- L4D Smoker problem
- auto team join
- [HELP]SourceMod CS:S Pack 1.2
- [TF2] Auto redirect to new host??
- database.cfg
- [TF2] Limit number of same class
- [Help] All plugins text gets printed two times.
- Menu not working correctly - after update
- CVAR for planned auto-restart?
- Question..
- Menu Not working
- Age of Chivalry support/module?
- How do I unload a plug-in?
- Langauge changes randomly
- Binding two commands to one key?
- Admin Names in chat LightGreen Color
- Turn off AllDeadtalk?
- Kick low KD players - plugin
- SM Menu tree
- [L4D] Search key stopped workin when sourcemod is on
- adminmenu_custom.txt question
- Sourcemod admins don't work
- Question on Damage plugin
- Missing admin menus
- Level Transition Error
- RTV/Nominate issues
- Removing a ban.
- Adding intel?
- Sv_pure
- French documentation
- SourceMod CS:S Pack 1.2
- restrict.txt?
- Question on deathbeam settings not sticking.
- Rockthevote not working?
- TeamKilling
- Thinkiing of making the switch from Mani
- After upgrade to 1.2 server doesn't see sourcemod
- Making an admin mod with sourcemod and Sourcebans.
- force update hldsupdatetool
- sourcemod seems to be installed but doesnt recognize admins?
- clan tags and admin privs
- Nominations: Recently played?
- Help! Trying to make our server easier to use, but I'm stuck.
- Set next map
- Can I have commands not echoed to global chat?
- How To Use Custom Hostages/Bomb/Models For Server Side?
- A Way to force a player to the other team?
- Deathrun
- Advanced admin menu
- MapVotes & Nextmap not working properly
- Cant spam the slap command :( need help please.
- Sourcemod.net
- [HELP] Custom admin menu
- [TF2] @all targeting
- Alternative to plugins folder?
- is there such a plugin?
- How to block commands
- Vote to death toll and dead air
- QuakeSounds Issue
- Is there a way to mute people for long periods
- Super Physics
- Making Bots immune in L4D
- Crashing issue from language translation files?
- anti-bunny hopping?
- New Tf2 update crashing?
- Turn off anti-flood or disable anti-flood for sourcemod in Left 4 Dead
- Quick question ...
- Slay doesn't work :S
- Ynable to load plugin.
- Surf_ski_2 remake...plz go in.
- How to check what plugins are active
- SourceMod refuses to add admins on server w/Zombie Mod
- Changing hunter pounce dmg
- Just installed SM
- Instant map change
- dod:s unbind users keys
- Restrict weapons
- Anyone use HLSW ? (added SM/plugins support)
- mapchooser.smx Voting Problem
- Left 4 Dead: SourceMod/Meta Do Not Install
- Sourcemod plugin help
- HLSW and SM
- Server Crashing
- Can I use mani and source-mod.
- Need help with blocking a...
- Survival Versus
- Sourcemod barebones
- Admin_custom menu question
- updating to latest snapshots
- metamod 1.7 work on tf2?
- What plugins are you guys using on your L4D servers?
- Disabling some of sourcemod
- Source Mod Commands [RESOLVED]
- Teleport entrance inside spawn?
- SourceMod Update for Survival Mode in Left 4 Dead?
- Has anyone managed to get sourcemod to work with left for dead?
- Help with Custom admin menu commands.
- Cheat sourcebans
- Working Reserve Slots
- PostreSQL support ?
- HLstatsX Plugin error log?
- Made a SHM for CSS and wanted some feedback
- [L4D] Server side weapon mods
- How to become an admin on my server?
- Admin Menu Setup
- Noob Admin Menu Assistance
- .cfg won't carry over after map change
- crash on map change
- Ping spike
- map in admin menu and hit palyer problems
- sm_votenextmap and sm_setnextmap
- I need some assistance with Admin Chat.
- L4D server update broke meta:source
- MApchooser - wont list more than 4 maps (CSS)
- Question about Admin-Menü
- how to install source in tf2
- New plugins broken?
- Error log help
- Unable to use some Fun Commands
- mp_autoteambalance 1?
- Losing Team Receives Money After X Rounds?
- "Get Plugin" or "Get Source"? What is the difference?
- TF2 SM Slay Player crashing server
- L4D Gravity Mod?
- need a plugin
- Help! - Adding a server
- SM Crashing server on sm_slay and others
- Is there a "Night of the Living Dead" mod for L4D?
