View Full Version : General
- [PAID REQUEST] Need help making a CSGO Jailbreak server
- New Left 4 Dead 2 DLC Coming...The Last Stand
- [CS:GO] I need to change flashbang's blindness duration time
- Does Sourcemod have the ability to control flex animations?
- [CS:GO] Server Keep on banning players.
- TF2 God Mode (No Damage)
- mapchooser.smx doesnt open a vote
- FastDL error?
- I do not take the admin on my server, it is a hosted server
- i want to install meta and source mod on our CSGO server
- TF2 Unboxing Plugin?
- Custom Text Chat Ad Help
- Compressing/Compiling TF2 Maps
- How do I find out the Clip/Reserve offset of the CSGO server?
- [L4D] What is the optimum 4+ plugin for me?
- Finish setup automatic
- remove hostages, bomb etc
- m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute
- Connection to Steam servers lost. (Result = 3)
- PbReadString crashing my server
- Posters on maps
- sourcemod download links not working
- Compiler MyJailBreak
- Server CSGO crashing
- [CSGO] Ambient sound plugin and soundmixers.txt
- ArrayList Class vs. ArrayStack Class
- Unable to change mapconfig
- How to change roundtime for different maps
- GunGame map change issue.
- Quick signature scanning question
- Round knife and switch team
- Console spamming
- L4D2 Tanks spawn too close to players
- L4D2 radialmenu error
- CSGO server problem
- How do i (if i can) use sourcemod on singleplayer servers?
- [Solved] [Wrong session] Plugins overlapping menus
- Can a admin only command be executed using FakeClientCommandEx on clients?
- L4D2 - The Last Stand Update - Issues and Bugs - Mega Thread
- [Help] How can I enable a knives-only tiebreaker at the end of a match?
- plugins that did not work after the last stand update.
- L4D2 Sourcemod after last stand update is broken!
- After The Last Update, My Server Is Constantly Crashing. Can anyone help us ?
- [TF2] Simulated observation
- [L4D2] Where to report bugs to developers?
- Weapon Restrict
- [L4D2]Still get client side console server crash attck after update
- What mods still work after the Last Stand update?
- How to Auto Create config
- Sourcesleuth whitelist
- Issues connecting Sourcemod to remote MySQL
- sourcemod_mm.x64 ?
- [CS:GO] See money of enemy team in scoreboard
- [Solved] [LR] You account is not loaded. Please reconnect on the server!
- Error(s) sourcemod-1.11.0-git6633 and git6631
- Sourecemod and Metamod
- Connecting to the game server via Routing Server only after joining with the real IP.
- [TF2] Text above player
- [L4D2][diff] Last Stand VPK files/ConVars/Functions compare
- [Solved] [L4d2] Crash on CMoveableCamera::FollowTarget() + 0x3b [PATCHED]
- Workshop Loader plugin
- [Solved] VAC error crashing my server.
- can you change the rcon commands
- GeoIPCity" file("geoipcity.ext") not running.
- New commands for server debugging
- Can I get scores of the match with the IP?
- [CS:GO] Collecting fps/ping statistics
- sv_parallel_send 1 + SetTransmit hook = crash
- Fear of hack
- [TF2] Treatment marker
- does sm supports utf8mb4?
- CS:GO TTT Install
- Bestbuy.mds not working on cs zero
- Can't connecting to server when maxplayers reached
- Server first time
- [CRASH] SM Linux Profiler VPROF segfaults
- How to catching the MySQL dropped connection?
- New cheat server crasher?
- Server Crash Every Day [ CSGO ]
- [TF2] Looking for playable Godzilla model
- Gamedata - too many community maps installed
- Plugin to buy csgo skins from! Shop
- PVS and Occlude.
- Plugins conflict
- Survivors in the third person, the tank is useless?
- L4D2 Weapon scripts, Server side question.
- Help with css server running on Windows
- [CSGO] High SV issues recently occuring
- I need sourcemod guru
- SourceGo: Golang to SourcePawn Transpiler (v1.4 beta)
- [L4D2] - setupsle console
- [L4D2] how do i change the hunter jump speed
- blocker vpn
- [L4D2] Please Help Me
- How use 2 "downloadurl"?
- [CSGO] Player's game crashes on server connect
- [CS:GO] Admin group problem
- [CS:GO] Crash in
- Question about install sourcemod in local-game
- how to change the custom map folder?
- Why you're banning old syntax? Backwards compatibility is very important!
- CS:S sourcemod 1.10 won't load
- SourceMod wrong TIME (Clock)
- RankMe
- [L4D2] Help with signatures
- [Solved] Is SourceMod Limited?
- [Solved] Bots are spawn
- [Solved] [SM] Admin: change to [SM] Admin's name
- [Solved] [HELP] All of my server's plugins broken except admin
- Compile sp with multiple sp inside
- [SM](help) Choose what admin group through what your flag is?
- Mp_match_can_clinch 0 IS NOT WORKING
- Does SM can hide last round HUD?
- Arms model problem
- Ways to blacklist messages from chat?
- [CSGO] BUG in the sourcemod admin menu
- [SM] Basebans not working
- [L4d2] Crash on ExtractParentName (libc)
- fog not work on players models
- server wont boot
- [PROBLEM] CSS: Not downloading anything from server
- [CS:GO] Server exited core dumped
- I need help!
- C4 can be defused only with defuse kit
- Mapchooser with current map
- Dedicated or Listen server to test plugins?
