View Full Version : Coding MM:S Plugins & SM Extensions

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  1. Anyone have any success using gpGlobals?
  2. Cant catch commands...
  3. Sending say's Area Text
  4. Manipulating scores
  5. Attemping to use UTIL_SayText, UTIL_SetModel
  6. For server plugin programer: Interfaces
  7. Linux: vcpm: error while loading shared libraries
  8. Linux Plugins?
  9. n00b questions
  10. FireGameEvent problem: no name and no data in events
  11. SDK for Linux
  12. Compiling linux serverplugin
  13. Using c_baseplayer in server_plugins
  14. Print to chat area...
  15. Programmers look at this
  16. Functional Linux Makefile
  17. memoverride.cpp
  18. Does this file voice_banmgr.cpp
  19. Using CBaseEntity::Create from a server plugin (mini-tut)
  20. Logging
  21. Private Data
  22. RCON Perl Library
  23. Where to download the sdk
  24. Update?
  25. Full temp ent system from a plugin
  26. linux scripting
  27. Print an Hud message on a listenserver
  28. yourplugin::NetworkIDValidated
  29. Outputting message as a chat message?
  30. IN Game Menu -
  31. Hooking [engine/any virtual] functions... from a plugin
  32. FYI: Stats: attacker, victims, hits and damage...
  33. [HOWTO] Make a nice say-hook
  34. HL2 Coding resources
  35. How do I compile this? I have Vstudio .net 2003. Thanks
  36. I've compiled... How do I set it up now.
  37. SourceMod SourceCode FAQ
  38. sigscanner
  39. VaultX - Help me -
  40. ServerPlugin::ClientConnect
  41. Compiling. Srry 4 noobish! (Dev c++)
  42. Ahhhhhhh, how could they breake working functions!!???
  43. New Virtual function table hook - worlds better, linux compa
  44. When doing a saytext message it's cutting off the last char
  45. Getting message details
  46. Including CBaseEntity
  47. serverplugin quest client command send command to client
  48. Controlling player'info
  49. Autobuy and Rebuy
  50. YAVFTH - linux: Virtual function table hook, no assembler...
  51. YACCH: Simple ConCommand hooking...
  52. "Replace" command ?
  53. Class List
  54. Useing the current SourceMod SDK.
  55. damage listening event...
  56. SpriteTrail.h
  57. Why they are crashing?
  58. Debugging server plugins
  59. Multi line Messages in game UI ?
  60. Can we use VC++ 6 (Sp3) ?
  61. Baseentity again
  62. i dont know any of that but maybe this would help a "bi
  63. Idea on Framework for warcraft3 mod
  64. includes drive me crazy lol
  65. Server Plugin and IP Addresses
  66. Slap function - Works. Need 1 more thing
  67. Crashs love me ;)
  68. Aliases
  69. Modding tutorials
  70. Server plugins and built in mapcycle list
  71. Easy way to do fire counting??
  72. linux compile problems
  73. Menus Hosed on tonights update
  74. unloading plugins, playerinfo and cvars
  75. player_say or player_chat ??
  76. Flavour of linux to use for Purify ?
  77. Weapon restricting/stripping
  78. Hook on CBaseCombatCharcter-Functions
  79. CVAR Hacker detection - my source
  80. Not a plugin. hl2dm mod
  81. end of round music
  82. Offensive Language Filter for a Newbie [Coding Questions]
  83. Broadcasting Server Responses To HLSW
  84. 'Outputs' property of tier0.lib ?
  85. After formatting my computer - errors
  86. player_death Event
  87. Plain And Simple.
  88. Say Commands
  89. Creating sprites && brushes at runtime
  90. Shots discrepancy, multiple player_hurt events?
  91. Any coders interested in working on a new Source Mod?
  92. MOTD
  93. ShowMenu example
  94. Setting a user's visibility
  95. Conspiracy
  96. IsInt IsFloat do you got better as mine?
  97. ServerPlugin Tutorial
  98. Compiling under FreeBSD
  99. set health (vancelorgin?)
