View Full Version : General
- Help with Immunitys for admin_groups
- SourceMod Off Topic
- Admin Problems
- read_flags for sorucemod ?
- Switch Statements In SOurcemod ?
- Forum Ranks ?
- INSURGENCY: Modern Infantry Combat Support?
- Tut
- [BUG] Forum Plugin Submitions
- SM Updates
- !!!->Crash Mapchange (nextmap)<-!!!
- pic display ?
- help on finding a plugin, end of round stats
- new round. bug.
- Can not enable debug for plugins.
- Admin Flag K - What is it supposed to do?
- Edit ".Bugs/Requests".
- SourceMod ban problems BUG or not BUG
- admin plugin like mani (ingame menu)
- Plugin (API?) for client settings
- loading/unload plugins in game
- Show damage as being shot
- r1335 startup crash
- wont load
- SM 1335: problem with natives
- What can I do to get my plugins approved?
- SourceMod Bots problem :(
- Log errors
- Hi, a bit of help, please.
- French Translation
- Hello, new modder greets all.
- [SM-FR] french doc
- Saving var to server.cfg through rcon?
- "Marketing" thing: Help the Mani switchers! :)
- Release Date/Estimate?
- Insurgency Mod
- Plugin Devs: Mani Ports
- error in sm !!??
- ....
- Map Voting?
- How to do this plugin
- cs source ; sdk
- Headshot only Mod
- Admin Groups Help
- Server Crash
- sm_who, why not showing admins names that..
- plugins?
- Proplem Installing Meta:Source
- using mani and source mod - disabling some source mod features
- SM Admin Manager
- SQL db and sm_reloadadmins
- Found bug in translation
- No New Updates - Is SM nearly there?
- Super Heros
- Zombie Maps
- sm_vote. don't show
- SourceMod won't work
- Character Map/Symbols as Admin Name
- Immunity Problem
- Admin problem...
- Moderators
- compiler under Linux?
- I'm Stuck
- How to set the rights for players which not in the list of administrators?
- Sourcemod Webadmin (Updated 12/05/2012)
- Icon file ...
- C++ help
- Question Regarding Stability
- Admin Chat Help: say @ message in-game
- questions about server crashing
- cvar management
- Bugs in a new versions of SM!
- Good team swapping script?
- SQL not working
- One Question...
- VERY strange bug on Win32 server...
- Need advice please.
- No player -> No map changing ??
- Server problems** PLEASE HELP **
- server crashing
- List of bans
- [HELP] server tick
- Admin Help.
- mySQL table sm_admins_groups do not work?
- The request to SM-developers
- [HELP] New to SourceMod
- TF2 beta on Monday!!!
- CS:S Latest Steam Update - Linux Issues
- Issues getting SourceMod to load (Undefined Symbol:)
- sourcemod
- Fortress Forever is here!!!
- Admin Overrides help please
- REQ: Update online compiler to latest
- something wrong with admin
- New to Css Plugins and w/e. need help
- hl2dm server bots
- Reserved Slots
- mysql
- [close]start srcds as a service
- Approved plugin forum
- TF2 Buildt-in admin system?
- New server side cvars post orangebox release
- help with sourcemod please
- [SM] Unable to load extension
- admin setup help
- #all
- MapChooser Beta
- Nightly Build.
- Version 1075 crash bug
- MapChooser Questions
- Nextmap in SourceMod ?
- MapChooser Features Request Thread
- Deathmatch Mapvote ?
- Executable Plugins?
- Nextmap not loaded?
- Translations for SourceMod
- [SM] You cannot target this player. Any help is greatly appreciated.
- RTV errors.
- What are all the commands for the included plugins?
- Sourcemod + Fortress Forever = plzkthxbai
- A bit of Assistance Please...
- Is Configs Folder works like Mani for server commands by default ?
- SQL Admins ID Field
- Correct command use procedure
- [Help] Linux Server Crashes
- Plugins not loading using R1511
- Change chat command.
