View Full Version : General
- [Solved] [L4D2] Game crashes more than 4 players in Survival
- TF2: Reduce Player knockback outside of tf2 item attributes.
- Problem Creating CSGO Dedicated Server Need Help
- [CSGO] Vote map and no votes use map group order instead of random?
- Loading all plugins in optional folder
- Ragdoll client crashing
- [CSGO] Retake Spawns config WILLING TO PAY
- [L4D2] Spray Exploit
- [Solved] [TF2] Looking for info on Toastmaster Boss
- Help! I need God to help me see how to use this music plug-in.
- A few Questions
- [CSGO] HUD dead zone
- How to make custom player models (CS:GO)
- [Solved] i need help to replace a prop model with custom one
- [CSGO+L4D2] Need recommendation for hlsw replacement.
- KZTimer disable Prestrafe/Prespeed
- sv_downloadurl doesn't work (not downloading files uploaded)
- [CS:GO] SteamGroups Whitelist
- Server not downloading maps (Missing map)
- [Solved] How to block "[UPDATER] BEGIN ERRORS FROM AUTOMATIC UPDATER" Error Message?
- Need help with maps uploading on Linux CS:GO server
- [TF2] Server Crash after join
- TerminateRound detour could not be initialized
- What part of the SourceMod code causes the map to change to sm_nextmap?
- [CSS] Does anyone have the
- Player Timeouts
- SourceMod Package Manager
- SSL Cert Expired Today!!!!
- CS:GO Retake
- Map ending when first player joins
- [L4D2} 8-player health bars?
- Need Idea of making equippable item
- m_hViewModel is nullptr afer updating sourcemod
- Increasing Spell Dmg via another attribute
- Gameme plugin creates duplicate hooks and timers!
- [Paid]Looking for CSGO Mappers
- [Solved] Help regarding CSGO server in Johannesburg
- [Solved] [L4D2]help me
- Looking for freelance CS:GO server plugin developer
- Help with console problem
- CSGO- how to setup 2 GOTV
- Csgo Admin menu issue...
- GetRandomInt() beeing not random at all
- Help - CSGO Server keep crash every 5 minutes...
- Declare arrays with using a variable for size
- Csgo TimeLeft plugin.
- VAC bot detection
- CSGO abnormal sound coordinates
- error
- anyone know how to block it?
- HexTag error
- Weird Networking Issue
- [Solved] [L4D2] Any plugins or server cvar for make survivor rescued have 100HP (not 50HP)?
- How to get client abs origin in native extension?
- [L4D2] Grenade launcher
- Map change plugin
- How to execute server command and get the output in extension?
- [CS:GO] MySQL crashes server after sm update
- L4D1 Crash Engine
- (CSGO) Server Console Flooded with .vpk files never being closed
- Increasing Spell Dmg via another attribute
- Haven't been around since 2018... what's new to sourcemod scripting?
- [CSGO](Solved) Low FPS for players on 128 tick server. What is the cause?
- Connection to database failed: Could not find database conf "storage-local"
- About calling native from extensions
- How do I install sourcemod plugins for CSS?
- Different SourceMod cvars for each map?
- [L4D2] 8+ Server with spec slots
- Are There L4D2 Community Servers?
- How to fix conflictiong plugin's GUI menu with other ones (Admin System/menu)
- how to make it kill shavit replayBOT after all ct deaths ?
- How to make a team group.
- Looking for developers [PAID JOBS]
- need a stupid way to let someone use a plugin
- Did valve break query? (Need help with web codes)
- L4D2 - Versus server changes entire map set after map is finished
- need help with transition zombie spawn fix plugin
- gmod..?
- Server Lag at 128 tickrate
- Maps and sounds can't be downloaded in client side
- Can I direct a player to a browser on a certain page?
- [L4D] weapon_spawn are disappearing on transition
- Strange all plugins reload
- I would like to learn how to create source mod plugins.
