View Full Version : General
- Timer - Database - Problem
- Insurgency Server Crashes after Sourcemod Install
- Help with a constant hacker
- CSS Sourcemod Admin powers
- sm_alltalk problem, settings correct yet no results.
- CS:GO "Who is the Cheater" Plugin
- [CSGO] Help with find some func
- Any plans to support Day Of Infamy standalone?
- Help - Joining into SourceMod
- Some commands stop working
- Some cvars are reverting back?
- Roundtime plugin or smth
- Looking for a simple "Vip model" editor. //Flag dependant models?
- Best shop plugin that supports playermodel?
- Sourcemod admins not working
- [REQUEST] Alucard player model for csgo?
- Any chance of a music plugin?
- Some deathrun maps broke with last update. Can anybody confirm ?
- [Codename CURE] How to Enable Radio Style Menus?
- Bug in SM 1.8 - reservedslots not hiding slots CSGO & CSS)
- [CSGO] Skin problem
- Can someone compile a specific plugin for me?
- [CS:GO] Incorrect gamedata after update? [6/25/2016]
- cant join team after going spec
- How to decrease sourcemod menu size?
- VIP Menu?
- How big is the CSGO linux server footprint in Gigs?
- [Question] Tutorials?? What is a convar, variable?
- [HELP] Courses/Bhop server
- [CSGO] Help with sprites
- Reserved slots not working
- [CSGO] Seeking Help About Plugins Giving Steam Gifts :)
- [CSGO] Pugsetup settings
- GOTV - taking up a slot
- [HELP] My own custom VIP model plugin (that title xD)
- [CS:GO] Random server lags
- Multiple Admin Groups
- [HELP] CS:GO Server Crash (Auto Disconnect)(Dr. API Timer)
- [Help] Looking For Bhop Map Pack
- [HELP] TF2 Some Jailbreak Plugins Not Working
- [HELP] Error(s) detected parsing, admins_groups.cfg
- how to prevent automatic unloading of all plugins?
- [help] Dr. API timer not working.
- [Question] Custom Weapons Menu - unapproved?
- [CS:GO] Server is crashing (Segmentation fault)
- Spec Talk Cvar/Plugin
- TF2Classic mod (for Source SDK 2013)?
- How does one go about making a huge mod?
- How do I ban somebody with multiple accounts?
- Sourcemod and Metamod not running
- my warmup plugin dont working
- CSGO problem with sourcebans (errors)
- [CSGO] Map not changing after match end
- [CSS] Extension error
- Metamod error - ELF load command past end of file
- [CSGO] Map wont change ERROR
- [CSS] Search plugin for damage
- Csgo Server world suicide crash players csgo
- [TF2] Plugin cvars won't change?
- [CS:GO] Custom bots plugin / default bots reconfigure
- How do I change my server tickrate?
- [TF2/TF2Classic] How can I disable the cooldown on voting for and nominating maps?
- Server doesnt work and i port forwarded
- looking for dev
- Unable to load Steam support library
- Plugin for cs:GO to make weapons spawn?
- TF2: Meet Your Match Update
- Sourcemod mysql db socket
- [TF2] Server GUI not working after update!
- Server Changes Game Mode?
- Sm Skin chooser 3.0 Glitch [HELP]
- [CS:GO] switching gamemodes - turn off/on plugins(FIXED)
- TF2 - 33 Player Limit?
- Seeking CS GO Server Dev
- I'm getting DDOS by some hater
- [CK] The server hasn't finished loading it's settings, please wait.
- CS:GO Can't connect to Server
- Renting some servers?
- Which timer to use for bhop?
- Csgo Shavit Bhop Timer stuck loading screen on retrieving game data
- [L4D2] Basic How to Install Scavogl
- [L4D2] Basic How to Install Scavogl
- [CS:GO] Change to casual HUD?
- [Shavits BHOP TIMER] Need help
- [CS:GO Help] Spectators can't respawn/join a team.
- error unloading plugins csgo
- Surf server help:CSGO
- [CSGO] Workshop maps and mapcycle
- [DR.API's TIMER] Server crash 25 autoreconnect?
- Update rate and cmd rate isssues
- [VALVE] Custom content
- [CS:GO]Precache
- [CSGO] Developer
- Linux 'compile.exe'?
- CkSurf: Linear Maps to Stage Maps
- [ckSurf] Auto Zones Applier?!?!
- [SM] Exception reported: Plugin not runnable (HELP)
- [SOLVED] No module named 'ambuild2'
- CSGO server alltalk and deadtalk change?
- [L4D2] It is possible to keep the server reserved when no players are active?
- MongoDB Driver
- Host_Error: Overflow error
- [CS:GO]my plugin can not work normally
- Command to pause plugins?
- Command Groups
- Extension compiles, but doesn't load
- GeoIP crashes server [1.8 and 1.9]
- Bug Skin Chooser - Help Please
- HELP! Plugin not runnable ERROR!
- [CS:GO]how to get player hand weapon and set color?
- If making SM was a paid job...
- costume team setup
- [CS:GO] Problem with the disappearing weapons
- Disable welcome message?
- The command to reset weapons roundend?
