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04-27-2009, 01:58
Left 4 Downtown

Unlock maximum players slots ( up to 18*) in Left 4 Dead 1/2, also provide some new developer functionality.
Finale auto-spawns can now be disabled with srsmod (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=115929)

Download the left4downtown- located at the bottom of the post and extract it into /left4dead2/addons/sourcemod/

Simply set the l4d_maxplayers CVAR to what you want in server.cfg (e.g. l4d_maxplayers 12), or -1 to disable override. You can also set -maxplayers or +maxplayers from command line instead of using the CVAR.

Plugins/Maxplayers - take advantage of those extra slots!

L4D(2) Ready Up (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=84086) - allows spectators
L4D(2) Super Versus (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=830069) - more than 4 survivors/more than 4 infected per team


* l4d_maxplayers - valid value is x, such that -1 <= x <= +maxplayers <= maxclients
- using -1 will disable the slots patching (default behavior)
- using any other value will patch L4D to allow more than the default slots
- setting +maxplayers to anything other than 8 will change the default cvar value to that
* left4downtown_version - the current version of this extension
Plugins/Developers - plugins using my natives

L4D(2) Ready Up (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=84086) - uses L4D_RestartScenarioFromVote native
L4D(2) Remove Lobby Reservation (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=94415) - removes lobby reservation once a server fills up
L4D Score/team Manager (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=87759) - swap players around, change team order, unscramble
L4D2 Score/team Manager (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=113188) - swap players around, change team order, unscramble
L4D2 Versus Score System from L4D1 (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=111540)
L4D2 Standardized Revamp Structure (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=115929) - gameplay changes to make the game more suitable for leagues/tournaments


* @brief Called whenever ZombieManager::SpawnTank(Vector&,QAngle&) is invoked
* @remarks Not invoked if z_spawn tank is used and it gives a ghosted/dead player tank
* @param vector Vector coordinate where tank is spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where tank will be facing
* @return Pl_Handled to block tank from spawning, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnSpawnTank(const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);

* @brief Called whenever ZombieManager::SpawnWitch(Vector&,QAngle&) is invoked
* @param vector Vector coordinate where witch is spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where witch will be facing
* @return Pl_Handled to block witch from spawning, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnSpawnWitch(const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);

* @brief Called whenever CTerrorGameRules::ClearTeamScores(bool) is invoked
* @remarks This resets the map score at the beginning of a map, and by checking
* the campaign scores on a small timer you can see if they were reset as well.
* @param newCampaign if true then this is a new campaign, if false a new chapter
* @return Pl_Handled to block scores from being cleared, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnClearTeamScores(bool:newCampaign );

* @brief Called whenever CTerrorGameRules::SetCampaignScores(int,int) is invoked
* @remarks The campaign scores are updated after the 2nd round is completed
* @param scoreA score of logical team A
* @param scoreB score of logical team B
* @return Pl_Handled to block campaign scores from being set, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnSetCampaignScores(&scoreA, &scoreB);

* @brief Called whenever CDirector::OnFirstSurvivorLeftSafeArea
* @remarks A versus round is started when survivors leave the safe room, or force started
* after 90 seconds regardless.
* @param client the survivor that left the safe area first
* @return Pl_Handled to block round from being started, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnFirstSurvivorLeftSafeArea(client );

* @brief Called whenever CDirector::GetScriptValue(const char*, int) is invoked
* @remarks A script value is map specific
* @param key the script's key name
* @param retVal what to override the return value with
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetScriptValueInt(const String:key[], &retVal);

* @brief Called whenever CTerrorPlayer::OnEnterGhostState(CTerrorPlaye r*) is invoked
* @remarks This happens when a player enters ghost mode (or in finales auto-materialized)
* @param client the client that has entered ghost mode
forward L4D_OnEnterGhostState(client);

* @brief Get the current campaign scores stored in the Director
* @remarks The campaign scores are updated after L4D_OnSetCampaignScores
* @deprecated This will set the scores to -1 for both sides on L4D2,
* this function is no longer supported.
* @param scoreA score of logical team A
* @param scoreB score of logical team B
* @return 1 always
native L4D_GetCampaignScores(&scoreA, &scoreB);

* @brief Get the team scores for the current map
* @remarks The campaign scores are not set until the end of round 2,
* use L4D_GetCampaignScores to get them earlier.
* @deprecated This function can be called through SDKTools using CTerrorGameRules,
* and so you should switch off to using SDKTools instead of this native.
* @param logical_team 0 for A, 1 for B
* @param campaign_score true to get campaign score instead of map score
* @return the logical team's map score
* or -1 if the team hasn't played the round yet,
* or the team's campaign score if campaign_score = true
native L4D_GetTeamScore(logical_team, campaign_score=false);

* @brief Restarts the setup timer (when in scavenge mode)
* @remarks If game has already started, the setup timer will show,
* but it still won't go back into setup.
native L4D_ScavengeBeginRoundSetupTime();

* @brief Restarts the round, switching the map if necessary
* @remarks Set the map to the current map to restart the round
* @param map the mapname it should go to after the round restarts
* @return 1 always
native L4D_RestartScenarioFromVote(const String:map[]);

* @brief Removes lobby reservation from a server
* @remarks Sets the reservation cookie to 0,
* it is safe to call this even if it's unreserved.
native L4D_LobbyUnreserve();

* @brief Checks if the server is currently reserved for a lobby
* @remarks Server is automatically unreserved if it hibernates or
* if all players leave.
* @deprecated This will always return false on L4D2 or on Linux.
* @return true if reserved, false if not reserved
native bool:L4D_LobbyIsReserved();

The maximum players reported by HLSW/server browser will change automatically without using sv_visiblemaxplayers (you can still use sv_visiblemaxplayers like normal to override it for whatever reason).
By default teams are still locked to 4 infected, 4 survivors, so other plugins are necessary to use the extra slots for something other than show.
upto18l4d_maxplayers is locked to be less than +maxplayers set from command line, so if you can't go above 8, buy more slots from your GSP.
With l4d_maxplayers -1 and +maxplayers 8, no code in memory is patched (default behaviour). With +maxplayers x (and x is not 8 ) the default value for l4d_maxplayers is x.
By connecting from lobby (or console with sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 1), no more than 4 on coop/survival or 8 on versus will be able to connect without unreserving the lobby. Use a plugin such as Remove Lobby Reservation or Super Versus to remove the reservation.
Finale auto-spawns can now be disabled in conjunction with srsmod (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=115929).

Current Developers:

XBetaAlpha - XBetaAlpha has come out of nowhere to blow the world of L4D2 extensions away. When L4D2 was but a demo, he already had +8 player slots working on Linux! His contribution was so inspirational that I decided to instantly port the extension to L4D2 for Windows. He is currently responsible for the large swath of the L4D2 player slot Linux support.

Development sources:

hg clone http://bitbucket.org/downtown1/left4downtown/
Want to stay on the bleeding edge? Feel free to look at our latest sources at the repository listed above. We try to commit changes that won't crash, but we can't guarantee they'll work! Don't forget to switch to the l4d2_port branch using 'hg up -C l4d2_port'

Thanks to:

pRED* for his TF2 tools code, I looked at it a lot :). and for answering questions on IRC
Fyren for being so awesome and inspiring me from his sdktools patch to do custom |this| calls.
ivailosp for providing the Windows addresses that needed to be patched to get player slot unlocking to work.
dvander for making sourcemod and teaching me about the mod r/m bytes.
DDRKhat for letting me use his Linux server to test this
Frustian for being a champ and poking around random Linux sigs so I could the one native I actually needed.
XBetaAlpha for making this a team effort rather than one guy writing all the code.
Anyone else I missed, let me know?



Finale auto-spawns can now be disabled with srsmod (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=115929).
Added L4D_OnEnterGhostState forward.


Added L4D_OnGetScriptValueInt forward.


Fixed crashing due to detouring CDirector::GetTankLimit() instead of ZombieManager::SpawnTank
Fixed crashing in OnFirstSurvivorLeftArea forward if the survivor was NULL


Fixed crashing bug due to accidentally detouring RestartScenarioFromVote
Included ClearTeamScores signature (so the forward would work)


Added a new forward L4D_OnFirstSurvivorLeftSafeArea, blocking it can prevent a versus round from being force started.
Forgot to enable all the forwards in 0.4.1, now they will actually fire.


Fixed RestartScenarioFromVote signature, after patch broke it.
Put all the old natives/forwards back in, but GetTeamScore, IsReserved, and GetCampaignScores is deprecated
L4D gamedata should now have ServerPlayerCounts
Forgot to include the .autoload file which meant the extension wouldn't load automatically without a plugin dependency (now included).


Ported to L4D2 for Windows and Linux.
new natives: L4D_ScavengeBeginRoundSetupTime resets the setup timer in scavenge mode
deprecated natives/forwards: All forwards for L4D2 have been removed. All scoring natives have been removed from L4D2.
bugfix: on Windows the server browser now shows the correct maxplayers


note: latest L4D patch removed SetNextMission which was used to obtain the Director pointer and it broke all natives using the Director (RestartScenarioFromVote, GetCampaignScores)
bugfix: use SelectModelByPopulation to get the Director instead


new forwards: OnSpawnTank, OnSpawnWitch, OnClearTeamScores, OnSetCampaignScores
new natives: GetCampaignScores, LobbyUnreserve, LobbyIsReserved


l4d_maxplayers is now restricted to <= +-maxplayers set from command line.
Fixed a bug where l4d_maxplayers -1 and sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0 meant that nobody could connect to the server.


Max players can be overridden now using l4d_maxplayers cvar.
Added left4downtown_version cvar.


Initial release.

0.3.0 - 1138 (l4d), 229 (src)
0.3.1 - 9576 (l4d), 1948 (src)
0.4.0 - 148 (l4d2), 37 (l4d), 37 (src)
0.4.1 - 884 (l4d2), 182 (src)
0.4.2 - 136 (l4d2), 43 (src)
0.4.3 - 309 (l4d2), 94 (src)
0.4.4 - 1533 (l4d2), 284 (src)
0.4.5 - 585 (l4d2), 139 (src)

New Version here (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=1162275#post1162275)

04-27-2009, 11:16
Looks good, nice to see a start of an extension for L4D. Any thoughts on continually updating it to have hooks/natives needed in SM?

04-27-2009, 12:35
I'll be winging the design process since this is my first ever SM extension, so just let me know what you folks want and I'll try to add it. If you provide the sigscans too, then I'll add it that much faster.

Though it will have to wait for the next 2 weeks till my finals are over.

04-27-2009, 18:13
Will this work with the 1.3 snapshots?

04-27-2009, 19:07
I wish I could tell you, but I developed this against the sourcemod-1.2 stable branch so I don't know.

04-27-2009, 22:47
im getting this

[SM] Plugin L4D_CAL_Ready_Up.smx failed to load: Required extension "Left 4 Downtown" file("left4downtown.ext") not running.

04-27-2009, 23:08
Make sure the extensions running (and make sure you installed it...) by typing sm exts list.

04-28-2009, 00:05

04-28-2009, 09:39
Can you be more specific about what this function does?

L4D_RestartScenarioFromVote(const String:map[]);

04-28-2009, 10:38
Can you be more specific about what this function does?

L4D_RestartScenarioFromVote(const String:map[]);

Does the same thing as the successful result of a "callvote restartgame" as far as I know. I have only tried it with argument 'map' having the same value as GetCurrentMap(). In that case it just restarts the round.

04-29-2009, 18:05
Make sure the extensions running (and make sure you installed it...) by typing sm exts list.

Sorry to bother but I've installed the extension to the proper location and ReadyUp still doesn't work for my server. I'm new at all of this--but when I type sm exts list left4downtown doesn't show up on the list at all. Did I miss a step in the installation process? (And yes I have restarted server. Several times.)

04-30-2009, 10:49
Sorry to bother but I've installed the extension to the proper location and ReadyUp still doesn't work for my server. I'm new at all of this--but when I type sm exts list left4downtown doesn't show up on the list at all. Did I miss a step in the installation process? (And yes I have restarted server. Several times.)

Then you didn't install it in the right spot. The extension DLL/.SO should be in /left4dead/addons/sourcemod/extensions

04-30-2009, 15:06
Then you didn't install it in the right spot. The extension DLL/.SO should be in /left4dead/addons/sourcemod/extensions

Sorry Downtown but that's exactly where the file is sitting--looking right at it: /l4d/left4dead/addons/sourcemod/extensions/left4downtown.ext.dll. Same for the .so file. The text file left4downtown is in l4d/left4dead/addons/sourcemod/gamedata/.

Any other ideas why it's not showing up on the sm exts list?

