- [EXTENSION] Signature Scan Extension with example
- [EXTENSION] Tempents Extension with example
- [EXTENSION] Web downloader
- [EXTENSION] Sockets (2.0.0)
- [EXTENSION] SHVector with example usage
- [EXTENSION] EngineSound
- [EXTENSION] Download Table
- [EXTENSION] Voice Management
- [EXTENSION] Weapons Extension
- [EXTENSION] Socket (3.0.1)
- Web server extension
- [EXTENSION] Config (1.0.2)
- [EXTENSION] Dukehacks
- [EXTENSION] Hooker
- [EXTENSION] CBaseServer (+ Detouring class) - Reserved Slots with 0 wasted slots
- [EXTENSION] System
- [EXTENSION] DBus Connectivity
- [EXTENSION] Sound Library (mp3/wav)
- [EXTENSION] RunTeamLogic (WIN signature updated 8/7/11)
- [EXTENSION] Weapon Model
- [EXTENSION] CalcPlayerScore (TF2)
- [EXTENSION] CSteamID - SteamIDs as 64bit integers
- [EXTENSION] Sidewinder
- [EXTENSION] Left 4 Downtown (0.4.6) - L4D2 is here and supported
- [TF2] Building Hacks (0.4) - Build in respawn
- [EXTENSION] Variables And Listing of Values Extension
- [EXTENSION] Memory Hack
- [EXTENSION] TF2 posthook/forward for OnTakeDamage
- [EXTENSION] Sound Info Library v1.0.1
- [EXTENSION] CSS Team Balancer
- SDK Hooks 2.1 - Updated 2011-9-10
- [EXTENSION] War plugin and extension
- Viper
- [EXTENSION] Query Cache (AS2_INFO DoS protection)
- [EXTENSION] [L4D2] Defibrillator Bug Fix (on servers higher than 8 players) [1.0.1]
- [EXTENSION] [L4D2] 8+ players Bug Fixes (1.0.2)
- [TF2] Patch for player attachments (MM:S and SM)
- Team Balance Immunity
- GeoIPCity
- [EXTENSION] TinyXml Wrapper
- [EXTENSION] Left 4 Downtown 2 ( - L4D2 Only, Updated Left4Downtown
- [EXTENSION] Query Cache 1.7 (Updated!)
- [HL2:DM] ZombieFix
- VPhysics
- [TF2] Fire huntsman in the air
- SharpSource
- [EXTENSION] TeleportCheck 1.0
- [TF2] BackpackHook - Forward for when an item is added to the player's inventory.
- [EXTENSION] CSS No Money Limit
- ServerSecure (Files only) - Server protection against the Upload / Download exploit.
- [EXTENSION] TF2 AutoScramble Immunity
- UnlockBlock - Disable unlock weapons and cosmetic items.
- [EXTENSION] System2 - Easy to use HTTP(S)/FTP Request API and useful system natives
- [EXTENSION][CS:S]Name Change
- [EXTENSION] Handles to SourcePawn variables
- [EXTENSION] Rcon Hooks 1.0
- Triskle - Broadcast In-Game Voice Comm
- GameRules Prop Hax
- MegaHAL ChatBot
- [CS:S] Flashbang Tools
- [EXTENSION ALL] CTX editor (For anything/everything)
- [EXTENSION] NPC in CS:S - Updated 2012-7-4
- [L4D,L4D2,TF2] BuiltinVotes 0.5.8 (2013-01-29)
- Connect - A safer OnClientPreConnect forward
- SM RCon (updated 2012-09-09)
- [EXTENSION] L4D2 M60 Drop Hax
- SendProxy Manager
- [EXTENSION] MemPatch
- [EXTENSION] bzip2 Compression v0.0.2 (2011-12-29)
- DHooks (Dynamic Hooks - Dev Preview)
- [EXTENSION] PluginCvars v0.0.0.1 (2012-04-06)
- [EXTENSION][Any?] PointDetour
- [EXTENSION] SMJansson 2.3.1/3 (2012-05-07)
- 'Proper' CreateEdict.
- Left 4 Dead Town Extension
- [EXTENSION] JSON (duplicate)
- [EXTENSION] Nav File Download Blocker (Linux fixed)
- CS:S extension change coming soon to SM 1.5 builds.
