- How can I import Admins.cfg into SQL
- [L4D2] .vpk files installation for dedicated server
- GetMapTimeLeft() issue
- REMOVE !admins chat command
- Need help removing some plugins
- [Job offer] Looking for assistant (Forming new gaming community)
- Map Management Plugins Documentation on Wiki.alliedmods.net
- [L4D2] Problems With Rates!
- monday night combat?
- Custom menu
- Looking for redirect plugin
- help with sm_hosties plugin
- Problem with gag
- sm_help Showing commands that users can't use.
- Howdy
- mp_autoteambalance locked :(
- [CS:S] help please, my CS:S is sooo messed up!
- Custom Votes Help
- map voting/nominate on tf2
- Need Help Map not showing
- L4d 1 Country Joined From Mod
- [L4D2] 4+ Player Coop
- How to create your own flags?
- sm_admin issue on ZP:S
- sv_alltalk
- Which file is used for votemap ?
- rotoblin
- SourcePawn IDE
- RTV doesn't work
- adminmenu_custom problem
- Problem with a custom sounds on a server css
- Unload/load plugins
- ES is blocking SM from showing sourcemod_version
- Help Needed From Modders!
- Plugins are not making any cfg's
- Surf Server Gravity?
- sourcemod included with c++!
- Problem with dedicated
- [L4D] What is the Trick to get SDK Values?
- Lazy change map in TF2
- Server won't load most plugins on server start.
- Server keeps crashing.
- surf
- z_difficulty
- Need help setting up Roleplay For HL2DM
- [CS:S] Some questions
- [l4d] Log players name, IP and SteamID
- votes crash my server :(
- How to enable votekick /voteban /votemute
- error help
- NON-ADMIN can you basechat.
- mp_timelimit reset
- How to change weapons ViewModel?can help me?
- [L4D2]Scrolling chat server messages
- Gungame:SM on CSS: Beta Server
- [PHP] KeyValues Parser needed
- How to turn off auto-kick?
- How to build an interface like l4d2tv.net has?
- Can someone help a newbie out :P
- [Left 4 Dead 2] Doubts About Coop!
- Just Wonder what Everyone is using
- [L4D2] Starting Health
- [L4D2] Avoid reconnect
- Maplist with all bsp in "maps" folder
- [L4D2] SM Admin probleme.
- sm_admin not working
- Hide sm plugins for users
- Cvars not staying
- My country IP was banned
- L4D2 - MOTD doesnt show up on start
- Blocking a LAN cafe from seeing server
- Server Glitch
- Zombie mod (riot/escape)
- Nice DM plugin around?
- Totally not server advertising
- Reloading databases.cfg
- Zombie Mod
- [lvd2]10 vs 10 Versus
- SM Admin Issue
- GNU GPL v3
- Doh! 500 Error!
- CSPromod CTX Key
- In retrospect, is there anything you would of done different?
- Clan Tag disappear
- Endround bug
- SDK Hook loading errors after update ?
- Disable @
- CSS Server is not on.
- Pawn studio error
- Sourcemod does not load
- Getting Started??
- Segmentation fault
- Plugin to make admins noticeable? (L4D2)
- Sending emails from Sourcemod
- Sourcemods Crashing Server?
- Disable vote in sourcemod
- [L4D2] Help Me, annoying problem!
- Question
- GunGame5 has buyzone?
- TF2 Server Crashes with 3-10-2011 Update
- L4D2 Bug score and weapon "The parish"
- Update CSS 11th March 2011 (Australian time) ERRORS
- [L4D2] Server crashes
- Reservation flag how to change
- L4D2 Issues (Crashes, Client Timeouts?)
- Fatal Log : Received interface request too early iSMMplugin
- A few questons
- [DoD:s] Team Deathmatch
- Auto Game name / Steam_ID Input?!
- Application Error
- [SM] Prefix
- L4D csm?
- sm_say question
- 10 vs 10 l4d2 server
- Tank take 50% less damage melee weapon, how to fix?
- Music While Loading Maps
- Strange crashes on new server
- Strange crashes on new server
- Zatoichi weapon switch
- Il pay for a point system similar to simains.
- looking for that plugin
- special melee damage type?
