View Full Version : General
- Csgo , Zipcores timer plugin Webinterface Advanced
- [Help] Getting some weird errors when trying to compile
- Help me do a simple update to a tf2 plugin please!
- Anyone have the oldest
- Unable to add admins
- [CSS] reserved slot problem because public player kick
- Cannot change player model
- [HELP] Players don't respawn and round never ends
- Looking to hire professional help
- How to unload plugin from folder
- Anti Aimware somewhere?
- [HELP] Set up map nomination groups with mapchooser?
- Some problems with custom map groups
- How to give admins single commands.
- [Help] Server not starting anymore!
- Models no animation when walking
- Invisible/Disappearing models/entities since today's TF2 update? (1-27-2015)
- sell admin on css/csgo servers
- CS:GO "play with friends"
- CSGO server not working
- Problem loading +host_workshop_collection with Mapchooser extended
- Workshop maps and normal maps?
- Problem with RTV [CSGO]
- Can u help me with settings for CronJob Plugin?
- CSGO for Sourcemod and Metamod
- Become Alliedmods Donor ?
- Game ending even though 10+ rounds left?
- - Polish support SourceMod
- How do I force mannpower powerups?
- Surf server settings and plugins ?
- [CS:GO] Problem regarding round win conditions
- Sourcemod.cfg not working.
- [CS:GO] nextmap displays nothing when called
- Кто там риплей просил?
- Can I Remove Plugin Announcements?
- Team Player Limit and Random Choose a Player to swap team
- CSGO hook a entity spawn
- Looking for help setting up a server
- working surf maps
- Workshop maps vs Fast download
- CSGO sm_admin vote map issue
- [CS:GO] Changing team type
- INS Reserved Slots plugin not loading
- What is the plugin name?
- Switch language in plugins
- Scout cannot double jump
- [Serverside Custom Model]
- Hey, rcon block?
- [help] Player cloning Steam ID in Team Fortress 2 Server with VAC
- [CS:GO] Deathmatch + bot_quota_mode fill
- [CS:GO] !Hide plugin?
- Errors (MANY) when compile to SM 1.7.1 (to 90% plugins)
- Sourcemod on a tf2 offline server
- CSGO Vote menu
- TF2itemsinfo error?
- [CS:GO] sv_alltalk, sv_deadtalk need help!
- [CS:GO] Chat admin plugin?
- [CS:GO] Props Spawning
- [CS:GO] Is there an auto respawn timer plugin?
- [TF2] How do I edit one weapon?
- [CS:GO] server rate 128000
- Can't solve problem with admin immunity
- [HELP][L4D2] Right settings for spectating
- How to block autoban for hacking rcon password?
- Plugin load/unload
- fast DL with advanced4ctimer, quake, roundendsound
- Working no player collide CS:S plugin
- [CS:GO HELP] Players can bypass max slots through console command "connect IP"
- [ CSGO ] How to remove all weapons on player spawn ?
- configure / edit !settings menu
- [TF2] The new redirect command. Will it replace the ask connect box for SM plugins?
- Some maps wont load.
- map changes after team switch[csgo]
- Question about making a command that executes multiple other commands.
- [CS:GO] Forcing spectator to a team automatically?
- [CSGO] Crash server SM
- Server INFO plugin[CSGO]
- Players playing on the server[csgo]
- rtv help
- Major problem with srcds + cssdm
- Question about model hands [Cs 1.6]
- Need help, Custom Files + FastDL Downloads but missing after download done
- Reducted Falldamage
- [CS:S]Dead alltalk - need advice for epiphancy
- Sourcemod 1.7.0 Causes a freeze, always.
- Commands for plugin settings do not load from server.cfg ?
- RCON Brute-force... WITH A TWIST!
- [CS:GO] Some Maps are Breaking Weapons?
- Ability to set separate admins on servers from same srcds installment?
- A simple Timer plugin?
- Disallow teammates to pass through each other?
- Spawn Pumpkins at specific coordinate?
- Block Private Backpacks?
- [tf2] Advanced friendly fire?
- [CSGO] reserved slot problem
- [TF2] Change model into a healthpack?
- Server Voting Problem
- Csgo Update " Message boxes now support longer strings."
- [CSS] Models only visible for certain players
- Some Help With My Server
- what ports does sourcebans use
- [CS:GO] Real players + 3 bots until server be full
- [CS:GO] DR and team balance problem
- New INSURGENCY (Standalone) kills compatiblity with 1.7 SM Version
- As you take damage this server?
- [CS:GO] Client Engine Error (only on my server)
- [SOLVED] [CSGO] Increase Precache Table
- [TF2] Voting Cvar not working
- Make Chat like ESEA
- [cs:go] Remove "workshop/XXXXX/[map_name]" from map displayed in Server Browser
- Search for a Plugin
- Recompiling plugin to change admin flag
- Can't RTV
- Block admins use console ?
- [CS:GO] Plugins not loading/unloading properly
- Anyone else experiencing this Engine Error?
- basevote config?
- Plugin Installation Help!!!
- Reading admins from multiple files
- [Neotokyo] Reporting serious Memory Leak to the SM team!
