- What is "p2p voice filters"
- Map Voting problems
- Okay So I have Some Issues
- I'm using BM but want to switch over to Source.
- Server always changing to corporation?
- TF2 Turbo Servers
- default mapchooser vote ratio
- kick flag adds friendlyfire and timelimit to menu
- Some problems with nextmap / "after-win-kill" / rules
- how to restrict name change
- What plugins can i get rid of?
- Editing CTX Files
- Some SV commands don't "exist"?
- Anyway to disable admin fully?
- sm_exec crashing TF2 server?
- Player Voice chat Question.
- team balancing without disturbing the clans
- SM Warmode for TF2
- Rock The Vote?
- Roundlimit issues.
- Exec script at 10pm
- GunGame:SM Mapvote question.
- libz.so.1
- Rock the Vote (Not using right maplist)
- tf2 server randomly changing map in middle of game
- what does this crash mean? "segmentation fault"
- big problems for a big noob
- big problems for a big noob
- Granary Removing Gates / StartUp Time
- Admin-s aren't working from MS version 1.1.2151
- Mapchange Problems with mapchooser
- Any easy way to add admin?
- plugin_settings.cfg "syntax" ??
- erm
- sm_admin Crashes Server
- Cannot choose team with sourcemod
- sm_mode? (similar to amx_mode)
- "vote" type for dynamicmenu parameters
- Need help seting up SourceMod on TF2
- Player Menus
- [Help] Plugin error
- Random crashes.
- installing SourceMod
- Crashing After May 21 update?
- cs:s & dod:s orange box beta
- TF2 display name changer
- Punishing TKers?
- A little help please (adding admins to sourcemod)
- How Do I get It Onto My Server
- Beginner
- More than 16 players?
- I need help
- Admin Issue
- Need help Setting up Admin_groups.txt
- DoD:S beta is only showing esc Menu
- problem solved
- DoD:S beta and sourcemod
- Is there any thought being put into a Team balancing mod?
- SM Fun commands
- Version mismatch?
- need plugin No Scope mod - SourceMod
- clientprefs plugin not loading.
- Source Mod and Beetles mod?
- Question:Which is faster
- Modifying admin menu (dynamicmenu)
- respawn times
- TF2 Crashing, Yay
- sourcemod errors
- Current State of Mods in Source?
- identify player
- Voting problem (end mapvotes)
- Updating comparison EventScripts vs SourceMod?
- Team Balancer????
- Looking for sourcemod tech
- Setting UP Psyhostat >> NEED HELP
- Need help. Hide N Seek*
- 1 hour to fast
- No ban menu option?
- how do i add more options to the adminmenu ?
- how do i add more options to the adminmenu ?
- How I can to translate an adminmenu fully?
- [tf2] cant use 0 key to close menus [SOLVED]
- Add more maps to vote.
- TF2 medic healing stats
- Problem with adminmenu.smx
- 1.1 stability
- Need Help...
- [TF2] Medics cannot overheal (health buff) for some reason
- Server Crashing Since TF2 Update Need Help.
- Moving to sourcemod - bit of help required.
- SourceMod crashing on linux
- hlstatsx floods server with rank requests
- SQL Admin Setup
- How do i give some access in Menu?
- Conversion Pack
- Loading a plugin from the same virtual file
- TF2 Server Crashing - NEED URGENT HELP
- Problem with rock the vote
- Reserve slots that read from a file
- Reserved Slots with 1.0.2
- slight suggestion
- Waiting for players time - assistance.
- SourceMod is Awesome
- help pls: changing client prediction / "client plugin" ?
- [HELP] 9-key and Exit
- Annoying problem
- [TF2] Help with Sourcemod (SM not working)
- Extended sm_help?
- Hello
- sm_help hlx_ entries
- sm_deadtalk on snapshots *resolved
- [SDKTOOLS] Could not locate FireOutput - Disabling Entity Outputs
- HL2 COOP can't use health/hev charger after installing plugin
- Can't checkout SVN
- A smooth switch from Mani
- Open URL in Background
- srcds.exe - Application Error
- Post Cool Looking Configs
- Map doesnt change
- rockthevote player limits
- Sourcemod for HLSW
- Vice: Modify CTX files
- Sourcemod and Beetlesmod not getting along
- Server NEU!
