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  1. Question about sourcemod
  2. [SM]you cannont target this player
  3. Exec L4D .cfg
  5. reserve slots L4D
  6. L4D SourceMod Problem
  7. How to switch Teams in L4D?
  8. Need help PLZ
  9. sm_play
  10. Offsets need updating!
  11. Weird problem with recent 1.2 snapshot
  12. Upgrade went wrong (SM 1.1 & SB 1.4
  13. how do you get clients ip,name,steamid
  14. Random crashes
  15. (Request) L4D spectating plugin
  16. Disable SM's @ Talk to Use Mani's Admin @ Talk
  17. RTV help
  18. problem when updating sourcemod
  19. I got metamod installed but...
  20. TF2 Server
  21. where can i..
  22. L4d sourcemod server install
  23. Sourcemod on Zombie Panic Source
  24. WCS shopmenu items
  25. Show no killer.
  26. Sourcemod sm_admin menu not showing
  27. admin say command/ prefix to @
  28. replacing in-game sounds with serverside sounds in tf2
  29. L4D - Maxplayers Automatically Set to 14?
  30. SM 1.1 Release's Mute Malfunction?
  31. need help installing custome mods
  32. whats AMX?
  33. SQL Dumping?
  34. Sorting maps into categories?
  35. Missing sdktools with MetaMod 1.7 and SourceMod 1.2
  36. Need help installing custom skins and sounds
  37. ClientPrefs No Load b/c of ClientPrefs Ext
  38. 1/12/09 Steam Update DODS - SM 1.1 not working now!
  39. Sourcemod 1.10 Language
  40. Server Crashing! Help
  41. Will sourcemod stuff work with mani?
  42. Ive setup my admin for sourcemod but how do i access commands?
  43. sourcemod wont load......
  44. Exit admin menu
  45. help with host server.
  46. Anyone managed to get a dod server up?
  47. L4D Update - CPU Usage
  48. [L4D] Forked instances & sourcemod loading (or not)
  49. I wanna make plugins? Someone put me in the right direction?
  50. TF2 Server Crashing
  51. Please Help with Hacker!
  52. Source Mod Error / Uploading
  53. Question about custom admin menu entries
  54. Help Request
  55. Admin Wont Work Even THought Its Been Set up FIne?
  56. Insurgency not loading "Basic Info Triggers"
  57. DoD:S Models change!?
  58. L4D Server Crash
  59. taking stuff off the map
  60. Admin Menu Shows The One Command Like 5 Times???
  61. Setting Flags
  62. You need a compiler for sourcepawn?
  63. Need help installing sentry sound
  64. New steam feauter > can it be used for plugins?
  65. Correctly setting reserved slots & preventing admin vote kick in L4D
  66. Question about Memory Leaks..
  67. Help with L4d Admin Menu
  68. Server performance and rates setting.
  69. Custom Menu
  70. MySQL Crashing?
  71. Admin Mod
  72. SourceTv Problem
  73. Admin
  74. logtofile
  75. sourcemod causing connection timeouts in L4D?
  76. Menu Disappearing
  77. DoD:S Server Running With Sourcemod Question
  78. Nominate will only use mapcycle
  79. Help : new to sourcemod, errors with l4d
  80. Half Life 2 High Kill Map info Needed
  81. In game pop up messages
  82. [Question] SourceMOD Skins..
  83. Menu Items
  84. External MySQL Admin?
  85. L4D Admin options; Kick/changemap, but NOT spawn
  86. [BUG] sm_warmode_on.cfg changing clientmax?
  87. L4D : Namechange
  88. L4D Reserved slot ?
  89. Admin problem.
  90. Scripts?
  91. SourceMod Little Things.
  92. [German] Mapvote Frage
  93. Changing server time
  94. Changing server time
  95. Another Questions.. SourceMOD [!]
  96. Menu Problems
  97. Odd crashes
  98. basechat compiling
  99. Change the ban reason list in the gui?
  100. Suggestions
  101. Need Help - Statsmeminimum (Look..)
  102. Tried to make a new basetriggers.smx for Insmod . .
  103. @spec ??
  104. Intelligence capture, and flag capture modifying?
  105. Chat area box fix
  106. TF2 Radio Bug?
  107. sm_votemenu not working.
  108. Hi all
  109. enabling cheat commands without enabling sv_cheats
  110. Zombie Spawn command in L4D?
  111. How do you debug
  112. Failed plugins, and error? Not sure what to do
  113. Need a hint
  114. MetaModSource
  115. Multipe SourceMod Server
  116. how download .wad ?