- Please delete (wrong section)
- TF2 Highlander team switch issues
- Left 4 Dead 2 server binary
- Cutting messages from SM
- Sourcemod Error Logs
- Plugin for foot-/jumpsteps
- Error when changing map! Help Me
- Possible SM Isuee?
- HELP: L4D2 server weird messages in console?
- SourceTV and Arena Queue.
- Issue with Translations in Menus and Vote Progress Hintbox
- [L4D] Looking for Linux DOS Protect
- Guest Users
- [CSS SOURCE] Running Pub and Scrim Server Together
- TF2 Server Help
- Creating Boxes/Objects/Entitys
- Vehicle Glitch
- L4D2 Update
- Problem Debugging Crash
- L4d2 versus_tank_chance problem - need to set it to 1 on some maps 0 on others
- [Compiler] PHP
- RTV and Nominations issues
- [CSS] & [HL2DM] Programming Individual Bot/NPC Behaviour
- Extend Map Option
- L4d2 black-screen when revives.
- L4D2 Linux server occasionally crashes on map change
- Multiple Submenus
- Ban file
- Is a rotating MOTD possible? [L4D2]
- having trouble with eventscripts on sourcemod
- Admin-Custom-Menü
- Laser Tag Script bug
- l4d_superversus big bug
- How do i do it??? (PLS REPLY!)
- [l4d2]How to open second server?
- Bans are not immediate.
- Problem with compile.exe
- Credit theft!
- [L4D2] Help with SM admin permissions and in-game votekick
- sv_password
- Im new to sourcemod and have a small question
- sm_admin (you do not have access to this command
- Clan tag
- [EXTENSION] SDK Hooks 1.3 | Please Help
- mic muting (plugin making question)
- [PAYING] Looking for Photoshop Designer! (TF2 themed!)
- Convert SQL to MYSQL
- Gabe Newell wtf?
- !spec @all Plugin
- Help For Moving clients
- Random Map Changes.
- Server changes map on weapon deagle
- Encoding log in SourceMod
- How to delete "sm_give" text?
- [Serius problem!!] - Radar bombsites
- how to disable text output splay, slap .etc in chat ?
- Hide Cvar Chat Print
- [Help] New to Server Creation. Need Plugin Help
- [L4D2] help with tank!
- need help with reserve slots.
- I need help with this plugin
- Question about logging/observing idk look inside
- How to disable Rank in GunGame mod?
- [Q] Take Damage
- Help with admin overides
- reserve slots
- help
- SourcePawn Installer
- Server Help
- Map voting! -> 1. -
- help how add admin by levels Flags
- when join in my server they say "black screen"
- what is command to add bot in SourceMod
- I need of assitance.
- Server Crashes on Team Join
- Dino D-Day Development
- CSS is forcing me to open Admin menu by esc key.
- Translation for name reserved by sourcemod
- PLEASE HELP ME! [n00b here]
- L4D2 Server won't load for some people
- How to install parachute in dod source?
- Admin See All Not Working
- Rock The Vote
- Sourcemod update error.
- Multiples Errors
- [L4D2] Survivors die or disapears on next turn
- Should base translations work automatically?
- Server crashes when player joins a team
- Flashlight plugin
- Update error
- !settings crashing server
- Advertisements.cfg
- Fire
- Fast Download Server Help
- Looking for the VIP or Reserved Slot Plugin
- Todays TF2 update = MM:S / SM broken
- sv_logsecret
- Missing Shutdown Function error after upgrate
- SourceMod don't Work(bad update)
- everything works fine except WarMod
- Plugin - gain health on kill
- gamedll->GetGameDescription()
- What are some "must have" SourceMod plugins?
- -Fixed- Interesting srcds crash -Fixed-
- Is SRCDS for Linux broken?
- SourceTV issues
- Problem with SourceBans
- Podbot equivalent for sourcemod?
- Get Demos from websites
- [TF2] Disabling dueling
- [help css ] SM:Conquest
- SM messes up my server..
- Some Errors With Adminfiles(Please Help)
- [Help] Vote Problem
- PreMinidumpCallback: updating dump comment
- L4D2 - Lobby connect vs direct connect
- New error crash
- Fast DL Problem.
- New Built in Votes and Sourcemod
- If there's not translation phrases txt file how can I change the print text?
- SRCDS Crashes Upon Startup
- Alittle Problem.
- Remove some maps from admin menu howto?
- Weapon Animations
- Admin Menu