- Admin menu commands
- Left 4 Dead Smoker Tongue Range
- My server with sourcemod? Shutting Down WHY?
- Sourcemod not working
- Plugin authoring tutorial?
- Wrong SourceMod Link for ZombieMod
- Need help with L4D error logs.
- [L4D] Server Restart Plugin
- Trigger to send player to different server
- Missing/Screwed unlocks?
- /ljstats Grr need help
- rcon question
- How to talk to other admins while playing cs? (dumb question i know)
- Not a single plugin worked.
- Sourcemod Support for Neotokyo!
- [L4D]Remote Rcon
- Can you make a better theme than I?
- Looking for some plugins and some general help
- help needed ! ?
- Some help please.
- [l4d] Need Help!!!
- [L4D] disable boomer and smoker / possible ?
- Timeleft Problems, Please Help
- sourcemod cvar
- [L4D] Voting?
- [L4D] Boomer Puke While Moving?
- Sourcemod Mute Broken
- [L4D] Server Hacking
- L4D help?
- Primary weapon in the secondary weapon slot.
- wie kann ich silly c4 instalieren
- donate
- Am I blind? SourceMod_v1.2.1 votekick
- Need help on some Mods and Server settings
- Search For a Plugin Please !
- language translation
- "timeleft" is not translated in SourceMod 1.2.1/1.3.0 Dev.
- [TF2] Problems Bringing up admin menu in Arena Mode
- I would like some help...
- cs source problem
- Removing the "[SM] command player" from chatbox
- SM Admin Menu (Help)
- Admin Flags
- [L4D] How do I make a tank and witch spawn every level?
- How to start making plugins?
- Limit nominations to # maps
- where can i get Infected Bots 1.7.2b plugin for L4D ???
- Server wont show up?
- New ideas for 1.2.2...
- You cannot target this player?
- If you could make your own achievements..
- Admins Don't Get Access
- Counter Strike Source
- Server Tic Help
- Warmode Doesn't Work
- Can someone help
- SM Super Commands or Super Admin
- L4D AntiCheat
- Installing & Broadcast
- Left 4 Dead Server Sided Customizations
- [REQUEST] Custom spawning.
- People yelling TANK AND HUNTER when are none
- No admin access
- How do I disable tank and witch spawning?
- This pisses me off so much
- Weapons
- Plugins not Working
- i want messages to apper in my server every 3 min
- Problem with RTV
- How does SM execute "server.cfg" and "sourcemod.cfg"?
- my server kick players when they finish the final without reloading new chapter
- sourcemod on lan?
- [HELP] Different mapcycle depending on time?
- [L4D] Smoker hesitation after tounge is released?
- auto respec plugin?
- Want to run plugins for DOD on LAN game.
- Broken Admin ??
- I can't link my steam group to my server. Why?
- Client Timeouts
- Basic question about bans.
- How to make are "GRAVITY GUN" in left 4 dead?
- metamod source installation problem
- Unexpected fatal logging error: No such file or directory
- Update?
- Sourcemod Development Kit?
- Need a little help =)
- Stop in-game votes.
- Vote Manager 2 Problems
- Storing banreasons and displaying them upon connect?
- allow admin to look at anyone
- Plugins that use SQL crash server
- [L4D] Weapons
- Where to start?
- Need help
- TF2 Load Screen Music
- Crashes everyday for the past 9 months! Beat that!
- [L4D] Major server problems
- Random crashes on mapchange
- After quotations marks you use...
- [HELP] Some strange sql errors
- http://update.sourcemod.net/update/
- [L4D] Swapped Skins [RESOLVED]
- [L4D] No players connected ...
- sourcemod updating question
- Player Skins to Server Side Please Help!
- PL Map Problem?
- Garry's Mod Help
- L4D] 12 slot server but....
- how to increase the hp for both survivor and infected?
- sm_mute garbage??
- admin.cfg being corrupted
- error
- V1.2
- help required please
- Looking for a Plugin!
- sm_admin not found/working.
- Forced Downloading
- Maptime?
- Adminmenu_custom - Submenu
- [L4D] How do I restrict my server to Versus?
- death messages dissapear
- Can somebody make a plugin to add kabar and bayonet to insurgency?
- Plugin size limits?
- swapteam halftime help needed plz???