DJ Tsunami
04-30-2009, 15:55
What does sm plugins list say about ReadyUp? Extensions only get loaded when plugins that use them are running.

05-01-2009, 01:51
Sorry Downtown but that's exactly where the file is sitting--looking right at it: /l4d/left4dead/addons/sourcemod/extensions/left4downtown.ext.dll. Same for the .so file. The text file left4downtown is in l4d/left4dead/addons/sourcemod/gamedata/.

Any other ideas why it's not showing up on the sm exts list?

As DJ Tsunami has said, my extension currently only loads dynamically so a plugin needs to request it first.

If the plugin is loaded (or I guess fails to load?) but the extension is not there, then the extension is not in the right spot. If the plugin is not loaded (and doing "sm plugins load l4dready" fails to open the file) then the plugin is not installed in the right place.

DDR Khat
05-01-2009, 06:32
Seeing as you're got a extension going for Left4Dead. Can you investigate the SetGameType() function. See if it can change gamemode all the time (Even if locked by a lobby connection) ? and if so, could you perhaps provide some commands that we could use in SourceMod, I.E?

l4d_gmode() // 0 = Co-op, 1 = Versus, 2 = Survival

Thanks in advance.

05-01-2009, 16:30
Where is the function SetGameType? I do not see in server_i486.so

DDR Khat
05-01-2009, 18:22
Where is the function SetGameType? I do not see in server_i486.soCrimsonGT apparently found it in the linux server_i486.so I gave him?Fyren: Ess000522:~/symsteam/l4ddev/left4dead/bin$ nm -C server_i486.so | grep GameType
Fyren: 00000000005838ec W CGameRules::GetGameType()
Fyren: 00000000005838e8 W CGameRules::GetGameTypeName()I apologize, seems I typed the wrong name.

05-01-2009, 22:41
Why would you want to call those? It's probably the same thing as getting the value of the CVAR mp_gamemode.

DDR Khat
05-02-2009, 15:27
Why would you want to call those? It's probably the same thing as getting the value of the CVAR mp_gamemode.It could however get around the lobby lock. So might it perhaps be an idea to take a check so we can resolve this issue?

05-02-2009, 21:00
As DJ Tsunami has said, my extension currently only loads dynamically so a plugin needs to request it first.

If the plugin is loaded (or I guess fails to load?) but the extension is not there, then the extension is not in the right spot. If the plugin is not loaded (and doing "sm plugins load l4dready" fails to open the file) then the plugin is not installed in the right place.

When I enter sm plugins load l4dready it says "[SM] Plugin l4dready.smx is already loaded." The extension is exactly where it needs to be--I've no need to lie about its location. :) But for whatever reason, ReadyUp still does not work, and the left4downtown extension is not listed on the sm exts list. To prove that your files are where the instructions said, I've right clicked it and will copy the location in the file properties: / The left4downtown.ext.so is in the same folder. The only solution I'm getting is that the extension is in the wrong folder, but that's not the case. There has to be another reason why left4downtown extension isn't loading...

05-02-2009, 23:24
When I enter sm plugins load l4dready it says "[SM] Plugin l4dready.smx is already loaded." The extension is exactly where it needs to be--I've no need to lie about its location. :) But for whatever reason, ReadyUp still does not work, and the left4downtown extension is not listed on the sm exts list. To prove that your files are where the instructions said, I've right clicked it and will copy the location in the file properties: / The left4downtown.ext.so is in the same folder. The only solution I'm getting is that the extension is in the wrong folder, but that's not the case. There has to be another reason why left4downtown extension isn't loading...

Look in your logs then, it probably says why it's not loading.

DJ Tsunami
05-03-2009, 04:24
You still haven't posted your sm plugins list corpsebandit.

DDR Khat
05-05-2009, 07:44
It could however get around the lobby lock. So might it perhaps be an idea to take a check so we can resolve this issue?Are you going to attempt this?

05-05-2009, 14:04
Are you going to attempt this?

I don't understand the situation.. as we already discussed there is no SetGameType function. If the function was already there, then sure I could find it real fast and get a sigscan/native up for it, etc, etc.

But if there's not, then it sounds like you want the equivalent functionality of SetGameType.. in which case I would like to know: what is the benefit?

AFAIK we still have to restart the map for the new gametype to take hold, so it's just like joining the server via console except via a lobby. So what's the point really besides the obvious "we can unlock mp_gamemode cvar"?

Then my next question is, why not think about a more general way to force override locked CVARs, if such a thing were even possible? Maybe even on the flip side, lock CVARs ourselves..

DDR Khat
05-06-2009, 16:22
All I am looking to do is find a way to break the lock of mp_gamemode when joining from a lobby. removing cheats and developer does nothing from when I tried earlier. If you've found a way to make it so we are able to mess around with that CVAR at will even from a lobby connection then I implore you to share it please.

DDR Khat
05-08-2009, 05:34
CBaseServer::ClearReservationStatus() (engine_i486.so)Any chance of a command or something?

05-09-2009, 13:36
What are you trying to do exactly? I am making a separate extension that unlocks the player slots, so you could just do Coop or Survival etc with 8 players on there off the bat. Is there any other reason for why you would need to unlock mp_gamemode ?

Any chance of a command or something?

Any clue as to what that function does? What would it be used for?

Just to be clear I don't want to add any functionality that would be there just for the sake of having it, people would need to use it for a good reason for it to exist :).

DDR Khat
05-09-2009, 14:36
What are you trying to do exactly? I am making a separate extension that unlocks the player slots, so you could just do Coop or Survival etc with 8 players on there off the bat. Is there any other reason for why you would need to unlock mp_gamemode ?

Any clue as to what that function does? What would it be used for?

Just to be clear I don't want to add any functionality that would be there just for the sake of having it, people would need to use it for a good reason for it to exist :).When a person joins from a non-full lobby it locks the remaining slots on the server because they are "Reserved for the lobby" preventing people from joining even those they invite. It also breaks being able to change game-modes, being able to force this to something specific would be nice.

05-12-2009, 22:15
Im getting this error when I load this plugin... I have tried and tried and I just dont understand this... Please help with any knowledge possible as my team is counting on this plugin.

[06] <FAILED> file "left4downtown.ext.so": Could not find interface: ISourceMod

05-13-2009, 01:14
Im getting this error when I load this plugin... I have tried and tried and I just dont understand this... Please help with any knowledge possible as my team is counting on this plugin.

[06] <FAILED> file "left4downtown.ext.so": Could not find interface: ISourceMod

My guess is outdated version of SourceMod. As far as I know SourceMod 1.2.0 release or any of the 1.2.1 snapshots should work. Even 1.3.0 does.

05-16-2009, 03:44
0.2.0 update released - max players now unlocked

That's right, you can now use up to 18 players by changing the new l4d_maxplayers cvar. It works both on Windows and on Linux, and it will report the correct # of players in HLSW.

The only plugin I know of right now that seems to use these extra slots is my own l4dready (it unlocks the spectate command). Please let me know what other plugins use the extra slots (by default it will only allow 4 survivors, 4 infected per team) so I can add them to the list on the original post.

(Also added a left4downtown_version cvar that plugins could check).

A huge thanks goes out to ivailosp who figured out the Windows addresses to unlock slots and spurred me into developing this fully featured functionality.

Thanks also goes out to DDRKhat for letting me use his Linux server to test this mod (we got up to 15 players before people started getting bored and leaving ;)).


For the next version I will try to concentrate on adding more developer functionality such as some of the functions requested so far.

05-16-2009, 04:02
Thank you so much. If you'd only know how gratefull I am. :D

05-16-2009, 04:05
Let me know if this works for people here, I did do a lot of testing but that was before I added the l4d_maxplayers CVAR which will change the # of max players on the fly.

05-16-2009, 04:17
This wont work with the lobby/matchmaking, I assume?
I will have to make my server public through advertisements first.
You will get the answer as soon as possible.

05-16-2009, 04:20
This wont work with the lobby/matchmaking, I assume?
I will have to make my server public through advertisements first.
You will get the answer as soon as possible.

Seeing as how it does not override any of the lobby reservation checks, no, it would not. For next version I might add the CBaseServer::ClearReservationStatus native and see if that helps. Though if you have a rotation that never kicks people out after the finale, you should have no problem keeping a non-lobby 16/16 player server up.

05-16-2009, 04:22
Seeing as how it does not override any of the lobby reservation checks, no, it would not. Though if you have a rotation that never kicks people out after the finale, you should have no problem keeping a non-lobby 16/16 player server up.

Excatly :wink:
Publicity first then.

05-16-2009, 05:12
are the new version have the same function as L4DToolZ16.zip (http://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=42173&d=1242346591)?

05-16-2009, 10:20
There are now ways to spawn the survivor bots permenently :cry:
Any suggestions? sb_add (name) dosen't work. "L4D extra players" and "L8D" only works if you use the command manually on every round.

05-16-2009, 11:47
sb_add command don't need a name :)

05-16-2009, 11:51
I haven't tested it out, but this method should work as it's the one I use to manage L8D on my server. I've just modified the core parts to use survivor limit, instead of a fixed value of 8. It kinda takes some time to check if the survivors have been created already (if I spawned the bots asap, some extra ones would be created), but at least it enforces consistency until all the missing slots have been filled.

05-16-2009, 13:49
are the new version have the same function as L4DToolZ16.zip (http://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=42173&d=1242346591)?

Should be pretty much the same (for Windows), though the way we code the changes is completely different :).

There is a difference, in that I have the l4d_maxplayers CVAR and the other extension doesn't; it also allows players to change the maxplayers to whatever they want (and on the fly), not just to 8 or 16. Some people may not care, but I feel that you should buy (or get permission) the extra slots from your GSP when you're using this extension, and not everyone may want to pay for 16.

05-16-2009, 14:44
thx for ur reply
other words~
In win , i can change z_versus_boomer_limit and survivor_limit value.
In linux, i can't change those value (after i use sm_cvar to change it ,
the value always lock)
did someone can change in linux?

05-16-2009, 16:15
thx for ur reply
other words~
In win , i can change z_versus_boomer_limit and survivor_limit value.
In linux, i can't change those value (after i use sm_cvar to change it ,
the value always lock)
did someone can change in linux?

You need to raise the ConVar bounds on it first.

Though I'm not really sure how we'll get more than 4 survivors right now.. I know Left8Dead does it somehow without using the hacked sb_add command, so maybe we can get 8 survivors and 8 player infected after all without much trouble?

Also has anyone confirmed Damizean's plugin posted here will add survivor bots past 4?

If not, I can take a look at patching Director::AddSurvivorBot next week.

Number Six
05-16-2009, 17:00
Very thank for your job downtown1 !

Need a plugin now for management versus 6/6,7/7,8/8 etc ...with no troubles :mrgreen:

DDR Khat
05-16-2009, 18:18
Have attempted running this. This is causing crashes on my server when I set Maxplayers beyond the natural limit of 8.

05-16-2009, 18:56
I haven't tested it out, but this method should work as it's the one I use to manage L8D on my server. I've just modified the core parts to use survivor limit, instead of a fixed value of 8. It kinda takes some time to check if the survivors have been created already (if I spawned the bots asap, some extra ones would be created), but at least it enforces consistency until all the missing slots have been filled.

Thanks. Exactly what I was looking for :wink:
Change CONSISTENCY_CHECK to 5.0 and the bots will be spawned directly when you connect.

05-16-2009, 19:03
Thiw works fine on Steam dedicated server on windows with latest stable sourcemod + the readyup plugin.

I would like to do it without the readyup plugin, am about to test now.

Developer: Ideally, I would like to run a 16-18 player server with the possible 2 extra slots being spectators.

I would like to do X survivors and X infected. I am currently testing by myself. I have noticed annoying things like the game assuming the round has finished when I change teams.

I have also noticed that when I do manage to get 4 survivor bots and me as a ghosted infected, if I z_spawn hunter, I become that hunter. I created more and then was killed.

The hunters(andaboomer) reappeared as ghosts after some respawn time. I then think I changed back to survivor (to open saferoom door by virtue of ent_remove because it said not everyone was ready >.>), and the game decided that the round was over.

What I would like out of this extension...
Ability for players to join in at any time on both teams (probably up to 8 each) without the use of sm_l4dbot or sb_add.
Ability to play as infected (and persistant teams throughout campaign) without the use of cheat commands (z_spawn).

I am looking into playing this at a LAN with >10 people so normal versus makes some gamers cry, and hopefully maybe this can bring some variety/make some people happy. Also, possibly survival mode. Hunterbrute and Naru are pretty quiet about what they have been doing...


