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  1. SM banning IPs not IDs
  2. sm_ settings
  3. [l4d2] tank spawns on finals
  4. Gameme for L4D2, TF2, CSS ZR
  5. [L4D2] Help with ingame vote kick tool
  6. TF2 Server High CPU Usage
  7. L4D2 I need this plugin please help me
  8. L4D2 NoMercy3 Door Plugin Fix
  9. sv_cheats no longer working with sourcemod?
  10. HL2DM: CTF Turret Server Crash Fix V3 vmf/bsp (Apr 17, 2011)
  11. Custom flag help <- Noob
  12. Help with time limit in war mode on
  13. Looking for 2 plug ins
  14. [TF2] Console only available to admins
  15. Extensions - Really want to learn how.
  16. L4D2 Update Later
  17. One Team gets Health Kits, other does not
  18. [L4D] SourceMod: Allow anyone to run configs (rotoblin)
  19. Objectives
  20. Reserved Slots
  21. sm_reloadadmins kicking players
  22. [Help] RTV
  23. Is There A Tut On Installing Plugins?
  24. Auto invite to steam group plugin?
  25. Problems with multi fake connects
  26. Howto reset rank/stats
  27. Custom Admin Flags
  28. Sourcemod installs (updates actually)
  29. Ingame stats
  30. New Idea for a script
  31. Sourcemod hangs Srcds
  32. How to turn off SM logging
  33. TF2 respawn time/ afk
  34. How To Make Convars?
  35. XPMod - Coming Soon
  36. RTV not accepting changes to config
  37. SM Webadmin can't detect servers
  38. Unknown Command : SM
  39. Where to get a subscription manager like this one?
  40. How to make L4D2 server send files to clients
  41. vote too execute configs
  43. perminate server message
  44. Sourcemod Local Compiler Broken
  45. [L4D1&2] When/or is realism-versus added to the sv_gametypes and mp_gamemode codes?
  46. server
  47. [L4D2] cvars not working
  48. [L4D2] sm_admin not working
  49. Sourcemod and Mani Admin?
  50. Help with sm_Skinchooser
  51. Servers hiding cvars
  52. l4d2 versus server
  53. Spectator issue (not the regular one)
  54. Sourcemod Admin Commands
  55. Valve update
  56. Permission to change one specific CVAR?
  57. TF2 'boss'
  58. ServerCommand() response?
  59. Server Non-VAC
  60. Sourcemod Language
  61. Metamod+Sourcemod=Not working
  62. SourceMod double commands with ES running.
  63. cant connect to HLDM server
  64. Close This!
  65. Is There a command or Plugin to hard fix a .vpk Custom Map to a Server?
  66. Run a command on zombification event.
  67. Im looking for the gun menu mod (I think thats what its called)
  68. How do I make a ConVar?
  69. [tf2]Valve-fail: HHH cvars and force-spawning the HHH
  70. [TF2]Fix for Sourcemod on listen servers?
  71. CMaterial:PrecacheVars
  72. sm_psay #1 #2 doesn't work in custom_menu???
  73. [ CS:S ] Lock/block Choose Teams ?¿? HELP
  74. [Help] Kick + Ban automatically re-connect people
  75. [Help] Lost in reserved slots configuration...
  76. Slay broken and timebomb
  77. Errors with thetime etc.
  78. Include extension SDKHooks in full packages of SourceMod
  79. [L4D] No Max Players, or?
  80. noob question (help)
  81. Client Crash on vote
  82. SourceMod cause the crash on quit command
  83. Server not listed in Master list.
  84. Admin Display from SB
  85. Force mapchange
  86. HELP! -TF2 looping respawn timer
  87. Unicode in hostname?
  88. Echoing a string to chat instead of console?
  89. End Of Map Vote
  90. Auto balance plugin for TF2?
  91. The FortWars QQ Thread
  92. nextmap
  93. Bots on public server
  94. SourceMod on L4D Steam DS
  95. warmode in admin menu
  96. How to add Custom Flags
  97. [L4D2] could not load library client
  98. Looking for some plugins
  99. Auto run cfg
  100. Halloween auto-queue script not working?
  101. Alien Swarm Events Page Up!
  102. sm_admin sometimes doesnt works!
  103. Mani Admin Problem
  104. Disable SM plugins in game?
  105. [TF2] Heavy glitch (?)
  106. max setup time
  107. [HELP] Server on Linux doesn't open
  108. SM Commands in Hammer?
  109. help finding a mod
  110. HELP? Can't find the plugin.
  111. Need help showing a link in the motd panel
  112. Unable to find these plugins
  113. SOLVED - How the hell can I !give
  114. [ADDON] Searched. Anti Rush Addon SM
  115. Request: Add Bloody Good Time support
  116. Never end of round
  117. use plugin code
  118. [L4D2] Player Death Action Code?
  119. [L4D2] How do I spawn a tank in every level of COOP?
  120. help with damage display...
  121. SOLVED-L4D2 sm_cvar commands in server configuration files not executing
  122. SourceMod crashing linux server
  123. Flying Clanlogo Problem!
  124. HLDS process cpu usage
  125. [L4D & L4D2] client cheat HELP
  126. SM slay crashes server
  127. [TF2] Crash on map change. Jesus Christ!
