View Full Version : General
- Assistance with .mdmp files
- HL2:DM rp help
- How to make a mod on Tf2
- Admin Menu Custom Question - 2 Commands at Once
- Thank you VALVe (I can't believe I just said that)
- Need plugin [dods]
- my TF2 surf server dose not unlocking the achievement
- Required extension "cstrike" file("games/game.cstrike.ext")
- Confused about SDK Still...
- [l4d] help please with server
- 1.2.4 doesn't work with latest L4D ?
- Sourcecraft plugin/source code?
- Trigger events breaking (elevator, cherry picker, plane ramp, etc)
- Problem with notifications
- NEED HELP (CS:S) [CLIENTPREFS] unable to open database file
- auto command when server restarts?
- How do you install Sourcemod!?
- Bunny Hop Cvars
- Hello
- Sourcemod Problem!
- Any way to control auto assign of extra player in TF2?
- L4D Servers are crashing - Help
- [Request]
- name of l4d mods with these features.
- Override and Double Use !
- Help me with plugins
- reserved slots help please
- [L4D] Executing many cvars ! sourcemod bug ?! Pls help me :(
- [L4D] Zombie Damage [RESOLVED]
- Unable to load extension "game.tf2.ext"
- SourceMod fails to load on Linux
- Help with quake sounds
- Admin menu, and other
- New in sorucemod and sourcebans
- L4D server error- 1 person kicked at map change
- TF2 class limits, anyone have it working?
- Left 4 Dead question
- New Plugin System?
- Texture Missing
- log errors
- Server Errors
- [RESOLVED] SM 1.2.4 Windows Crash TF2
- I found the old thread sry !
- Unlimited Health
- Immunity not working = Havoc
- Disable respawn & give weapons.
- [TF2]Is it possible to make server name as foreign language?
- Suggestions/Fixes for local hosting, L4D
- bugzilla...
- Admin overrides
- SourceMod won't load on the server :S
- L4D - Sourcemod Problem
- WebAdmin?
- [L4D] Reload and Ammunitions
- New to the SM world
- [CLIENTPREFS] unable to open database file
- Country Names?
- dod Gungame unlimited speed
- [L4D] L4Downtown More than 8 people can't connect.
- Weapon Gravity
- a guy crashing the server by changing teams a million times
- [DoDS] GunGame Spieler haben keine Waffen
- Constant Memory Read Errors
- [L4D] Plugin help please - SM 1.2.4 & Others
- sourcemod + l4d2?
- failed to join after 10 retries
- Help me please!
- Help me please! [Deathrun]
- Map vote plugin map list
- [L4D] Server bugs need help!
- Admin confusion
- DoDs Join Server plugin.
- Info. Aleatory crashes after updating Insurgency MOD
- DoD:s Change win sound.
- Deathrun Bug <.<
- Insurgency Update Released - Broke Sourcemod?
- [TF2] Getting Projectile Speed
- Manual plugin load ONLY
- DoD:s client download issues.
- Is Metamod:Source 1.7.1 and Sourcemod 1.2.4 compatible with L4D2?
- [Solved] Update sourcemod language problem
- Extremely HIGH CPU Consuption with L4D Servers (really extreme)
- What is This in items.ctx
- Please,help me! sourcemod plugins error
- sm_admin and a Achievement question
- [L4D] MaxPlayers 1.5
- Custom Admin Menu Problem
- Disconnected: The session is no longer available
- Disable voteban when admin is present?
- Can't install
- serverside model
- Give buddha?
- In-game menu shows outside of the game
- [HELP] How to create a database in database.cfg?
- Rtv Window disappears
- Stat Vars
- [Help] driving me insane!
- Vote Mod
- [Help] 99:z cannot change maps??
- [request] Immediate restart on MasterResetRequest?
- is there a way to do vote sounds ??
- [Help] Some stuff cant work.
- Connect
- [Suggestion] Remove the [SM] from the output?
- Make Map End Vote change when theres only one team.
- CSS server crash...
- [HELP]Help with plugin
- [L4D] What command control...
- Question - SourceMod cheating = VAC ban?
- looking for a plugin
- execute sm command every map change
- which plugin causes automatic addip by console
- Some help with server crashing...
- mp_match_end_at_timelimit incomplete?
- Need help with this skin plugin
- [L4D] MOTD Won't display?
- Colored Names
- 2 primary weapons?
- SourceMod 1.2.4 & CS:S = lag issue?