05-16-2009, 19:08
I would like to do X survivors and X infected. I am currently testing by myself. I have noticed annoying things like the game assuming the round has finished when I change teams.

I have also noticed that when I do manage to get 4 survivor bots and me as a ghosted infected, if I z_spawn hunter, I become that hunter. I created more and then was killed.

The hunters(andaboomer) reappeared as ghosts after some respawn time. I then think I changed back to survivor (to open saferoom door by virtue of ent_remove because it said not everyone was ready >.>), and the game decided that the round was over.

Doesn't this always happen when you play VS by yourself? I've noticed all those same behaviors in 1 person VS. How does this have anything to do with this extension?

05-16-2009, 19:20
survivor_limit and z_max_player_zombies seems to revert back to 4 after server hibernates,
which means we will have to restart the map manually everytime it gets empty. Anyway of enforcing them to 8 all the time?

05-16-2009, 19:35
Doesn't this always happen when you play VS by yourself? I've noticed all those same behaviors in 1 person VS. How does this have anything to do with this extension?
Oh, just because I was testing this extension with vs mode. I change sb_allow_bot_team or something to that effect to 1 so that the team of (about 8) survivors was happy and departed that saferoom once I had changed to infected. I then spawned a hunter and became him.

After dying, I was able to respawn after the cooldown. This leads me to beleive I can get >4 survivors connected in, and then have people switch over to the teams they need to be on. Not sure how survival mode works out.

Would like to see what happens to clients after a map ends and goes on to the next in campaign. (pardon spelling, that word doesn't look quite right)

05-16-2009, 23:01
You need to raise the ConVar bounds on it first.

Though I'm not really sure how we'll get more than 4 survivors right now.. I know Left8Dead does it somehow without using the hacked sb_add command, so maybe we can get 8 survivors and 8 player infected after all without much trouble?

Also has anyone confirmed Damizean's plugin posted here will add survivor bots past 4?

If not, I can take a look at patching Director::AddSurvivorBot next week.

I set follow valut in server.cfg
l4d_maxplayers 18 //code1
sm_cvar z_max_player_zombies 8 //code2
sm_cvar survivor_limit 8 //code3
After start "Win" server,it allow 8 survivors , 8 player infected and 2 spectator and won't reset above value.
But the same way in linux isn't workable!!
After start "Linux" server,code2 and code3 always on lock.
did I mention clearly?

Number Six
05-17-2009, 08:27
I set follow valut in server.cfg
l4d_maxplayers 18 //code1
sm_cvar z_max_player_zombies 8 //code2
sm_cvar survivor_limit 8 //code3
After start "Win" server,it allow 8 survivors , 8 player infected and 2 spectator and won't reset above value.
But the same way in linux isn't workable!!
After start "Linux" server,code2 and code3 always on lock.
did I mention clearly?

100% correct , no effects on linux server .

05-17-2009, 09:44
100% correct , no effects on linux server .

Those should have effect.

05-17-2009, 10:21
Those should have effect.
I also think it should effect.
But in fact is that linux server lock values anyway,strange
by the way, linux server is ubuntu 8.04

05-17-2009, 10:27
Have attempted running this. This is causing crashes on my server when I set Maxplayers beyond the natural limit of 8.

I don't understand? Worked fine for you when I first gave you the extension, plus we tested it with all those people? :).

Can you give me exact steps to reproduce? Or try to build from source after uncommenting #define L4D_LOG_DEBUG in extensions.h and post the logs?

100% correct , no effects on linux server .

The CVARs have no effect, or it won't let in more than 8 players "no effect?"

05-17-2009, 11:14
I set follow valut in server.cfg
l4d_maxplayers 18 //code1
sm_cvar z_max_player_zombies 8 //code2
sm_cvar survivor_limit 8 //code3
After start "Win" server,it allow 8 survivors , 8 player infected and 2 spectator and won't reset above value.
But the same way in linux isn't workable!!
After start "Linux" server,code2 and code3 always on lock.
did I mention clearly?
Thank you very much, I had been looking for those cvars!

Does anyone know what happens on a mapchange w/ >4 people? I had been playin with 4 or less and all of the extra slots were removed (I had to sm_l4dbot) every mapchange. Is there a plugin earlier on in this thread that should address this issue?

05-17-2009, 11:21
I don't understand? Worked fine for you when I first gave you the extension, plus we tested it with all those people? :).

Can you give me exact steps to reproduce? Or try to build from source after uncommenting #define L4D_LOG_DEBUG in extensions.h and post the logs?

The CVARs have no effect, or it won't let in more than 8 players "no effect?"
The CVARs have no effect
if the player connect to the server there are already 8 players in,the man are put in spectator team if l4d_maxplayers>8

05-17-2009, 11:28
is the src files needed??

05-17-2009, 11:52
everytime i run l4d_maxplayers (whatever number) srcds.exe crashes

Number Six
05-17-2009, 12:47
a another question :
"Plugins/Maxplayers - take advantage of those extra slots!"

Ok ...but possibly reserved slot finaly working with system if allowed 1 permanant reserved slot ?

tested on 2 hours , really nothing , true blocked 4vs4 or 8 players max . Server indicated correctly xx/12 but true blocked max 8 players .
I go on the visual77 server this day , and worked 100% with a windows server (?) .
I don't understand this incredible problem ...

05-17-2009, 14:33
tested on 2 hours , really nothing , true blocked 4vs4 or 8 players max . Server indicated correctly xx/12 but true blocked max 8 players .
I go on the visual77 server this day , and worked 100% with a windows server (?) .
I don't understand this incredible problem ...

Actualy linux server. Why is everybody having problems? You should be aware that this will not work with the matchmaking system/lobby.
Make sure you aren't using ivaliosp's extension.
Put these four cvars in your server.cfg:
l4d_maxplayers 16
sv_visiblemaxplayers 16
sm_cvar survivor_limit 8
sm_cvar z_max_player_zombies 8

Everytime the server gets empty, sm_cvar survivor_limit 8
and sm_cvar z_max_player_zombies 8 reverts themselves back to 4.
To enforce them to 8 all the time you will have to make a plugin with SetConVarInt that should get executed on mapstart and mapend.
(This step is not neccesary)

Use this plugin so the server can spawn bots automaticly depending on what you have set survivor_limit to. You should thank Damizean for making this one.
That's it. If you still have problems their might be something else cuasing it.

05-17-2009, 16:17
Visual, I'm running windows server, the cvars kept reverting to values, I didn't want to try convar bounds or anything. I just hardcoded the plugin you listed to spawn enough bots for 5 players, and I got another one (l4d vs bots) to spawn enough bots for 5 infected, works fine that way but it is hardcoded.

I spent quite some time fiddling with survivor_limit and all to no avail

DDR Khat
05-17-2009, 18:41
I don't understand? Worked fine for you when I first gave you the extension, plus we tested it with all those people? :).

Can you give me exact steps to reproduce? Or try to build from source after uncommenting #define L4D_LOG_DEBUG in extensions.h and post the logs?

The CVARs have no effect, or it won't let in more than 8 players "no effect?"Not sure if it's the plugin im using or not. gonna try using one of the above released ones and disabling my two.

It works fine just crashes upon a map change. (Haven't tested if the changes fix anything)

Number Six
05-17-2009, 19:11
l4d_maxplayers 16 = worked
sv_visiblemaxplayers 16 = worked (-1 again)
sm_cvar survivor_limit 8 = not worked , apparently server not to know .
sm_cvar z_max_player_zombies 8 = same

second test i'm remove my all plugins but same effect ....

05-17-2009, 19:33
Did you use the plugin to change the boundaries of the limits? By default, their max value is 4, so you need to change the max value boundaries with a plugin.

Number Six
05-17-2009, 19:54
Did you use the plugin to change the boundaries of the limits? By default, their max value is 4, so you need to change the max value boundaries with a plugin.

apparently it's the problem ^^ !!
You have this pluggin ???

05-17-2009, 20:03
KrankFL posted the plugin to change the boundaries in the L4D ToolZ thread (found here (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=826982&postcount=25)), but I can always integrate it on the bot spawning plugin:

Number Six
05-17-2009, 20:07
KrankFL posted the plugin to change the boundaries in the L4D ToolZ thread (found here (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=826982&postcount=25)), but I can always integrate it on the bot spawning plugin:

Really thank you very much damizean !

Grab the .sp for change value 6.0 - 6.0 , my server 14 slots max (keep 2 for spect and special infected) , normaly working , return few minutes for test :mrgreen:

Update : FINALY , WORK ! :D
Thank you again damizean .

Personnaly ,just waiting for a system with started and connected with the lobby (+8 players) possibly connected/reconnected , and perfect ;)

DDR Khat
05-17-2009, 21:16
People could not connect if I hosted from a lobby.
"Connection Failed"
"Connection with the session has been lost."

CBaseServer::ClearReservationStatus() (engine_i486.so)

05-17-2009, 22:04
Damizean, I'm only posting this here because I am linking to it. I just increased the bounds you set since I plan on >8. I suggest posting what you posted here in the new plugins forum or have it linked on page 1 of this thread, it is very useful!

05-18-2009, 00:18
everytime i run l4d_maxplayers (whatever number) srcds.exe crashes

Windows or Linux? Did you reboot your server after installing it?
Not sure if it's the plugin im using or not. gonna try using one of the above released ones and disabling my two.

It works fine just crashes upon a map change. (Haven't tested if the changes fix anything)

I don't understand. Are you using 0.2.0 or one of the betas we were testing on your server? If it's the beta then you could tell me what your logs say when it crashes (look for [LEFT4DOWNTOWN] lines)?

Also check your console logs, might be helpful, who knows..

I haven't tested it out, but this method should work as it's the one I use to manage L8D on my server. I've just modified the core parts to use survivor limit, instead of a fixed value of 8. It kinda takes some time to check if the survivors have been created already (if I spawned the bots asap, some extra ones would be created), but at least it enforces consistency until all the missing slots have been filled.

Looks a lot like http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=83699 which leads me to believe it would work.

All those timers look a bit hackish though, isn't there a way to make it more event-oriented?

Put these four cvars in your server.cfg:
l4d_maxplayers 16
sv_visiblemaxplayers 16

You don't need to put sv_visiblemaxplayers (put it to -1 if anything), my extension automatically sets the maximum players reported.

DDR Khat
05-18-2009, 06:28
I don't understand. Are you using 0.2.0 or one of the betas we were testing on your server? If it's the beta then you could tell me what your logs say when it crashes (look for [LEFT4DOWNTOWN] lines)?Left 4 Downtown Extension ( by Igor "Downtown1" Smirnov
I'm using the version you released in this topic, so that I can CHOOSE what l4d_maxplayers is set to.

05-18-2009, 07:14
Yeah, the code for the bot spawning is pretty much devicenull's. sb_add doesn't seem to create any bot past 4 either, so there's no other way for now.

All those timers look a bit hackish though, isn't there a way to make it more event-oriented?

As far as I know, there's no event (on the events list, that is) triggered to safely determine the end of the bot spawning cycle, so seems we're stuck with timers as of now :/

Anyway, please look into the AddSurvivorBot function, may make things nicer (spawning a fake client means players can't take over inmediately, maybe spawning an actual bot will provide better results)

05-18-2009, 07:51
i can make sb_add to work, but only for no limit :} so thats why i don't give signature for it

05-18-2009, 08:14
Downtown1, this is working perfect. But you can really see why valve never
increased the maxplayer limit or why they never released the game with 8 vs 8 versus.
I never thought this game would lagg so badly with 14 or 16 players but clearly it does.

Originally Posted by Downtown1
For next version I might add the CBaseServer::ClearReservationStatus native and see if that helps.

Any news of that? We must get this to work with the lobby system.

DDR Khat
05-18-2009, 16:03
Seems it was the plugins I was using causing the issue. Also let me introduce Left4Dead Super Versus (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=830069). With it and Left4Downtown you can have a full-blown 8 vs 8 versus match! have fun folks.

05-20-2009, 00:16
I have the extension installed properly and l4d_maxplayers set to 12, but it isn't working. even though HLSW/the server browser says 8/12 or 4/12, it wont let players join past the normal set limit. im running it on a windows server with SM1.2.1-dev

05-20-2009, 04:09
I have the extension installed properly and l4d_maxplayers set to 12, but it isn't working. even though HLSW/the server browser says 8/12 or 4/12, it wont let players join past the normal set limit. im running it on a windows server with SM1.2.1-dev

and join via lobby :nono:

05-20-2009, 11:33
ahh, I very well may have. I'll test it without the lobby later this evening

05-20-2009, 22:55
hello, thanks for great plugin(extention?).

i have problem with this plugin.
when i set l4d_maxplayers -1, no one can join to server.
and server log was

RejectConnection: playerip:port - #Valve_Reject_Server_Full

can u fix it?

and one more thing.
im running 7 server.
those server loading server.cfg and server_pub#.cfg(#=server number) by this start up parameter.

