodsource
  193. Change log directory
  194. looking for !server mod
  195. looking for voteban
  196. Looking for advertisments
  197. Insurgency server setup
  198. [TF2] Alltalk during bonus round
  199. Insurgency server plugins
  200. Translation Help
  201. custom commands on insurgency ?
  202. Inusrgency Max Players Problem
  203. CS Server help setup! Searching tut
  204. What is the advantage of source mod?
  205. Auto vote
  206. Source Mod for Zombie Panic?
  207. Server Keep restarting ....Some help pls
  208. TF2 hack kicker
  209. Continuing map cycle after server crash (TF2)
  210. Team Limiting
  211. No Mic When Dead
  212. Possible to override and restrict
  213. Custom Menu Question
  214. Help with error
  215. can any one help with tf2 problem
  216. server crashing
  217. gameinfo.txt and maplist.txt
  218. How to get password cvar through RCON ?
  219. MOTD-Music
  220. Team Fortress 2 No Crits Vote Plugin
  221. Crashes! Every day! (
  222. bind sm_slap?
  223. Help with sv_downloadurl and Zombie Panic:Source
  224. Help! Plugin rockthevote.smx failed to load: Error 1 while parsing plugin.
  225. Need some help
  226. Music for Source Mods
  227. All chat not working right
  228. Lies, it happened again... Crash
  229. Errors showing up in log
  230. Map vote problems..
  231. Plugin Help
  232. Converting SteamID to FriendID and reverse broken with new accounts!
  233. Many MySql threads alive
  234. Plugin load order on SM (TF2)
  235. clientprefs.smx causing errors
  236. Server crashes every few hours with the latetest snapshots but without error logs
  237. Escape menu in HL2DM
  238. How do I customize a vote.
  239. admin chat
  240. Dead alltalk?
  241. TF2 server name
  242. Server closes on start
  243. admin question..
  244. The Ship Server.cfg
  245. activer/desactiver le mod gungame
  246. looking for server radio plugin
  247. Admin console problems.
  248. Problema con Server de internet (AYUDA)
  249. server enables client side cvar?
  250. Admin command logs