View Full Version : General
- Bot quota mode probleme CSGO Deathmatch
- c4 in deathmatch for buying
- Beam wont show up
- how to deny command for public player( no group)
- TerminateRound
- problem surf rpg deathmatch
- "ff" spam abuse
- Target @all
- Email From Forums
- Can't add bots CS:GO Server !
- FoF signatures
- Server Freeze
- Need help setting up CSGO server.
- ChangeLog
- [CS:GO] Enable Dominating, Nemesis?
- Help W3S (Warcraft3Source)
- Can I disable !admins to use for anybody ?
- Errors trying to set up a 2nd TF2 Server.
- Delete this thread please.
- Need help!
- CS:GO | HELP - Turnable Timer with CreateConVar
- "you dont not have the permissions required"
- Cannot compile?
- Server IP problem.. CS:GO
- (CS GO) Mapchooser extended doesn't play sounds.
- CSGO update - thirdperson modes
- SDKTools problem?
- missing map problem
- Removing melee only from melee only maps.
- [CSGO] Server crashing on startup due to adminmenu plugin
- fastdl wont work.
- [CSGO] Server Crash on Startup
- [CSGO] Server Lagg when map voting has finished
- Help compilation 5minutes
- First Player Godmode
- SourceMod restarts server all the time
- [cs:go]advertisments [issue]
- CSGO plugins
- [REQ] More flags in sourcemod plsssss
- why can't I add 3+ things to custom menu?
- L4D (1) Some Plugins not Wkg.
- sourcemod not working (Nuclear Dawn)
- [TF2] !donate plugin
- SourceMod doesnt start - Segmentation fault (core dumped)
- .smx files not downloading.
- Calladmin help?
- !admin doesn't work anymore, help!? (it did previously)
- Can't create mixer - cs go c4 timer
- Teams can read enemy teamchatOo! need help
- Server Help!!
- L4D2 MOTD Blank on lobby connect, fine on direct?
- map alias change ???
- Cant create mixer CS GO problems
- Server unlisted publicly after all clients disconnect
- How to customize sourcemod adminmenu
- Need Help Adding Weapons to L4d
- Left 4 Dead 2 ports?
- TF2 Windows Crashes from todays 6/11 update?
- ctf sounds problem
- I need html code for my MOTD
- sourcebans.smx Database failure: Could not find driver “mysql”
- Need help to set up my first plugin
- Sourcemod -> can't start server
- [CS:GO] Take player's health
- (CS:GO) Knife fight sound (cant create mixer)
- Has anything been made against "badboy"/ fast nick change cheat for cs:go yet?
- PrintToChat ---> Just to CT or T team..
- Adminmenu_custom
- [CS:GO] Wrong maps in end of map vote
- Plugin to test Remote MySQL connections..
- Cannot Port Forward...AGAIN
- Downloading: .bz2 zipped items
- Different plugin for each map rotations?
- fast drop cs:go
- RTV End Game
- CS:GO Disapearing weapons
- Console admin.
- L4D2 getting to your feet after reviving
- How to ban the IP, if a person absence of the user on the server?
- I have a problem when install sourcemod CSGO HELP
- SourceBans Issues
- Love & War Update - Crash issues
- When is it worthwhile to bz2 a file?
- [HELP] Server crash after update and any file modification
- [CS:GO] Only AWP plugin
- [CS:GO] Metamod and Sourcemod not enable!!!
- [CS:GO]Language translation errors.
- Admin no work
- Stay on current AdminMenu page after choosing an option.
- Changing Weapon Attributes
- As the Item Defination on Alliedmod's wiki updated...
- About CS:GO models and modelling
- BitCoin Donations?
- Lag in TF2 after Love and War update
- UnhookEvent() with errors
- L4D(1) Admin Getting Dumped From Game
- Contagion
- SDK2013: broken alpha color?
- CS:GO Mini games server gets stuck on a map
- unban list
- Dont lose health when i get a laser on me
- How to Fix My Server's SourceMod?
- number of plugins and efficiency
- Admin menu custom value
- Why isn't this plugin working? :/
- Someone that having this map on your computer?!
- Help! How piknut bot come in at the player?
- How to change the clock on different map?
- [L4D1] roto & removing tank from 1v1
- Random chat messages. 1,2
- How to enable nofalldamage on single map?
- impossible to validate cvar in any cfg files
- Timeleft Out of Sync
- models by steamid
- [URGENT HELP] CS:GO server attacked.
- Only 2 person can join my map?
- Why my motd close fast when i came in to my server?
- **FIXED** CSGO server 0/15 players (people can join) **FIXED**
- CS:GO item sharing plugin > discuss?
- Double Connected Announce?
- Total scrub needs help to start a private, dedicate LAN kz server.
