- Disable plugin for admins?
- Popular server
- [BUG]help my server
- Database failure: Could not find driver "mysql"
- Csgo:sm admin set speed
- [CS:GO] 1º to enter my server = invul.
- CS GO Plugin Rules und Livescript
- Lua-based plugins
- mp_timelimit vs. bots?
- Holding tab whilst dead to vote/use admin menu
- CS:GO Errors
- Need help with TF2 dedicates server
- [CSGO redirect error] rmine_predetonate.wav ??
- [CS:GO] Community Quick-Play and mods
- basetriggers and ff
- [css] possible to change default radio commands?
- [CS:GO] need some SM and UMC advice!
- hrc bots
- AdminOP TF2?
- I need a working no block mod.
- trouble initiating end of map vote.
- admin_overrides.cfg problem
- Increase spitter pool
- Play sound from URL
- Cannot gag
- TF2 ~1sec server freeze on player connect
- [Paying] Looking for soemone to set up the Hats plugin by Zeph for CSGO
- LAN L4D2 6 Players
- css Motd "May close in 6 sec"
- SDK help
- block team change
- [SM] You cannot target this player
- SourceMod doesn't load
- SM Parachute
- Seeking Scripter/Coder for Upcoming League/Organization
- CS: Source nick reservation.
- TF2 Server Help. Time Out Issue.
- Admins are wiped when steam's acting weird?
- Bans: Everyone who is banned can get on the server!?
- Tf2 Dedicated Server Question
- Sourcemod/Server Issues [REQUEST]
- How can I set up a private server?
- csgo sourcemod admin menue on death
- Block certain Plugins from being copied/installed
- Garry's Mod Support
- Adding Admin
- TF2 update 10/26
- TF2 Update broke server. Anyone else?
- TF2 (and DODS/HL2DM) Halloween Update Status
- Sm Reserve Slot Broken?
- Random server crash MvM (Halloween)
- Does SM break registered servers?
- DAF and DOSP not working on Linux after TF2 update
- Zombi riot problem
- TF2 advanced infinite ammo and tf2items broken
- Sourcemod won't load
- Can someone Help me with the Reserve Slot
- [CS:GO] Reserved Slots - NEED HELP
- No access to admin command
- Report Bad User
- New update Just came through again
- Sourcemod not working help
- TF2 Still Crashing in Lakeside/Viaduct/Manor Events
- Garry's Mod 13 and Sourcemod/Metamod
- unknown command "sm_addban"
- [TF2]Scream Fortress 2 server with source mod not droping gifts
- How to change cfg/sourcemod directory?
- better to use SM GG plugin or just use valves in built GG?
- Uber when taunts
- Server Log Help
- Reserve Slot Question
- Grey MOTD
- Cheat for CSGO Can't stop the voice/music
- TF2 - Plugin for infinite buildings?
- CsGo Roundsounds Problem
- what plugin you use to fight chat flooding?
- Need some help
- Sourcemod Messages
- [help] Server status
- [L4D] Fast download is possible?
- admin flags
- plugin for moving all player to spetator at once?
- AddToFullPack in SourceMod?
- Custom Admin Menu Help.
- SourceMod?
- Quick question about latest 1.4.7 snapshot
- Problem whit admin pack
- i need help with ftz_money !buy menu
- [ L4D2 ] Versus 8 Players - Help-me!
- SM on TF2?
- Setting up TF2 server to upload files to clients
- L4D2 crashes when using source+meta
- Looking for this plugin
- [SOLVED] Public Bans
- Sourcemod can not update
- [L4D2]Sourcemod and/or Metamod causing crashes
- Plugin problem
- Plugin Problems
- [MvM Upgrades] How to fix attributes?
- 01 [error] problem
- [L4D2] Crash after 2 minutes
- [L4D2] Crash after 2 minutes
- Solved*
- /me chat
- i have some problem with my plugins?pleease any one
- Can't select menu items while dead question
- Empty log files
- Sourcemod don't work since Update Today
- [TF2] some plugins won't work
- DODS SM not runnig
- Is there a way to set up reserved slots like this?
- PHP SMC/VDF Parser
- [CS:GO] How to make a radar?
- [TF2] Discussion: MvM Upgrades outside of MvM mode?
- Does not work "super infected"
- I'm curious to know if adding PGSQL support to sourcemod has been considered at all
- [CS:S]Spectator doesn't hear any voices
- TF2 Get the unusual id list
- What's the best bot addon for CS:Source?
- Crashing when I change the map to a MvM map
- TF2 Master List Problem
- Sending messages to players in chat?