- TF2 pyro update is out
- TF2 Pyro Updates Fixes!
- !teamspeak connect command?
- Need help updating my server
- Hacker?
- Gender in Profile?
- COD4 modding
- Pyro Update Broke the following
- Server crashes on map change
- Help needed.
- Server Crashes at random
- Some problems with TF2 Admin
- Only one problem
- Will upgrading my router improve latency on my server?
- Require A Coder
- SourceMod Snapshots
- Help me with IRC_Relay
- Problem to load some plugins
- Tf2 Sourcemod broken
- log errors and ranndom crashes tf2
- sm_show_activity
- TF2 Server Still Crashing - URGENT HELP NEEDED
- Maplist Question
- Strange MapChooser Error
- timebomb problem
- sm_setnextmap
- Entity outputs for insurgency
- TF2 Crash.
- RPG + Deathmatch problem
- SourceMod Admin like Mani?
- Sourcemod Admin Menu
- Unknown Error message
- rtv text menu
- DoDsBeta crash on sm_drug
- Problems with rights using groups
- Mani and Source Mod Crashing Server
- Crash on map change
- Groups
- Plugins fail to load.
- CS:S DM 2.1.0 Help Please.
- How to load plugins
- general noob question
- How often should a snapshot be updated?
- Target all
- Csay
- Is there analogue of "ma_cexec" in SourceMod ?
- Newest TF2 update breaks menus.
- TF2: See all player names
- Server Crontab quick question Help.
- TF2 Admin Menu
- Enableing sudden death.
- SourceMod + CSDM
- Server Welcome Plugin?
- DOD:S Orangebox Crashing
- Reccomend a good TF2 Statstical System.
- [Solved]Problem.. [How to fix if your cp or pl maps aren't doing the full rounds.]
- Ranks / Stats?
- Weird problems?
- CSDM Problem
- DOD:S update --Sourcemod
- Change Map not working
- What is better, MAM or SourceMod?
- Has anyone elses server been literally randomly crashing?
- About control menu displace's time
- how to diagnose a crash?
- rockthevote fails to load
- Delete please.
- a question about default plugins
- How do I add more time?
- Stable SourceMod Here
- Any words on the new mapmanagement in SM?
- Friendly fire config
- Some error messages, please check for me
- Adminmenu timeout
- DODS Admin
- Problem with Sourcemod in TeamFortress2
- It seems a bug about "timeleft" & "thetime"
- Simple StatsMe for DoD:S ??
- Having problems in a whole lotta areas...
- Getting a error in logs for mapchooser.smx how would I debug this?
- Reserved Slots Same IP Address
- sourcemod + mani = any issues?
- SourceMod Latest 'Symbols' for mdmp files?
- A good mapvote plugin
- sourcemod for css
- can't get admin working
- Missing revision# in snapshot builds
- End of Map Vote?
- What's the difference between the valve and steam mdmp files?
- Spawn Time.
- metamod:source version problem?
- Server crash at startup
- Urgent for newest SM snapshot:
- Team Fortress 2 Update Fixed Everything!
- on linux compiling plugins?
- Server went Dead after update wont run at all sm 1.1.0 r 2388
- Server just crashes all is updated
- Weird plugin errors
- Help @Socket
- immunity dont work
- Round not ending....
- how to mute a player with RCON (no plugins aivable) ?
- Anybody ever see the Disconnect: J. error?
- rocks make player's delay?
- snapshots
- Nextmap chat command working in mysterious ways, need help
- Help DoD:S
- put a plugin smx file in my plugin folder...now what?
- Bots crashin' mah Server
- TF2 Server
- No spray command for TF2?
- TF2 Server not downloading sound files
- Help Needed; And Appreciated
- Menu problems
- Prevent Idle players from being moved to spec/kicked?
- Sound rate/khz?
- [SOLVED] SVN Connections to svn://svn.alliedmods.net
- Make CriticalHitFOrward work with 1.0?
- I know this is silly but...
- SourceMod v1.0.3 installed I think?
- [Help] SourceMod CFG location
- DODS Server Crashes, MDMP Attached
- Where does SM keep the steamid's of banned people
- switching from mani to sourcemod question