View Full Version : General
- [URGENT] Help please :/
- [ASK] WTF is happening?
- help me!!! L4D2 How do you make it 20 survivor? mode coop
- error in log's after update mm/sm
- Some plugins for a DoD:S server.
- Boosted FPS with -dev
- Suche Deutschen Scripter für HL2: RP Server
- Help Gungame and deathmatch on LAN server
- DoD:S server crashing with bots?
- A quick and hopefully easy question
- [SOLVED] "hl2.exe has stopped working"
- Get running server plugins
- Ld4 plugin assistan_director
- metamod/sorucemod help with cssbeta
- how to setting config sourcemod.cfg ?
- Sourcemod Admin Menu keeps changing language for me?
- Executing Commands On Start
- help me please! problem by metamod.
- TF2 Plugin isn't working "SDKTools" [solved]
- Multi vote for next map?
- Help installing SM on CS:S
- Advanced Bans For Source Mod
- sourcemod on client side?
- Automatic Update failing
- unknown command sm_admin
- Deadtalk & alltalk
- Database errors with MySQL cluster and load-balancer
- scoreboard weapon switch
- How to read or find out what is core. files regarding l4d2 server crashes.
- Problem with Sql Driver
- help me! please problem by autoexec.cfg no work
- Tankbuster only with Z Flag. Why?
- [Help] Map Vote at end of round
- L4D2 Possible to increase max players?
- [L4D2] mp_gamemode for Mutation Taaaank
- I need ip servers left4dead 1 versus
- Help? Ban not in Admin Menu
- Hackers - name changes and kicking admins
- What can i do to stabilize the server's connection?
- L4D2 I have 3 questions, please answer me
- Anti DDOS for l4d2
- TF2 beta - Getting it to work?
- plugin not work, because there is a problem from "Sdkhooks"
- motd background help
- 5/5/2011 Update
- Game Name Change
- 5/5/2011 TEMP. FIX
- 5/5 ForcePlayerSuicide temp fix
- Removing [SM]
- I want to model all character the L4D1.
- 2011 - 05/06 Update - Valve fixed Suicide
- Looking for a few Plugins
- slot reserded
- What plugin allows you to spam voice gestures like "Medic"
- Pure server kicks. Why?
- SourceMod Pack 1.3.7 available!
- how to set bind key for L4D2
- Autobalance broken?
- Sounds Broken
- What plugin spawn a tank and witch show all maps
- CS:S Sourcemod Plugin help.
- short command
- Players get ban when rejoin
- TF2 Replay - Hide the stupid "replay" player from player count?
- I found a problem, when L4D2 change next map.
- Multiple Mapcycles for the same Server
- rror with client Prefs!!!?????
- Zombie Riot Bot Models don't move
- SourceMod bans don't work in L4D2?
- "Auto-reconnect" -Can this be fixed or is it something to do with L4D2?
- Prevent "spectating" in L4D2?
- I cannot get SM To work.
- how add admin from my consol
- Can't add anybody as admin
- cbaseserver Legal or illegal
- plugin - set existing cvar
- how to fix broken survivor model?
- [REQ] Correct translation for PT-BR
- [TF2] Multiple turrets?
- Is it possible?
- Plugins Not Working
- Replays and Reserved Slots
- L4D2: Taannnk - Spawn interval
- [TF2] Fix for the Witcher 2 preorder item crash
- How do I specify what is logged in the log files of sourcemod
- Transformed a script evenscript in sourcemod
- [SOURCEMOD] A teacher pliz ^^...
- Help with Damage indicator
- [SEARCH] Redirect
- Plugin search/question
- Sound Files not Working
- update?
- Quick problem with tf2 server
- admin / vip skins
- Custom Admin Menu help
- Une question
- How to limit cl_interp for clients in L4D2?
- adminmenu.smx - How do I change "preinstalled commands"
- Source Admin flags... change-able in game?
- Remove a command from the admin menu
- TF2, CreateMenuEx, MenuStyle_Valve, and VoteMenuToAll question
- [REQ] Dynamic lighting l4d
- adminmenu_custom limit?
- Check Source bans from Phone
- Decompiler un .smx
- [L4D2] Player connected/disconnected message missing? ;[
- [L4D2]Getting Kicked at addon mapchange
- Help with Dodgeball
- Different rotation than nominate list??
- Adding SM Plugins and Admins help!
- Allow access to enemy spawn room TF2
- PROBLEM - Not change round
- [CSS] ratio_limite
- Remove special attributes from materials in hammer
- Prob. language
- sm_admin SourceMod does not work and does not open
- [Help]
- Mute not working
- All admins placed in banned_user.cfg
- [Solved] I can not join teams
- Ragdoll Physics Bug !
