- SM banning IPs not IDs
- sm_ settings
- [l4d2] tank spawns on finals
- Gameme for L4D2, TF2, CSS ZR
- [L4D2] Help with ingame vote kick tool
- TF2 Server High CPU Usage
- L4D2 I need this plugin please help me
- L4D2 NoMercy3 Door Plugin Fix
- sv_cheats no longer working with sourcemod?
- HL2DM: CTF Turret Server Crash Fix V3 vmf/bsp (Apr 17, 2011)
- Custom flag help <- Noob
- Help with time limit in war mode on
- Looking for 2 plug ins
- [TF2] Console only available to admins
- Extensions - Really want to learn how.
- L4D2 Update Later
- One Team gets Health Kits, other does not
- [L4D] SourceMod: Allow anyone to run configs (rotoblin)
- Objectives
- Reserved Slots
- sm_reloadadmins kicking players
- [Help] RTV
- Is There A Tut On Installing Plugins?
- Auto invite to steam group plugin?
- Problems with multi fake connects
- Howto reset rank/stats
- Custom Admin Flags
- Sourcemod installs (updates actually)
- Ingame stats
- New Idea for a script
- Sourcemod hangs Srcds
- How to turn off SM logging
- TF2 respawn time/ afk
- How To Make Convars?
- XPMod - Coming Soon
- RTV not accepting changes to config
- SM Webadmin can't detect servers
- Unknown Command : SM
- Where to get a subscription manager like this one?
- How to make L4D2 server send files to clients
- vote too execute configs
- perminate server message
- Sourcemod Local Compiler Broken
- [L4D1&2] When/or is realism-versus added to the sv_gametypes and mp_gamemode codes?
- server
- [L4D2] cvars not working
- [L4D2] sm_admin not working
- Sourcemod and Mani Admin?
- Help with sm_Skinchooser
- Servers hiding cvars
- l4d2 versus server
- Spectator issue (not the regular one)
- Sourcemod Admin Commands
- Valve update
- Permission to change one specific CVAR?
- TF2 'boss'
- ServerCommand() response?
- Server Non-VAC
- Sourcemod Language
- Metamod+Sourcemod=Not working
- SourceMod double commands with ES running.
- cant connect to HLDM server
- Close This!
- Is There a command or Plugin to hard fix a .vpk Custom Map to a Server?
- Run a command on zombification event.
- Im looking for the gun menu mod (I think thats what its called)
- How do I make a ConVar?
- [tf2]Valve-fail: HHH cvars and force-spawning the HHH
- [TF2]Fix for Sourcemod on listen servers?
- CMaterial:PrecacheVars
- sm_psay #1 #2 doesn't work in custom_menu???
- [ CS:S ] Lock/block Choose Teams ?¿? HELP
- [Help] Kick + Ban automatically re-connect people
- [Help] Lost in reserved slots configuration...
- Slay broken and timebomb
- Errors with thetime etc.
- Include extension SDKHooks in full packages of SourceMod
- [L4D] No Max Players, or?
- noob question (help)
- Client Crash on vote
- SourceMod cause the crash on quit command
- Server not listed in Master list.
- Admin Display from SB
- Force mapchange
- HELP! -TF2 looping respawn timer
- Unicode in hostname?
- Echoing a string to chat instead of console?
- End Of Map Vote
- Auto balance plugin for TF2?
- The FortWars QQ Thread
- nextmap
- Bots on public server
- SourceMod on L4D Steam DS
- warmode in admin menu
- How to add Custom Flags
- [L4D2] could not load library client
- Looking for some plugins
- Auto run cfg
- Halloween auto-queue script not working?
- Alien Swarm Events Page Up!
- sm_admin sometimes doesnt works!
- Mani Admin Problem
- Disable SM plugins in game?
- [TF2] Heavy glitch (?)
- max setup time
- [HELP] Server on Linux doesn't open
- SM Commands in Hammer?
- help finding a mod
- HELP? Can't find the plugin.
- Need help showing a link in the motd panel
- Unable to find these plugins
- SOLVED - How the hell can I !give
- [ADDON] Searched. Anti Rush Addon SM
- Request: Add Bloody Good Time support
- Never end of round
- use plugin code
- [L4D2] Player Death Action Code?
- [L4D2] How do I spawn a tank in every level of COOP?
- help with damage display...
- SOLVED-L4D2 sm_cvar commands in server configuration files not executing
- SourceMod crashing linux server
- Flying Clanlogo Problem!