  128. how to setting sourcemod.cfg ?
  129. help please!!!
  130. After editing the custom admin menu "0" key no longer exits..
  131. DNS lookup in SourceMod broken on Debian Linux?
  132. [TF2] Multi-sentries?
  133. votemap instachange WTF
  134. [L4D2] Server Admin not working right.
  135. [ALL] Fensoft Sourcemod Updater
  136. [TF2] Change crit damage of specific weapons?
  137. [TF2] How to Hide the weapon model? (r_drawviewmodel) ?
  138. Custom groups (Override & SB)
  139. Overrides
  140. Garry's Mod
  141. need help w awp restrictions
  142. compile.exe and spcomp.exe
  143. Message advertisement cfg?
  144. Can't see sm_tsay messages
  145. Load/Unload plugins on map change?
  146. Force plugin load on round start
  147. Plugins (SourcePawn) vs. Extensions (C++)
  148. Scripting Lessons
  149. Timer to prevent map votes for first X minutes
  150. chat trigger style plugin
  151. Preventing Abuse of @ Command
  152. [L4D2] Plug-in or Cvar to end round?
  153. Unusual particles for donators
  154. Sourcemod Plug-in can freeze L4D2 server?
  155. SM 1.3.4 and 1.3.6
  156. utf-8 in sourcemod
  157. TF2 Random Crits Mod? TF2
  158. Aimbot or l33t3r?
  159. Failed to load sound
  160. Quick HLStats question
  161. Arena Mode
  162. music play on server connect
  163. Error loading plugin
  164. Compiling a .inc
  165. Problem with Quakesounds Plugin
  166. L4D2 spawntime cvars
  167. Players Can't Join Local While Plugins Are Active
  168. Need Assistance ASAP.
  169. no hats or misc items?
  170. How to specify TF2 servers CFG folder?
  171. MGE Mod + PUGs and Scrim
  172. Cant figure out this error
  173. Question...
  174. [L4D2] Sourcemod Bans not working?
  175. [CSS] Disable Bot Connect Announce?
  176. L4D2 plugins problem
  177. [L4D2] Confogl and Sourcemod Admin Menu
  178. Plugin ? [l4d2]
  179. Plugin VIP ?
  180. Need help with cached models.
  181. Is there something like sm_currentmap?
  182. Why SourceMod is Awesome
  183. Sourcemod question
  184. @t @ct in css is equal to what in dods??
  185. Adverts Problem..
  186. SourceMod Version: 1.3.6 - RTV Log Entry Error
  187. SourceMod Version: 1.3.6 - RTV Log Entry Error
  188. Reserved slot question!
  189. editing funcommandsX.phrases.txt
  190. Happy Thanksgiving
  191. Paid job to place image on CT/T outfits
  192. L4D2 witch and tank on all maps?
  193. TF2 server crashes with sourcemod
  194. Random Admins
  195. L4D2 Server being spammed with |INSIDE THREAD|
  196. Attempting to apply modified GCF files
  197. Admin (flag "z") kicked from the server as a spectator
  198. PAWN Tools
  199. Map List Issues
  200. Overrides Problem
  201. My plugin was moved to Trash?
  202. does alien swarm support sourcemod now?
  203. Who put my plugin in the trash?
  204. Sourcemod Plugin Convars
  205. Sourcemod kick/ban bugged?
  206. Anyway to sign plugins?
  207. ent_fire with sourcemod
  208. thetime problem.
  209. [Help] Left 4 Dead 2 loading Sourcemod
  210. [Questions] CSS Plugins and Sourcemod.
  211. [L4D] Disable Idle
  212. Suggestions needed
  213. L4D2 Admin Spectate?
  214. 0 no longer closes sm_admin menu
  215. TF2 Beta
  216. Uncrownable witch cvar
  217. [CSS] Jailbreak plugin?
  218. what the best warcarft mod for css
  219. Sourcemod cstrike_beta support
  220. Disconnect Exploits no Longer Work
  221. Weird Crash
  222. opening .mdl files
  223. SuperVersus and LEFT12DEAD question
  224. local warning system for team killers
  225. who do I contact to sponsor bandwidth?
  226. Join server music
  227. Question about Advertisements plugin for TF2
  228. Server Sided Weapon Skins
  229. Modele CZ
  230. welcome (info box) messages
  231. whats a 350 radius in CSS?
  232. Cannot set Admin
  233. Can you help me troubleshoot this?
  234. SourceMod 1.3.6 Linux SteamFriends Mirror Broken
  235. [Bug] Unable to find cvar?
  236. How to remove weapons!!
  237. Hide SteamID
  238. [L4D2] unknown plugin
  239. DOD:S Ammo Settings v1.0
  240. Admin group changing name
  241. L4D2 Sourcemod / Metamod Major issue!
  242. CLIENTPREFS extension don't re-connect to database after a failure
  243. [CSS]Antiduck addon searched
  244. I'm at a loss.. help
  245. Please Help
  246. Fast downlaod server
  247. SourceTV?
  248. Question about loading plugins..
  249. Errors
  250. L4D2 Sourcemod Targets