- any plug-in like imessage.amxx in AMX mod for Source mod?
- player_spawn event receives invalid event handle
- Latest snapshot error
- Windows / (Plugin) filelock
- mapchooser votes ignored.
- What the logs from Sourcemod register?
- Make a custom sound play
- Problems, problems problems [Anyone...anyone?]
- sm_play
- FastDL
- SourceMod and Synergy?
- Automatic nextmap information
- Sounds download
- Proper server config for Goldrush/Badwater
- Weird symbols and broken commands
- Restrict classes for specific maps
- TF2 Server - high CPU usage?
- Mute problem
- Webserver for Sourcebans???
- Mysql database @ gameservers
- Sourcemod crashing TF2- HELP PLEASE!!!
- Rtv/Vote menu closes too fast!
- Vote: wrong map (after mapchange) / rtv: right map
- lost slots on server
- Mysql
- proper cfg for pl and cp
- Sourcemod 1.0.4 -r2482 startup message
- Sound plugin
- check SteamID
- War Mode setup
- How much plugins sourcemod can run?
- Critical error
- map voting not working and map changing itself
- help needed
- TFTurbo Source Code Released
- Map Menu list
- [HL2DM] Restricting weapons
- DOD:S error - why ?
- map changing
- I need help
- What is the SM admin command to see all plugin commands etc.
- Licensing question
- anyone know
- Hide admin activity.
- sv_cheats 0 causing dark map
- Roll the dice Problem
- Teamlimit?
- Link on server
- How do you open the source code?
- mp_respawnwavetime
- Default Options for SourceMod Menu
- Request quake sounds
- Map change after x amount of seconds.
- Getting Error with Latest Stable Release
- mp3 triggers
- Spray info
- Arena Mod Name?
- Problem with BASE mapchooser
- Disable SM_votealltalk
- Adding CSSDM to Admin Menu.
- started using mapchooser but same maps appear
- Adminmenu_custom
- Hiding Menu Categories
- dustbowl question - putting blue on defense
- Looking for custom server Ideas
- Problem bringing up admin menu
- nextmap bug latest 1.1 snapshots
- potty mouth
- Restrict Burn, Beacon, Drug etc.?
- Reserved Slots
- Rock the vote Nominations
- Problem becoming admin
- Need help with mp_clan_ready config
- Custom Admin Menu - getting other commands to work
- 1.1 update by itself?
- Servers Crashing
- Where is sourcemod looking to find the map list?
- A server Song..
- Weapon Resrict
- Custom admin menu
- Branch 1.0.4 OUT - NEW 1.1.0 Builds
- Crit Damage Modifier?
- HLStatsX is it Free?
- restart server via ftp
- [Core]gamedata.lock issue
- Editing the Nextmap trigger output
- Please Help
- [DOD:S] Server Redirect
- nextmap = pending votes
- Where to put .blk and .res files?
- Admin Menu problems.
- [Q] Manimod - sourcemod
- 1.1 rtv not working
- simple map vote?
- Strange Issue
- multiple mapchooser.cfg's
- weapon in the left arm in sourcemode 1.0.4
- Another plugin posted without the source?
- Adding comands to sourcemod admin menu
- Which program are you using?
- Changing IPs
- You know a simple plugin with something like +fjump
- sourcemod and updating
- hlstatsx and mani admin
- Where to hire a TF2 map maker?
- Download's on Server + Different Player Models
- Getting Disconnected When Trying to Join Server
- ZPS Windows server doesn't start with SourceMod Installed
- Requesting HL2DM roleplay!
- Can too many plugins stop people from getting on a server?
- Licensing Question
- Auto Redirecting
- nextmap visible to all
- Help adding new stuff to admin menu
- SourceTV Admins
- Problem with basechat.smx
- zombie panic source
- Question about SM versions.
- A way to give my server a better signal?
- Script Help
- libz.so.1 and gentoo 64
- Srcds bandwidth usage
- Editing the .CTX's
- Adding Admins via Menu?
