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Faaip's Stupid Never-Ending Request Thread ;)

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[TooL] Faaip De Oiad
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2005
Old 05-26-2005 , 04:56   Faaip's Stupid Never-Ending Request Thread ;)

Update: Added to NemoD

Now that I'm able to fully use the autorespawn feature (completely stable, thanks to your patched file, Fysh), I was wondering if it would be possible to modify the autorespawn protection to allow players to hurt other players...

...ideally, another cvar that would allow admins to specify how long they couldn't cause damage, or whether autorespawn protection prevented them from causing damage.

Again, I don't know if this is possible, but it'd be great if it could be set up. This way, players who spawn and are invincible would have a chance to clear their spawn for the specified number of seconds.

Thanks again, Fysh.

[TooL] Faaip De Oiad is offline
[TooL] Faaip De Oiad
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Old 05-26-2005 , 05:09  

UPDATE - Added in NemoD v0.2.9.5

...also, while I'm at it, would it be possible to make hostages invulnerable? It becomes impossible for CT's to complete the objective during autorespawn mode in hostage maps when all the hostages are dead.

I currently have a harsh punishment system set up, but I'd rather have a more passive approach - invulnerable hostages would do the trick.

Thanks again,

[TooL] Faaip De Oiad is offline
[TooL] Faaip De Oiad
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Old 05-31-2005 , 04:03  

UPDATE: Added to NemoD v0.3

Here's another one: Would it be possible to set up a staggered teleport when it is performed to multiple players?

Currently, teleporting #ct or #t teleports everyone on top of eachother. Would it be possible to set it up so that when /nm_teleport #ct/#t is used it teleports players with a 1 second delay per player, or possibly with a slight variance in the x,y,z coordinates of the teleport + a slight delay per-player?


[TooL] Faaip De Oiad is offline
[TooL] Faaip De Oiad
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Old 05-31-2005 , 05:32  

UPDATE - Added in NemoD v0.2.9.5

Would it be possible to add a cvar that would adjust the time?

Mani's implemented this by using a number that can be specified as positive (to add minutes) or negative (to subtract minutes), i.e. 16:50 with an adjustment of -60 becomes 15:50.

Also, could you implement something similar to Mani's crontablist.txt file? It specifies commands to run at given times on given days of the week at the beginning of maps during the time specified.

Thanks again,

[TooL] Faaip De Oiad is offline
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Old 05-31-2005 , 17:24  

Time for what?
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[TooL] Faaip De Oiad
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Old 05-31-2005 , 17:36  

UPDATE - Added in NemoD v0.2.9.5

Sorry, I didn't specify. It would adjust for server time - so that 'thetime' would display an adjusted time that suited a timezone of choice, and if you added a feature similar to Mani's crontablist, it would use the adjusted time as well.

I can't adjust the actual server time myself - it's set by the company the server is rented from, so using an adjustment allows me to correct for timezone differences.

UPDATE - Added in NemoD v0.2.9.5

...and here's yet another request to add to my retarded list of wantings:

Web page browsing - particularly if it is possible to add a screen that instantly pops up and just says, "Loading..." while Source is waiting for the webpage to load.


[TooL] Faaip De Oiad is offline
[TooL] Faaip De Oiad
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Old 06-01-2005 , 20:11  

I realize I started the whole categorized nm_server.cfg file thing, but uh... I was thinking maybe it would be better if it was only re-categorized at major updates (i.e. at .3, .4, etc) and was just appended for the minor updates in a fashion similar to Mani.

This would make things easier as far as adding the new lines for Fysh as well as updating the NemoD install for users.

Just add the new lines under something like this:

// New for v.2.9.5

nm_new_cvar 1 // Explanation1
nm_new_cvar 2 // Explanation2

// New for v.2.9.6

nm_new_cvar 1 // Explanation1
nm_new_cvar 2 // Explanation2


...and then recategorize everything at the major updates.
[TooL] Faaip De Oiad is offline
[TooL] Faaip De Oiad
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Old 06-02-2005 , 00:00  

Well, here's another one. Can you add a cvar that allows us to set the number of rounds between running nm_swap_teams?

I'm using EventScripts now to do it after every round, but apparently (as you saw earlier) there's a flaw that makes it so sometimes right after a map load, it doesn't trigger properly and enters a never-ending loop.

Thanks again,


EDIT - Nevermind on this one, I found a way to curtail the looping by running a check for the winning team to make sure it wasn't a draw (which, theoretically, had been causing the possibility of looping).
[TooL] Faaip De Oiad is offline
[TooL] Faaip De Oiad
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Old 06-02-2005 , 01:26  

Any way you could add an extention to nm_swap_teams that would decide whether or not players are killed to change teams? It would make the round-end team-swap thing much smoother.


[TooL] Faaip De Oiad is offline
[TooL] Faaip De Oiad
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Old 06-02-2005 , 01:49  

Another request! Amazing.

How about a skill-based team balancer that uses a player's ranking in the nm_stats.dat file (or whatever file is specified as stats in nm_server.cfg)?

Ideally, it would use a player's efficiency to balance teams every X rounds, or when the difference in wins between T and CT reaches a certain threshold. It could then swap X number of players to correct the issue, with a maximum number of players that could be swapped at any time variable depending on the number of players in the server (i.e. it is inappropirate to have 4 players swapped on a 10-player server, just like it would be ineffective to have 2 players swapped on a 32-player server).

...and yes, I'm aware of ETB - but it sorts players based on their K:D ratio for that one game - and does not allow for overall long-term skill differences, so one team might have lower K:D for that one map - but still be dominating because its veteran players are accomplishing objectives.

Anywhos, I realize this one is a bit more involved than most, but I figger'd I'd add it to the pile and let Fysh nm_request_sort it. ;)

[TooL] Faaip De Oiad is offline

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