- Please help me
- [Wanting] Coder we pay cash
- [L4D2 help] ED_Alloc: No Free Edicts
- Pushing dynamic materials towards client while game is in progress
- where can you find the older compilers
- [Solved] L4d2 new update
- How I can force default gloves? (CS:GO)
- [L4D2] New exploit/bug? Host_Error: CL_CopyExistingEntity: missing client entity 787
- server.cfg
- Server crashing
- Zombie Avenger Swarm Guns+XP
- Different nomination lists for players/admins
- UGC Download error (from workshop)
- [CSGO] server fine tuning
- Bug Reports: compile
- Is there a plug in to remove hints server side?
- [CSGO]
- stripper reload?
- CSGO Models to CS 1.6
- The admin menu closes [Fistful of frags]
- GSLT Token Ban?
- [Nmrih] Server help request,Please!
- FastDL on a Local L4D2 Server?
- How can i disable sm plugins command?
- Map Countdown
- I can't stay connected to official l4d2 servers
- [L4D2] Crash on CNavArea::Contains(Vector const&) const + 0x13
- How do I automatically kick a hung player who uses +duck?
- [L4D2] disable players from using z_spawn in my server?
- What version(s) for a Source SDK 2007 game?
- [TF2] Force a client install server custom models
- CS:GO unable to install Meta/sourcemod
- [L4D1] Zero damage witch
- L4D2 Local Server Custom Models?
- [L4D2] Crash!CMoveableCamera::FollowTarget() + 0x42
- [Solved] [L4D2] BUG FIX VERSUS, unlimited first round, no point count, doesn't change the map
- [L4D2] Help me, having only 1 round in the versus bug?
- [Solved] TF2 Help with the Deluxe Godmode Plugin
- [Solved] [L4D2] Crash relating to precached model
- [CS:Source]is there anyone got TTT plugin in CSS?
- In SourceMod, how do I check if a plugin exists
- Subdomain for csgo server
- How to get direction that someone is facing
- [L4D2] Help me with survivor glow in versus
- [L4D2] Cola bug disappears after dying? how to fix?
- What is the etiquette on changing code on someones plugin?
- [Solved] [L4D1] Crash on!CM_VCollideForModel(int, model_t const*) + 0x19
- [L4D2] Help me, Bot not moving after getting up
- [L4D2] when disabled player gets over 60k hp??????
- (paid service) Looking for a CSGO server developer
- [CS:GO] Bot problem
- [L4D2] Building a plugin megathread against bugs
- [L4D2] Bots stopping?? Help
- bo3 , bo5 match config
- [CS:GO] Bug glove with Vip models
- Please find the signature for spawning a server side ragdoll for portal 2?
- How to use CreateServerRagdoll?
- how do i convert signatures from windows to linux
- extensions crash
- [L4D2] Special Infected Claw Damage CVARS
- Denying access on default-open command strings?
- [Solved] REQ: Translation file for AdvancedRules plugin by eyal282
- Invisible walls on official maps
- Hiring sourcemod dev for server gig $$
- Grenade damage
- Adding models from source games to csgo server
- "steamservice.cpp (57) : Assertion Failed: !m_bServiceStarted" the server crashes.
- L4D2 - hunter cvar
- [Solved] l4d server crashed cofeeammo.mdl because it's not precached
- Looking for a copy of a decade-old plugin & other CW1/2/3 custom attribute plugins
- Votemap sourcemod disable help
- What does sv_forcepreload really do?
- [L4D2] con_logfile doesn't output anything...
- spam
- Block TF cathook?
- [L4D2] Map transition crash.
- (TF2 Modding) Where to start
- CSGO physics config question minigames
- Legacy GeoLite City provides incorrect country
- [L4D2] Another map transition crash
- ldd says library isn't found by compile completes successfully
- L4D2 Versus Survival auto restart?
- Issue with my dev environment, during compile it cannot find files
- How to disable the mini text bar that appears on the bottom of the screen?
- Need help with my timer plugin ($)
- How to fix unstable server Var value?