+exec server_pub#.cfg

load server.cfg automatically even i don't write it on start up parameter.
but i don't know why, when i write l4d_maxplayers to server_pub#.cfg, that setting fix "-1" anyway.
(even i set 8 or someother values)
if i write it to server.cfg, working well...
can u fic this one too?

thanks in advance. :)

05-21-2009, 01:22
0.2.2 released

l4d_maxplayers is now restricted to <= +-maxplayers set from command line.
Fixed a bug where l4d_maxplayers -1 and sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0 meant that nobody could connect to the server.

05-21-2009, 06:17
Just so i get this right: It does not allow more than 8 Players when joined by Lobby?

Can anything be done to circumvent that?

We tried this on my windows server yesterday, in conjunction with Super Versus, but no people above the 8 from Lobby could join (Survivorbots were there, game showed correct number of slots). Those trying to join above 8 would get eerie shit like "Http 1.1 server error", some also simply "server is full"


Had a second game today, without Lobby. We had 14 Players (i think), so it worked ;)

05-21-2009, 07:37
New client. Client Info: ID: 18020089, Players: 1, Gamertag: BugS, Avatar: -1, Team: -1
Join request approved
Got connected state for handle 656846 listen 131085
Destroying socket handle 656846 listen 131085 (matchmaking handle?)
Unable to map socket handle 656846 listen 131085 (matchmaking handle?)
Got disconnected state 22 Local Disconnected for handle 656846 listen 131085
Got connected state for handle 787917 listen 131085
Unable to map socket handle 787917 listen 131085 (matchmaking handle?)
Destroying socket handle 787917 listen 131085 (matchmaking handle?)
Got disconnected state 22 Local Disconnected for handle 787917 listen 131085
Got connected state for handle 263631 listen 131085
Unable to map socket handle 263631 listen 131085 (matchmaking handle?)
Destroying socket handle 263631 listen 131085 (matchmaking handle?)
Got disconnected state 22 Local Disconnected for handle 263631 listen 131085
Dropped player: 18020089, 11000010112f6f9!
[L4DMM] CMatchGame::RemovePlayer - Cannot find player by 11000010112f6f9!Tons of these in console, it appears the server rejects them (this was a no-lobby-game)

EDIT: After some googling around, this was probably caused by sv_pure 0, which should rather be 1

05-21-2009, 07:43
Also, an scrds.exe crash.

Module: datacache.dll

mdmp attached

05-22-2009, 09:56
I have a perfectly working 8v8 versus server, lag free ... now I wish you could make it a 12v12, why is there a 18 player limit and is there any way to get it up?

05-22-2009, 14:32
I have a perfectly working 8v8 versus server, lag free ... now I wish you could make it a 12v12, why is there a 18 player limit and is there any way to get it up?

18 player limit is the maxclients limit (GetMaxClients() function). I'll take a look at patching the maxclients limit, but I have no guarantee that it's not hardcoded in a few spots, in which case it wouldn't do anything useful when I patched the limit.

05-22-2009, 15:56
Can anything be done about the Lobby 8 Player lock, i think you mentioned "ClearLobbyReservation" somewhere

05-25-2009, 19:09
I've installed your extension on my core Hunter Games servers, now that I've fixed HG with version 1.0.3. The extension installs fine, shows up with a "sm exts list" command, and I can successfully set the "l4d_maxplayers" var to 14. When I do "status", it says there are 8/14 human players. From the L4D menu, when viewing a friends game, it says the game is full, but when viewing the server directly it says 8/14. Any attempt to join the game either tells me the game is full, or I just get a session lost error.

I tried to connect the following ways.

+From the L4D menu where it shows games friends are playing
+Connect directly from console with a "connect [ip]" command
+Right click on a friends name in steam and go to "join game"
+open server browser, add IP in favorites, and join from there.

None of them work. I can't get more than 8 people in a game.

05-26-2009, 02:32
I've installed your extension on my core Hunter Games servers, now that I've fixed HG with version 1.0.3. The extension installs fine, shows up with a "sm exts list" command, and I can successfully set the "l4d_maxplayers" var to 14. When I do "status", it says there are 8/14 human players. From the L4D menu, when viewing a friends game, it says the game is full, but when viewing the server directly it says 8/14. Any attempt to join the game either tells me the game is full, or I just get a session lost error.

I tried to connect the following ways.

+From the L4D menu where it shows games friends are playing
+Connect directly from console with a "connect [ip]" command
+Right click on a friends name in steam and go to "join game"
+open server browser, add IP in favorites, and join from there.

None of them work. I can't get more than 8 people in a game.

If you have the newer version, 0.2.2, it wont work if you set "l4d_maxplayers" to 14 in your server.cfg. You will have to do it in your command line (you don't have to do that with the older version)
l4d_maxplayers is now restricted to <= +-maxplayers set from command line.

05-26-2009, 03:39
I did set it in the startup parameters. It was my error by leaving the sv_allow_lobby_connect_only at 1. I changed that to 0, and now I'm set. Thanks!

05-28-2009, 04:30
anyone know a good host I could rent a server from to make a 6v6 game? and would i need 14 slots so I could effectivly have tanks added and such too?

05-29-2009, 18:49
Slots are only player slots, AI bots don't count towards the slot limit but they do count towards the client limit.

05-30-2009, 07:34
Slots are only player slots, AI bots don't count towards the slot limit but they do count towards the client limit.
I'm pretty sure they do, at least when playing Coop. I set the infected limit to 0 on my server for Coop and infected bots won't spawn, just appear as spectators and get disconnected.

DDR Khat
05-30-2009, 19:03
I'm pretty sure they do, at least when playing Coop. I set the infected limit to 0 on my server for Coop and infected bots won't spawn, just appear as spectators and get disconnected.This was also true in the instance of the tank issue with my plugin. It's also interesting to note that the bot never CONNECTS to the server. It gets put into it. Quite interesting that Left4Dead makes bots join in such an intrusive fashion.

05-30-2009, 19:54
yeah been having issues with the tank thing when we're full on infected.

as to my original question I found ultimate gaming servers to suit my needs, they were willing to sell me a 14 slot L4D server and it's been running pretty well, so for anyone else looking for that I'd reccomend them. Ping does spike alot when I bump the horde sizes up but it is still VERY playable.

05-30-2009, 20:04
lol, I tried running 18 slot and a couple minutes later I received an email from gameservers.com about violation slots.

05-30-2009, 21:49
Not sure if this issue is directed here or was part of the super VS as we run them both together.
Lastnight on DT forget which part, but the one you spawn in a rail car in the train yard with the tower, only 4 real humans spawned in the car, NO bots at all, we figured oh well and started out, got up into the yard tower, faced some hordes, and special infected attacks, to which we looked back and saw blue shadows pop up in the original spawn, all the bots then made their way too us, this was about 5+ minutes into the map before they spawned, was only time we had anything like this happen. :|

Number Six
05-31-2009, 02:12
Seeing as how it does not override any of the lobby reservation checks, no, it would not. For next version I might add the CBaseServer::ClearReservationStatus native and see if that helps. Though if you have a rotation that never kicks people out after the finale, you should have no problem keeping a non-lobby 16/16 player server up.

The news on this issue Sir ? :)

05-31-2009, 05:21
sm_cvar net_maxcleartime 0.001
sm_cvar net_splitrate 2
sm_cvar net_splitpacket_maxrate 50000
helps for choke when there's a lot of infected

Jay Dogg
06-02-2009, 14:02
So I cant seem to get this up and running and would like it someone could help me out. First will this plug work with the version of sm Im running

SourceMod Version: 1.2.1-dev
SourcePawn Engine: SourcePawn 1.1, jit-x86 (build 1.2.1-dev)
SourcePawn API: v1 = 4, v2 = 3
Compiled on: May 25 2009 15:50:21
Build ID: 2698:4e55ccac2eba-dev

Second I dont see Left 4 Deowntown in the sm plugin list.... should it be there?

Im running a linux server and every seem to be working fine but this plug.
I have a startL4D file I use to start the server and it looks like this

screen -A -m -d -S l4d ./srcds_run -console -game left4dead -autoupdate -tickrate 100 +exec server.cfg +ip 64.62.***.* +hostport 27025 +hostport +maxplayers 16 +map l4d_vs_hospital01_apartment.bsp

Any help would be great and just let me know if you need anymore info

Thanks Jay

06-02-2009, 14:09
So I cant seem to get this up and running and would like it someone could help me out. First will this plug work with the version of sm Im running

SourceMod Version: 1.2.1-dev
SourcePawn Engine: SourcePawn 1.1, jit-x86 (build 1.2.1-dev)
SourcePawn API: v1 = 4, v2 = 3
Compiled on: May 25 2009 15:50:21
Build ID: 2698:4e55ccac2eba-dev

Second I dont see Left 4 Deowntown in the sm plugin list.... should it be there?

Im running a linux server and every seem to be working fine but this plug.
I have a startL4D file I use to start the server and it looks like this

screen -A -m -d -S l4d ./srcds_run -console -game left4dead -autoupdate -tickrate 100 +exec server.cfg +ip 64.62.***.* +hostport 27025 +hostport +maxplayers 16 +map l4d_vs_hospital01_apartment.bsp

Any help would be great and just let me know if you need anymore info

Thanks Jay
This isn't a plugin, it's an extension so use

sm exts list

To verify if it's loaded in or not.

Jay Dogg
06-02-2009, 14:18
Thanks for the fast reply... so it appers to be loaded but I can seem to get more then 8 players on any ideas?
this may help a little I just tried to join and this is what is say

Server using lobbies #0, requiring pw no, lobby id 184016456def800

06-02-2009, 17:01
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0

06-03-2009, 15:26
As aggravating as it may seem, I am still having issues on my end. I will just post what "sm exts list" shows below:

] sm exts list
SourceMod 1.2.0, by AlliedModders LLC
To see running plugins, type "sm plugins"
To see credits, type "sm credits"
Visit http://www.sourcemod.net/

] sm plugins
"Admin File Reader" (1.2.0) by AlliedModders LLC
"Admin Help" (1.2.0) by AlliedModders LLC
"Admin Menu" (1.2.0) by AlliedModders LLC
"Anti-Flood" (1.2.0) by AlliedModders LLC
"Basic Ban Commands" (1.2.0) by AlliedModders LLC
"Basic Chat" (1.2.0) by AlliedModders LLC
"Basic Comm Control" (1.2.0) by AlliedModders LLC
"Basic Commands" (1.2.0) by AlliedModders LLC
"Basic Info Triggers" (1.2.0) by AlliedModders LLC
"Basic Votes" (1.2.0) by AlliedModders LLC
To see more, type "sm plugins 12"

] sm plugins 12
"Fun Commands" (1.2.0) by AlliedModders LLC
"Fun Votes" (1.2.0) by AlliedModders LLC
"L4D SuperVersus" (1.1) by DDRKhat
"Nextmap" (1.2.0) by AlliedModders LLC
"Player Commands" (1.2.0) by AlliedModders LLC
"Reserved Slots" (1.2.0) by AlliedModders LLC
"Sound Commands" (1.2.0) by AlliedModders LLC

So can you please tell me why I do not see Downtown in my extenstions lists ?

My Server.cfg: (minus all the //server name and passwords

sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0
sv_gametype Versus
mp_gamemode Versus
sv_contact [email protected]
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add 689.28.151.162:27011
z_difficulty "Impossible"
sv_log_onefile 0
sv_logbans 1
sv_alltalk 0
l4d_maxplayers 16
sb_all_bot_team 1
l4d_survivor_limit 8
l4d_infected_limit 8
sm_hardzombies 3
l4d_supertank 1
l4d_tank_hpmulti Float
versus_tank_chance_intro 1
versus_tank_chance_finale 1
versus_tank_chance 1
versus_witch_chance_intro 1
versus_witch_chance_finale 1
versus_witch_chance 1
versus_boss_spawning 2
director_force_tank 1
versus_boss_flow_min_intro 0.2
versus_boss_flow_max_intro 0.6
versus_boss_flow_min 0.2
versus_boss_flow_max 0.6
versus_boss_flow_min_finale 0.15
versus_boss_flow_max_finale 0.6
sm_cvar versus_boss_padding_min 0.1
sm_cvar versus_boss_padding_max 0.8

I can get 8 survivors, but 4 are actual players.. and the other 4 are bots.. no one can take over the bots...