- Donate?
- Jailbreak Plugin Recommendations
- CSGO linux server 27/2/15 update error
- AutoUpdate sourcemod
- help.. spectate -> team respawn doesnt work
- searching mapper for CS:GO
- plsss help me pls and pls
- mapchooser problem
- 100% working plugin list
- clip_size csgo mapping script
- [Solved] MM:S failed to find IVEngineServer
- ban_id need help
- CS:GO Map Load Crashing Server
- CSGO Server doesn't recognize map and restarts
- HUD Message Support
- Donor Acess
- "SPEdit" - A Sourcepawn Editor - Betatester needed
- View Server player list not working?
- spawn distance from enemies
- Parsing game events for wiki
- Need Help with Reserved Slots
- Left 4 Downtown - Plugin Check
- Question regarding whats possible with sourcemod?
- Source Engine 2 - SM get ready!
- Having problem setting password on server?
- [CS:GO] Landing in water from great heights
- sv_alltalk vote problem in SM 1.7
- Convert .sma files to be used in CS:GO
- Up to date Configs.
- Pickup mod CS:GO
- [L4D] melee penalty ?
- [CS:GO] Team is full problem
- [CS:S]Server crash after mapchange
- Need Help CSGO Surf
- High SV and VAR
- [CS:GO] Can't change certain sv variables?
- [CS:GO] Question: 5v5 12 Slot Server?
- Upgrade to SM 1.7 Breaks older plugins?
- Probleme Furien que faire ? [FR]
- Problem on my waiter furien
- Help! tf2 dedicated server engine error
- Make aim map server
- Looking for a specific plugin. Need help!
- Antirox plugin sourcemod ?
- Probleme mit dem Mapcycle
- "Hardwell gaming every day" [CS:GO]
- Partial matching for all commands
- [CS:GO] Models at weird positions on player skins.
- CSGO Scorebot
- [cs:go] votemap
- [l4d2] hope this is in the right place, server offline but is online.
- How do you guys test your plugins?
- [Help Fix]i have the fklist
- Sourcemod build failed from last depo
- Need help installing source bans and metamod.
- SM Admin Flags Doen't work?
- [cs:go] sourcemod menus bugging?
- [CS:GO] Looking for a plugin at mapend (voting)
- get rcon in php
- Heads up: All TF2 voiceovers are now .mp3 files
- Tried to add player_analytics now server crash
- Got a new Server from a new GSP. GeoIP Ext crashes my server.
- load server.cfg every map start. l4d2
- Question about 'Rock the Vote'
- Anyone have a issue with bomb being planted in T spawn?
- [tf2] What are the indexes for the new 3 taunts?
- RELEASE | SPEdit - a lightweight sourcepawn editor - NEW: Object-Browser/Translations
- L4D2 Linux increase maxplayers 2015+
- Missing maps for Members
- [cs:go] mapchooser issues with maxrounds
- SQL admin question
- Server Control [FIXED]
- So what happened to the dev community?
- srcds.exe - Application Error
- [CS:GO]Come check out my Hns with blocks server! Unique one! (XP MOD)
- Massive Errors; Please Help
- New Admin Menu after TF2 update?
- CS:GO Surf Server Problems
- [CS:GO] Plugin to prevent shooting
- How can i set admin_overrides? I want slot reservation to work on other Flag
- Plugin Advertisements
- [CSGO] Maplist and Mapcycle auto updates problem.
- Fixed! Error: Material "models/player/" uses unknown shader "vmt"
- sm_play no longer works
- mapchooser does not work
- Servers max players on team is 15
- Players can bypass server max player limit
- Looking for timer plugin
- Disconnect: Pure server: file [GAME]\sound\music\dren_01\game_sounds_music.txt does n
- Player list is empty
- Jailbreak weapon error
- SDK Hooker
- Pay 5$ for who can help me creat a command menu
- Ignore this thread, please
- Remove Permante Ban
- help to remove /ff and !ff
- sm overrides public commands.
- How to disable join CT?
- having some laggs randomly, got any ideas for what plugins?
- Updated to Sourcemod 1.7.0,base plugins no longer work
- Players able to use "@@@" and "@@" and "@". Exploit or can it be disabled?
- where is that spawn maker again?
- Jailbreak server?
- Flags
- "sm_rename" broken in TF2?
- Help installing few plugins
- Forward attacthment onto a prop_static, le amazing
- 64 Tickrate settings (default i need)
- sm_play and Say Admin!
- [CSGO] Anyone rent from multiplay?
- Gamemodes_server breaking server?
- Help to rename player name in CSGO server
- translation file for /who on admin flags?
- Disable hostname change
- can't stop server hibernating
- please someone help me?(count score Plugin?)
- Plugin to slay spectate?
- Unable to connect to remote server, is that just smac?
- Looking to start modding.
- Deathmsg
- War3Source - Save xp/level
- Problems with burn, firebomb and drug
- CSGO problems with displaying players names
- Server I host is segfaulting when near max players.
- Mapgroup error
- Global Offensive Realtime Map Editor
- Issues with menus showing up
- Force team pick on connect
- [CSGO] Help Colours
- Missing map issue
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