View Full Version : General
- Please tell me the name of the plugin im looking for.
- Mani Quake Sounds & Some other important questions [Kinda urgent]
- Admin Powers Help
- Restricting perma ban
- Setting Weapon Skins
- Looking for new coders @ $100 a plugin
- Adding extra health to team
- Reserved Slots for L4D2
- Angles in sorcemod
- L4D2 ISSUES - Urgent
- Red Orchestra 41-45 - Free on Steam
- [L4D2] ChangeClientTeam broken in windows?
- About sourceTV demos! Need Help!
- Slay Crashes server when used on bots
- adminmenu_custom.txt
- Srcds.exe memory read crash, help
- Rank for TF2
- Buymenu searched
- Unused entity remover
- Source MOd Mods
- [L4D2] Bug with Tank Bot
- TF2 server issues (plug ins and map cycle)
- Low Ban Times
- Directions Please?
- [SOLVED]Delete Timeleft popup
- [L4D2] Tier 2 Always
- Valve Source Update 9th Sept 2010
- Looking For
- Paying $ for bugfix in latest snapshot
- adminmenu_sorting problem
- Admin menu unloading problem ..
- looking for
- Donation System for you, but needs a small fix.
- map rotation.
- [Fixed]Custom Admin Menu Problem
- Rtd for donators
- [TF2] My server under crash attacks now
- Plugins are not loading in my server
- [help] mapchooser
- Command Aliases/Shortcuts
- Sourcemod suddenly doesnt work, why?
- Metamod:Source / SourceMod stopped working after last update for listen servers.
- Special chars
- [FIXED] Admin problem seeking helper.
- Sm Plugins List, is it ok?
- Nextmap Spewing Errors
- [L4D] which plugin allows "give"?
- Custom hats tf2?
- Reducing admin powers with sourcebans
- Reserved Slot Help
- SRCDS Auto Restart Broken with sourcemod
- mani admin with sourcemod
- I need help with this Plugin
- l4d2 steam group server.
- l4d2 steam group server.
- *** Fidelity debt - Donation system ***
- Map is not changing
- HL2DM and SourceMod
- Fake VAC ban exploit going around (Details Inside)
- groups in adminmenu_cfgs.txt
- Help, issues on L4D2 server
- SM Completely Broken for G:Mod After Update
- TF2 server Crash (SM plugin)
- help to block a message server.
- TF2 - Every server is crashing?
- Random Problems connecting to MySQL
- SourceMod Admin files over-writing on every map load
- how do you add rcon votes?
- [TF2] Spectator slot use?
- Swear filter
- Can't use the keys "6" and "7" and my zps server won't show up on the internet list.
- [CSS] RTV not changing to the voted map.
- Error Log: Database trouble?
- Need help with RockTheVote
- A .cfg creator
- HL2DM FastZombie & Sound problem
- Left 4 Dead 2 jukebox custom music
- Major Lag
- Does not run a server error sourcemod
- steambans
- [QUESTION] Sourcemod 1.4.0-hg3120 win version.
- [L4D2] Unusual Chat Colours
- Bots in tf2
- Garry's Mod Server Problem
- NoSteam IP Myth
- Having some issues with nextmap.smx
- How do i (cvar load)
- [REQ] mp_restartgame without losing kill stat?
- Having issues with Sourcebans again
- Need help with making a vote!
- Simple Anti-Cheat
- Need link to sm_warmode!
- Need a simple team switcher for admins!
- [CSS] SM_Hosties (v1.09) PROBLEM
- deathmatch plugin help
- L4D2 - Issues with Snapshots (bugs)
- Crash server
- VIP Plugin/Model Menu Management
- [tf2] no people in the server = no map change :@
- Damage report
- sm_admin ban only for ip
- Sourcemod : players can't read specs
- [CSS] i need a plug-in that mutes people for jailbreak
- Looking for Dedicated Longterm Coder
- Plugin Suggestions
- FortWars
- sourcemod plugin doesn't compile
- Check players sprays
- Sourcemod const variables bug
- CS:S Update Sept 30
- TF2 - Mann-Conomy Update
- HL2DM updated to OrangeBox
- Steam update broke DODS too
- HL2DM: How do we update server to work with OB engine?
- Snapshots Translations
- 2010-09-30 Game Updates ( READ THIS! ) TF2 CSS DODS HL2DM
- [TF2] Force player Team Red
- [TF2] Force player Team Red
- I Need A Player Management For Jailbreak
- L4D2 10vs10 unable to find ?
- Custom map configs
- !settings Error
- L4D2 no FF in saferoom and disable teamswitch at round end and start
- Engineer Issue?
- Script help
- [Help] New Menu Appears In SourceMod
- Random Crashes on Player Connect since the recent update 30/09/2010
- Holy Mackrel Triggers Kill Events
- Silence Sourcemod
- How to edit Plugins in Sourcemod ._.
