- bots
- SourceMod Extensions Vs SourceMod Plugins What's the diffrence and why bother exts?
- [CSGO] Few questions: maps/gamemode
- Csgo paid help wanted
- Server crashing.
- [CS:GO] Function to get date
- [L4D2] Working 12 players coop plugs/exts
- Altering hl2dm shaders?
- Unknow crash
- [CS:GO] Set cvars/plugins to workshop map?
- [L4D2] Extra hidden slot and revive survivor
- [CSGO] Prop Hunt / Hide and Seek plugin?
- Tf2 server keeps changing maps
- zr repeatkill detector
- Server Crashing Constantly On Map Change!
- tf2 deathrun custom bosses?
- Problems finding a plugin.
- [L4D2] !become command
- Limit the amount of people that can talk
- Help! L4D2 Coop
- [CS:GO] timelimit always 5 minutes
- [Help] Css All talked Problem
- [Help] Css All talked Problem
- CSGO random mapchange problem
- CSGO Mapchange
- Few questions on deathrun.
- Cs:go wc3 mod request
- mapchooser question
- Sourcemod unknown command
- [CS:GO] sm_guns just fall to ground
- A popular csgo mod?
- Which MM:S and SM for Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer Base dedicated server Mods?
- Vote start sound
- [REQ] Vote Start Or End Sound
- Need help to do my server more popular
- Christian Brutal Sniper INVISIBLE fix?
- DOS Protection for rented L4D2 server
- [HELP!] How to install CEVO/CONFOGL settings into L4D2?
- a plublic command like TIMELEFT but for the roundsleft?
- l4d2 dedicated server message
- Failure when receiving data from the peer
- GUNGAME SOUNDS are not found by client after download!
- [Solved] "sm_dump_classes" and "sm_dump_datamaps" problem
- Missin Map / Host Error.
- Me and my friend are looking for a tf2 server coder
- How to auto start a new chapter in L4D2 when a player joined?
- How to fix "no guns and medic kits" in the first map of L4D2?
- [CS:GO] Displaying the nick of the player
- (L4D2) 8 vs 8 server
- Linux server debug mode.
- TF2 Replay Help
- Insurgency & SM
- Server Rental Question
- Everyone has access to admin chat commands
- tf2 australium weapons
- Want to add my L4D2 server to a large steam group.
- Help please
- Crits for humans only (bot server)
- Admin panel and CSGO
- CS:GO server crash after update
- Server can't see anything on the ground spawned from map
- Restrict Weapons Crashing Server
- Having problems with Custom Chat Colors by Dr.Mckay
- Show the right next map
- Change Of Building Costs
- Problems with custom admin menu.
- How do you create a Mini-Games Server?
- New to CSS Server.
- Sourcemod rule question
- Clients can't connect
- [CS:GO] RTV crashes the server
- Pipe bombs and regular bombs go through walls
- Goomba kill icon.
- Deathrun TF2
- VSH client crash
- Server keeps crashing
- Exceptions
- Admin Settings Not Working
- Run CS jailbreak maps on TF2 jailbreak plugin?
- [MvM] Custom Models?
- Help? [MyBB / SM]
- [L4D1] How Remove weapons
- TF2 Hale Rage Questions (Particles)
- [CSGO] achievement idle server settings
- Contagion Support
- CSGO Custom Sounds
- Can't disable plugin
- Downloading
- Sourcemod and Database. [MySQL]
- [Css] Capture The Flag
- Hats/models
- Multiple servers and sourcemod cfgs
- Giving default users sertan permissions?
- KnifeFight for CS GO
- [Urgent] Mapcycle file is not selecting the proper map
- Insurgency sm_admin menu keys not working
- Don't change the map
- [REQ] I need a Plugins
- [CS:GO] Zombie Plague [working on?]
- CS:GO Windows Server crashing since update?
- [TF2] Item question
- CSGO tickrate worse?
- Crash server sm_hosties [cs:go}
- L4d2 SI health glitch or bug?
- [L4D2] Server not crash but disconnect all player on next map
- All Sourcemod-Versions broken (for Windows-CS:GO)
- [REQ] Creative Server Designer
- Plugin failed to load.
- Zombie mod not working anymore?
- Overrides help needed
- [CSGO] Need Help Configuring Server
- sv_region
- Plugins failing after x amount of maps.
- Server Redirect [CSGO]
- Hi Guys
- [CS:GO] Idle Server Manager
- gameME and HLStats
- Automatic Server Redirect? (new ip)
- Admin triggered mapvote time?