  100. Class problem ?
  101. Is there any more documentation?
  102. STL versus CUtl?
  103. Other ways for hud messages?
  104. Setcash
  105. Linux: Unable to load plugin "xxx"
  106. Colours
  107. Applying a Material
  108. Possible model animations..?
  109. How can you change a players position or speed?
  110. INetworkStringTable crash?
  111. limiting weapon - no awp
  112. How do you spawn objects into a map on client commands?
  113. SetModel/PrecacheModel
  114. Intercepting GameEvents
  115. Slaying a player/bot
  116. When are cvar set at server startup?
  117. Using Custom Sprites
  118. CTeam and GetGlobalTeam
  119. Cs 1.6 movement on source engine.
  120. Printing over Rcon?
  121. Welcome!
  122. Compile Error
  123. linking error
  124. problem getting server events
  125. Center White Hud Text
  126. Learning some coding: what does this line of code do?
  127. Trying to compile server plugin
  128. metaplugins.ini
  129. Menus broken after latest Steam update
  130. Making a cheat cvar not a cheat
  131. Getting a player's edict in the NetworkIDValidated function
  132. client download of custom content
  133. round end
  134. Timeleft variable as (float) (Time remaining-script)
  135. need command for play sound for an only player
  136. FireGameEvent addition to sample_mm
  137. Cvars - Be Careful
  138. Colored SayText
  139. Nice addition to makefiles
  140. Scoreboard and saving info...
  141. Intercepting Strings To Change Color Property
  142. Creating Spawn Points
  143. radar
  144. Give Ammo on DM maps
  145. In game webpage
  146. StatusText messages...
  147. How do I get and set a cvar value that already exists ..
  148. Setting Origin
  149. Setting a cvar as a public cvar?
  150. Linux offset for money
  151. Question about interpreting arguments of CON_COMMAND
  152. what is offset?
  153. dont get ingame menus with MRecipientFilter working!
  154. Possible to get GameFrame to call w/o a player in the server
  155. Linux Compile Error
  156. Newbie Question
  157. How do I get a user's IP? And the server's name and IP?
  158. How can I fix these warnings?
  159. why unknown command ...?
  160. slay and slap a player
  161. how can i check say commands?
  162. StatusText message
  163. basic_string.tcc in linux
  164. How can i create or give a weapon to a player?
  165. Only 8 items max in menu?
  166. Compil for win and linux, prog questions, for plugins...
  167. Plugin compile, but does not load
  168. Changing Models
  169. Dead Chat
  170. Sv_maxspeed
  171. C++ Question
  172. ingame tickrate change
  173. Hooking IGameEventManager2 - > FireEvent
  174. Threaded plugin
  175. Some engine questions...
  176. CVAR revert on Client Command
  177. CVAR revert on Client Command
  178. Get command before game dll gets it?
  179. SourceMM 1.1
  180. How to get server IP and user steamID in sourcemm?
  181. Why those compile errors?
  182. DispatchSpawn ?
  183. what's wrong of this code?
  184. Is it possible to hook EmitAmbientSound ?
  185. GetActiveWeapon()
  186. Client Downloading
  187. C++ string
  188. Wrong Checksum
  189. A Read up Script
  190. player_say.cfg HELP!! plzzzz
  191. How to show a KeyValue data in the MOTD??
  192. Help me Please!! I have no clue..
  193. Quick question on events...
  194. Replacement for NetworkIDValidated?
  195. Event hostage_stops_following ...
  196. Problem with compiling the stub_mm Sample
  197. Source MM 1.1
  198. Need any help
  199. Public CVARS
  200. Linux problems.
  201. STL String Issues
  202. CBaseEntity and IGameEventManager
  203. SourceMod Std
  204. player_hurt and mres_supercede
  205. SetModelClient anyone ?
  206. Sprays
  207. Very Strange Model Behaviour.
  208. Getting the ModDir Path?
  209. Compiling for linux and windows
  210. Creating Interfaces
  211. Display logos on map walls like in Mani Admin
  212. Counter-Strike Source CTD
  213. Reading/Writing
  214. [Help] Obtaining server port number in a server-plugin
  215. i need some help, can anyone help me?
  216. Name Change Hooking...
  217. Implementing slaying, noclip, teleport, et cetera
  218. writing to file example?
  219. Plugin load failure resolved.
  220. Rcon on the fly...
  221. Need help with Code Design for Warcraft NG
  222. Crash on Unload When Hooking Commands
  223. httpget in plugin
  224. CreateEntityByName Sig
  225. Making dead players disappear.
  226. Compiler error (3 unresolved external symbols, _Q_*)
  227. SQL possible?
  228. ITempEntsSystem
  229. Some basic(?) coding questions regarding sourcemm
  230. How do I use KeyValues with this?
  231. FindCommand("endround") doesn't work in 1.1
  232. CUtlHash and STL Questions
  233. Can't use CreateMessage in a source:mm plugin.. how?
  234. What msgid for csay's in CSS?
  235. Server Plugin
  236. [Request] Compile to linux pls
  237. How to write say text?
  238. How to implement ITempEntsSystem?
  239. Creating/spawning entities and props
  240. Server crashes because of my plugin?
  241. EyeAngles etc etc.
  242. Weapon and pMapName give lots of numbers instead of word
  243. how to get say in team
  244. TraceLines to ground.
  245. player_death.cfg
  246. ServerCommand to early ?
  247. is it possible... :|
  248. some more help :D
  249. Compile error while linking....
  250. Being version independent