- HL2DM Errors
- Suggestions with mute/gag/silence
- Counter Strike Source mp_autokick
- map change
- Tf2 server, how to get my sourcemod working again?
- Sourcemod HLStatsX CE Display mode?
- admin cfg help
- Auto message
- Tf2 Crashing with sourcemod
- Advertising image
- Admins Overrides File and Usage Partially Not Working
- [L4D2] EDIT UPDATE NOW - Developers stay ready! :)
- Is it safe to change the sourcemod database schema?
- 2010-10-06 Game Updates ( READ THIS! ) L4D L4D2
- L4d2 confogl after the sacrifice update
- Help with Advertisements
- [CS:S] Admin menu
- sorry double post
- Hostage damage
- Sourcemod Lagging Server
- 2010-10-06 Game Updates
- Updating
- Immunity problem help needed
- [BUG] Player can't be slayed
- [L4D 2] tank on no mercy 1 and 4?
- Tickrate?
- drop Bomb
- [CSS] Sourcemod maps
- L4D server updates & files ?
- !helpmenu / !cp ? help please
- [L4D2] So has anyone gotten past the limit?
- Battle Field Bad Company 2
- css commands
- Maximum number of admins using MySQL
- VALVE / HPE Fixes Crosshairs
- How to debug .dmp files under linux?
- [L4D2] Server Problems Since TS DLC
- Server crash , can i see the reason ?
- sm_cvar spec_freeze_time NOT WORKING :(
- Show Activity
- how to add custom quake sounds?
- 2010-10-08 Game Updates (General SourceEngine update)
- Is sourcemod admins not working anymore or am i Just entering something wrong?
- Server crash after L4D2 Sacrifice update
- Another Noob Admin Help Request...
- Can anyone explain
- Reserve slots?
- separate cfg/sourcemod for forked server
- sourceban/custom menu
- New ZPS Server
- Stripper fix for L4D2 No Mercy 3 (sewers) door exploit
- please send, why Source Mod dont work in new cs:s orange box in listen server?
- please send, why Source Mod dont work in new cs:s orange box in listen server?
- Broken installations
- Players automatically rejoining after getting kicked/banned l4d2
- Problems after latest update
- Get Plugin vs Get Source download counter
- gungame auto map vote
- Laggy Server
- 2 Groups
- Mapchange Plugin L4D2
- [TF2] Any particle/effects in general tutorials out there?
- Is there a multiple Hunter plug in for l4d2?
- Looking for a CVAR
- [L4D2] Looking for a specific RPG mod
- cant use "give" command on my l4d2 server
- [L4D2] Increasing max players on a listen server?
- Setting server to appear with correct slots.
- HL2DM force Team Rebels Only or COOP
- L4D2 Sourcemod problem
- Knives not inflicting damage
- Sourcemod broken with Garry's Mod October 8th update
- Sourcemod Linux 1.3.4/MMS 1.8.4 extensions broken
- Disconnect message showing again, which plug stops this?
- Sm_speed? 2x In one map for all players
- SM Broken, I am lost.
- [REQUEST] Port SoccerMod 2010 from ES to SM
- Slow map change
- Plugin that Colors specific word?
- TF2 Polycount vulnerability
- TF2 Dead grave all talk?
- CSS slay command = crash server on dev sourcemod tree?
- Hacker Server Atack (Need Help)
- [l4d1] The sacrifice + source mod crashes server
- TF2 update Oct 12 crashes sourcemod
- Valve's Next Game Announced Tomorrow
- Plugin Search
- Looking for a Plugin, Don't know name
- Quake 3 mod
- Sourcemod causing segmentation fault
- Please Help, Server refuses to reboot.
- [L4D2] Crash on switching weapons/items
- L4d2 innaction bug new map fault
- Vip Mod for Counter Strike Source
- Currentmap Not Working
- Server Issues: Some solutions
- how to load plugins?
- [L4D2] Could someone help me replicate a glitch?
- [L4D2] Crashes and timeouts with latest metamod/SM
- RockTheVote: Display all maps?
- Many TF2 script commands no longer work.
- My L4D2 server dont update since 2 hours!!!
- rtv?
- Problem with L4D2 more than 4 players
- [REQ] RockTheVote .sp
- Disable announcer voice TF2
- Log error
- TF2 Arena lag issue
- Help For a nooby ._.
- [L4D/L4D2] plugins dont work, neither radial commands
- [CSS] Public Skins no menu
- Can SourceMod and MetaMod run on SINGLE PLAYER Left 4 Dead 2?
- Sourcebans Issue
- TF2 - Server crash
- no time length for bans, player doesnt know how long theyve been banned
- [Help]L4D2 Plugin increase slots?
- Any Know How To Edit Tank Rush Map ?
- Multiple sentries in TF2
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