- [cstrike] can't load sourcemod - missing libvstdlib_srv.so
- learning the scripting
- Admin Map list error
- cs:s team bot ques map
- [Help] New TF2 Server Admin
- [help] CSS setting different level admins
- (HELP) Disable end round sound
- Roll The Dice in CS:GO
- Bug in mp_limitteams CS:GO
- Having a Weird Problem with GetEntPropString
- Problem with End map voting.
- Immediately switch to next map in rotation
- installing plugins
- Source mod kills my server?
- I have a question.
- Help with the Netchannel: failed reading message net_SetConVar error
- [CS:S] Spectator's problem
- Recruiting a private codder to my community
- sm profiler flush, empty
- [Solved]Problem with installing[Solved]
- How to set amdflag_custom1 to all players
- [CS:S] nominate map question
- Sourcemod crashes my counterstrike:source server
- Where to put L4D2 cvar commands?
- I give up. What's with the crashes...
- Cs:go reservation
- Adding a Eventscript "ES" command to Sourcemod Admin Menu
- [Solved] Dead Air don't jump on the bar
- Error when building SourceMod 1.4
- Error when loading SDKHooks after Building from sdk
- Who can tell me about Left 4 Dead 2's Network Property Dump
- Skin
- [Linux] Sourcemod updater
- Is it possible to change the flamethrower's fire?
- Getting player positions, etc. from each tick of a demo file
- [CSGO] Fast join of spec
- End of map vote
- Gungame Help
- CS:GO Sourcemod not working
- Sourcemod crashing after 2012-11-21 L4D2 Update.
- Linux Server Crashing after Datamaps Dump
- About change map in CS GO
- I need your help!!
- sv_tags. Again.
- About calculate and add command before change map
- [CS:S] Server crashes when I shoot
- MYSQL Issues
- [L4D2] Need help installing confogl/EQ on L4D2 server.
- SendProxy Manager
- Source Filmmaker
- Bizarre problem... gungame not reading config
- [CS:GO] Server hangs on loading sourcemod
- Help ! Fixing a Plugin
- Immunity doesn't work! :O
- [SOLVED]Admin doesen't work... AT ALL
- Latest files
- Can't install any of bhop plugins
- [CS:S] Creating Trails
- Linux servers are crashing
- Sourcemod Load Analyzer?
- server stats
- Sourcemod L4D2 problem
- Sourcemod won't load in cs:go server.
- music background for some maps
- Close pls, wrong section
- Making a plugin for a specific admin flag?
- Sourcemod Logs Issue
- weapon kill sound plugin?
- L4D2 Saferoom closed door event ?
- How to play videos on TF2 server?
- Cannot get Sourcemod/MetaMod to work?
- [CSS] Bombe Skin Changer
- Immunity and sourceban?
- Why wont sourcemod load?
- A way to block sv_cheats bypass?
- Max speaker plugin
- [CSGO] crashing like crazy after todays update
- Call stack trace in error log. What does it mean?
- How to fix this ? Displaying call stack trace for plugin "basetriggers.smx"
- Can someone lend me a test server?
- Linux alarm clock crashes
- [REQ] Help learning to make plugins.
- [CSGO] Only 1 team change allowed
- Left 4 dead 1 new update
- could not establish connection to steam servers
- TF2 MvM How disable wave666
- Sourcemod stops at map_change
- Getting similar errors for different plugins
- Admin Menu Issue (TF2 server)
- sv_tags respawntimes
- CSPromod beta 1.09 on sunday
- Trouble with adminmenu_cfgs.txt (TF2 Server)
- need cs 1.6 menu design help
- CSGO client crashes?!
- my server disconnect players
- Need Help with Sourcemod
- Sourcemod install issue
- Log Help
- [csgo] Getting odd error for custom sound file
- [CSGO]Dunno if SM problem or what?
- [TF2] sourcemod load failed
- Looking for serer tech
- Source Pawn Text Editor
- !motd doesn't work on csgo?
- TF2 SM problem
- SQL Issue
- F flag Respawn problem
- Alien Vs Predator Server
- Hi Can you help me to edit admin levels?
- admin commands and vote menu problem
- [Solved][CSS to CSGO] Test server
- DOD:S Bind on server side
- SDKHooks & Hosties Problem
- How do you install Sdk hooks
- help with notd store
- How to change basechat color
- Questions [TF2]
- [CS:GO] Steamid problem ...
- Will pay well for help with servers
- How to check why my serwer Crash
- Simple Question
- Crash while srcds load.
- The self command
- Server not running with SourceMod
- My server is crashing and I can't figure out why
- [Solved] CS_SetMVPCount: error since yesterday's update
- CS:S Bad rcon password..
- New to Modding