I can get 8 infected, and again, are 4 actual players and others are all bots that no one can take over.

I will believe its because Downtown is not running ??

To add:
I have the following files from Downtown in the folder .../left4dead/addons/sourcemod/extensions


All help is appreciated !!

06-03-2009, 20:26
You must also place one of the files in gamedata directory.

06-03-2009, 23:42
] sm exts list
SourceMod 1.2.0, by AlliedModders LLC
To see running plugins, type "sm plugins"
To see credits, type "sm credits"
Visit http://www.sourcemod.net/

It appears you're doing it in the client console. You have to do it via RCON or through the server console to get the proper output.

DDR Khat
06-04-2009, 03:24
CBaseServer::ClearReservationStatus() (engine_i486.so)Please. In the next version. We need Reservation status with a toggle.
0 for off. 1 for on.

Number Six
06-04-2009, 13:33
Please. In the next version. We need Reservation status with a toggle.
0 for off. 1 for on.

Apparently Valve major update lobby system V2.0 next week , I think for downtown wait and look update , and working :mrgreen:
A Doug Lombardi news E3 live ^^ :
-Left 4 Dead aura encore droit ā un peu de contenu supplémentaire gratuit sur PC : une mise ā jour du SDK ainsi qu'une refonte du Matchmaking la semaine prochaine.

06-04-2009, 14:38
If anything, the new matchmaking will be even more restrictive. Instead of a 8 Player limit per Lobby its gonna be 4 Player limit per team.

06-04-2009, 14:53
You must also place one of the files in gamedata directory.

That file is in there. Thanks for the thought.. I didnt post about it, nor did I ensure it was there..

It appears you're doing it in the client console. You have to do it via RCON or through the server console to get the proper output.

Thanks for your input. I do sm exts list in RCON and get this:

[SM] Displaying 8 Extensions:
[01] Automatic Updater (1.2.0): Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet (1.2.0): Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] Left 4 Downtown Extension ( Downtown1's extension to call do useful L4D calls
[04] BinTools (1.2.0): Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[05] Top Menus (1.2.0): Creates sorted nested menus
[06] SDK Tools (1.2.0): Source SDK Tools
[07] Client Preferences (1.2.0): Saves client preference settings
[08] SQLite (1.2.0): SQLite Driver

With all this now said, I see Downtown is in fact running, but why can we not get 8v8 (with actual players taking over the bots) ?? All I have installed is Downtown and Superversus... If I put L8D.smx in the folder, it works, but each time someone joins, it goes straight to coop and I need to RCON mp_gamemode versus each time they join (Pain in the arse)...

Any ideas ??

06-05-2009, 11:38
I can get 8 survivors, but 4 are actual players.. and the other 4 are bots.. no one can take over the bots...

I can get 8 infected, and again, are 4 actual players and others are all bots that no one can take over.

I am also having this issue. There are in fact 8 Survivors, but only 4 are human and the other 4 cannot be controlled. When the server has 8 people, no one else can join. Anyone else trying to join gets "Server Not Responding"

Here is my exts list...

sm exts list
[SM] Displaying 8 extensions:
[01] Automatic Updater (1.2.2-dev): Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet (1.2.2-dev): Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] Left 4 Downtown Extension ( Downtown1's extension to call do useful L4D calls
[04] BinTools (1.2.2-dev): Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[05] SDK Tools (1.2.2-dev): Source SDK Tools
[06] Top Menus (1.2.2-dev): Creates sorted nested menus
[07] Client Preferences (1.2.2-dev): Saves client preference settings
[08] SQLite (1.2.2-dev): SQLite Driver

My l4d_superversus and l4dready are loaded as well.

06-05-2009, 15:41
You two _do_ have the +maxplayers 12 or 16 launch option? There won't be additional slots by default, you need to specify the number. Also, on what type of server? Maybe your hosts don't allow more?

06-05-2009, 19:57
You two _do_ have the +maxplayers 12 or 16 launch option? There won't be additional slots by default, you need to specify the number. Also, on what type of server? Maybe your hosts don't allow more?

Yup, I have +maxplayers 18 and my host does allow it, because our clan owns the server. hehe

06-05-2009, 20:06
Your not connect using lobby right?

06-05-2009, 21:34
+maxplayers 16 is in my command line for the service using Firedaemon.. so yes on that part..

And we do try to connect from the lobby... havent tried any other way... why.. is that the problem for some reason ??

As far as the slots allowed by the provider.. yes.. I do allow the slots... :) -- I own it and a few others..

06-05-2009, 23:18
Your not connect using lobby right?

I am also connecting via Lobby. Is there another way I should be connecting to make it work?

06-06-2009, 01:17
been having alot of fun with a 7v7 server I have setup, basically it seems like none of my problems are with this particular extension and I just wanted to give some kudos to Downtown for making this, has been a blast

06-06-2009, 02:12
I am also connecting via Lobby. Is there another way I should be connecting to make it work?

Use your Steam group or direct IP to connect, when you use the lobby, it locks you to 8 real players.

06-06-2009, 17:19
I will try that tonight.. thanks for the info Zeusbba

06-07-2009, 11:03
My other question...
If I start the game with 2 or 3 friends only, will random people join if I don't start the game from lobby? We played for almost an hour and no one seemed to join....

06-10-2009, 21:03
0.3.0 released

new forwards: OnSpawnTank, OnSpawnWitch, OnClearTeamScores, OnSetCampaignScores
new natives: GetCampaignScores, LobbyUnreserve, LobbyIsReserved

Okay, so here's the deal here. CBaseServer::ClearReservationStatus() didn't actually do anything, so that's why I didn't bother adding lobby unreserve support earlier (I mean I could've included the native for laughs, but why?). Instead if you want to unreserve the server use the L4D_LobbyUnreserve() native. For all other natives/forwards functionalities look at l4do_test.sp for how to use it.

This means people will be able to connect the first 8 players from the lobby, unreserve, and then the rest can connect from console, filling it up to 18!

I wrote a simple basic plugin to demonstrate the unreserve functionality, it is available at http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=94415 and it will automatically remove lobby reservations once the server fills up.

When you launch from a lobby you will be seekable via the lobby system but only for your first 8 slots. After that people will need to join you or the server directly

06-11-2009, 08:25
Thanks for the neat natives and forwards, the more stuff we have access to the more cool things we can do.

I haven't been following this thread very closely but some of these functions sound handy. Am I correct in my understanding that if I return Pl_Handled from L4D_OnClearTeamScores that scores will not be updated? So this way I could keep every at 0 to 0 for the whole game?

Number Six
06-11-2009, 19:09
0.3.0 released

new forwards: OnSpawnTank, OnSpawnWitch, OnClearTeamScores, OnSetCampaignScores
new natives: GetCampaignScores, LobbyUnreserve, LobbyIsReserved
Okay, so here's the deal here. CBaseServer::ClearReservationStatus() didn't actually do anything, so that's why I didn't bother adding lobby unreserve support earlier (I mean I could've included the native for laughs, but why?). Instead if you want to unreserve the server use the L4D_LobbyUnreserve() native. For all other natives/forwards functionalities look at l4do_test.sp for how to use it.

This means people will be able to connect the first 8 players from the lobby, unreserve, and then the rest can connect from console, filling it up to 18!

I wrote a simple basic plugin to demonstrate the unreserve functionality, it is available at http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=94415 and it will automatically remove lobby reservations once the server fills up.

Right , for first ^^ .
Now need a system with the lobby look 7/8 permanant if l4d_maxplayers xx not exceed !
Lobby work to fill for the server full .
And finaly perfect , just in that conditions :mrgreen:

Ps: You think , it's possible resolve this issue with the futur sdk ?

06-12-2009, 02:16
So, 18 is the max amount of people it can have? I've seen a 10v10 server out there..I guess it's not using this extension.

06-12-2009, 12:29
So, 18 is the max amount of people it can have? I've seen a 10v10 server out there..I guess it's not using this extension.

I believe 10vs10 is possible using l4dtoolz on a windows based server. I am not sure if that is the full/accurate name, but I have seen it in various places...

Left 4 Downtown works very well with superversus, I have my server at 16 people for 8vs8... with a max possible of 9vs9 or 18 total people.

06-13-2009, 00:19
Thanks for the neat natives and forwards, the more stuff we have access to the more cool things we can do.

I haven't been following this thread very closely but some of these functions sound handy. Am I correct in my understanding that if I return Pl_Handled from L4D_OnClearTeamScores that scores will not be updated? So this way I could keep every at 0 to 0 for the whole game?

Mmm, nope you need L4D_OnSetCampaignScores and then set scoreA=0, scoreB=0 OR return Plugin_Handled. Blocking OnClearTeamScores will just block clearing the team scores.. which probably means you will have round 2 scores from the previous map carry over until round 2 starts.

That is if I am correct in understanding you want the campaign scores to always be 0 at the end of a map?

Right , for first ^^ .
Now need a system with the lobby look 7/8 permanant if l4d_maxplayers xx not exceed !
Lobby work to fill for the server full .
And finaly perfect , just in that conditions :mrgreen:

Ps: You think , it's possible resolve this issue with the futur sdk ?

Lobby itself is client-side afaik, would be hard to trick it into displaying 7/8 since Sourcemod is server-side. I suggest using group servers, they correctly report the maximum player value.

So, 18 is the max amount of people it can have? I've seen a 10v10 server out there..I guess it's not using this extension.

One thing at a time, I already know how to get it above 18 but gotta make a release sometime right?

06-13-2009, 09:48
aweome update downtown, my 7v7 server has never ran so well, thanks for the update. finally being able to complete finales and have tank spawns working correctly is so nice.

06-14-2009, 03:16
Just a heads up, I fixed my L4D Score/team Manager (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=87759) to support teams with more than 4 players. Now unscrambling, etc, should work just fine.

Also if anyone wants to look at an actual situation where my new forwards are getting used, also look at that plugin. I use everything except OnTankSpawn/OnWitchSpawn there (those are used in my l4d ready-up (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=84086) 0.16.2 to block the spawns).

06-15-2009, 17:29
hmm something wrong? can't set maxplayers to 8! 9,10,11,12..etc working :/ tryed in survival mode

06-16-2009, 12:30
hmm something wrong? can't set maxplayers to 8! 9,10,11,12..etc working :/ tryed in survival mode

You tried l4d_maxplayers 8? Is it setting it back to 4 if you do that?

06-16-2009, 19:13
You tried l4d_maxplayers 8? Is it setting it back to 4 if you do that?

yes,started the server with maxplayers 8 and in game i see 0/4

http://img31.**************/img31/1007/ingame.th.jpg (http://img31.**************/i/ingame.jpg/)

i have survival.cfg edited like this

// Survival Config

hostname "#########"

// Rcon Cvars
//Set’s remote control password
rcon_password #####

hostport 27017

// Lan or internet play, Server region cvars
//Server is a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses )
sv_lan 0

// Region Codes: 0 - US East coast, 1 - US West coast, 2 - South America, 3 - Europe, 4 - Asia, 5 - Australia, 6 - Middle East, 7 - Africa, 255 - world
sv_region 3

// Server Cvars

//Prevents a userid from being auto-kicked
mp_disable_autokick 1

//Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions
sv_alltalk 0

//Clear memory of server side hints displayed to the player.
sv_clearhinthistory 1

//Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files
sv_consistency 1

//Location from which clients can download missing files
//sv_downloadurl “”

//this is your group’s steam group id.. allows members to join from
sv_steamgroup "######"

//sv_search_key "Psycho"

//enable/disable lobby
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0

//Server Browser Join Enabled
sv_tags "public"

//gamemodes running on server
sv_gametypes "coop,versus,survival"

//Active gamemode
mp_gamemode "survival"

l4d_maxplayers 8

l4d_team_order 5

setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add is ok?
http://img31.**************/img31/5111/dedicatedl4d.th.jpg (http://img31.**************/i/dedicatedl4d.jpg/)

06-17-2009, 16:06
froggz, what is the value of your +maxplayers on the command line? If it is +maxplayers 8 then I don't apply my maxplayers patch at all, that's because GSPs set it like that by default and I wanted people to be able to install my extension without having everything activated if they didn't need it.

You should try setting +maxplayers 9 (or anything higher than 8) and then l4d_maxplayers 8 or sv_visiblemaxplayers 8

06-17-2009, 17:56
froggz, what is the value of your +maxplayers on the command line? If it is +maxplayers 8 then I don't apply my maxplayers patch at all, that's because GSPs set it like that by default and I wanted people to be able to install my extension without having everything activated if they didn't need it.