- [L4D2] Listen Servers and Custom Campaigns
- Can't access admin menu
- Crash: CLagCompensationManager::StartLagCompensation with NULL CUserCmd!!!
- [Solved] Warn: Tried to SetParentAttachment for entity prop_dynamic, but it has no attachment
- [Solved] Warning: Entity reported ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE but property changed
- DataTable warn: player: Out-of-range value in SendPropFloat 'm_flStamina', clamping
- [Solved] Warning: ConVarRef mat_hdr_manual_tonemap_rate doesn't point to an existing ConVar
- Bugged Model Gloves/Guantes de modelos bugeados
- SourceMod Logs - "was already connected to the server."
- [Solved] Nominate plugin not using maplist cfg?
- Community servers running SourceMod broken after update
- watermark or server logo
- download external demo
- [L4d2] Map does not match the version on the server
- [Solved] 0 doesn't work in menus
- Alert message
- A plugin for weapons specifications ?
- [HELP][CS:GO] FASTDL breaks my decals file
- [L4D2] Survivors have wrong names (8 Player Coop)
- [L4D2] 100 ticks playing offline maps?
- [TF2] How Do I Add Red Robots into Popfile?
- [L4D2] Is It Possible To Disable Panic Event?
- Please Help
- [L4D2] sv_cheats 1/0 RESETS SERVER CVARS
- CS:GO Update broke SM/meta (June 23rd)
- Modify Score csgo
- [Solved] [L4D2] Common limits don't work in finales
- [l4d2] Not working since updates
- aim_multigame 1v1 compatible with splewis 1v1 ?
- does anyone have/know a plugin
- [Solved] [L4D2] nosaferoomkits plugin problem
- [L4D2] Stripper help with deleting defibs
- Restart Server Console
- [L4D2] Rescue Vehicle ETA New Version
- what ever happened to amx plugins adminmenu ingame ?
- Info on Scoreboard CSGO
- [Solved] [L4D2] Is there any way to vote custom campagins?
- plugins cvar command keeps resetting !
- [Solved] [CS:GO] I need help with sourcemod and my legacy server
- [CSGO] I need to restart the server for other people to join.
- CSGO server process Linux fedora
- God mode for non afk players
- Hitbox problem
- [Solved] Valve Profiler analyse
- [Solved] [CS:GO] Revolver's right click spread issue
- change/delete music from MOD
- [CS:GO] How to rebind menu keys?
- Damage type icons
- [Solved] Hand models are overlapping the default player hand model using zephyrus store
- Entity movement in HL2.
- [Question]Resize a player model?
- VIP system for multiple accounts?
- Jailbreak default player models
- Admin commands plugin for a jailbreak server
- [Solved] [l4d2] Help! TR_TraceHullFilterEx cause CRASH?
- [CSGO] !gen code plugin name
- [lf4d2] I'm looking for a developer, there is payment for work and futures too
- [Solved] [l4d2]help me with ZombieBotVision Error
- [CSGO] Case Opening(1.4.0b)
- GameData: Too many community maps installed
- CSGO server problem plugins
- Advance ban reasons
- [Solved] [L4D2] Any way to hide weapons/items on survivors without editing the models?
- [L4D2] 20 Slot COOP
- [Solved] Editing spawn points. Removal, moval, addition
- pug not working cs 1.6
- [ASK CS:GO] Does exist cs go biohazard mod?
- Community servers running SourceMod broken after update?
- [CS:S] Is there any way to see the chat team enemy admin
- Weapon sounds
- Bots Conectivity lag, not FPS - 26 Bots Stable. 27 Bots Hell.
- Trails not working
- Missing bsp file ? ( FIX CAN LOCK)
- SourceMod and MetaMod
- [NET] Cannot send 5031-byte packet to
- CS GO server problem, player are erverymap kick
- Still having SourceMod woes?
- how to create a L4D2 Versus 10x10 server using linux?
- L4D2 host banner only show yelow text
- [Solved] Soucemod
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