This is a rules plugin that supercedes all other rule plugins, as this is a type of plugin that allows you to add rules in-game, delete them and even edit their positions. Modifying is not possible, you can just delete and move positions.
This is beta because I didn't have time to check all bugs, you can help with that of course.
If you don't want to use the in-game way to add rules, just create 2 rules in-game and you'll find a new file in addons/sourcemod/configs/rules.cfg, you'll probably easily understand how to edit it, it works in a system named "key values".
Unlike some rule plugins, this is not the annoying type of rules that ambushes him on connect and tells to accept. It will display the rules every connect, and a player can exit the rules without receiving any penalty. They will know about the possible consequences of not accepting yet, and admins are able to force players to view the rules with !showrules. When a new rule is added, all players will need to check the rules again, and the new rule will be marked with a * so the player knows what to read relative to the last time a player hit "accept rules"
advanced_rules_force_show - Forces the player to view the rules on connect. If set to 0, just informs the player that he needs to view the rules. The player will not be forced if there aren't any new rules relative to the last time the player accepted the rules.
!rules - Displays the rules.
!showrules - Allows a generic admin to force a player to open the rules menu.
!managerules - Allows a ROOT admin to edit the contents of the rules menu, features are adding a new rule, deleting an existing rule and moving a rule to a certain position. If you require editing a rule's name / description, delete it and re-create it.
!addrule_name <rule name> - When creating a new rule, this command is used to set the new rule's name.
!addrule_desc <rule description> - When creating a new rule, this command is used to set the new rule's description. After both commands were used, pressing "Add a rule" will add the new rule to the end of the key value file. Inserting "/n" ( without quotes ) translates to creating a new line.
The point in this plugin is to ditch the annoying "server rules in a forum nobody is going to check" and instead, players will be able to view the rules in their spare time ( probably when dead ) and will be able to activate basic logic to avoid being banned. You can input your entire server rules in this. You have 256 characters per rule description, which should be more than enough. Adding rules is easy and I advise very much against editing the key value file, which you don't even have to generate by yourself.
How to install:
Press "AdvancedRules.smx" and put it inside the folder "addons/sourcemod/plugins" within your game folder ( csgo/cstrike/tf2 etc... )
Restart the server or better, write this in the chat:
!rcon sm plugins load AdvancedRules
Alternatively, you can write this in the console for the exact same effect:
sm_rcon sm plugins load AdvancedRules
Please add here your server if it uses this plugin:
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I am available to make plugins for pay.
Discord: Eyal282#1334