- Admin menu
- Is admin menu suppose to look like this??
- Thanks: Sourcemod Developers
- Admins stop working randomly.
- Please help w/ Sourcemod Reserved Slots
- Ad messages not working properly
- Memory leak...somewhere...
- Error with sm_kick
- sv_minupdaterate
- sm_rcon
- minimum install
- Please Help - Reserved Slots
- 64 players?
- installing Mani alongside SourceMod
- General Question Concerning SM
- Need help customizing admin menu
- votemap ratio, vote delay & idle time
- sm_nextmap
- voteban problem
- Map Vote & Nominations (TF2)
- SM Ranking System
- sm_admin access level?
- sm_kick = Server crash - TF2 update
- Sourcemod crashing tf2(fixed in hrly build)
- Rtv bugs
- SQL Admins - Sensible Limit???
- Mani-style Admin Menu in Gmod
- SourceMod Install Problem
- Fatal Error Permission Denied
- hey...question..im so confused
- Stupid Question
- Adding a sm command to a specific map
- Error message after upgrading !
- Need admins in both Sourcemod and BAT?
- Time it takes map to change?
- rtv map limit
- Problem Getting SourceMod to work with TF2
- (11/20/2007) TF2 Update - Crash related to SM or MM
- Compile error
- SourceMod + TFTrue Crashing
- Somewhat Irrelavant
- basic plugins.
- Adding Admins
- timing a vote?
- TF2 & Maxrounds
- SQL updating
- Runtime Error! when running SourceMod
- In need of advice, and some kick issues...
- How would I load a page from a chat
- Need help on configuring a "duel" server
- Server crash on Kick or Ban
- help, newb needs help here
- Vote for Map type
- Mapchooser config !
- Problem with Upgrade (No plugins work)
- Trigger on sudden death?
- SourceMod Studio?
- Menu
- permanent banning problems
- Say something in hl2mp
- unknown command "sm"
- New mod
- Block Chat Binds
- Fehler: MapChooser bei GunGame:SM
- Question about AutoTeam Balance
- c4 bomb timer
- Some plugins work, some don't
- Having problems getting Source Mod to work
- autobalance
- Empires Mod: SDK Tools memory leak
- How do i install SourceMod Plugins?
- SM Sound Problem
- Signatures to control cs:s bots
- Compile Errors.
- Official Server Interest?
- SQL ext
- Admin settings
- Completely Replace Mani.
- Very little question.
- Bots available?
- error logs
- Couple random SM questions
- adminmenu_maplist.ini has been missing?
- SourceMod Linux build not up to date?
- Missing something huge here: Wheres the base DL for SourceMod?
- rcon commands
- rockthevote configuration
- sm commands not working
- Crashing or something?
- need information for stripper
- Oh By The Way
- sm_ban sm_slay issue on certain player names
- The Most Frustrating Night Ever !!!
- need to run Sourcemod?
- Revising approved/unapproved plugins?
- Server Testin
- Noticed this
- remove doors
- nextmap issue (not using maplist.txt)
- Because they make me laugh (LOLOLOLOLCATS)
- In game adverts/text help.
- Oh By The Way 2
- Auto AFK Kicker Q
- [nextmap.smx] FATAL: Cannot load map cycle. Nextmap not loaded.
- 150 USD for sourcebans modification
- Steam id already in use.
- CS Admin on Linux
- Server's security compromised!!!!
- Admin Help
- admin menu ?
- manual loading of plugins
- .vtf to .tga/.jpg/.png converter for linux
- CSPromod & sourcemod!
- Karma and Bomb Timer
- Protecting player without making them admin
- Can Someone Decipher My Error Log
- setnextmap with admin menu ?
- How to set menu-opening command ...
- Command to stop plugins being public
- raffle
- Advice plz
- Dustbowl ending after first stage?
- T teamsay visible to CT admins?
- anyone get reserved slots workin in tf2?
- Very odd bug??
- Disable certain plugins per certain maps.
- sm_play command
- Crashing since last nights TF2 update...
- Regarding SourceMod Menu's for Modifications.
- Status of player/admin votes?
