View Full Version : General
- Reserved Slot CSGO
- How to get Max Clients on server
- How can i make a command not appear in sm_help
- Commands only for specific players
- [Solved] reserved slots kick reason ingame text fix ?
- Problems guns in map
- 2 CSGO SM server plugins not working
- [Solved] [HELP] Sourcemod causes crash on my Server.
- [Solved] Server Crashing
- Server not starting
- Need custom plugin created
- [Solved] Set Player Profile/avatars Pic ( CSGO )
- [RELEASE | EDITOR] SourcePawn for Visual Studio Code
- [Solved] Map voting problem
- [CSGO] Can I do this with the log file?
- [CSGO] Need help for retake spawns for splewis
- Low Vars
- Are there any working gore mods for day of defeat source?
- Refresh Defaultweapons on Spawn/new round
- [CSGO] Player is forced to switch team and dies
- [TF2] Crash from TFCond_PlagueRune
- Having trouble with friends joining l4d2 local server with plugins enabled plus mods
- CSGo jailbreak
- Looking for developper [pay]
- [Solved] Retakes HUD message (issue)
- [CSGO] Arena Addons
- [TF2] Is it possible to catch these messages?
- [Solved] [CS:S] warm up off DM
- [CSGO] Possible new exploit?
- [Solved] Remove Game ended 15s timer
- Fake client problems!
- [Solved] VSH 2, Versus Saxton Hale 2 No Meele
- [Solved] Easy help - server.cfg
- [Solved] VSH 2,Versus Saxton Hale 2 Custom Boss Problem
- [Solved] What is the best DeathRun plugin for tf2
- TF2 Automatic custom map dowload
- levels_ranks/levelup.mp3 not pre cached (0)
- [CSGO] Multi1v1 - arenas problem
- Driver not Found
- [CSGO] How create entity
- Are these correct?
- [CSGO] Change map crash, pls help
- [Solved] [CS:S] NextMap
- username filter
- Banned if u generate a csgo server token
- Server crashes after this pops up in srcds, anyone know what it means?
- [CSGO] How to disable end of map vote
- [Solved] [L4D(2)] How to change client language?
- flashbang css
- [Solved] [HELPOP] Sourcemod Configs
- Lost plugin - Melee weapon + pistol, first aid + ammo upgrade
- Problem with database "Lost connection to MySQL server during query."
- [Css] Force Reset Round
- Csgo Force Endround
- [Solved] Need help setting up SM:RPG
- Plugin Help
- Error while loading plugin
- server var with players kills
- Csgo blockmaker models
- Mapchooser Stopped Running End of Map Votes
- [Solved] Something that compiles folders of plugins
- [L4D2] How can I add addons to a dedicated L4D2 server?
- Location of Official Maps Mission Files
- Need help setting up a loadout plugin that piggybacks [TF2items] Give Weapon plugin
- [Solved] Problems languages
- [CS:GO] Sometimes at map end, he starts again, and dont change
- Negative amount of edicts
- [CS:GO]Store / Knife Help
- Can someone tell me what this is?
- [CSGO] Change bot behaviour
- Looking for experienced coders
- Out of memory?
- Some beginner's questions
- Help regarding tf2 chat
- [CS:S] Server Setup: Ffa bots, Ffa spawns
- Smoke killfeed icon on CSGO Server
- [CSS] How create banners
- [CS:GO] Default Agents not showing up!
- [Solved] [L4D2] Help! Crashes when loading
- [CS:GO] Reserved Slots
- [TF2] Limb pointers
- Attach to bones
- [CS:GO] Server crashes with mapchooser.smx
- [Maybe beginner problem] mapchooser (and alternatives) do not change map
- Error 147 Help me
- Retakes PREFIX MESSAGE (issue)
- CS:GO server rate settings
- (TF2)
- Help setting up multiple plug-ins
- [CS:GO] Server crashing totally randomly
- sourcemod commands not working after adding them through rcon
- [Solved] Bug characters in a kick reason message
- Disable team pick UI and auto assign player on joining the server.
- SQL Admins on multiple servers
- metamod sourcemod both not working since csgo updates
- Tf2 BWR2 Modu
- Sigscan for TerminateRound failed
- [CS:GO] Issue with team selection menu
- Block Decompile .smx
- Name & Team Logos Custom
- [CSGO] So many fake servers in community browser
- Looking for collabs to maintain my published SQLiteBans plugin
- Members of the steam group only
- [L4D] Crash on CUserManager::DeleteUserBySteamID
- native vote cs go
- online player tracking for the day
- [CS:GO] Dhooks lagging the server after player's disconnect
- [TF2] Sandwich Regeneration Scale [help]
- (L4D2) Banner
- server crashing
- [Solved] [CS:GO] Auto GOTV Demo Recorder
- [Solved] Annoying CS:S Terminated Round
- Retake de_ancient spawns
- [Solved] [L4D2] PlayerA hit PlayerV messages
- In-game translations
- 5 vs 5 warmod
- [CS:GO] Problem with server VAR
- [Solved] [CS:GO] SQL_TQuery, script execution timed out
- [L4D2] [Project] [WIP] Twitch Integration / Crowd Control / CEDAStudios
- [Solved] [CS:GO] Coaching commands not working
- New L4D2 Dedicated Server Help
- [CS:GO] Unable to connect to localhost
- Sourcemod !admin
- Need help with Custom admin menu
- How do i properly setup my CS:GO HNS (Chasemod) server?
