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  1. How can I import Admins.cfg into SQL
  2. [L4D2] .vpk files installation for dedicated server
  3. GetMapTimeLeft() issue
  4. REMOVE !admins chat command
  5. Need help removing some plugins
  6. [Job offer] Looking for assistant (Forming new gaming community)
  7. Map Management Plugins Documentation on Wiki.alliedmods.net
  8. [L4D2] Problems With Rates!
  9. monday night combat?
  10. Custom menu
  11. Looking for redirect plugin
  12. help with sm_hosties plugin
  13. Problem with gag
  14. sm_help Showing commands that users can't use.
  15. Howdy
  16. mp_autoteambalance locked :(
  17. [CS:S] help please, my CS:S is sooo messed up!
  18. Custom Votes Help
  19. map voting/nominate on tf2
  20. Need Help Map not showing
  21. L4d 1 Country Joined From Mod
  22. [L4D2] 4+ Player Coop
  23. How to create your own flags?
  24. sm_admin issue on ZP:S
  25. sv_alltalk
  26. Which file is used for votemap ?
  27. rotoblin
  28. SourcePawn IDE
  29. RTV doesn't work
  30. adminmenu_custom problem
  31. Problem with a custom sounds on a server css
  32. Unload/load plugins
  33. ES is blocking SM from showing sourcemod_version
  34. Help Needed From Modders!
  35. Plugins are not making any cfg's
  36. Surf Server Gravity?
  37. sourcemod included with c++!
  38. Problem with dedicated
  39. [L4D] What is the Trick to get SDK Values?
  40. Lazy change map in TF2
  41. Server won't load most plugins on server start.
  42. Server keeps crashing.
  43. surf
  44. z_difficulty
  45. Need help setting up Roleplay For HL2DM
  46. [CS:S] Some questions
  47. [l4d] Log players name, IP and SteamID
  48. votes crash my server :(
  49. How to enable votekick /voteban /votemute
  50. error help
  51. NON-ADMIN can you basechat.
  52. mp_timelimit reset
  53. How to change weapons ViewModel?can help me?
  54. [L4D2]Scrolling chat server messages
  55. Gungame:SM on CSS: Beta Server
  56. [PHP] KeyValues Parser needed
  57. How to turn off auto-kick?
  58. How to build an interface like l4d2tv.net has?
  59. Can someone help a newbie out :P
  60. [Left 4 Dead 2] Doubts About Coop!
  61. Just Wonder what Everyone is using
  62. [L4D2] Starting Health
  63. [L4D2] Avoid reconnect
  64. Maplist with all bsp in "maps" folder
  65. [L4D2] SM Admin probleme.
  66. sm_admin not working
  67. Hide sm plugins for users
  68. Cvars not staying
  69. My country IP was banned
  70. L4D2 - MOTD doesnt show up on start
  71. Blocking a LAN cafe from seeing server
  72. Server Glitch
  73. Zombie mod (riot/escape)
  74. Nice DM plugin around?
  75. Totally not server advertising
  76. Reloading databases.cfg
  77. Zombie Mod
  78. [lvd2]10 vs 10 Versus
  79. SM Admin Issue
  80. GNU GPL v3
  81. Doh! 500 Error!
  82. CSPromod CTX Key
  83. In retrospect, is there anything you would of done different?
  84. Clan Tag disappear
  85. Endround bug
  86. SDK Hook loading errors after update ?
  87. Disable @
  88. CSS Server is not on.
  89. Pawn studio error
  90. Sourcemod does not load
  91. Getting Started??
  92. Segmentation fault
  93. Plugin to make admins noticeable? (L4D2)
  94. Sending emails from Sourcemod
  95. Sourcemods Crashing Server?
  96. Disable vote in sourcemod
  97. [L4D2] Help Me, annoying problem!
  98. Question
  99. GunGame5 has buyzone?
  100. TF2 Server Crashes with 3-10-2011 Update
  101. L4D2 Bug score and weapon "The parish"
  102. Update CSS 11th March 2011 (Australian time) ERRORS
  103. [L4D2] Server crashes
  104. Reservation flag how to change
  105. L4D2 Issues (Crashes, Client Timeouts?)
  106. Fatal Log : Received interface request too early iSMMplugin
  107. A few questons
  108. [DoD:s] Team Deathmatch
  109. Auto Game name / Steam_ID Input?!
  110. Application Error
  111. [SM] Prefix
  112. L4D csm?
  113. sm_say question
  114. 10 vs 10 l4d2 server
  115. Tank take 50% less damage melee weapon, how to fix?
  116. Music While Loading Maps
  117. Strange crashes on new server
  118. Strange crashes on new server
  119. Zatoichi weapon switch
  120. Il pay for a point system similar to simains.
  121. looking for that plugin
  122. special melee damage type?