- [L4D2] Level change causing spawning issues
- I need an anti-advertising plugin
- How can i translate a custom admin menu?
- Remove restriction pistol
- Default player skin
- [L4D2] vphysics.dll crash
- L4D1 common infected not showing on L4D1 maps
- [L4D2] Something is editing my sv_visiblemaxplayers
- searching for Developer
- [Solved] CSGO Update Release Notes for 12/3/2020
- how to disable 1v1 maps during warmup after new update?
- CS_TerminateRound no works
- Csgo danger zone spectate
- How can you port a sourcemod plugin to vscript
- [L4D2] Unable to fully join own server
- [CSGO] Need help with (PLUGIN) instant defuse for retakes, and map spawns
- [CSGO] Disable 1v1 Arena after Broken Fang update
- About sourcemod ban problem
- [Solved] Questions with versions of SM & MM for Windows and Linux
- [Solved] Cant get Sourcemod and Metamod running(Yes, again)
- [CSGO] How to disable the respawn sound on a community deathmatch server?
- [CS GO] Help Servidor
- [Solved] [csgo] Fists from AREZ's pack
- I need your help
- Fistful of Frags Translation
- A lot of ongoing SQL connections cause problems
- Help with CSGO map
- [Solved] motd (html)
- CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: No such map 'maps/(MyMap)
- CS:GO, New Bomb Bug. Pressing "E" on it makes it jump.
- [CSGO] Player leaving bug
- [CSGO] How can I disable round draws when enabling respawns?
- New CSGO Update broke weapon hooks?
- [CSGO] Map doesn't change when server is empty
- [CSGO] plugin reload random crash
- About fix a2s info spam attack
- [L4D2] CTD after editing .sp files, help needed
- Play multiple matches and then switch map?
- Can spam in console possibly lagg the server?
- top15 background
- Help please server crash
- Any GetPlayerImmunity function?
- [CS:GO] Trying to make a script to change player's name, when they join
- [CS:GO] Disable teamcolor in chat/override default saying fuction
- Incorrect string value on insert DB
- [CS:GO] Surf maps are not working properly, I guess?
- Problem with BoomPanel
- [L4D2] Searching for pluging(s) that auto-kicks unused bots
- [Solved] [CS:S]Disconnect: Metamod Source or Sourcemod Violation
- [CSGO] Unable to buy grenades/armor due to donating
- [TF2] Searching Different be with robot plugin
- how to prevent bots teleporting to players?
- Server Crash (!__kernel_vsyscall + 0x9)
- CS:GO - Server Crash
- [CS:GO] Any way to report a player?
- [Solved] L4D2 - Server Crash
- [TF2]My server is crushed
- tick 100 in css
- [Solved] [CS:S] Plugin that notifies admin FastDL Status
- [CS:GO] Overtime Voter
- [CSGO] Remove the limit of players per team
- [CS:GO] How to disable community servers menu prompts client side
- [CS:GO] Disable pinging (middle mouse button)
- [CSGO] Get info from a server to make website
- Bombspot Swap?
- [L4D2] Sitting witch
- Does SM has any prevention from copy by another plugins?
- [CSGO SERVER] metamod failed to load?
- HELP!(TF2)
- Anti - Rush MAPS
- Disable random weapons - respawn server
- Converting plugins from amxx to sourcemod
- Scoreboard of FFA DM Server
- [CS:GO] Attached To the Bone
- csgo addon any infinite round thingy?
- Help with installing SourceMod + SourceMM
- [L42] configure harmod?
- Among us mode
- Can't change sv_allow_votes
- [CS:GO] ViewModel Entity
- Why doesn't my SourceMod work on Linux?
- [TF2] Preventing forced round restarts
- Problem with get5 plugin
- Simple RCON command list plugin?
- Bug?
- Admin Menu Ingame scaling
- how to connect a database?
- [CS:GO] !stickers plugin problem
- [CS:S] Admin menu showing to everyone
- [CSGO] Plugin request
- [Solved] [PROBLEM] Can't properly add files to download table for Counter-Strike Source
- [Solved] Whitelist VAC banned players?
- Question about game tokens
- SDKHooks custom gamedata not parsing
- Anyway to enable FFA on DM?
- [Solved] Bullet penetration broke
- [TF2] Last player cannot see chat messages but he can send
- [CSGO] !WS
- Why is gamemode_Casual.cfg removed?
- Using two team colors in one message is not allowed
- [Solved] Grenade problem
- [LINUX DEBIAN] Any good kernel for CSGO?
- [QUESTION] Valve still ban GSLT or no?
- Grenades remover/blocker for CS:GO?
- Disable muted players
- Enable plugins for players with specific flag
- CS Source edited weapon model is invisible
- SourceMod can not be loaded
- Dedicated Server running Tankrun Mutation dosent change map on ending
- RankMe !rank limit?
- Binding admin key
- disabling game_text on server side
- SourcePawn compiler suggestion
- How to remove the message of money Compensation
- [Solved] [l4d2] Help! l4d2 linux server crash Accelerator log
- Why some players get black screen after killing
- sourcemod
- notification
- Bots do nothing
- [Solved] CS:S UMC Problem (Help)
- CSGO sourcebans rcon stuff
- [CS:GO] Prevent Bots From Lowering Maxplayers
- Server Query is Empty
- [L4D2] Server freeze and STEAMAUTH: (NAME) received failure code 6
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