- SM slaying will crash about half the server
- SM Won't install
- srcds CSGO crashing while trying to install sourcemod, metamod
- [CSGO] After Update not allowing players to join [FIX]
- Sounds not loading!
- Sourcemod and server performance
- CSGO - Reservationslot plugin
- L4D2 DS problem with 6x6 Versus - Help!
- CSGO - Open MOTDURL help
- A good stats plugin for Deathrun TF2
- Lightning Effect Missing In L4D1
- AllTalk Plugin for TF2
- [HELP] Commands For ZP
- TeamChat visible for admins
- Is it possible to load a GIF in-game?
- Someone translate this copy+paste of a debug.log
- CS:GO | HELP - How can i Pause time (round time)
- [ES][ZP] Ayuda con el amxxpc
- [tf2] turn off arena mode with a plugin?
- Cannot open the latest version of SM
- CS GO End of game drops
- Contagion Radio menu
- Skins/Trails/Chat CS:GO
- ]Solved]Sourcebans error Failed to query database
- About my server.cfg and Hell lot of lag!
- tf2items cmds wont work?
- Normal Mapvote after Round finished
- CS:GO Deathmatch
- Sourcebans Ban IP Range
- Can't banning people?
- TF2 update 08Jul2014 Crashes
- Enable Bhop Boost on a single map?
- tf2 tools
- Neotokyo is now on steam F2P!
- team balancers not working on my linux? help please
- SourceMod (adminmenu_cfgs.txt)
- [Help] My commands are free to everyone
- Latest Datamap For TF2?
- Help/Mentor Request
- Cant change team? Change respawn time in css?
- Video of someone altering Conga taunt speed
- CS:GO Error
- is bot can ignore reserved slot?
- Net_maxfilesize
- TF2Ware
- MOTDgd or Pinion?
- Adding groups and flags using admins_simple?
- [CS:GO] Idle player kick
- Bug: CS_TerminateRound
- How to block a command in chat?
- Restrict sm plugins?
- Advertisements - Enable åäö?
- Maps vote problem
- How to make this Rank?
- CS:GO Team Sizes
- strange end of round issue
- Hello Now Another Problem
- Plugin for logging player's steam ids
- Granade restriction [smoke,granade, etc...]
- CSGO how to Custom NVG Color
- Web Chat cs 1.6
- Need help | Issue on a dedicated server
- Help? Everyone else has 125 hp!
- [NEED HELP]VIP perk for my server
- left 4 dead 2 blockade
- CSGO Server creates nav files and crashes constantly
- CS:GO help with fall damage
- MOTDgd help??
- Any help with an AMBuild issue please?
- [HELP] Command change !give
- Instant redirect to new server ip
- Need help with this sql error
- Databases.cfg help
- Time sensitive map pool?
- Loading plugins automaticly when a surten player count is on the server
- HUD message
- [CS:GO] Advanced Autoteambalance?
- respawn timer?
- new issue
- [TOP LIST] Strangest Bugs ever Seen !!! PRICE 25€ PSC
- tell me if this is possible
- Set tf_max_voice_speak_delay -1 only for donors
- MAP cycle if x of people
- [HELP][TF2] Sourcemod 1.6 Server Lag
- Buffer Overflow in net message
- TF2 JM SRCDS crash
- admin menu page bug in csgo
- Sourcemod IDE - Aeon Editor - wished?
- I can't get SourceMod plugins to stop downloading files!
- [CS:GO] Admin don't work at warmup
- Problem
- How would I go about doing this
- Random teleport spawn while playing ?
- Css_flashlight2
- [CS:GO] Help with a crash (env_fire)
- [L4D2] Jockey Attack Delay
- New Plugins does not load <failed> error
- Players can no longer be banned on my L4D server
- Unknown comand sm_rtd {Help}
- [CS:GO] default vote for next map not working
- [TF2] Mapchooser (and extended) not loading full map list....
- Bots scouts only
- Mapvote doesn't work
- SourceMod/Remote Console
- CSS bots ratio
- [L4D2] Problem :S
- gamemode and my problem
- Admin access in a server with password
- Can't bann people and some plugins dont working
- [L4D2] Configurate bot time spawn. HELp.
- Server changing maps?
- [CSGO] Advertisement/Color Text
- [Problem] Sound clienting.
- Possible to mod CSGO close to CS1.6?
- [Problem] Desperate for troubleshooting random l4d2 crashes
- How to delete a thread?
- [L4D2]Multitanks mutation12?
- [Problem] My plugins don't working.
- [Problem] My simple chat colors changes when i die/spectate?
- How to install THC RPG plugin?
- outdated
- Overriding server.cfg with SM config file
- L4D2 problem, Players stuck on intro
- Anybody know of a plugin that could help avoid this bug?
- <Bad Load> basebans.smx [SOLVED]
- How To Change?
- Hostage amount?
- Serious Cvar Problem
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