- Replay still crashing?
- COMPLETELY NEW to modding. Point me in the right direction.
- DBlocker bug? How to fix it?
- Admin.cfg problem
- help admin_groups config
- [TF2] Goomba Stomp HELP - COMPILE - HELP
- Disable SM Parachute messages?
- Problem with DoD:S Bots
- The CVAR for Crouch Speed in L4D2
- Warmod
- [Help] Looking for logging
- L4d2 - Server stuck and won't reboot back up
- CSS bans only save in banned_user.cfg, or elsewhere too?
- Admin Menu question.
- Help with Server (TF2)
- !readyup without typeing !ready?
- L4D2 Need help Forcing Mission Change (FMC) to Dead Air "Modified" Map.
- Downloading custom files, sounds, from server Q
- Problem with end of map vote!
- Need assistance *paid*
- how make admin jsut kik and sly and change map
- [L4D2]Changing to a custom map, works?
- Problem with funcommands.smx
- [L4D2] Crawl and Pickup items while Incapped
- Sourcemod + eventscripts problem
- Hi. Could anyone help me out ?
- How can one use the vote commands?
- Spawn Protection Problem
- Zombie Reloaded SourceMod Bug?
- Sourcemod lost MySQL-Connection
- Logging without commands
- Rally race mod problem
- jestservers plugin cant find
- Auto Join out of Spec Mode
- [L4D2] Message Of The Day
- Moved to Linux - Errors
- Error message
- error message sm/logs
- [CSS] help me understand admin command types
- A question on the compatibility of ShowMenu
- [Help] server crashers
- New politics from Valve Corporation? Pfff.
- spawn plugin help
- File Missing
- sm_cvar list
- how many plugin i need to protect my server
- A little request [zmriot server]
- admins.cfg Blanked on Map Change
- [L4d2] spawning is screwed up.
- motd background wont show??
- L4D - Server is executing "quit" by itself?
- [Help] How do i fix this?
- [Solved] Can't join IRC Channel
- Where can i see the cvarlist for the original reserverdslots plugin?
- Default to /maps directory instead of maplist file
- how can i defend my server against the material hackers?
- server crash when map changed
- [help, any idea is welcome] Bots for DODS arent leaving
- Why cant I find Synergy plugins here?
- AdminCustomMenu edit
- Help Needed (quotes?)
- server jumper?
- Realism Match mod
- Server Lag
- [L4D2] Expanding player slots
- Need Help
- Jetpack for an RP on HL2:DM
- [Bugged] Command sm_admin unknown
- Admin Sorting Not Working
- Keep menu open
- Change cvars with admin menu
- Nextmap is the same map
- Phys gun in HL2, Can it be done?
- Having an empty adminmenu.smx so it only reads adminmenu_custom.txt?
- Recherche d'un Plugin débutant - Looking for plugin antirox
- How to upload/install l4d2 Add-on support to a server?
- Surf Problem
- KDR Plugin? (DOD:S)
- TF2 soucemod menu - get rid of gravity and ff
- Map Voting Numbers
- The Uber Update
- Valve 24/6 Update (Server Crashes)
- (6/24 Update) CSSDM, tickrate_enabler don't work!
- TF2 Replay + Hidden Reserved Slots
- Team punish
- Critz plugins etc broken after update?
- Nextmap bug
- after update, servers show as empty despite being populated
- no steam logon
- Server crash after update
- MetaMod for windows crashes while using tf2items
- Settings command not working
- Last Update distroyed server
- Cash for specific players
- [HL2DM] Menu Box Problems
- Latency problems... Any Ideas?
- how force client cl_downloadfilter all
- Stopping 2 map votes, sourcemod and valve integrated appearing at the same time?
- show all admin activity to all players.
- Server being down
- Need help on Making admin ranks
- How do I add in sounds on a tf2 server?
- How to make RTV change map with little delay???
- Windows TF2 Server Crashing
- Best bots for CSS server?
- No team flash for CS:S?
- How to view currently online players from console?
- CSS Update 30/06/2011
- Listen server help after the new update
- sm_rename by playercommands.smx
- [L4D2] Weapons not spawning on round start
- [Search] Quake Chat Plugin
- [Garry's Mod] SM don't start with vdf
- Hey really quick question
- Gungame dont reboot after winning
- how use Accelerator - Take back control
- Broken cvars
- REQ: Mute spec
- Dblocker error
- Server is asking for map vote
- [TF2] Speed Changer
- Hide Sourcemod on server?
- Parkour Fortress
- How to add admin permissions?
- Uncap sv_maxrate?
- VTF issue or Scripting necessary? - help needed
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