You should try setting +maxplayers 9 (or anything higher than 8) and then l4d_maxplayers 8 or sv_visiblemaxplayers 8

nice,tnx for reply mate!:wink:

06-18-2009, 22:23
Awesome work so far.
Add the ability to set the reservation cookie.
Using this, modify your Reservation script and add a command to set the reservation cookie back to what it was after using the unreserve command.
Also add another command to manually set the reservation to whatever the user desires.


06-21-2009, 04:44
I am sorry but im new to this source mod stuff :P
but I need some more instructution every time i try l4d_maxplayer 9 I get

] l4d_maxplayers 9
Can't set l4d_maxplayers in multiplayer

if you need anymore info please ask
~ thanks~

o wait, lol have to set it first before making a game sorry~ for the trouble.

06-21-2009, 14:54
yo guys got some problem

Ive installed that mod so i can get 2 spectator slots.
I dont want to have more than 8 players.

Just 8 players and 2 spectator slots will do it or one spec slot.
My HLSW shows 10 player slots but still aint working. But i know its just cuz i put visible at 10.
What is it that im doing wrong? Do I need to change anything else? Cuz i am using the cevo.cfg as well when I wanna play cevo.

Still only 8 players can join if more than 8 try it always says it doesnt work. I got a root server which has over 50 slots. So its not a problem from the provider.

Here is my server.cfg under it the cevo.cfg and cevo_personalize.cfg just in case its important to fix problem.

// Server Cvars
mp_disable_autokick 1 //Prevents a userid from being auto-kicked
sv_allow_color_correction 0 //Allow or disallow clients to use color correction on this server.
sv_allow_wait_command 0 //Allow or disallow the wait command on clients connected to this server.
sv_alltalk 0 //Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions
sv_alternateticks 0 //If set, server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks.
sv_cheats 0 //Allow cheats on server
sv_clearhinthistory 0 //Clear memory of server side hints displayed to the player.
sv_consistency 1 //Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files
sv_contact "************" //Contact email for server sysop
sv_pausable 0 //Is the server pausable.
sv_visiblemaxplayers 10 // Visible Player Slots
mp_disable_autokick 1
l4d_maxplayers 10
// Allow Versus Mode
mp_gamemode versus


Here my //Automatically executed by RUP plugin for every map change

//General CVARs
sv_consistency 1
sv_pure 2
sv_pure_kick_clients 1
sv_voiceenable 1
sv_alltalk 0
sv_region 0
sv_minrate 20000
sv_maxrate 30000
sv_maxcmdrate 101
sv_mincmdrate 67
sv_visiblemaxplayers 10
l4d_maxplayers 10

sv_log_onefile 0
sv_logbans 1

//Increase network performance
sm_cvar cl_updaterate 101
sm_cvar cl_cmdrate 101

//Left 4 Dead only CVARs
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0
sm_cvar z_difficulty Normal
mp_gamemode versus

exec cevo_personalize.cfg


And my // Please edit this file to personalize your CEVO config

// You do NOT need to upload this file again when updating
// the config to the latest version

hostname "hihihiihi"
sv_search_key "hihihihi"

say "The password has been changed to 'hihihi'"

06-22-2009, 12:21
yo guys got some problem

Ive installed that mod so i can get 2 spectator slots.
I dont want to have more than 8 players.

Just 8 players and 2 spectator slots will do it or one spec slot.
My HLSW shows 10 player slots but still aint working. But i know its just cuz i put visible at 10.
What is it that im doing wrong? Do I need to change anything else? Cuz i am using the cevo.cfg as well when I wanna play cevo.

Still only 8 players can join if more than 8 try it always says it doesnt work. I got a root server which has over 50 slots. So its not a problem from the provider.-

+maxplayers 10 on the command line

06-22-2009, 13:03
what command line?
Or do u mean console? :X
thanks for the help

06-22-2009, 13:04
what command line?
Or do u mean console? :X
thanks for the help

Command line is for how you start your server.

06-22-2009, 15:50
command line = startserver in the ftp?

Cuz if yes then I can see +maxplayers 10 When I change it from 8 to 10 and then restart the server and then open the startserver again. Then it goes back to 8 again.

Did I install the plugin right?

These are the plugins I have on my server.

] sm plugins
"Basic Info Triggers" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"L4D Score/Team Manager" (1.0.3.cevo) by Downtown1
"Basic Commands" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Anti-Flood" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Basic Comm Control" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Reserved Slots" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"L4D Remove Lobby Reservation" (1.0.0) by Downtown1
"Fun Votes" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Admin File Reader" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Sound Commands" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
To see more, type "sm plugins 12"
] sm plugins 12
"Basic Chat" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Player Commands" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Basic Votes" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Client Preferences" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Basic Ban Commands" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Admin Help" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"L4D Ready Up" (0.16.0.cevo) by Downtown1
"Fun Commands" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Admin Menu" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC

I dont see any plugin called left4downtown or does it have another name?
quite possible that I installed it wrong.

Then again ready up mode and other plugins are installed and are running fine
Thanks for help!

06-22-2009, 20:27
02:25:24 Listing 4 plugins:
[01] SourceMod (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
[02] Left 4 Downtown Extension ( by Igor "Downtown1" Smirnov
[03] BinTools (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
[04] SDK Tools (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC

There it shows that its installed if I view with HLSW

But still no luck in making it work :<

06-23-2009, 11:38
Man when I installed this someone can join but after a time my server kicks him and yes I have the "remove lobby reservation".

06-23-2009, 12:17
02:25:24 Listing 4 plugins:
[01] SourceMod (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
[02] Left 4 Downtown Extension ( by Igor "Downtown1" Smirnov
[03] BinTools (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
[04] SDK Tools (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC

There it shows that its installed if I view with HLSW

But still no luck in making it work :<

Use sv_visiblemaxplayers -1 then verify that in HLSW it will show more players than 8. Next use sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0 and have 9 people try to connect via console.

Man when I installed this someone can join but after a time my server kicks him and yes I have the "remove lobby reservation".

After a time? So more than 8 connect but then someone gets kicked way after? Maybe auto idle kick?

06-23-2009, 12:43
That wasnt the problem.

The problem was that I had to change the slots in the root server itself.
And after I changed startserver to +10 and restarted the server it always went back to 8. So I had to change the slots in the root server itself. Now even after I restart the server it still shows +10. And I tested it with randoms.
Started with lobby and then let 2 friends connect over IP to spectate and seeee there it worked! HLSW shows 10/10
The mod works perfectly and its awesome!

Thanks for it man!

06-24-2009, 02:26
Use sv_visiblemaxplayers -1 then verify that in HLSW it will show more players than 8. Next use sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0 and have 9 people try to connect via console.

After a time? So more than 8 connect but then someone gets kicked way after? Maybe auto idle kick?

Not yet because he not was in IDLE and he got even kicked.

06-24-2009, 11:52
Not yet because he not was in IDLE and he got even kicked.

If you got more than 9 to connect and all 9 were in game, but then someone got kicked.. well that is an issue not related to this extension. Look over your configs and plugins, something else might be causing it.

06-24-2009, 13:39
If you got more than 9 to connect and all 9 were in game, but then someone got kicked.. well that is an issue not related to this extension. Look over your configs and plugins, something else might be causing it.

I got these plugins: [L4D]WeaponsMenu

EDIT: I got L4DToolZ too,might that causes it?

EDIT 2: Might sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0?

06-25-2009, 10:07
I got these plugins: [L4D]WeaponsMenu

EDIT: I got L4DToolZ too,might that causes it?

EDIT 2: Might sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0?

Nevermind!Got it to work!Reinstalled L4D,And it worked :P

06-25-2009, 10:08
I got these plugins: [L4D]WeaponsMenu

EDIT: I got L4DToolZ too,might that causes it?

EDIT 2: Might sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0?

Nevermind!Got it to work!Reinstalled L4D,And it worked :P
Thanks for help through,this plugin is awesome!
Edit: Sorry for double post.
Edit 2: Unreserve Lobby causes the error. (The "Free Slots..." Error.)

Number Six
06-25-2009, 17:31
Question downtown :

No problem compatibility 0.3.0 with last update l4d normaly ? Its ok for the futur ?Thank.

06-26-2009, 03:26
after update do NOT work, before updating server had 18 slots, after 8, l4d_maxplayers do not work.
also sm_admin menu doesnt work anymore wth ?

lol fixed - update cleared addons folder lol....

06-26-2009, 14:41
0.3.1 update released

note: latest L4D patch removed SetNextMission which was used to obtain the Director pointer and it broke all natives using the Director (RestartScenarioFromVote, GetCampaignScores)
bugfix: use SelectModelByPopulation to get the Director instead

The extra slots functionality should be unaffected by this update, however if you are using any plugins that use those natives (such as Ready Up or Score/Team Manager), please update to 0.3.1.

Linux is also unaffected.

Number Six
06-26-2009, 14:45
And for http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=94415 , No Problem ?

06-26-2009, 14:54
And for http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=94415 , No Problem ?

Correct, since it does not use either of the two natives affected by the patch :).

Number Six
06-26-2009, 15:11
Correct, since it does not use either of the two natives affected by the patch :).
Its really cool linux dedicated lol ;)

06-26-2009, 17:32
Hey there, i installed this extension correctly, but i cant seem to get more than 8 people in my server.
On the server list it says x/16 (thats what i set it to) but no more than 8 are able to join. In my server.cfg i put l4d_maxplayers 16.
No idea of what else to try, any suggestions?

Number Six
06-27-2009, 01:50
Downtown a little question :
What Max slot possibly with extension , 32 ?
Possibly mega suprem versus 32 players (with a q9650 or nothing ^^) playing ?
Just a idea for summer ...:mrgreen:

06-27-2009, 02:31
Downtown a little question :
What Max slot possibly with extension , 32 ?
Possibly mega suprem versus 32 players (with a q9650 or nothing ^^) playing ?
Just a idea for summer ...:mrgreen:

It's definitely on my to-do list, but don't really have free time for the next month or so to do significant feature enhancements. I have played some 8v8 and it gets laggy, so I would imagine 16v16 would be a pretty huge lagfest. I doubt the network code scales well linearly.

But definitely adding it in, at the very least so people can 8v8 and have all the bots spawn in properly or do 16 man survival.

Hey there, i installed this extension correctly, but i cant seem to get more than 8 people in my server.
On the server list it says x/16 (thats what i set it to) but no more than 8 are able to join. In my server.cfg i put l4d_maxplayers 16.
No idea of what else to try, any suggestions?

Don't use lobbies? sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0

06-28-2009, 12:10
L 06/27/2009 - 23:50:20: [LEFT4DOWNTOWN] PlayerSlots -- Offset for 'ValveRejectServerFullFirst' is incorrect

Why do I keep getting this error?

06-28-2009, 13:24
Having problems with this new Downtown extension the old 0.3.0 was much better I was able to make players join with super versus, and the super versus crashes my server now not like it used too so

06-28-2009, 18:09
L 06/27/2009 - 23:50:20: [LEFT4DOWNTOWN] PlayerSlots -- Offset for 'ValveRejectServerFullFirst' is incorrect

Why do I keep getting this error?

What OS (Linux/Windows), what server version, what build version? You can find the answer to these by typing in 'status' and telling me what it says.

06-29-2009, 09:53
I noticed that even after having this plugin to open a server up to 8+ players, it seems the infected team won't allow anyone to switch from survivor when there are more survivors than infected. The only way around this seems to be disconnecting and reconnecting to the server and hoping you get on the other team.

16 Maxplayers
6 Survivors
4 Infected

A Survivor cannot switch to Infected, because the game says the Infected team is FULL.

This becomes a problem, because teams become unbalanced.

Is there a way to set the survivor limit and the infected limit? And does setting those limits affect the way the game handles player initiated team switching?

06-29-2009, 10:04
System OS = Windows Server 2008 Standard Left 4 Dead Version v1.0.1.4 : Exe build: 15:47:15 June 23 2009 (3881) (500), now that I have found the good the old downtown extension 0.3.0 on desktop, been using it along with the Source Mod 1.2.2 and I can confirm it works fine now no disconnects.

06-30-2009, 11:55
Which which SDK did you use to compile this? In MVS2008? Release - Orangebox Or Release - Left4Dead?

I was successful at compiling this under Orangebox, but the server would crash when launching.

06-30-2009, 17:32
Which which SDK did you use to compile this? In MVS2008? Release - Orangebox Or Release - Left4Dead?

I was successful at compiling this under Orangebox, but the server would crash when launching.

Release - Left 4 Dead, Naturally. Debug should also work I suppose. The other ones I don't compile since pretty much everything that is offered here is L4D specific and isn't offered in the OB engine.

Patches are welcome :up:

06-30-2009, 23:32
Thx goes to Downtown1 for the creation of Downtown Extension 0.3.0 perfect extension.

