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Requesting a ServerSide Music Plugin

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Old 01-16-2012 , 02:45   Requesting a ServerSide Music Plugin
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Greetings All.

I am a complete noob when it comes to this, but I am willing to learn. I am close to 60 yrs old and have started a Clan for kids with disabilities. We are a Christian Clan also.

Our Clan members have requested that we have Music in our TF2 Servers to take their minds off some of the incessent prattle that goes on and also from the difficulties that they face in life. I created and support this Clan for my son, who is also disabled.

I am using HLDJ at present, but as fine an Application as this is - it still has limitations. Especially with sound quality and dropping out at times.

I would be more than willing to pay/donate for a Mod that I could put into the Server itself that could be activated and run by our Admins. I can upload any of the music files needed directly to the server and as long as running it is not too difficult, can teach the Kids how to use it.

I don't know if anyone is interested in doing this, but though that I would ask anyway? I was hoping to be able to take advantage of the new Steam Codec released recently, as this would enable far better quality.

Please let me know what you think?

P.S. I posted this in the wrong Section previously. Sorry!

Thank You
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Old 01-16-2012 , 03:34   Re: Requesting a ServerSide Music Plugin
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When you upload music file to server and use plugin what start upload to all players who join server, it's illegal share copyrighted music...
Don't know better if those are less than minute sample.
sry bad english.

You can try old voice codec instead new Steam codec.
sv_use_steam_voice 0
*ou, maybe you have this already because you can play hldj

Last edited by Bacardi; 01-16-2012 at 04:26.
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Old 01-16-2012 , 06:16   Re: Requesting a ServerSide Music Plugin
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Thank You for that Bacardi.

Yes at present I am using HLDJ. All the music that we will be playing is now copyright free. The kids are fans of music from the 50's and early 60's so I have gathered a collection of songs that are royalty free that they enjoy.

I hope that this makes a difference. Any songs that I may put on in the future that may have Royalty restrictions, I will just pay the royalty for them. It should not be a lot Anually for a 24 slot server I would imagine.

I was hoping to take advantage of the new TF2 Sound Codec to enhance the quality of the music. Frankie Lyman and the Teenagers would sound so much better then.

Best Regards and Thank You
Keith Shew
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Old 01-16-2012 , 16:56   Re: Requesting a ServerSide Music Plugin
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Don't know would this plugin easier setup... Admin Sounds 1.2.2

Try upload one song first in your server, better if you make uniq folder also where you put all songs. Not have to.
example ...tf/sound/misc0/music_name.mp3
And try rename music file name shorter and simple to avoid problems.

upload host
Are you using another address where players download missing files ?
sv_downloadurl "http://www.mydomain.com/tf" ??
Then upload same file in there. You need mimic file path same as in your server.
(Bzip2 can compress file smaller so can download faster music_name.mp3.bz2, but if you are not familiar about that, forget)

Tell if you run your server any other sv_pure setting than 0 ?
- when run in sv_pure 1 mode, need edit ...orangebox/hl2/pure_server_whitelist.txt
- when run in sv_pure 2 mode, not possible play custom sounds/music.
(This can be check joinning to your own server to play and type in own console sv_pure)
pure_server_whitelist.txt example

Then need sourcemod plugin to tell players download missing files.
Admin sounds - what I have pick up.
Unzip and move files in right place in your server.
There is config file for admin sounds menu ...tf/addons/sourcemod/configs/soundslist.cfg
You can edit that file with notepad or any other text editor.
soundslist.cfg example

If players can't download missing files, need change server cvar
sv_allowdownload to 1 (it's by default even cvar not have added in ...cfg/server.cfg)

They have settings too, do they want download custom files from server.
Type in own game console before join server
cl_downloadfilter all
cl_allowdownload 1

*I need go sleep, go try this far if you can.
I'm bad tutor in these anyway.
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Old 01-17-2012 , 08:30   Re: Requesting a ServerSide Music Plugin
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Gee Bacardi Thank You so much for all of this assistance and the work you ahve obviously spent on such a detailed and lengthy reply. I have actually had a look at that Mod for suitability and discarded it as an option for me.

I was wanting something with it's own menu though, if possible? I was also kind of hoping to take advantage of the new Sound Codec recently released.

As I said I am using HLDJ now and it seems to work very well as long as I use the old Codec. The sound quality could be better and it is Clientside. I wanted something as easy to run if possible that was Server side.

Thank You again for your efforts.
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Old 01-17-2012 , 19:32   Re: Requesting a ServerSide Music Plugin
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There isn't currently any released code to inject into the server's voice data stream, nor is it possible to encode audio on the server using SILK (the new codec).

You'd be best off looking into one of the many jukebox/radio plugins which use an external streaming server and a flash music player in a hidden MOTD window.
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Old 01-18-2012 , 01:14   Re: Requesting a ServerSide Music Plugin
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Originally Posted by asherkin View Post
There isn't currently any released code to inject into the server's voice data stream, nor is it possible to encode audio on the server using SILK (the new codec).

You'd be best off looking into one of the many jukebox/radio plugins which use an external streaming server and a flash music player in a hidden MOTD window.

Thank You asherkin.

That actually sounds like a great Idea! I have plenty of spare bandwidth on my Website and now I am wondering if I may be able to use some of that? If not though I could ask my Hosting Company if they could set up something for me.

Would you have any ideas of which would be a good or best Jukebox plugin to use? I am after the best quality sound reproduction that I can get basically. As I have said many times, I am a total noob when it comes to this stuff.

I just wish I could find someone here in Australia that I could hire on a casual basis to assist me in setting all of this up? I want my son and these kids to have the best I can give them.

Really though Thank You very much for your great suggestion and I will look into it and ask my friend who does all the backend work on our website if he might know how to do some of this.

Best Regards
Aggamemnon is offline
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Old 01-18-2012 , 17:25   Re: Requesting a ServerSide Music Plugin
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Yes, asherkin is right that steaming music through a hidden motd is probably your best option. With that in mind, this plugin is probably the best: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=945519

If that doesn't work or is too complicated for what you want (I've never tried it myself), I'd be happy to share my simpler jukebox. It only allows admins to steam a song on your website to your players, nothing else. Just requires a website with PHP- send a PM if you need it. Otherwise, jukebox has a pretty robust set of features.

Last edited by pheadxdll; 01-18-2012 at 17:36.
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Old 01-20-2012 , 08:47   Re: Requesting a ServerSide Music Plugin
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Greetings pheadxdll

I tried to PM you twice, but I do not know if I was successful? It didn't look like I was. I noticed that you are available for some Private Hire/

I would not mind discussing 2 Projects that I have in mind? I will try to PM you again, if I am unsuccessful you can always contact me through my Website. ( †KoG† Aggamemnon )

I have looked at and posted in the thread you gave me, but it looks just a Tad complicated for my megre skills.

Best Regards
Aggamemnon is offline

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