- nightly builds - SourceMM and SourceMod - meta list?
- sourcemod + autodownload of files
- sm_adminseeall "0"
- [SM] Admin menu
- Request Annonymous Admin
- My server need public votekick
- Daily Builds
- SM plugins stop after a period of time
- Could not load library client
- Sticky on complete Install
- sourcemod-r1537
- SourceMM Crashes Dedicated
- No updates for Windows?
- Mapchooser doesn't set right map
- can someone help me? im a noob
- Metamod: Source beta ORIGINAL loading SourceMod r1541 ERROR
- How to do something to ALL players at once?
- sourcemod installing
- Show server is full with fake scores/players
- Betting, Bounty, Rockthevote
- sm_deadtalk 2
- Unusual sourcemod crashes
- Are there any plugins for these?
- sm_unmute crashes server ?!
- New To MetaMod & SourceMod
- Sending HTML content to the CS:S client. Ideas?
- Garry's Mod v10
- No more mani
- Sourcemod verursacht zu hohe CPU last
- [Need Help]Adding Plugins
- Installing AMX For DOD:S
- Admin menu in 1546
- Source MM
- Rank System Source Mod or Recommended
- Skin downloads
- Playermodel sometimes damaged
- funny banip
- More than 1 group
- Cal Twl matches
- Can't add myself???
- Mapchooser doing odd things
- Autoexec de_map.cfg
- adminmenu
- Browser Support in TF2
- Admin menu and quake sound menu not working
- Getting other commands into the admin menu
- TF2 map voting config files? admin commands?
- Change duration for menu-indication...
- stats at end of round
- Can't install SourceMod, getting "NOFILE"
- Reserved Slots TF2
- Ban Not Showing In Ingame Menu
- Failing to load sm plugins?
- Admin Message Colors
- TF2: Map cycle gets stuck at Dustbowl since installing SourceMod
- TF2: RTV and MapChooser best settings
- How to make map specific config files.
- SM Ban doesn't work..
- CS Promod
- Admin cannot enter the game, HELP please!
- Reserved Slots Plugin
- Problems with models not being downloaded
- Admin cache resetting
- SourceMOD Mysql Bug/Problem
- Sourcemod installation troubles
- sourcmod tutorial?
- Got a TF2 server & need help with admin plugins please!
- Only map changing command works.
- Not sure if I am doing reserved slots right..
- Chat triggers
- Since update SM SDK is not working
- Problem with new Menu
- Yes a menu question :)
- Problems with SM
- SourceMod votemaps
- Usage of geoIP
- Mani is back!
- Admin Flags
- Admin Config Problems
- Player Commands Menu Issue
- admin doesn't wok
- SourceMod and VS 03
- What Superhero mod plugins are being made currently?
- Show Vote Progress?
- New TF2 Server, Looking for Plugins Help!
- Vote Time
- Bug in 1647?
- sm commands not working
- Repeating map if no ones votes or vote doesn't pop up
- Map chooser quick question
- Connect From <Steam ID> <County>
- IP Banning
- FYI, Gone For A Week
- Kick and Ban Bug?
- Plugins Failing?
- More than 32 player slots?
- Lag ever since upgrade
- Still unable to find SourceMod plugin
- Scripters help
- Send certain gameserver information to a web database
- Map Voting
- Damage Display?
- Sourcemod and VAC
- Specific Admins for specific servers
- Admin works on 2 out of 3 servers
- How to protect the own clantag?
- Afew questions?
- Installing SourceMod and adding admins
- Port AMXX plugins to SM
- A couple of plugin questions
- sm_nextmap Team Fortress 2
- CSS Crysis mod
- Immunity
- RockTheVote
- Errors running r1668 with Insurgency
- Admin Chat Modification Help
- Using admins
- tf2 map vote time
- admin plugin files
- Bans not being saved
- Announcements / Scrolling Messages
- TxT book install of metamod but nothing!!!
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