View Full Version : General
- PHP script to notify via email when game server(s) are down
- Server stuck in this
- [CSS] Bug IP servers
- TF2 Server Crashes When Players Join.
- Unknown extension - server random crashes
- adminmenu_custom
- Topic for translate requests?
- Can i see somehow which VAC ban, for which game engine?
- basetriggers.smx stack (SM 1.4.1)
- how to install sourcemod l4d2
- Timeleft outputs the wron language
- Timeleft/nextmap/rank comes twice.
- hintbox in hl2dm is buggy
- Accidentally banned myself :P
- sourcemod causes hang on mapchange.
- Servercrash
- Warmod nades.
- Error crashing server
- A question about updating Sourcemod...
- What does it do?
- Error..
- [L4D2] Unable to join session because not enough player slots?
- Gamedata error
- L4D2 crashing after the new update
- Source mod plugin wont load
- L4D2 Server Loads Slow
- admin
- Removing bots.
- Publish timed out after 60 seconds
- Nuclear Dawn compatibility
- chat triggers
- admin skins
- Request
- sourcemod 1.4 or higher
- balancing plugin
- Maps wont change
- Join dead server plugin
- Sourcemod Updater errors
- random map cycle help
- SM DB connect fail? (for perkmod2 plugin...)
- Sourcemod Crash
- SourceBans Connection Problem.
- server restarts
- [L4D] sourcemod plugins
- Trojan?
- admin_custom/overides
- Sourcemod + metamod = crash ?
- Sourcemod Basebans
- CSS Custom hats problem.
- Sourcemod On L4D2 Single Player
- Need help - GunGame
- How to prevent material WH?
- [Help] Teams
- Quick question: (Mysql)
- ClientPrefs Unstable (!settings)
- Please help whit skins.
- some materials wont download from my server
- Are plugins reloaded on mapchange if they are failed?
- Help with server
- Plugin problem Jailmuter V2
- Admin menu problem
- myscal + source web admin help.
- Is there a way to load a .cfg file each round start
- [01/01/2012] ghost players again.
- Buggy map
- l4d2
- clientprefs-sqlite.sq3 cannot be deleted
- Problem with Server
- New server, Installed CSSDM, crashes when player joins team
- L4D2 Dedicated Server
- motd picture size issue
- Problems with sourcemod
- Skin Chooser for Zombie:Reloaded
- I dont get it, why overrides dont work
- Admin Override Help.
- How to give equal immunity to every admin/donator?
- Where is sm_votealltalk?
- code for host.txt file
- Server Lag
- Server hangs at mapchange
- Looking for an aesthetic ammo plugin [TF2]
- Server Running Admins [info]
- Unlimited Ammo for Bots Plugin
- .sp File Question
- Chat displays only every second/third/random msg
- HACKER SourceMod 1.4.0 Injector : By Rod286 !
- [TF2] Searching for a plugin (Halloween)
- Map cycle question
- Css help - Metamod
- Free For All, RADAR Off?
- .inc file...
- Reload plugin on mapchange
- Installed source mod and it works good but need some help please!
- Reserved Slots Garry's Mod
- Looking for a plugins
- [TF2] How can I add skins to my server?
- Say Sounds plugin doesn't work.Help me please.
- I need a L4D mapchange plugin
- Chat connect message?
- NOTD Store questions ....
- Game crash
- [L4D2] Chat messages doesn't showing up
- tf2 HLDS fetched 1072345 error!
- Tournament L4D2 mod server
- The poor neglected wiki!
- Maplist problem with multiple servers
- LAN Servers are restricted to local clients (class C).
- Selling my HideNseek Server for paypal
- Can't use certain SM commands
- Sourcemod GunGame
- Vote delay problems
- How to change sky between night and daytime in L4D?
- how to set the slot reservation in tf2?
- Help people it's wery importmant
- [NEED SKIN MODELER] Will pay $$$$$
- Windows srcds at 500 fps? Possible?
- [Help] GetClientOfUserId of SayText?
- One SM plugin only for one admin
- [Help] SM caht bug, need help
- L4D2 Update Breaks SM?
- File Not Found addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm
- Sourcemod crashing l4d2?
- Help with Zombiemod. Ze server
- [L4D] Console Scrambled?
- L4d2 crash with sourcemod on new update
- Plugin rename exploit
- [HELP] Pub Server Whitelist
- Hey guys, I'm REALLY new, are the Black Ops mods here :P
- thetime randomly triggering
- [L4D2] Special Infected Limiter
- Plugin Languages
- mapchooser thing
- Help with charger console commands
- Need some info about Gamedata Updater.