07-01-2009, 08:09
Release - Left 4 Dead, Naturally. Debug should also work I suppose. The other ones I don't compile since pretty much everything that is offered here is L4D specific and isn't offered in the OB engine.

Patches are welcome :up:

Hm, alright. Is there an L4D SDK that I am supposed to use? Or just the orange box SDK. I don't see where I can get L4D includes.

DJ Tsunami
07-01-2009, 08:15
http://hg.alliedmods.net are all the SDKs you'll ever need :)

07-01-2009, 08:17
http://hg.alliedmods.net are all the SDKs you'll ever need :)


07-11-2009, 19:33
As with bigjim161, I am also constantly getting this error:
L 07/11/2009 - 19:30:56: [LEFT4DOWNTOWN] PlayerSlots -- Offset for 'ValveRejectServerFullFirst' is incorrect

OS: Windows Dedicated
Server Version: 3887 insecure
I'm guessing the 3887 is probably the build number.

I just got into having a server about a week ago so I'm still very much a newbie. Please bear with my inexperience.

07-15-2009, 20:22
I seem to be unable to have more than 4 on each team since I downloaded your latest version of downtown. Do you still have a link to an older version for me to rollback to to try? Thanks.

07-15-2009, 20:41
Yes, a link to the older version would be nice... I heard that fixed the problem for the other guy

07-17-2009, 23:45
L 07/18/2009 - 11:36:44: [LEFT4DOWNTOWN] PlayerSlots -- Offset for 'ValveRefectServerFullFirst' is incorrect


Here's the weird thing - This only happens on my main desktop. But it works fine on my MacBook unibody 13" boot-camp WinXP Pro SP3.

They both use the exact same server files and configs. Only difference is the hostname and ports.

Ran the latest update hldsupdatetoool -command update -game l4d_full -dir .
Just about 2 hours ago. Unable to confirm if it worked before doing that on my main computer but it always worked on the MacBook since I downloaded the server 3 days ago.

Hope it gets fixed soon - my main desktop runs the server better and would like to have 16 players working on it.

07-20-2009, 07:43
Can you make a version with no "Manually unreserve by Left 4 Downtown"? Please!

07-20-2009, 13:48
Hi guys, using this and a few other plugins I have made a config file with changes enabling 8v8. The zip includes all the files I used including an older version of the downtown file for those who are interested in just that. Follow the instructions in the readme if you just want to install it. File is 2MB in size.

07-20-2009, 21:10
Hi guys, using this and a few other plugins I have made a config file with changes enabling 8v8. The zip includes all the files I used including an older version of the downtown file for those who are interested in just that. Follow the instructions in the readme if you just want to install it. File is 2MB in size.
Could you please post just the older version of Left 4 Downtown? This is much more than I want to add to my server.

07-22-2009, 05:00
Hi guys,

I think I can help. I have the 3.0.0 version running on a server I donīt need anymore. So I never updated it :). Hope it helps!
Cheers, Skorpion1976

07-24-2009, 21:17
I used this plugin for make a 3 VS 3 SERVER , now TANK spaws at the beginning of the round on several maps, it's becouse 3 x 3?

07-25-2009, 14:11
} maxplayers IS NOT reflective of the value of +maxplayers
} the maximum value for l4d_maxplayers IS reflective of +maxplayers
} the default value for maxplayers is 18 currently
} if l4d_maxplayers can not be set high enough then it is your +maxplayers that is not set correctly for you
} Remember to unreserve your lobby after you get the above taken care of


Testing question to verify setup environment:
(SM 1.2.1, l4downtown 3.1 or 3.0)

If sm exts list shows Left4Downtown 3.1
and the var l4d_maxplayers exists and can be set to values ranging from -1 through 8
and the var maxplayers=18

Are the following true?:
1. maxplayers is not set to the server's invoked commandline value of +maxplayers? (Thus having an in game value of 18 but unrelated to the setting Left4Downtown checks for allowing l4d_maxplayers to be >8)

2. The default value for maxplayers=8? (Is maxplayers set equal to the commandline +maxplayers? I'm told my +maxplayers is 18, and maxplayers shows 18, so I'm good there?)

With others having success I must have something wrong however I figured I could verify my setup via the existence of l4d_maxplayers and the ability to set that value. However the value of maxplayers seems to indicate that I should be able to raise l4d_maxplayers to a value > 8. Which I can not, therefore my understanding must be wrong. Anyone have some spare light they could shed on verifying the ability to set l4d_maxplayers?

07-25-2009, 16:17

I have this error :

Unknown cmmand "l4d_maxplayers"

Why ? I have past all ressources in addons\sourcemod directory.

I have version.


07-26-2009, 05:39
Testing question to verify setup environment:
(SM 1.2.1, l4downtown 3.1 or 3.0)

If sm exts list shows Left4Downtown 3.1
and the var l4d_maxplayers exists and can be set to values ranging from -1 through 8
and the var maxplayers=18

Are the following true?:
1. maxplayers is not set to the server's invoked commandline value of +maxplayers? (Thus having an in game value of 18 but unrelated to the setting Left4Downtown checks for allowing l4d_maxplayers to be >8)

2. The default value for maxplayers=8? (Is maxplayers set equal to the commandline +maxplayers? I'm told my +maxplayers is 18, and maxplayers shows 18, so I'm good there?)

With others having success I must have something wrong however I figured I could verify my setup via the existence of l4d_maxplayers and the ability to set that value. However the value of maxplayers seems to indicate that I should be able to raise l4d_maxplayers to a value > 8. Which I can not, therefore my understanding must be wrong. Anyone have some spare light they could shed on verifying the ability to set l4d_maxplayers?

l4d_maxplayers must be < +maxplayers

+maxplayers 8, l4d_maxplayers 16 ==> Maximum players: 8

+maxplayers 18, l4d_maxplayers 12 ==> Maximum players: 12


I have this error :

Unknown cmmand "l4d_maxplayers"

Why ? I have past all ressources in addons\sourcemod directory.

I have version.


Did you try changing map? map l4d_hospital01_apartment

07-26-2009, 13:30
I have installed this plugin, and superversus. my host allows for 16 slots. yet still my server only displays as 8 slots, and i have tried sv_visiblemaxplayers. also, the extra bots spawned, do nothing.

any suggestions?

07-26-2009, 13:30
have also tried setting maxplayers

07-26-2009, 18:02
Try using this modified SuperVersus plugin.

Based on Bigbuck's modified SuperVersus plugin (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=872437&postcount=292)

Ensure l4d_maxplayers is set to 16.

07-27-2009, 03:39
Thanks for taking a look Whosat (http://forums.alliedmods.net/member.php?u=32376), I've updated my first post with the answers.

07-27-2009, 03:43

I have this error :

Unknown cmmand "l4d_maxplayers"

Why ? I have past all ressources in addons\sourcemod directory.

I have version.


If what you say there is true then l4d_downtown is not loaded.
Make sure metamod is loaded (via typing meta in console)
Make sure sourcemod is loaded (via typing sm in console)
Make sure l4d_downtown shows up in the source mod extension list (via typing sm exts list)
l4d_maxplayers will exist if the above 3 statements are true.

If any of those fail double check your installation procedures. The procedures posted on their respective sites currently will result in a functional server for you. Double check that you've done all the steps.

07-28-2009, 06:35
Need a little help with this plugin. I am fairly new to source but have ran a TFC server/Neo for years. I installed the newest version of the L4 downtown extension but is showing up as version Along with this I am also running L4D Super Versus which is the newest version. HLSW reports version 1.2 Can anyone help me with this. Running sourcemod 1.2.2dev. Thx

07-28-2009, 06:45
Need a little help with this plugin. I am fairly new to source but have ran a TFC server/Neo for years. I installed the newest version of the L4 downtown extension but is showing up as version Along with this I am also running L4D Super Versus which is the newest version. HLSW reports version 1.2 Can anyone help me with this. Running sourcemod 1.2.2dev. Thx

Sure you got the L4Downtown extension from the first post (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=815235&postcount=1)?

Which L4D Super Versus are you using? There are alot of modified ones as the original version had alot of bugs. This is the one I'm using (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=882483&postcount=185) and it works fine with L4Downtown extension.

07-28-2009, 11:13
Just removed L4 Downtown Ext. And reinstalled with version

This is what I get in console.

11:09:32 [SM] Displaying 8 extensions:
[01] Automatic Updater (1.3.0-dev): Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet (1.3.0-dev): Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] Left 4 Downtown Extension ( Downtown1's extension to call do useful L4D calls
[04] BinTools (1.3.0-dev): Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[05] SDK Tools (1.3.0-dev): Source SDK Tools
[06] Top Menus (1.3.0-dev): Creates sorted nested menus
[07] Client Preferences (1.3.0-dev): Saves client preference settings
[08] SQLite (1.3.0-dev): SQLite Driver

07-28-2009, 11:19
Try getting the plugin from here (https://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=44431&d=1246041435)

07-28-2009, 17:21
Figured it out. Thx. Some of the files did not get overwritten to newer version.

07-28-2009, 17:52
Yeah I suspected that -.-

07-28-2009, 20:04
Is there a way of having L8d and Super Versus off and calling for them in console while in game. Possibly in sourcemod menu?

07-29-2009, 06:58
Is there a way of having L8d and Super Versus off and calling for them in console while in game. Possibly in sourcemod menu?

You should only have one of those two plugins running.
Super Versus has L8D functionality.

08-01-2009, 22:26
Very new to HL engine,

I got the SM and MM working fine, Have the mod uploaded with all the extras, got it set at 18 slots, when I connect it crashes right away, i do see the multiple players so it kind of is working.

any ideas ?

08-01-2009, 22:35
Are there any errors on your console when it crashes?

08-01-2009, 22:38
i cant see the console as it turns off then turns back on, like an auto restart

08-01-2009, 22:48
Check the server logs.


08-01-2009, 23:17
L 08/01/2009 - 21:08:05: SourceMod error session started
L 08/01/2009 - 21:08:05: Info (map "l4d_vs_airport01_greenhouse") (file "errors_20090801.log")
L 08/01/2009 - 21:08:05: [UPDATER] --- BEGIN ERRORS FROM AUTOMATIC UPDATER ---
L 08/01/2009 - 21:08:05: [UPDATER] Could not download "http://update.sourcemod.net/update/"
L 08/01/2009 - 21:08:05: [UPDATER] Error: The requested URL returned error: 404
L 08/01/2009 - 21:08:05: [UPDATER] --- END ERRORS FROM AUTOMATIC UPDATER ---
L 08/01/2009 - 21:13:05: SourceMod error session started
L 08/01/2009 - 21:13:05: Info (map "l4d_vs_hospital01_apartment") (file "errors_20090801.log")
L 08/01/2009 - 21:13:05: [UPDATER] --- BEGIN ERRORS FROM AUTOMATIC UPDATER ---
L 08/01/2009 - 21:13:05: [UPDATER] Could not download "http://update.sourcemod.net/update/"
L 08/01/2009 - 21:13:05: [UPDATER] Error: The requested URL returned error: 404
L 08/01/2009 - 21:13:05: [UPDATER] --- END ERRORS FROM AUTOMATIC UPDATER ---

L 08/01/2009 - 21:01:52: -------- Mapchange to l4d_vs_airport01_greenhouse --------
L 08/01/2009 - 21:02:15: -------- Mapchange to l4d_vs_airport01_greenhouse --------
L 08/01/2009 - 21:02:32: SourceMod log file session started (file "L20090801.log") (Version "1.2.2-dev")
L 08/01/2009 - 21:02:32: -------- Mapchange to l4d_vs_airport01_greenhouse --------
L 08/01/2009 - 21:08:04: -------- Mapchange to l4d_vs_airport01_greenhouse --------
L 08/01/2009 - 21:08:27: SourceMod log file session started (file "L20090801.log") (Version "1.2.2-dev")
L 08/01/2009 - 21:08:27: -------- Mapchange to l4d_vs_airport01_greenhouse --------
L 08/01/2009 - 21:12:53: SourceMod log file session started (file "L20090801.log") (Version "1.2.2-dev")
L 08/01/2009 - 21:12:53: -------- Mapchange to l4d_vs_hospital01_apartment --------
L 08/01/2009 - 21:13:04: -------- Mapchange to l4d_vs_hospital01_apartment --------
L 08/01/2009 - 21:13:25: SourceMod log file session started (file "L20090801.log") (Version "1.2.2-dev")
L 08/01/2009 - 21:13:25: -------- Mapchange to l4d_vs_hospital01_apartment --------
L 08/01/2009 - 21:18:16: SourceMod log file session started (file "L20090801.log") (Version "1.2.2-dev")
L 08/01/2009 - 21:18:16: -------- Mapchange to l4d_vs_hospital01_apartment --------

08-01-2009, 23:29
Does it still crash if you don't install this mod?

