- Anyone have any success using gpGlobals?
- Cant catch commands...
- Sending say's Area Text
- Manipulating scores
- Attemping to use UTIL_SayText, UTIL_SetModel
- For server plugin programer: Interfaces
- Linux: vcpm: error while loading shared libraries
- Linux Plugins?
- n00b questions
- FireGameEvent problem: no name and no data in events
- SDK for Linux
- Compiling linux serverplugin
- Using c_baseplayer in server_plugins
- Print to chat area...
- Programmers look at this
- Functional Linux Makefile
- memoverride.cpp
- Does this file voice_banmgr.cpp
- Using CBaseEntity::Create from a server plugin (mini-tut)
- Logging
- Private Data
- RCON Perl Library
- Where to download the sdk
- Update?
- Full temp ent system from a plugin
- linux scripting
- Print an Hud message on a listenserver
- yourplugin::NetworkIDValidated
- Outputting message as a chat message?
- IN Game Menu -
- Hooking [engine/any virtual] functions... from a plugin
- FYI: Stats: attacker, victims, hits and damage...
- [HOWTO] Make a nice say-hook
- HL2 Coding resources
- How do I compile this? I have Vstudio .net 2003. Thanks
- I've compiled... How do I set it up now.
- SourceMod SourceCode FAQ
- sigscanner
- VaultX - Help me -
- ServerPlugin::ClientConnect
- Compiling. Srry 4 noobish! (Dev c++)
- Ahhhhhhh, how could they breake working functions!!???
- New Virtual function table hook - worlds better, linux compa
- When doing a saytext message it's cutting off the last char
- Getting message details
- Including CBaseEntity
- serverplugin quest client command send command to client
- Controlling player'info
- Autobuy and Rebuy
- YAVFTH - linux: Virtual function table hook, no assembler...
- YACCH: Simple ConCommand hooking...
- "Replace" command ?
- Class List
- Useing the current SourceMod SDK.
- damage listening event...
- SpriteTrail.h
- Why they are crashing?
- Debugging server plugins
- Multi line Messages in game UI ?
- Can we use VC++ 6 (Sp3) ?
- Baseentity again
- i dont know any of that but maybe this would help a "bi
- Idea on Framework for warcraft3 mod
- includes drive me crazy lol
- Server Plugin and IP Addresses
- Slap function - Works. Need 1 more thing
- Crashs love me ;)
- Aliases
- Modding tutorials
- Server plugins and built in mapcycle list
- Easy way to do fire counting??
- linux compile problems
- Menus Hosed on tonights update
- unloading plugins, playerinfo and cvars
- player_say or player_chat ??
- Flavour of linux to use for Purify ?
- Weapon restricting/stripping
- Hook on CBaseCombatCharcter-Functions
- CVAR Hacker detection - my source
- Not a plugin. hl2dm mod
- end of round music
- Offensive Language Filter for a Newbie [Coding Questions]
- Broadcasting Server Responses To HLSW
- 'Outputs' property of tier0.lib ?
- After formatting my computer - errors
- player_death Event
- Plain And Simple.
- Say Commands
- Creating sprites && brushes at runtime
- Shots discrepancy, multiple player_hurt events?
- Any coders interested in working on a new Source Mod?
- ShowMenu example
- Setting a user's visibility
- Conspiracy
- IsInt IsFloat do you got better as mine?
- ServerPlugin Tutorial
- Compiling under FreeBSD
- set health (vancelorgin?)
- Class problem ?
- Is there any more documentation?
- STL versus CUtl?
- Other ways for hud messages?
- Setcash
- Linux: Unable to load plugin "xxx"
- Colours
- Applying a Material
- Possible model animations..?
- How can you change a players position or speed?
- INetworkStringTable crash?
- limiting weapon - no awp
- How do you spawn objects into a map on client commands?
- SetModel/PrecacheModel
- Intercepting GameEvents
- Slaying a player/bot
- When are cvar set at server startup?
- Using Custom Sprites
- CTeam and GetGlobalTeam
- Cs 1.6 movement on source engine.
- Printing over Rcon?
- Welcome!