  123. Please delete (wrong section)
  124. TF2 Highlander team switch issues
  125. Left 4 Dead 2 server binary
  126. Cutting messages from SM
  127. Sourcemod Error Logs
  128. Plugin for foot-/jumpsteps
  129. Error when changing map! Help Me
  130. Possible SM Isuee?
  131. HELP: L4D2 server weird messages in console?
  132. SourceTV and Arena Queue.
  133. Issue with Translations in Menus and Vote Progress Hintbox
  134. [L4D] Looking for Linux DOS Protect
  136. Guest Users
  137. [CSS SOURCE] Running Pub and Scrim Server Together
  138. TF2 Server Help
  139. Creating Boxes/Objects/Entitys
  140. Vehicle Glitch
  141. L4D2 Update
  142. Problem Debugging Crash
  143. L4d2 versus_tank_chance problem - need to set it to 1 on some maps 0 on others
  144. [Compiler] PHP
  145. RTV and Nominations issues
  146. [CSS] & [HL2DM] Programming Individual Bot/NPC Behaviour
  147. Extend Map Option
  148. L4d2 black-screen when revives.
  149. L4D2 Linux server occasionally crashes on map change
  150. Multiple Submenus
  151. Ban file
  152. Is a rotating MOTD possible? [L4D2]
  153. having trouble with eventscripts on sourcemod
  154. Admin-Custom-Menü
  155. Laser Tag Script bug
  156. l4d_superversus big bug
  157. How do i do it??? (PLS REPLY!)
  158. [l4d2]How to open second server?
  159. Bans are not immediate.
  160. Problem with compile.exe
  162. Credit theft!
  163. [L4D2] Help with SM admin permissions and in-game votekick
  164. sv_password
  165. Im new to sourcemod and have a small question
  166. sm_admin (you do not have access to this command
  167. Clan tag
  168. [EXTENSION] SDK Hooks 1.3 | Please Help
  169. mic muting (plugin making question)
  170. [PAYING] Looking for Photoshop Designer! (TF2 themed!)
  171. Convert SQL to MYSQL
  172. Gabe Newell wtf?
  173. !spec @all Plugin
  174. Help For Moving clients
  175. Random Map Changes.
  176. Server changes map on weapon deagle
  177. Encoding log in SourceMod
  178. How to delete "sm_give" text?
  179. [Serius problem!!] - Radar bombsites
  180. how to disable text output splay, slap .etc in chat ?
  181. Hide Cvar Chat Print
  182. [Help] New to Server Creation. Need Plugin Help
  183. [L4D2] help with tank!
  184. need help with reserve slots.
  185. I need help with this plugin
  186. Question about logging/observing idk look inside
  187. How to disable Rank in GunGame mod?
  188. [Q] Take Damage
  189. Help with admin overides
  190. reserve slots
  191. help
  192. SourcePawn Installer
  193. Server Help
  194. Map voting! -> 1. -
  195. help how add admin by levels Flags
  196. when join in my server they say "black screen"
  197. what is command to add bot in SourceMod
  198. I need of assitance.
  199. Server Crashes on Team Join
  200. Dino D-Day Development
  201. CSS is forcing me to open Admin menu by esc key.
  202. Translation for name reserved by sourcemod
  203. PLEASE HELP ME! [n00b here]
  204. L4D2 Server won't load for some people
  205. How to install parachute in dod source?
  206. Admin See All Not Working
  207. Rock The Vote
  208. Sourcemod update error.
  209. Multiples Errors
  210. [L4D2] Survivors die or disapears on next turn
  211. Should base translations work automatically?
  212. Server crashes when player joins a team
  213. Flashlight plugin
  214. Update error
  215. !settings crashing server
  216. Advertisements.cfg
  217. Fire
  218. Fast Download Server Help
  219. Looking for the VIP or Reserved Slot Plugin
  220. Todays TF2 update = MM:S / SM broken
  221. sv_logsecret
  222. Missing Shutdown Function error after upgrate
  223. SourceMod don't Work(bad update)
  225. everything works fine except WarMod
  226. Plugin - gain health on kill
  227. gamedll->GetGameDescription()
  228. What are some "must have" SourceMod plugins?
  229. -Fixed- Interesting srcds crash -Fixed-
  230. Is SRCDS for Linux broken?
  231. SourceTV issues
  232. Problem with SourceBans
  233. Podbot equivalent for sourcemod?
  234. Get Demos from websites
  235. [TF2] Disabling dueling
  236. [help css ] SM:Conquest
  237. SM messes up my server..
  238. Some Errors With Adminfiles(Please Help)
  239. [Help] Vote Problem
  240. PreMinidumpCallback: updating dump comment
  241. L4D2 - Lobby connect vs direct connect
  242. New error crash
  243. Fast DL Problem.
  244. New Built in Votes and Sourcemod
  245. If there's not translation phrases txt file how can I change the print text?
  246. SRCDS Crashes Upon Startup
  247. Alittle Problem.
  248. Remove some maps from admin menu howto?
  249. Weapon Animations
  250. Admin Menu