- Custom weapon model plugin [CS:GO]
- I need help with my serverīs FastDL
- How to start a round with decoy?
- SourceMod less things can be done then amxx?
- HELP ! You're requesting too many Client Changes
- Help with a retakes plugin, please:(
- CS:GO Developer Needed
- How to make a custom plugin like !donate!
- The problem with the configuration maplist.cfg
- Is There An Mid Round Plugin For CS:S
- [CSGO] Player switch team problem
- [TF2] Looking for specific map voting plugin
- CSGO server map wont change...
- Sourcemod 1.7 returns unknown command
- Csgo developer needed
- admin_groups.cfg question
- Do the SM devs want an Aplha Key for Day Of Infamy?
- Is auto group invitation against steam's tos?
- Ck_Surf replay bot? broken replay or hack?
- Bhop settings
- [request] cs:go surf tier 6 maps
- [CS:GO] Server Lag, Possibly Extensions(?)
- admin prefix plugin for cs:go
- Bot Difficulty for CSGO Server, Please Help
- Still possible to use mapname.txt/jpg?
- Having trouble getting randomcycle working as I want
- [CS:GO] Update: TriggerPush Bug Introduced
- Server crashing help?
- Error Compiling 183 Missing Button
- HUD Question
- Problems: votemap, autokick, sm_ban
- Map zones
- Problem with Dino D-Day
- A plugin doesn't have a .cfg file.
- Weapon saving after round ends (Need fix)
- Mapcycle.txt not working with workshop maps
- ckSurf mp_timelimit issue
- Hiding buyout menus whilst a client is in spectate
- Some players have everyone else muted?
- Website Developer needed (Will pay)
- CSGO - Anti Jail Kill?
- How to unban in basebans :D
- Set Round Limit to 1
- Surf map size
- Surf Problem!
- DEV Zones Problem!
- [CS:GO]accelerator log, help.
- Custom knives and weapon skins
- Looking for Dev CS:GO
- New CSGO update and Teleport issues
- [CS:GO] Bug when trying to join a team!
- Help? Youre requesting to many client changes?
- What happens if i switch to zipcore's timer?
- 1.9 - build 5947 for Windows Release ?
- [TF2] Customatic itemm cant shown
- New update crashes my surf server?
- SM sprite entity bug?
- Did the update fix the boosts on surf maps?
- Request for a simple program
- [L4D2] Server i need help
- fatal err c1083, can't open inc file
- Can't compile from branch
- 403 From AutoUpdate
- Latest CS:GO Update (8/15/2016) and CS_SetTeamScore
- Leaked: Francisco Weapon Paints 4.0.3
- SM 1.9.5947 bugs?
- Quake Sounds v3 issue?
- Base Builder Server Crash
- [CSGO] GameRules_GetProp Issue With Latest Update
- [troubleshooting] [csgo] + 0x4f30
- [HELP] CS:GO Update broke Plugin
- detahrun server problem
- [CS:GO] SRCDS Spiking on Windows
- Need help with some maps on my server not loading.
- Forum vBulletin BB codes
- [CS:GO] What is this error?
- [TF2]Question: Fast dl server not downloading to clients
- Plugin that ends the round when last player dies?
- How do i add Surf Stats to my website?
- advanced knife fight
- CSS - Throwing Knives and No Block.
- Surf local times and database
- 'nextmap.smx' Plugin not disabling
- Franug Sprays vtf and vmt
- Force clients to download custom server content, howto?
- How to expand zeus clip?
- Gun Game Robot Voice Generator
- [L4D2] Can someone help me identify this mod/plugin?
- Jump boost?
- How can i fix this error?
- The effect of being hit by a bullet in the wall
- SourceMod Plugin not working
- [CS:GO] Problem with Web Shortcuts
- I urgently need basecom.smx
- Running Tournaments and need a plugin that has a web side plugin.
- "" & error "PutClientInServer"
- Hosting Help
- FDL Issues For Certain Maps
- Is there a reason my mapcooser is not working?
- CS:GO Can't join Teams.. Valve Update
- CSS - Bots Always on server.
- CSS Restarting server resets setting.
- cs go server problem
- Disabling plug depending on the map
- Ad plugin
- Set voting to game mode
- Strange errors (sourcemod exceptions)
- [STEAM_ID_STOP_IGNORI] (server crash) L4D2
- CS:GO Servers wont start
- VIP Reserve Slot - paying for solution
- 1v1 anytime plugin
- Starting a BHop/Surf network, any tips?
- crashes server
- Plugin bump mapcycle not find Native
- Custom Boss Spawner Bug
- Models missing
- Can't get end of map votes to work
- CSGO Player stuck in wall
- Failed to setup entity listeners
- Crash!CCommandBuffer
- Is it possible to change rate of fire?
- List of new Meet Your Match update Taunts/Items
- !ws !knife allowed?
- Cannot see weapons...
- Helped needed with Regex phrasing.
- how to disable $ 150 for suicide
- Creating custom models CS:GO
- SourceMod and MySQL problem
- Messing around with weapons
- Problem with IP...
- There are no maps in mapcycle
- Clients do not downloads materials files
- CSGO Server crash after 8/18/2016
- [Solved] Admin with password
- Camera viewer falls on the floor
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