- Compile Error
- linking error
- problem getting server events
- Center White Hud Text
- Learning some coding: what does this line of code do?
- Trying to compile server plugin
- metaplugins.ini
- Menus broken after latest Steam update
- Making a cheat cvar not a cheat
- Getting a player's edict in the NetworkIDValidated function
- client download of custom content
- round end
- Timeleft variable as (float) (Time remaining-script)
- need command for play sound for an only player
- FireGameEvent addition to sample_mm
- Cvars - Be Careful
- Colored SayText
- Nice addition to makefiles
- Scoreboard and saving info...
- Intercepting Strings To Change Color Property
- Creating Spawn Points
- radar
- Give Ammo on DM maps
- In game webpage
- StatusText messages...
- How do I get and set a cvar value that already exists ..
- Setting Origin
- Setting a cvar as a public cvar?
- Linux offset for money
- Question about interpreting arguments of CON_COMMAND
- what is offset?
- dont get ingame menus with MRecipientFilter working!
- Possible to get GameFrame to call w/o a player in the server
- Linux Compile Error
- Newbie Question
- How do I get a user's IP? And the server's name and IP?
- How can I fix these warnings?
- why unknown command ...?
- slay and slap a player
- how can i check say commands?
- StatusText message
- basic_string.tcc in linux
- How can i create or give a weapon to a player?
- Only 8 items max in menu?
- Compil for win and linux, prog questions, for plugins...
- Plugin compile, but does not load
- Changing Models
- Dead Chat
- Sv_maxspeed
- C++ Question
- ingame tickrate change
- Hooking IGameEventManager2 - > FireEvent
- Threaded plugin
- Some engine questions...
- CVAR revert on Client Command
- CVAR revert on Client Command
- Get command before game dll gets it?
- SourceMM 1.1
- How to get server IP and user steamID in sourcemm?
- Why those compile errors?
- DispatchSpawn ?
- what's wrong of this code?
- Is it possible to hook EmitAmbientSound ?
- GetActiveWeapon()
- Client Downloading
- C++ string
- Wrong Checksum
- A Read up Script
- player_say.cfg HELP!! plzzzz
- How to show a KeyValue data in the MOTD??
- Help me Please!! I have no clue..
- Quick question on events...
- Replacement for NetworkIDValidated?
- Event hostage_stops_following ...
- Problem with compiling the stub_mm Sample
- Source MM 1.1
- Need any help
- Public CVARS
- Linux problems.
- STL String Issues
- CBaseEntity and IGameEventManager
- SourceMod Std
- player_hurt and mres_supercede
- SetModelClient anyone ?
- Sprays
- Very Strange Model Behaviour.
- Getting the ModDir Path?
- Compiling for linux and windows
- Creating Interfaces
- Display logos on map walls like in Mani Admin
- Counter-Strike Source CTD
- Reading/Writing
- [Help] Obtaining server port number in a server-plugin
- i need some help, can anyone help me?
- Name Change Hooking...
- Implementing slaying, noclip, teleport, et cetera
- writing to file example?
- Plugin load failure resolved.
- Rcon on the fly...
- Need help with Code Design for Warcraft NG
- Crash on Unload When Hooking Commands
- httpget in plugin
- CreateEntityByName Sig
- Making dead players disappear.
- Compiler error (3 unresolved external symbols, _Q_*)
- SQL possible?
- ITempEntsSystem
- Some basic(?) coding questions regarding sourcemm
- How do I use KeyValues with this?
- FindCommand("endround") doesn't work in 1.1
- CUtlHash and STL Questions
- Can't use CreateMessage in a source:mm plugin.. how?
- What msgid for csay's in CSS?
- Server Plugin
- [Request] Compile to linux pls
- How to write say text?
- How to implement ITempEntsSystem?
- Creating/spawning entities and props
- Server crashes because of my plugin?
- EyeAngles etc etc.
- Weapon and pMapName give lots of numbers instead of word
- how to get say in team
- TraceLines to ground.
- player_death.cfg
- ServerCommand to early ?
- is it possible... :|
- some more help :D
- Compile error while linking....
- Being version independent