Those errors you posted do not signify any errors with the server at all. The update error is alliedmods.net's side - they took the automatic updater down due to server issues.

08-01-2009, 23:31
yeah, server runs fine with no mod, i had a few mods in it working well, blood mod, laser and a few others, took them all out for a clean install, thought it might have been one of them

08-01-2009, 23:37
i had the l4d_superversus.cfg settings @

l4d_infected_limit and l4d_survivor_limit both set at 8

i just set it back to 4 each and it is not crashing

08-01-2009, 23:51
I set them both at 5 and it works, anything over that and it crashes

08-01-2009, 23:53
Wait, which is causing your server to crash? SuperVersus or Left4Downtown extension?

You need the Left4Downtown extension to allow SuperVersus to allocate more than 8 players in total.

08-01-2009, 23:59
got it working, seems to be an issue with the

// Give extra survivors HP packs? (1 for extra medpacks)
// -
// Default: "0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
l4d_XtraHP "1"

set at zero it works fine, set at 1 and it crashes when you connect

08-02-2009, 00:00
That is a bug with SuperVersus. If you search that forum there are a few who fixed it.

08-02-2009, 00:00
I got both mods running, well i think, lol

08-02-2009, 00:30
Yeah. Try the one here (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=882483&postcount=185).

I use that with XtraHP and no problems :)

08-02-2009, 04:39
I asked this in another thread, no one replied. So maybe someone here has an idea:

I'd like to know this too.

Is it possible to have more than 8 people join a l4d server without using console connect? Looking at the 'most popular' l4d servers they are almost constant at 16/16 players, and I can't imagine there are hundreds (maybe thousands?) l4d players sitting at a console typing retry all day :/

Any ideas? :s

08-02-2009, 10:19
I asked this in another thread, no one replied. So maybe someone here has an idea:

Any ideas? :s

Or maybe they don't want to share .... I'm asking this on many others forums .. and none of them was replied ... sad.

08-03-2009, 08:32
this is not working for me. 12 slot server and 8 ppl on it, it won't allow me to join.

08-03-2009, 08:47
this is not working for me. 12 slot server and 8 ppl on it, it won't allow me to join.

You got to unreserve your server once 8 slots (for versus. 4 slots for coop/survival) are filled. Use this plugin (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=94415).

Then put this in your server.cfgsv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0

Or maybe they don't want to share .... I'm asking this on many others forums .. and none of them was replied ... sad.
Or maybe because we don't know/not too sure.
All I know is that you can connect via the Steam Groups serverlist or through Friends serverlist - they'll work if the server is unreserved.
So you'll probably want to add your server to a Steam Group and get your clients to add the Steam Group so that it'll appear in their list.

08-06-2009, 02:00
anyone knows why in a coop server when the campaigns ends directly changes to another map instead of showing the credits with the stats ?

08-06-2009, 04:31
anyone knows why in a coop server when the campaigns ends directly changes to another map instead of showing the credits with the stats ?

Doesn't happen on my servers. Sure it's due to this extension? Give us a list of your plugins - one of them could be the culprit.

08-06-2009, 15:53
Everytime I try to change the max players, it says:
"Can't set l4d_survivor_limit in multiplayer"

Someone help?

08-06-2009, 17:48
Everytime I try to change the max players, it says:
"Can't set l4d_survivor_limit in multiplayer"

Someone help?

You sure you changed l4d_maxplayers?

You got to put it in server.cfg

08-07-2009, 15:53
You sure you changed l4d_maxplayers?

You got to put it in server.cfg

Could you explain how?

Sorry D:

08-07-2009, 16:28
Open server.cfg.
Put the line in the file ("l4d_maxplayers xx").
Save the file.

08-08-2009, 11:56
Anyone know why my server won't go online after I install this extension? I have the swapteams plugin from the same maker also. I removed the 4 files pertaining to this extension and my server boots back up. Any ideas?

08-12-2009, 07:34
I don't need to install "ready up" plugin, do i?

08-12-2009, 08:13
I don't need to install "ready up" plugin, do i?
Nope. Where does it even mention that you need to? :shock:

08-13-2009, 10:45
i can have bunch of survivours and infected with your mod and with super VS, but im capped for 8 connections... what did i do wrong? (dedicated server):|

08-13-2009, 10:48
i can have bunch of survivours and infected with your mod and with super VS, but im capped for 8 connections... what did i do wrong? (dedicated server):|
Did you set +maxplayers 18 in your server startline?

Did you set l4d_maxplayers in your server.cfg?

08-13-2009, 11:33
Did you set +maxplayers 18 in your server startline?

there is no startline in VGUI version of dedicated server... i tried to set it from setup window...
Or is there? will shortcut way work?
Did you set l4d_maxplayers in your server.cfg?

08-13-2009, 17:52
there is no startline in VGUI version of dedicated server... i tried to set it from setup window...
Or is there? will shortcut way work? Just put it in the advanced startup options in the properties panel of the Left4Dead Dedicated Server.

Right-click -> Properties -> Set launch options

08-22-2009, 09:10
good day,

I hope you can help me guys ( i think this is just a minor problem)

I managed to work this plugin (together with other suggested plugins) on my version of L4D but when i try it on version this plugin doesn't seem to work (moved all of my settings from 1.3 to 1.4). Survivor is still capped to only 4 bots/players.

what do you think guys might be the problem?

08-23-2009, 22:20
Can someone compile this to 32 max players limit. I do not have the program and I cannot get it any time soon. Thank You.

09-08-2009, 06:03
after you install the l4d downtown plugin, what commands do u type in the dedicated server for example to get a 12 player server running?
sorry i'm noob,

09-08-2009, 08:23
Simply set the l4d_maxplayers CVAR to what you want in server.cfg (e.g. l4d_maxplayers 12), or -1 to disable override. You can also set -maxplayers or +maxplayers from command line instead of using the CVAR.
You should set the +maxplayers parameter when starting your dedicated server to 12. e.g. srcds.exe -game left4dead -port 27015 +maxplayers 12
Then in your server.cfg set l4d_maxplayers to 12

09-08-2009, 08:56
thanks for the help unfortunately i don't think its working i entered l4d_maxplayers 12 in the dedicated server console didn't do anything for some reason, also how to you add bots in the server so that a human player can take over once they join?

thanks, bit of a noob

09-08-2009, 09:20
Did you set +maxplayers 12?
l4d_maxplayers should be set in your server.cfg config file in left4dead/configs/

09-10-2009, 01:16
L4D issue

In co-op, if one player takes a break, there is no way to take control of the bot again except reconnecting to the server.

I cant think of any other installed plugins causing this issue except this extension.

Any workarounds?

edit: nvm it is caused by this: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=97609

09-10-2009, 05:20
Did you set +maxplayers 12?
l4d_maxplayers should be set in your server.cfg config file in left4dead/configs/

hi thanks for the reply though for som reason i cant find a server.cfg file at all i do have metamod and source mod installed so i'm not so sure why there would not be a .cfg file under that name,

any ideas?


09-10-2009, 05:39
Make one. Its just a plain text file

09-16-2009, 02:45
it can't go up to 32 players.

09-29-2009, 16:50
With today's update and release of DLC2, I am getting this in my logs.

L 09/29/2009 - 15:43:06: SourceMod error session started
L 09/29/2009 - 15:43:06: Info (map "l4d_hospital01_apartment") (file "errors_20090929.log")
L 09/29/2009 - 15:43:06: [LEFT4DOWNTOWN] PlayerSlots -- Could not find 'GetMaxHumanPlayers' signature

09-29-2009, 17:04
Left 4 Downtown is out of date. It will need to be updated with the new version.

09-29-2009, 19:09
Sigh....Downtown1, we need you!

09-29-2009, 20:37
go for l4dtoolz. up to 32 players and much more reliable

09-29-2009, 22:35
With today's update and release of DLC2, I am getting this in my logs.

L 09/29/2009 - 15:43:06: SourceMod error session started
L 09/29/2009 - 15:43:06: Info (map "l4d_hospital01_apartment") (file "errors_20090929.log")
L 09/29/2009 - 15:43:06: [LEFT4DOWNTOWN] PlayerSlots -- Could not find 'GetMaxHumanPlayers' signature

Looks like it only breaks the players reporting (on windows). e.g. it will always say out of 8 or out of 4 for coop. But more than 8 should still be able to connect.

I'll investigate it further since it seems like a low priority fix now.

09-30-2009, 00:33
Looks like it only breaks the players reporting (on windows). e.g. it will always say out of 8 or out of 4 for coop. But more than 8 should still be able to connect.

I'll investigate it further since it seems like a low priority fix now.

I tried it on garena using lan to make sure, turns out, only 4 people can connect, then the join button is grayed out.

09-30-2009, 00:34
I'm on windows. I can't use this till you patch it.

09-30-2009, 02:31
Can someone confirm whether or not this is still working on Linux? I played around with the code and the maxplayers *shows* its out of 18 in the server browser (on Linux), but it doesn't necessarily mean the code still works.

FWIW I fixed the signature for Windows' 'GetMaxHumanPlayers' but that didn't actually seem to have fixed the player reporting, and I certainly don't have time to gather up 9 players to go and see if the slot overriding is actually working or not.

For windows, it should say x/4 on coop and x/8 for versus, but can anyone try connecting via console after the regular amount of slots have been filled? I haven't had a chance to round up that many people to do a live test.

09-30-2009, 11:38
I can help you test the windows version but currently the problem I'm running into is once I join server It errors during Loading. Connection Timeout.

09-30-2009, 13:20
I can help you test the windows version but currently the problem I'm running into is once I join server It errors during Loading. Connection Timeout.

Can you please be more specific? How many players are on your server when you try to connect (and is it via console or not)?

Also if you have access to your srcds console the error messages it shows when someone tries to connect and fails would be nice.

09-30-2009, 13:28
Valve did something to the steam group server list, so it's gonna be even harder to get more then 8 people becuase no servers are showing up anymore.

Updated shared libraries and DLLs preventing dedicated servers listing correctly, appearing on Steam groups, and being found via sv_search_key

09-30-2009, 13:29
When the patch came out, anyone who tried to join gets "connection timeout". No one can get in, so I can't test anything past 0 players :P.

Ill get the console error when my server empty's and I reinstall Downtown.
As of right now, its removed.

09-30-2009, 14:17
Even though the logs say I joined spectator, I never get past the loading screen.

L 09/30/2009 - 13:13:51: "[FeC] Xcalibur<2><>" connected, address ""
Client "[FeC] Xcalibur" connected (
L 09/30/2009 - 13:13:51: World triggered "Round_Start"
String Table dictionary for downloadables should be rebuilt, only found 39 of 47 strings in dictionary
L 09/30/2009 - 13:13:51: "[FeC] Xcalibur<2><>" STEAM USERID validated
L 09/30/2009 - 13:14:11: [SM] Native "L4D_LobbyIsReserved" reported: Failed to locate function "IsReserved"
L 09/30/2009 - 13:14:11: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "l4dunreservelobby.smx":
L 09/30/2009 - 13:14:11: [SM] [0] Line 66, C:\download\games\hl2 mods\sourcemod\sourcemod-1.2.0-hg2500\addons\sourcemod\scripting\l4dunreserv elobby.sp::OnClientPutInServer()
L 09/30/2009 - 13:14:11: FinishClientPutInServer [FeC] Xcalibur(2): looking for bots to take over
L 09/30/2009 - 13:14:11: "[FeC] Xcalibur<2><>" entered the game
L 09/30/2009 - 13:14:15: "[FeC] Xcalibur<2>" joined team "Survivor"
L 09/30/2009 - 13:14:15: (SKIN) Survivor [FeC] Xcalibur changed model from to models/survivors/survivor_biker.mdl via SetModelFromClass
L 09/30/2009 - 13:14:15: (SKIN) SetCharacter: Survivor [FeC] Xcalibur chose character Biker(2) from model models/survivors/survivor_biker.mdl
./srcds_run: line 368: 23106 Segmentation fault $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Wed Sep 30 13:14:15 EST 2009: Server restart in 10 seconds

09-30-2009, 17:54
yes, I can also vouch that the extension is not compatible with the new patch from valve for L4D. I run a 6 vs 6 server that is heavily modded and had no problems until last night. seems like the code is broken, my clanmates reported getting a message stating "can not remove francis, zoey, bill, boomer" something like that. since my server is set up with "max visible players_ 12" no one can take over the bots.