- Question about sourcemod
- [SM]you cannont target this player
- Exec L4D .cfg
- reserve slots L4D
- L4D SourceMod Problem
- How to switch Teams in L4D?
- Need help PLZ
- sm_play
- Offsets need updating!
- Weird problem with recent 1.2 snapshot
- Upgrade went wrong (SM 1.1 & SB 1.4
- how do you get clients ip,name,steamid
- Random crashes
- (Request) L4D spectating plugin
- Disable SM's @ Talk to Use Mani's Admin @ Talk
- RTV help
- problem when updating sourcemod
- I got metamod installed but...
- TF2 Server
- where can i..
- L4d sourcemod server install
- Sourcemod on Zombie Panic Source
- WCS shopmenu items
- Show no killer.
- Sourcemod sm_admin menu not showing
- admin say command/ prefix to @
- replacing in-game sounds with serverside sounds in tf2
- L4D - Maxplayers Automatically Set to 14?
- SM 1.1 Release's Mute Malfunction?
- need help installing custome mods
- whats AMX?
- SQL Dumping?
- Sorting maps into categories?
- Missing sdktools with MetaMod 1.7 and SourceMod 1.2
- Need help installing custom skins and sounds
- ClientPrefs No Load b/c of ClientPrefs Ext
- 1/12/09 Steam Update DODS - SM 1.1 not working now!
- Sourcemod 1.10 Language
- Server Crashing! Help
- Will sourcemod stuff work with mani?
- Ive setup my admin for sourcemod but how do i access commands?
- sourcemod wont load......
- Exit admin menu
- help with host server.
- Anyone managed to get a dod server up?
- L4D Update - CPU Usage
- [L4D] Forked instances & sourcemod loading (or not)
- I wanna make plugins? Someone put me in the right direction?
- TF2 Server Crashing
- Please Help with Hacker!
- Source Mod Error / Uploading
- Question about custom admin menu entries
- Help Request
- Admin Wont Work Even THought Its Been Set up FIne?
- Insurgency not loading "Basic Info Triggers"
- DoD:S Models change!?
- L4D Server Crash
- taking stuff off the map
- Admin Menu Shows The One Command Like 5 Times???
- Setting Flags
- You need a compiler for sourcepawn?
- Need help installing sentry sound
- New steam feauter > can it be used for plugins?
- Correctly setting reserved slots & preventing admin vote kick in L4D
- Question about Memory Leaks..
- Help with L4d Admin Menu
- Server performance and rates setting.
- Custom Menu
- MySQL Crashing?
- Admin Mod
- SourceTv Problem
- Admin
- logtofile
- sourcemod causing connection timeouts in L4D?
- Menu Disappearing
- DoD:S Server Running With Sourcemod Question
- Nominate will only use mapcycle
- Help : new to sourcemod, errors with l4d
- Half Life 2 High Kill Map info Needed
- In game pop up messages
- [Question] SourceMOD Skins..
- Menu Items
- External MySQL Admin?
- L4D Admin options; Kick/changemap, but NOT spawn
- [BUG] sm_warmode_on.cfg changing clientmax?
- L4D : Namechange
- L4D Reserved slot ?
- Admin problem.
- Scripts?
- SourceMod Little Things.
- [German] Mapvote Frage
- Changing server time
- Changing server time
- Another Questions.. SourceMOD [!]
- Menu Problems
- Odd crashes
- basechat compiling
- Change the ban reason list in the gui?
- Suggestions
- Need Help - Statsmeminimum (Look..)
- Tried to make a new basetriggers.smx for Insmod . .
- @spec ??
- Intelligence capture, and flag capture modifying?
- Chat area box fix
- TF2 Radio Bug?
- sm_votemenu not working.
- Hi all
- enabling cheat commands without enabling sv_cheats
- Zombie Spawn command in L4D?
- How do you debug
- Failed plugins, and error? Not sure what to do
- Need a hint
- MetaModSource
- Multipe SourceMod Server
- how download .wad ?
- Psychostats Error Help.
- Error which causes server to crash
- Parse not work in all 3d party plugins!
- Css Server High jacked twice?
- Customing admin menu...
- Sql plugins crash server
- sm_warmode_on issue
- My admin menu is coming up in the console screen - does that make sense?
- Admin Flags
- Custom Display Text?