- bombcart
- Limit perm bans
- Longer hostname?
- One flag multiple groups (Overrides)
- Newbie Here, Want to Adjust Server Settings For Weapons And Health Mods
- Welcome message plugin
- for-hire HL2 SP Mod scripting?
- Adding nukem to admin menu
- Model menu and more
- Stats program question
- Play music
- Multiple instances of sourcemod!
- Need a little hepl
- Transfering Mani Statistics
- No mapvote under X number of players?
- [TF2] Change individual weapon push-back
- Is there something like single player gravity for alltalk?
- Mapchooser isnt wokring?
- zombie panic admin
- Rock the Vote requries 219 more to vote
- [req] text base vote options
- HL2DM Custom Sounds And Other Mod Help
- D.I.P.R.I.P Support
- Admins can't be set
- Delete please
- Weekend Map cycle?
- New custom admin menu
- TF2 Events Wiki
- removing of "server cvar changed"
- [Question]FastDL
- updating SM
- Source Mod Console Command
- Listen Servers
- Multiple CMD's via Custom Menu?
- Multiple Plugin Directories?
- Chat text doesn't track in console & Log output doesn't get logged.
- Gungame 4.0 Daily Server Crashes - SourceMod bug?
- CS:S First Steam Dedicated Server Question
- DOD:S Map
- Plugin on SM 1.0.4 is broken
- Admins with same Immunity value Cannot target each other
- Help! sm_cvar
- Failed SQL Query
- DOD:S map change problem
- Team Fortress 2 - Dedicated Server(linux) Master server list
- Ban not working
- only 1 RTV/nominate per map :(
- Switching Player
- DOD:S Display text
- Console commands for admins
- Server Idea
- Im new to SourceMod, How do I configure End of MapVotes?
- How activate votekick, voteban, votemap
- SourceBans-Problem
- Last round map doesnt change
- DOD:S Admin Help
- custom admin menu help
- SM Admin
- HLStatsx Community Edition v1.2 Hosting
- core commands #steamid not an option? wtf.
- Can't see sprays after setting up fast dwloads.
- Fake Client
- Menu Time Problem
- Delete this please NT
- Map change message repeats?
- difference between sourceMod and metamodsource
- Change log directory
- looking for !server mod
- looking for voteban
- Looking for advertisments
- Insurgency server setup
- [TF2] Alltalk during bonus round
- Insurgency server plugins
- Translation Help
- custom commands on insurgency ?
- Inusrgency Max Players Problem
- CS Server help setup! Searching tut
- What is the advantage of source mod?
- Auto vote
- Source Mod for Zombie Panic?
- Server Keep restarting ....Some help pls
- TF2 hack kicker
- Continuing map cycle after server crash (TF2)
- Team Limiting
- No Mic When Dead
- Possible to override and restrict
- Custom Menu Question
- Help with error
- can any one help with tf2 problem
- server crashing
- gameinfo.txt and maplist.txt
- How to get password cvar through RCON ?
- MOTD-Music
- Team Fortress 2 No Crits Vote Plugin
- Crashes! Every day! (
- bind sm_slap?
- Help with sv_downloadurl and Zombie Panic:Source
- Help! Plugin rockthevote.smx failed to load: Error 1 while parsing plugin.
- Need some help
- Music for Source Mods
- All chat not working right
- Lies, it happened again... Crash
- Errors showing up in log
- Map vote problems..
- Plugin Help
- Converting SteamID to FriendID and reverse broken with new accounts!
- Many MySql threads alive
- Plugin load order on SM (TF2)
- clientprefs.smx causing errors
- Server crashes every few hours with the latetest snapshots but without error logs
- Escape menu in HL2DM
- How do I customize a vote.
- admin chat
- Dead alltalk?
- TF2 server name
- Server closes on start
- admin question..
- The Ship Server.cfg
- activer/desactiver le mod gungame
- looking for server radio plugin
- Admin console problems.
- Problema con Server de internet (AYUDA)
- server enables client side cvar?
- Admin command logs