- HLDS process cpu usage
- [L4D & L4D2] client cheat HELP
- SM slay crashes server
- [TF2] Crash on map change. Jesus Christ!
- how to setting sourcemod.cfg ?
- help please!!!
- After editing the custom admin menu "0" key no longer exits..
- DNS lookup in SourceMod broken on Debian Linux?
- [TF2] Multi-sentries?
- votemap instachange WTF
- [L4D2] Server Admin not working right.
- [ALL] Fensoft Sourcemod Updater
- [TF2] Change crit damage of specific weapons?
- [TF2] How to Hide the weapon model? (r_drawviewmodel) ?
- Custom groups (Override & SB)
- Overrides
- Garry's Mod
- need help w awp restrictions
- compile.exe and spcomp.exe
- Message advertisement cfg?
- Can't see sm_tsay messages
- Load/Unload plugins on map change?
- Force plugin load on round start
- Plugins (SourcePawn) vs. Extensions (C++)
- Scripting Lessons
- Timer to prevent map votes for first X minutes
- chat trigger style plugin
- Preventing Abuse of @ Command
- [L4D2] Plug-in or Cvar to end round?
- Unusual particles for donators
- Sourcemod Plug-in can freeze L4D2 server?
- SM 1.3.4 and 1.3.6
- utf-8 in sourcemod
- TF2 Random Crits Mod? TF2
- Aimbot or l33t3r?
- Failed to load sound
- Quick HLStats question
- Arena Mode
- music play on server connect
- Error loading plugin
- Compiling a .inc
- Problem with Quakesounds Plugin
- L4D2 spawntime cvars
- Players Can't Join Local While Plugins Are Active
- Need Assistance ASAP.
- no hats or misc items?
- How to specify TF2 servers CFG folder?
- MGE Mod + PUGs and Scrim
- Cant figure out this error
- Question...
- [L4D2] Sourcemod Bans not working?
- [CSS] Disable Bot Connect Announce?
- L4D2 plugins problem
- [L4D2] Confogl and Sourcemod Admin Menu
- Plugin ? [l4d2]
- Plugin VIP ?
- Need help with cached models.
- Is there something like sm_currentmap?
- Why SourceMod is Awesome
- Sourcemod question
- @t @ct in css is equal to what in dods??
- Adverts Problem..
- SourceMod Version: 1.3.6 - RTV Log Entry Error
- SourceMod Version: 1.3.6 - RTV Log Entry Error
- Reserved slot question!
- editing funcommandsX.phrases.txt
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Paid job to place image on CT/T outfits
- L4D2 witch and tank on all maps?
- TF2 server crashes with sourcemod
- Random Admins
- L4D2 Server being spammed with |INSIDE THREAD|
- Attempting to apply modified GCF files
- Admin (flag "z") kicked from the server as a spectator
- PAWN Tools
- Map List Issues
- Overrides Problem
- My plugin was moved to Trash?
- does alien swarm support sourcemod now?
- Who put my plugin in the trash?
- Sourcemod Plugin Convars
- Sourcemod kick/ban bugged?
- Anyway to sign plugins?
- ent_fire with sourcemod
- thetime problem.
- [Help] Left 4 Dead 2 loading Sourcemod
- [Questions] CSS Plugins and Sourcemod.
- [L4D] Disable Idle
- Suggestions needed
- L4D2 Admin Spectate?
- 0 no longer closes sm_admin menu
- TF2 Beta
- Uncrownable witch cvar
- [CSS] Jailbreak plugin?
- what the best warcarft mod for css
- Sourcemod cstrike_beta support
- Disconnect Exploits no Longer Work
- Weird Crash
- opening .mdl files
- SuperVersus and LEFT12DEAD question
- local warning system for team killers
- who do I contact to sponsor bandwidth?
- Join server music
- Question about Advertisements plugin for TF2
- Server Sided Weapon Skins
- Modele CZ
- welcome (info box) messages
- whats a 350 radius in CSS?
- Cannot set Admin
- Can you help me troubleshoot this?
- SourceMod 1.3.6 Linux SteamFriends Mirror Broken
- [Bug] Unable to find cvar?
- How to remove weapons!!
- Hide SteamID
- [L4D2] unknown plugin
- DOD:S Ammo Settings v1.0
- Admin group changing name
- L4D2 Sourcemod / Metamod Major issue!
- CLIENTPREFS extension don't re-connect to database after a failure
- [CSS]Antiduck addon searched
- I'm at a loss.. help
- Please Help
- Fast downlaod server
- SourceTV?
- Question about loading plugins..
- Errors
- L4D2 Sourcemod Targets