- Trying to Find
- [TF2] Game ends, server crashes on 3rd point capture in pl_ maps
- Hurdurr. Am I just stupid?
- Synergy, sourcemod doesn't works really good on it.
- Trouble with funcommands
- Admin Commands (SoundPlayer)
- Not being recognized as admin (and other issues)
- Server messages?
- Zombie Reloaded Invisible ZOMBIES
- using cvars instead of menu
- no mo sourcemod
- Overflow
- mapvote plugin
- map vote
- Editing custom flags to plugins for SM
- L4D - Custom sounds not playing
- Server getting attacked!
- Can anyone recommend a 1.1 version
- Sourcemod local compiler
- Logging Commands
- linux server crashing
- New TF2 server, what plugins do I need?
- sourcemod wont work
- only temp bans for admins?
- Some "clientprefs" API questions
- L4D Crashing during first No Mercy transition
- [TF2] Specific mapchange requirements
- Can't ban a player
- anyone know how to spawn more Survivors
- Sourcemod Killing my MySQL - Server!
- Echo all chat-area text to console.
- ima noob at this
- [Wiki]How can I make this look nicer?
- Admin menu style
- No money at round start ?
- L4D Sourcemod wont work
- ping immunity
- HLstatsX
- [HELP] Delay admin ability!
- Edit Admin Color?
- Need help with air movement
- sm_admin text garbled
- Bouncing Objects .....
- SM 1.2 - File permission (?) - trouble updating SM
- NERF Sourcemod?
- L4D Easiest way to change versus config
- Ending TF2 Rounds on Cue?
- nextmap.smx can't find mapcycle.txt
- Custom admin menu: Sub Menus?
- Need a simple gunmenu
- Tank but no tank....
- Good Deed for the Day: Helpanoob (me)
- "Server uses different class tables" error with l4d
- Sourcemod downloads hosting
- changing menu commands
- More issues with campaign than vs
- Zombiemod won't start
- What are the commands?
- Error log no longer
- Is there a way to block certain commands in left 4 dead?
- L4D Source Menu can't use 6-0
- Make Extend Option in Mapvote 1st in List
- Need Scirpter for Realstic Roleplay.
- datamap dump
- SM use databases_x.cfg file for multiple servers
- Cannot Change map!!! URGENT
- Changing Admin Menus from tsay to something else
- DODS server timeout
- TF2 Arena teamswitch exploit
- Installing Problems
- Noob need a little help
- bandwidth?
- L4D Name On Entering Server
- Noob Needing Help with plugins
- Auto Kick
- holy crap amazingness!!!!
- Admins.cfg
- TF2 update = Broken SM ?
- Admin broke on new Steam update for DOD:S.
- Rigging a CVAR
- Admin Flag That Allows Noclip
- Admin overrides
- v1.1.0 vs 1.2-dev
- RadialMenu help
- sm_tsay claims "Missing Vgui material"
- Valve Bent on killing DoD:S servers?
- 2579 stopped working on l4d?
- HL2 NPC's in other mods.
- server.cfg noob question
- l4d help
- Flag to allow admin change password
- Verify which build of SM is installed
- TF2 and sm 1.2 mm 1.7
- Admin private msg using teamchat sends to all admins instead
- Can't compile plugin using online compiler
- Easy SourceMod Scripts Compiler - Programmed by me :D
- Zombie Riot 1.9 Help
- L4D Versus Only configuration
- L4D Plugin Loading Help
- mp_roundtime?
- Older SM versions? (
- Sourcemod Newer Versions Incompatibility Issues
- doesnt recognize
- Server Idle + Nextmap set to current map.
- [TF2] Sigscan for CalcCriticalKnife failed
- What kind of server for tf2 ?
- TF2 32+ Player Server. Is it possible?
- improper time of mapvote with mapchooser
- sm_show_activity
- Adding user using RCON
- tf2 update
- Front Page Donation Tracker
- Quick SM question on Votekick/Voteban
- Linux: Tf2 update crashing...
- Linux TF2 Crash
- DODS Limit ( Class Limiting Plugin ) ???
- Teleporter with random destinationS for an Orange Box mod
- SM not working
- SM auto update questions
- Commands not working
- How to block plugin automatic (but not manual) loading [SOLVED]
- Experimental Host_Error crash fix plugin
- Windows CSS Crash with SourceMod 1.1.x