- SourceMod Commands with triggers in hammer
- sourcepawn or c++
- Plugin needs compiling
- sql problems
- My opinion after a month with sourcemod
- Help With Prophunt And Dodgeball
- Players being teleported randomly! Counter Strike: Source
- SMAC. Please helping me.
- L4d2 - Witches crash my game
- Is there a Sourcemod Multi-mod plugin?
- DeadAlltalk on Sourcemod
- Donor access
- Team mates in radar shows as enemy?
- Question about ranking system and server performance
- Hlstastx:ce DIED AUTO-VIEW RANK ¿?¿?
- Server crashing when somebody dies.
- Unexpected fatal logging error?? sourcemod_fatal.log
- Need help setting up admins.
- Center Text size typo
- Need Help: Setting up Tournament [TF2]
- Could somebody help me with Custom Admin Menu (SourceMod)?
- Ignore the !settings command?
- [L4D2] Invisible spectator chat?
- Main server config of jailbreak css
- [L4D2] First map loads with no weapons, why?
- [L4D2] Godmode Bug
- Can i create 40+ spawnpoints on the original maps?
- [CS:S] Godmode Bug
- Need some tips on finding a crash culprit.
- TF2 multi mod
- Searching someone..
- sourcmod prints everything to chat even for non admins
- [CS:S] Possible to put fog_override 1?
- Public server CFG [ESL like]
- how do i make srcds remember my bans?
- [L4D2] How to solve this bugs?
- How can I change the admin menu's list of ban reasons?
- Rcon hack, please help.
- [TF2] Need Plugins Name
- Custom client cfg for map
- Looking for community Coders.
- Error quakesounds?!
- Custom admin menu Help
- CSS Bots help
- compiling a plugin on windows/linux
- working/installed plugin not listed with meta list
- Fast Death
- TF2 - Which plugin to switch server after joining a server?
- L4D2 - confogl plugins problem
- Play Random sounds in TF2 using Script
- [L4D2] L4D2 goes back to desktop when using sourcemod.
- [L4D2] Remove Pills from saferoom
- [L4D2] Sourcemod update crashing l4d2 when witch spawn
- (L4D2) Modded skins show up as error signs
- Skdhooks 2.1 Error; file not found
- sv_pure command block?
- quakesounds
- Not able to equip weapons?
- I may know how to fix the sourcemod local server witch crashing...
- SM_skinchooser - pack full done ?
- {Help} Unknown command: sm
- Error, please help.
- HELP ¿ Players in map ?
- Please help!
- [Solved] 🗑️
- Sourcemod immunity
- How to disable "player toggled noclip on player" spam?
- srcds.exe does not meet(
- New CSS update broke SourceMod
- ban last
- Some of my plugins can't WORK!HELP!
- Porting Pawn Studio to Visual Studio Shell?
- Please help, plugins wont load :/
- can someone explain the new address features of sm
- [SM] you cannot target this player
- Update 10. February
- [wip help] building a menu to tie all my plugins together..
- [L4D2] miminum spawn distance inadvertantly altered by a plugin?
- [clientprefs]unable to open database file.HELP!
- Is there any way to export MDL file from SMX?
- [TF2] Map Vote after 2 rounds
- [L4D] Ragdoll No Gravity / Dead Space-like?
- [HUN] Vannak magyarok?
- l4d2 plugin ctd
- [L4D2] Survivor plugin question
- All players time out every hour or so
- [L4D]well, I like more dark environment in campaign
- Many DOD Plugins are broken
- [TF2] Notification Blocker?
- Searching Deathmatch + WeaponMenu Mod for CSS
- Question
- Question for TF2 server
- TFDB Tournament Help
- Any plugins that allow locally gagging players?
- Newer Pawn features in newer SM versions?
- Custom maps won't appear on mapchooser
- Sourcemod doesn´t load
- Change spawn weapon? And another question.
- [REQUEST] Races
- Slow map change on CSS server
- Rock the Vote and Nominations <failed>
- Looking for a TF2 plugin, hard to describe it...
- [L4D2] Adding fog with stripper?
- Solved: Maplist/Mapcycle: Custom maps won't run
- [TF2] Custom Animation Player?
- just a question about sourcemod
- Showing Commands
- another question
- sdk doesn't load
- !servers, plugin or another thing like that!
- sm_mapvote not working correctly
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