- new builds of sourcemod on Linux
- TF2 Bots Modification?
- How to make dummy like this
- [CSGO] Strange Errors Logs
- [HELP] SourceMod and AmxMod simultaneously
- How to get custom weapon attributes?
- [SM] Encountered fatal error parsing file
- Plugin Fixing custom maps in TF2
- [L4D1] How Admins cant be kick
- CSGO update dont start
- Instant or faster, cloak and uncloak for spy.
- Changing the mapcycle file depending of the hour
- !!!!!!!!!
- [CS:GO] New gun, new class?
- What should rates be? *128 Tick, CSGO*
- CSGO: Gun Sounds Messed Up After Patch
- [CSGO] anyone know how to fix this
- CSGO: Your client has failed to reply to a query in time.
- [CS:GO] No one can connect?
- Always Crits for certain weapons.
- RankMe Web-Interface Help?
- Immunity CSGO
- [CS:GO] Random crashes
- Modt.txt and sv/sm commands not working.
- [L4D1]How restrict spawn quantity kit&pills
- [L4D2] - Some questions
- Too Importand Word
- SQL Admins
- Sourcemod For Insurgency!
- [CS:GO] how to set up startmap?
- SourceMod In TitanFall ??
- [L4D1] How 100 tickrate enable
- Give Knockback to certain weapons.
- Bugs in SM 1.5.2
- [CS:GO]Plugins not working since CS:GO last update.
- what da fu
- [l4d2] client game disappear
- [CS:GO] Green Admins color
- crash with sourcemod 1.5.3-hg3997
- Laughtaunt
- IGameHelpers problems
- [CS:GO] whether there is a stable SourceMod and Metamod (Linux)
- Scout speed penalty attribute.
- (CSGO) ESEA PUG Killstats
- [SM Admin] Removing default categories
- how do I remove unnecessary extensions?
- CSGO Server
- [CS:GO] Join round late as dead
- Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit, Insurgency, Unable to load Plugin
- Infinite Ammo for a team only?
- CS:GO Next Map Vote
- How to translate menu item
- [Moved]
- Sourcebans - Latest Players Blocked not working
- TE_Start error
- How hard would it be to make a x10 plugin.
- up to data mix plugin
- Help me find a plugin
- Player Menu
- [TF2] Running SourceMod within client to use debug commands?
- How to reset plugin? CSGO
- is there anyway to fix offline connection to server exploit?
- [CS:GO] Language Problem (Not Load)
- Is there a REFER plugin?
- Bug or What ? (Max Players)
- problem with admin immunity
- SourceMod SDK
- CS:GO yesterday update
- [TF2] Reserved Slots + Replay
- What happened to the AntiStick plugin for CSS?
- So.. How do I donate to SM?
- [L4D2] Lobby reservation (bug) allow more then 8+
- Auto choose team
- Problem with admins_simple.ini
- plugin that alerts player when server restarts?
- [CSS] Admin alltalk in spectator team
- sourcemod.net
- cs go war server settings
- p1mp auto-mix
- Some one using my steam id to mess with server
- Control the flow of maps
- CSGO Patch Mar 6/14: Server Crashing
- Csgo sourcemod work?
- hiding sourcemod plugins from public list?
- Vote for game mode.
- BOTS Question
- SM version
- cs go custom sounds
- kick for nothing
- A question related to selling plugins.
- [CS:GO] Periodic timeouts
- Unusual Weapons
- CS:S Server crashes randomly at the end of the map.
- MOTD image size
- soccermod
- Can @ commands have overrides.
- "sm_play" directions?
- Custom maplist
- [CSGO]Workshop
- Help with a server?
- VIP plugin CS:GO
- Repeated server crashes
- CS:GO Server crashes on certain maps.
- l4d2 block bombs in the safe room
- Can't see player name
- L4D2 ai is not to control the tank
- I'm looking for tf2 png particle effects
- help
- How to block tf2 weapons
- Good place to get FF2 freaks
- Store Flags do not work
- [TF2] Cvar for Ragdoll Life Time?
- CSS Ak47 in CSGO
- Mp_falldamage 0
- R6025 pure virtual function call
- Antirush or block plugins?
- Looking for 1v1 mod
- CSGO mod auto unload
- Witch Control Mod?
- Invisible, block SM Plugins
- Private admin chat not working?
- Server language not working
- informations about game
- Help with plugin coding
- CS:GO Weapon Restrictions Help
- Translation files
- Set player rank
- CS server Zombie mod crashing
- [CS:GO] Cannot join lobby response 4