- New 3rd plugin in devzones
- Increase limit of players - Retakes official
- Bug bot tag / geoip ?
- Looking for beam bhop zone (pay)
- [L4D] survivor bots not shooting
- Csgo szerver cfg
- [CSGO] Models Maker [SEARCH]
- hide models
- Working with KeyValues in PHP?
- Need Help With Plugin Console Error
- Nextmap is pendig vote in...
- Question(s) about Blind command [funcommands]
- Help with Demo record
- Tf2 item trial mode
- get5_stats_player (not responding)
- [Solved] server console error log
- How to get details of a CSGO workshop map from it's file ID ?
- minimap on old maps(cobblestone 2018 etc...)
- What's the simplest and no major problem The Solution of 8-survivals-coop?
- Disable an option to play as a bot?
- Sourcebans - URL Key mismatch
- [CSGO] Skin and Agent trial mode
- required extension not running
- Survivor Bot Not Spawning After Map transition
- How to identify Model ID?
- Left 4 Dead 2 Engine Ban Message Change?
- [SM Extensions] Need help with compilation!
- [L4D2] stripper cfg make physics blockers visable?
- [Solved] How to force the up and cmd rate of the clients?
- how to let the player staff see the spectator typing
- L4D2 Update (2021-06-15)
- [L4D2] how to allow the server to run all game mode from lobby
- L4D2 More Players
- [Solved] Sourcemod database host dns
- Looking 4 L$D2 Dedicated Server Scripts
- Error when trying to ban user
- Questions with the sm_warmode_on.cfg SourceMod config
- [Solved] [Crash] SV_packEntity: SnagChangeFramelist mismatched number of props
- [Solved] Sourcemod and metamod don't work on WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- L4D2 Dedicated Server Not Loading Game
- [Solved] [L4D2]Sourcemod / Metamod Work under Linux after latest l4d2 update?
- Are Mods Cheats?
- AlliedMods Server Query
- Is there a way to prevent server side ragdolls from crashing
- CollisionRulesChanged cont. Discussion
- Spectral Monoculus particle effect
- weapons skins and gloves plugin
- Need L4D2 TCP & UDP Router Settings
- Can anyone help me bug fix my plugin?
- More than 4 Players Co Op Local Server
- Need some assistance with Set Client Attribute
- hextags and levels_ranks
- Need help about bots on my server [CSGO]
- [CSGO] I Got crash server with no reason
- restrict command to client in console
- [CSGO] CSGO Match Findins saying i got 10 slots
- MySQL connection loss leads to crashes
- [Solved] [L4D2] after updating and game is no longer available with sourcemod (or plugins?)
- CSGO Server stop randomly
- Build Tool : SPSauce
- Jailbreak programmers
- help with source chat relay plugin
- Forum Name Change Feature Question.
- Some questions about my server
- Plugins load data too long
- [L4D2] Randomly undying human-controlled special infected in versus
- Weird stuff happens
- [CS:GO] Server RCON Cheat Exploit
- how to prevent witch lose target in coop mod for over 8 players server?
- help in mix server
- c4 dont hit when expload
- Suppress chat messages
- i cant acces to more then 1 skin if the vip
- use multi Anti Cheats
- L4D2 how to set Mob size of finale
- Help, L4D2: Half of plugins stopped working as they should
- Is the .sp file needed when adding plugins?
- [Solved] [L4D2] how to disable spray ?
- [L4D2] the rescue level that needs to be filled with oil tank will delay
- [CS:GO] Help with player collision and more!
- [Solved] help me in mysql connection
- Help with CSGO server
- Help needed to store metrics in MySQL or local json file
- L4D1 update crashing server with option -condebug
- need help with csgo server
- I wanna create server on old version.
- How to change server version?
- Bots slots problem
- [L4D2] Silent Special Infected Issue
- 128 tick server question
- [Hiring] SourceMod TF2 Coder
- [request] play music on csgo map vote
- Optimize performance on CS:GO Server
- changing server cfg + sourcemod path ( multi-mix server )
- [Help] Finding !ws local sqlite database
- L4D2 4/8 but Not enough slots
- [L4D2] Tank multiple hit
- banning method
- [Solved] [CSGO] How to remove warmup from csgo maps
- Bullet Wound decals disappearing too fast on ragdolls
- [L4D2]Persistent/No Music Bug
- CSGO private dedicated server for my Comp team.
- Screen flickering/jitters
- Problem with CS:GO server
- Dedicated server maps
- [L4D2] Server disappear from master server
- [L4D2] Crash on CNavLadder::GetPosAtHeight
- [Solved] [HELP][CS:S] Fast download server
- Help needed with tv_record (specify demo location)
- Mp_match_can_clinch 0 IS NOT WORKING
- Clients are not getting authorized
- TF2 update broke sourcemod/metamod
- [TF2] STATUS cmd crash
- Easiest way to update TF2?
- Players on the server
- 128 tick servers for players with poor connection
- Server Files Over Local Network - Everything works except for the sourcemod Plugins.
- Question: Can skin changer plugins still get GSLT me banned?
- [Solved] [HELP][CS:GO] Metamod/Sourcemod not working
- Change skintone of arms
- Requesting steam group members after the last TF2 update
- [Solved] [L4D2] Common Infected Finale CVAR issues
- fail to connect to db due to more than 'max_user_connections' active connections
- Need Help With Particle Downloading For Clients.
- Retakes map votes issue
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