- Plugin wanted
- Spy cloak hack?
- Newfag here
- Server Reskin plugin
- Compiling Plugins on Mac
- Need help i got the error log (moved)
- How sql admin works?
- SourceBB - Coming Soon!
- hello
- randomcycle + rockthevote?
- Admin Name Req'd (notice)
- No way to stop chat spam anymore?
- Some questions to SourceMod
- Hurt trigger L4D
- [L4D] Reserved Slots?
- Compiler macros for _file_, _func_, and _line_
- [REQ to SM team] sm_deadtalk new feature
- Admin Cheats & Build Enabler
- [L4D Question] Anti God Spot and Next Map Vote (plugins)
- TF2 server losing connection to Steam
- [L4D] Search Key
- Help with build errors
- Help with plugin pack
- !settings server crash
- Sourcemod Issue
- On/Off Menu items
- [L4D] Pain Pills in the Safe Room
- Need help. Minor admins on a L4D server!
- noclip work with sv_cheats 0, how?
- New to Steam gaming
- Noclip
- SM and Metamod not working..
- l4d cvars
- lock some CVARs from being changed
- [SOLVED] TF2 Unable to Join Teams
- Sourceban issue
- Arena Max 10 Players
- Sourcemod 1.2.1 goes haywayre with latest update
- TF2 Update: Post issues here
- [REQ] Temp bans enforcer
- need help please
- Temp SourceMod Fix
- Sm_admin issue for votemap
- Server Crashing
- Another reason fo a server crash [DoDs]
- DODS crashes since 13/8 update
- Need TF2 server help after update
- @SM Staff: Please publically announce the DoDS offset changes!!
- Anyone else getting this problem with 1.2.2? (TF2)
- SGTLS type plugins
- Koth
- Duplicate commands in Admin Menu
- Custom ban message.
- sm_kick and the like ignoring immunity
- TF2-End of round vote not visible on Arena
- Mani & SourceMod conflicts
- Sound's dir
- Whats Add in New version of sourcemod
- Crashing problem is different linux to windows
- Extension won't load
- HLStatsX chat text color
- Addin an admin in sourcemod
- Sourcemod troubles
- Server issues since update
- CBase Extension Working?
- [L4D] z_pounce_damage_range_min
- Touching a generated sprite/object
- Having a problem with slot reservation
- TF2 Just updated again (8/17)
- [L4D] Hosting 8 Player, 16 Player
- sm_warmode cfg file
- Admin Immunity
- TF2 Game Events Wiki Page
- RTV repeats maps when using a fixed cycle
- Making maptype configs
- Restrict sourcemod's target to a custom flag?
- Weird SM menu
- rate checker
- I need a bit of help
- Menu items not working
- Admin-s aren't recognized
- Debugging Odd Issue
- [Help]Map doesn't change, or change?
- Having troubles while installing Metamod Source.
- Question About Admin Activity in Chat
- sm_map menu not showing menu
- TF2 server crashing on KOTH maps since 8/17 Steam update.
- How turn off that Sourcemod change the map?
- [Demo Recording] Removing center-chat from videos/demos?
- Sourcemod Help
- Sourcemod Application Error
- Please help
- converting this hat model in "se"
- A simple question
- HLStatsX Hostage related stuff not showing up (gameME)
- HLStatsX Hostage related stuff not showing up (gameME)
- Nominate only?
- [admin-sql-threaded.smx] Query failes / Table doesn't exist
- TF2 AFK Manager W Minimum Players?
- Missing client error
- DeathMatch question
- Sourcemod crashes Server
- Weapons & Props Issues
- Displaying admins.cfg using PHP?
- RTV that disables for non-admins when an admin connects
- restrictedweapon.wav
- sm_basepath stopped working
- Source Mod won't work
- Switching Maps - Timeleft Problem
- Could this be a mod issue ?
- Native "GetEntProp" reported: Could not retrieve datamap
- Admin chat doesn't work?
- [L4D] Problems with a 9th server slot
- mysql dbi.mysql.ext.so for admin
- sm_admin doesnt work :(
- can't add bot with CS:S DM 2.1.0
- Dods server crash after change map
- Custom admin menu errors
- Can't get Mapchooser to work...
- Sorry for bothering but where are approvers?
- BUgs