- Hl2 Deathmatch Problem
- problem with sprays
- Admin gone on map change
- tf_allow_player_use
- little issue with ranking
- Hitboxes
- Novice question of the day
- How to Remove Choke
- sounds for all?
- @ct @t say
- Display votes/vote sounds
- extended ammo clip?
- Trying to find a L4D plugin
- Conect player bug
- Redirect Plugin
- Tracer Mod?
- Make my server forward players to another server?
- Help with binds
- Allow players to start votes?
- Jump mod for Source ???
- Left for Dead 2
- SM Version
- admins.cfg will be overwritten
- Please add L4D2 in Plugins 'Game' category
- Confused Noob AMX SM
- [L4D] !admin
- Alltalk, living shouldnt hear dead player.
- Is it possible to increase the max players in Left 4 Dead?
- Disable warmup round
- random server crash
- Soundpack plugin.
- L4D2 Models/Props List
- Allow Group Members To Join Server
- Cheat plugin exploit.
- player vote!!!!
- Crash
- SourceMod 1.4.0-dev
- [L4D] Teleport [REQ]
- Infinite ammo & No reload
- Half-Life Deathmatch: Source support?
- Anti Crash plugins [CSS]
- Velocity Stats Update - World Wide TF2 Stats
- Left 8 Dead 2 - SUPER VERSUS 8x8
- I need some help...abot the L4DToolZ
- Chat triggers dont work
- vote don't show
- L4D + HLSW
- L4D2: Preventing admins from getting vote kicked
- Doesn't work
- Can't find sm_spray
- Is this a normal logfile?
- Error Log help
- Source Mod Help
- No sm commands work
- Console Plugin
- spamming the server
- Custom Sourcemod Admin
- plugin that can kick or stop abusers
- SM Announcements
- sourcemod LAN localhost admin
- CVARS being changed at map start
- L4D 2 cvar list? (need help removing medkits)
- Do the L4D2 cvars not work?
- Replacing Eventscript with Source
- [L4D2] Medkit Density
- TF2 instant startup crash players annoyed
- GG5 Won't advance to next map
- srcds doesn't change map after timelimit
- Bug when kicking players who have their chat window opened?
- How to quickly run a L4D2 server
- [CSS]Metamod Source & Sourcemod problem
- Reserved slots for L4D / Autokick when an admin enters
- TF2 server crashes at map change
- vote don't work...
- sm_showrules
- [L4D2] Question
- Separate Admin files
- rtv/mapchooser : allow admins to run rtv
- Joining server sound
- [L4D] Anything that gives you 12 players?
- Help with mdmp crash dump!! please
- How to increase spawn points for dust2?
- [TF2] Custom Achievements!
- tf2 weapon restrictions
- GeoIP?
- Nooby Question for L4D2
- L4D2 right command for Gametype
- Beacon broke in L4D2?
- Banning by STEAMID?
- [L4D2] Server Help with SM and MM beta
- Making a Donator Only Menu
- Switched from mani admin to sourcemod and trouble with the ban flag
- Server logging
- Help: L4D2 Infected Bots
- L4D2 survivor modelnames?
- [L4D2] Show damage
- [L4D2] Reserved Slots questions
- [TF2] Valve Weapons on my server?
- giving weapons to other players (Age Of Chivalry)
- crash dump mdmp file - help again
- [TF2] Changing which map the server loads on startup
- L4D2 Map Cycle Question
- [L4D/L4D2] What makes infected quicker?
- Getting new TF2 server
- [CSS] RockTheVote Only Shows Dif Maps?
- Bad Gateway
- Sky color server side.
- [TF2] Texture problem in my map...
- need plugin to AUTO RENAME players with SPAM names / nicks
- [CS:S] SourceMod isn't recognized
- [Question] Modding is Allowed?
- Donor Access Private Forum
- New Comer needs some assistance PLZ RPLY
- Compiling?
- [Closed]
- TF2 SM Commands
- Hey guys, How do I make my server give players information?
- Custom flags?
- L4D2 - Horde spawns and network lag
- Left 4 Dead 2 - Unable to spawn Baseball Bat?
- L4D2 - !Team command??
- [L4D2] Survivor Health
- L4d2 8V8 Versus Sever Help.
- I seem to have a bit of a progarm with map cycling...
- Webserver Fixes, Part 2
- [HELP] SourceMod 1.2.3 For TF2
- [CS:S] Admin bug
- [L4D2] Admin's Nick Color
- L4D2 sv_cheats HACK?
- How to disable SourceMod Admin Chat?
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