  117. Psychostats Error Help.
  118. Error which causes server to crash
  119. Parse not work in all 3d party plugins!
  120. Css Server High jacked twice?
  121. Customing admin menu...
  122. Sql plugins crash server
  123. sm_warmode_on issue
  124. My admin menu is coming up in the console screen - does that make sense?
  125. Admin Flags
  126. Custom Display Text?
  127. Trying to Find
  128. [TF2] Game ends, server crashes on 3rd point capture in pl_ maps
  129. Hurdurr. Am I just stupid?
  130. Synergy, sourcemod doesn't works really good on it.
  131. Trouble with funcommands
  132. Admin Commands (SoundPlayer)
  133. Not being recognized as admin (and other issues)
  134. Server messages?
  135. Zombie Reloaded Invisible ZOMBIES
  136. using cvars instead of menu
  137. no mo sourcemod
  138. Overflow
  139. mapvote plugin
  140. map vote
  141. Editing custom flags to plugins for SM
  142. L4D - Custom sounds not playing
  143. Server getting attacked!
  144. Can anyone recommend a 1.1 version
  145. Sourcemod local compiler
  146. Logging Commands
  147. linux server crashing
  148. New TF2 server, what plugins do I need?
  149. sourcemod wont work
  150. only temp bans for admins?
  151. Some "clientprefs" API questions
  152. L4D Crashing during first No Mercy transition
  153. [TF2] Specific mapchange requirements
  154. Can't ban a player
  155. anyone know how to spawn more Survivors
  156. Sourcemod Killing my MySQL - Server!
  157. Echo all chat-area text to console.
  158. ima noob at this
  159. [Wiki]How can I make this look nicer?
  160. Admin menu style
  161. No money at round start ?
  162. MOTD
  163. L4D Sourcemod wont work
  164. ping immunity
  165. HLstatsX
  166. [HELP] Delay admin ability!
  167. Edit Admin Color?
  168. Need help with air movement
  169. sm_admin text garbled
  170. Bouncing Objects .....
  171. SM 1.2 - File permission (?) - trouble updating SM
  172. NERF Sourcemod?
  173. L4D Easiest way to change versus config
  174. Ending TF2 Rounds on Cue?
  175. nextmap.smx can't find mapcycle.txt
  176. Custom admin menu: Sub Menus?
  177. Need a simple gunmenu
  178. Tank but no tank....
  179. Good Deed for the Day: Helpanoob (me)
  180. "Server uses different class tables" error with l4d
  181. Sourcemod downloads hosting
  182. changing menu commands
  183. More issues with campaign than vs
  184. Zombiemod won't start
  185. What are the commands?
  186. Error log no longer
  187. Is there a way to block certain commands in left 4 dead?
  188. L4D Source Menu can't use 6-0
  189. Make Extend Option in Mapvote 1st in List
  190. Need Scirpter for Realstic Roleplay.
  191. datamap dump
  192. SM use databases_x.cfg file for multiple servers
  193. Cannot Change map!!! URGENT
  194. Changing Admin Menus from tsay to something else
  195. DODS server timeout
  196. TF2 Arena teamswitch exploit
  197. Installing Problems
  198. Noob need a little help
  199. bandwidth?
  200. L4D Name On Entering Server
  201. Noob Needing Help with plugins
  202. Auto Kick
  203. holy crap amazingness!!!!
  204. Admins.cfg
  205. TF2 update = Broken SM ?
  206. Admin broke on new Steam update for DOD:S.
  207. Rigging a CVAR
  208. Admin Flag That Allows Noclip
  209. Admin overrides
  210. v1.1.0 vs 1.2-dev
  211. RadialMenu help
  212. sm_tsay claims "Missing Vgui material"
  213. Valve Bent on killing DoD:S servers?
  214. 2579 stopped working on l4d?
  215. HL2 NPC's in other mods.
  216. server.cfg noob question
  217. l4d help
  218. Flag to allow admin change password
  219. Verify which build of SM is installed
  220. TF2 and sm 1.2 mm 1.7
  221. Admin private msg using teamchat sends to all admins instead
  222. Can't compile plugin using online compiler
  223. Easy SourceMod Scripts Compiler - Programmed by me :D
  224. Zombie Riot 1.9 Help
  225. L4D Versus Only configuration
  226. L4D Plugin Loading Help
  227. mp_roundtime?
  228. Older SM versions? (
  229. Sourcemod Newer Versions Incompatibility Issues
  230. doesnt recognize
  231. Server Idle + Nextmap set to current map.
  232. [TF2] Sigscan for CalcCriticalKnife failed
  233. What kind of server for tf2 ?
  234. TF2 32+ Player Server. Is it possible?
  235. improper time of mapvote with mapchooser
  236. sm_show_activity
  237. Adding user using RCON
  238. tf2 update
  239. Front Page Donation Tracker
  240. Quick SM question on Votekick/Voteban
  241. Linux: Tf2 update crashing...
  242. Linux TF2 Crash
  243. DODS Limit ( Class Limiting Plugin ) ???
  244. Teleporter with random destinationS for an Orange Box mod
  245. SM not working
  246. SM auto update questions
  247. Commands not working
  248. How to block plugin automatic (but not manual) loading [SOLVED]
  249. Experimental Host_Error crash fix plugin
  250. Windows CSS Crash with SourceMod 1.1.x