- Please help me for nextmapvote!
- Restricting admin ban limits
- [SM] You cannot ban that IP address.
- Increase SourrceMod Menu Time?
- Map voted is not map loaded
- Postponed votes
- CTF Scoring Errors
- basevotes or one of the sourcemod build in plugins
- Hello, Help With RPGx Would Be Aprichiated
- Mapchooser and RTV question (bug?)
- Unable to get SourceMOD plugins to activate....
- slap and slay broken
- Hello - Plugin Request
- Sourcemod vs. Mani's
- latest TF2 patch problem
- SourceMod Problem
- Scramble teams and Team Balancer (TF2)
- [admin-flatfile.smx] Error(s) detected
- Question: "Entered Server" message changing/disable in TF2
- Sticky Menu
- Memory Leaks (again)
- MapChooser
- Banned ID doesn't stay.
- Left4Dead Support?
- SourceMod Question: Hookable Events?
- Seperate approved plugins request
- Need someone to write it.
- Help me out a little
- SM Admin how to set up.
- [NOOB] Please help me setup a server
- Admin Overides
- Can Some one Mod me somthing.. ill give a free server
- ....
- Sourcemod compatible with Mani Admin Plugin 1.2??
- help plz
- [TF2] Help w/ randomcycle and nextmap
- Foreign languages support
- Error when loading SM
- install SourceMod without bin folders?
- Server Ressources monitoring
- Not enough space on the stack
- basefuncommands.smx + playercommands.smx error
- Adminflags and commands
- basechat plugin
- Admin menu, where sm_votemap dissapeared???
- Running two Team Fortress 2 game instances on one pc?
- [TF2] New to SM - a couple questions
- Reserved Slot Question
- [BUG] SM v1854 core player number bug?
- new tf2 server cvar
- Custom vote
- Where do I put cvars added by a sourcemod plugin?
- RpgX HELP!
- CvarX A.K.A. Detox Plugin?
- slot keys not working with radio menu.
- Help
- Never Get To 3rd Stage... TF2
- Rcon password fail kicker
- Where is server.cfg???
- SourceMod Admin how?
- Changing in game event sounds?
- ReadMapList not found
- Would like to create player queue mod for tf2
- alltalk in the menu?
- How is this possible?
- RPG Upgrades for ZM plugin?
- [TF2] Changing maps with SourceMod and timelimits
- Replacing an entity model server side?
- Sourcemod funcwiki?
- Allow Team-Kills?
- Fully custom admin menu, impossible?
- List of minimum files required?
- restrict certain sm_rcon commands
- rcon sm_map always changes to a random map
- Does SourceMod reload plug-ins on map change
- Sourcemod in HL2Coop
- Advert Mod
- SourceMod not loading
- No Mapmenu
- Need help on this script
- CS:S DeathMatch
- TF2 serve keeps crashing
- need mani to use sourcemod?
- Unable to mute a player in steam
- sourcemod loads but it dosn't???? help!
- having probs getting [SM] to work on my server
- [Translation] German translation for SourceMod phrases
- Bug?
- Sounds
- Metamod:Source (Orange Box/TF2 Engine) On Listen Server
- Change chat trigger to nothing?
- Logging Player information?
- Could not connect to database "default": Driver "mysql" not found
- I think im retarded.. RTV?
- HLstatsX problem!
- HI :)
- Decreased performance after upgrading..
- Admin Message
- Admin help
- Server Full Redirect?
- FastDL Manager - Preview
- Mapchooser and nextmap
- Admin commands dont always work
- Admin Problem
- Multiple Admin config and simple override?
- private chat to admins
- Rockthevote only needs 1 person to start a vote?
- SM command for random map vote?
- Pressing 0 doesn't remove admin menu.
- [UPDATED - 01.23.09] FastDL Manager - Progress + Screenshots
- Ban reasons
- mani mod to source mod
- Sound Problem
- Lag when players join
- New to SourceMod, easy questions
- Converting from beetles.
- TF2 - How to Fix Server Crashes
- Terminator Mod
- After TF2 update
- Enable Alltalk vote without basefunvotes