- Team join messages absent
- superhero mod source
- Some Admin Panel Commands not responding? (L4D)
- zblock, whitelist, consistency error.....
- War mode issue pls help ! :)
- Is there any way to see required flags for plugin?
- [TF2] Killer's Info Not working correctly
- Alltalk missing from admin menu
- TF2 Odd Client Crashing
- sm_addban - rcon flag?
- Final Battleground plug-in error log.
- (TF2) How to change maximum number of total ammo in all class
- [HELP] Give admin option to ban only for 5 minutes
- RTV not working
- Sending messages between servers
- Issues with nominate and end map votes
- [L4D][Help] Game Crashing!
- Slap command
- [L4D] Versus Map Rotation Help
- ATB - Checking Teams
- CVAR Settings [RESOLVED]
- [L4D] User Menu (Replica of Admin Menu)
- Can tf2 really do 100 tick?
- My server crashed. need help
- mapchooser error log...
- 3 plugins
- [TF2] Arena and Fast Respawn, how to?
- Bind Function Keys
- [TF2] Deathmatch is not changing map!
- How can i make more long Wait time in TF2?
- Where can I find these plugins?
- [L4D] Immunity to built-in votekick
- Question on mapchooser.
- [HELP] Strange images ingame
- [BaseBans Mod] Limit Permban to Root-Admins
- Enable an sv_cheats 1 command while sv_cheats is on 0?
- Sm_admin will not open...
- rename command not working in Left 4 Dead?
- All dead talk?
- MySQL Bans - problems
- [L4D] Welcome Sound
- Two issues happening
- A little help with custom admin menu...
- Public Commands Not Working ! :(
- AmxBans SourceBans
- CS:S Next Map Chooser
- Suddenly no access to admin commands
- How can I have admin skins on Sourcemod like on the Mani Plugin?
- Writing to a file.
- Compiler
- about admincheat.smx [left 4 dead]
- What's the best management mod plugin for TF2 (Mani/SourceMod)?
- Need help!!!!
- Ingame Forum Registration.
- A plug in to mute Hlss users.
- Need a hand over here!
- looking for a simple vote mute
- bug with the map list
- TF2 Melee
- A Working Anti-Aimbot? COME ON PEOPLE
- custom flag with rcon password?
- ALL SM Commands
- Clan TAG Ban
- sm_votenextmap?
- Mapchooser not working for Dystopia mod?
- SourceMod + HLStatsX Weapon Shoot Loging problem.
- L4D: Death Toll issue
- Errors and crashing
- Adding a user to the ban list.
- Who handles the website and donations?
- Log sourcemod
- New games with SourceMod
- banning issues
- L4D Lobby issue
- Weapon menu for ZombieMod?
- [Help] Modifying the base admin menu
- Install Without Admin Plugin?
- TF@ Map download error on my dedicated server
- Tf2 update tonight?
- A few questions
- sm_cvar = unknown command ?
- Help for the latest TF2 update(server crash on client connection)
- authorization problem
- Kicking AFK players [Turn Off]
- Instant respawn during mp_waitingforplayers
- sourcemod not loading plugins..
- Admin Menu not working
- [TF2] Snapshot - Which to use..
- My dods server maps wont change
- MVP request
- What's wrong with sourcemod?
- L4d dedicated server(HELP)
- Hey - Big Problem and Kinda Dumb on the Subject
- Question about SM_BAN...
- Admin Models
- Seeking mod...
- No-Plugin Premium Mod
- Command Menu Editor
- SM Mapchooser !revote disable
- Anyone able to shed some light....?
- A mapvote system with vote output (Display In the hint box)
- Did I miss something with TF2?
- Random crash on server
- Automatic GameData Updater ?
- How i install plugins for sourcemod TF2
- Crash after RandomCycle.smx picks map
- Sever Crashes on Slap
- add a timer on plr_pipeline
- [TF2] Update = Crash
- [TF2] Endmap vote wants to change at round end, can this be changed?
- Extend Map/ Change map at end of round in TF2?
- The juggernaut
- Executing Configs Crashes Server
- Instant respawn?
- I need someone that knows MYSQL and can convert something that uses .txts to MYSQL
- HLSTATSX Big Problem! Help!
- Scrolling Server Messages
- Plugin for sending chat in set time interval?
- AUTOMATIC UPDATER - Error: <url> malformed
- Need someone to convert my .txt database system to a mysql BB will pay
- Block console spamming of fake item drops?