- [TF2] No MvM - Block MvM sound precache
- [ANY] Cleaner - Console warning supressor [UPDATED 28.10.12]
- [CS:GO]No Round Stats
- [CS:GO/L4D2] DoS Protect [UPDATED 26.10.12]
- [EXTENSION][Any]Server Query[windows only]
- CollisionHook
- [CS:GO] File Upload/Download Protect [UPDATED 02.14.2013]
- ConsoleHook - A hook for when PrintToConsole is called
- [DOTA] Dota Tools [OMG/LOD]
- [Dead][OrangeBox] Skip Fix (Compression Killer)
- [EXTENSION][L4D2] Left4Fix (2.1.0)
- [CS:S/CS:GO] Bot Attack Control
- [EXTENSION] [L4D2] Melee Spawn Control (
- [Obsolete] [ALL] Read Game Sounds (v1.1, 2013-11-19)
- Entcontrol
- [ANY] SteamWorks
- [TF2] ActionProtect
- [EXTENSION] Send / Request Files from clients
- [EXTENSION] BigInteger compute with huge Integers
- CS:GO GiveNamedItem Econ
- PostgreSQL Database Interface
- [ANY] MessagePack
- [CSGO] Player Connect Log Fix
- [ANY] Async - Efficient event based HTTPS client. HTTP2 and Compression supported
- [HL2DM] UTIL_GetLocalPlayer - Fix weapon_physcannon crash, npc prop damage
- [EXTENSION TEST] FillUserInfo Natives
- [CS:S]Block Punting bot when server is hibernating
- [Any]A module that can get filter ip list information
- [hl2dm] Many NPC \ and fix
- [ANY] Hattrick's GeoIP Resolver Jun. 17 2023 +Plug-ins (4) +Multi-threading
- [ANY] HL2 items (1.5.2)
- HTTP Server w/ RCon Multiplexer
- [L4D2] DCExt - Freely Manipulate the m_nSequence netprop!
- [L4D2] Ladder Rambos -- Shoot from ladders!
- [L4D2] ConnectHook
- Accelerator - Crash Reporting That Doesn't Suck
- [ANY] VoiceHook
- SourceTV Manager
- CmdFix - CS:GO Server Crash Exploit Fix
- SRCDS command-line autocompletion 1.0.1
- [RELEASE] UTILS Extension
- Extra Plugin API
- [L4D/L4D2] TickRate Enabler UPDATED
- [CS:GO] PTaH - V1.0.8
- [ANY] Decoder
- [ANY] Think Hooks
- REST in Pawn 1.3 - HTTP client for JSON REST APIs (Updated 2021/08/22)
- [ANY] SMObjects
- UDPCap Extension
- [EXTENSION][CS:GO] VScript Functions
- [EXTENSION] Late Downloads
- Smffmpeg (, 2018.02.14)
- [EXTENSION] Output Info
- [EXTENSION] CustomKeyValues
- [EXTENSION] NPCs in CS:S (extended)
- [L4D] WitchFix
- CStudioHdr::GetSharedPoseParameter Fix
- [ANY] SxGeo
- [ANY] GeoIP2
- [TF2] PathFollower (Windows only)
- [EXTENSION] ConColors (v1.0 12/17/2018) (Windows only)
- [ANY]A clientprefs replacement for sourcemod using Redis as backend
- [ANY] A Hiredis warpper for Sourcemod
- [CSGO] Blind Hook
- Source Scramble (memory patching and allocation natives)
- [PORTAL2] game tools
- [CSGO] ArmsFix
- [EXTENSION] Double extension
- [CS:S/CS:GO] PhysHooks
- Environment Variables
- [L4D2] INextBot Interface
- [TF2] ObjTools
- [CSGO]Detect LegitAimbot By Neural Networks
- Left 4 Dead 2 - CreateSurvivorBot
- [CS:GO] Hitbox Changer
- Error loading extension
- uint (Operations with unsigned int)
- [TF2|LINUX] datamaps
- [TF2|LINUX] nextbot
- [TF2|LINUX] popspawner
- [TF2|LINUX] animhelpers
- [TF2|LINUX] damagerules
- [A N Y] OrdMap - Order-preserving hash table.
- [ANY] Ex-Translations
- [TF2|LINUX] tfpickup
- [TF2|LINUX] clsobj_hack
- AntiDLL
- SteamIDConverter
- [extension] banid - fix
- Extension dev issue - VSCode debug
- [TF2] Sentry Error Logger
- [ANY?/TF2] SourceTools - NPC Framework & SDK Tools
- [CSGO] VScript
- [CSGO] Player distances in real time
- [SourcePawn] Debug Server + VSCode Extension
- [TF2 & L4D & L4D2] Actions
- [Windows] SQLite 3.38.3 - 01.05.2022
- [TF2|LINUX] proxysend
- [TF2|LINUX] wpnhack
- [ANY] More Timers
- Issues with SourceMod for TF2Classic on Linux Dedicated Server
- [TF2 & CS:S & Other] [Linux] Performance optimizer - reduce server frame time by ~40%
- [ANY] SMCereal - an Extension for JSON, XML, and Binary Serialization
- [ANY?] Just Json API
- [EXTENSION] Midhooks
- [L4D2] nb_update_frequency fix (Experimental)
- VScript in Official Multiplayer
- [EXTENSION] Signals ( - 07/01/2024)
- [ANY] yyjson 1.0.6a - Very fast JSON parsing
- [Any] Logging for SourcePawn
- [ANY] SourceMod Websocket 1.0.1 - SourceMod WebSocket Extension
- [ANY] RCON Closer
- [TF2|Linux|EXTENSION] HL2 in TF2
- Rcon spawn
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