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Suicide bombs for players

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Join Date: Jun 2009
Old 01-29-2021 , 07:17   Suicide bombs for players
Reply With Quote #1

Hello friends! This plugin only works for bots. How to change so that players can use it?

//(C) 2014 Jared Ballou <[email protected]>
//Released under GPLv3

#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma unused cvarVersion
#include <sourcemod> 
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <updater>


#pragma unused cvarVersion

#define PLUGIN_VERSION "0.0.3"
#define PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION "Adds suicide bomb for bots"
#define UPDATE_URL    ""

#define MAX_FILE_LEN 80
#define DMG_GENERIC	2056
new Handle:cvarVersion = INVALID_HANDLE; // version cvar!
new Handle:cvarEnabled = INVALID_HANDLE; // are we enabled?
new Handle:cvarDeathChance = INVALID_HANDLE; //global death chance
new Handle:cvarIncenDeathChance = INVALID_HANDLE; //death chance if explosion
new Handle:cvarExplosiveDeathChance = INVALID_HANDLE; //death chance if explosion
new Handle:cvarChestStomachDeathChance = INVALID_HANDLE; //death chance if chest/stomach
new Handle:cvar_yelling_delay = INVALID_HANDLE; //Yelling delay time
new Handle:cvar_jammer_range = INVALID_HANDLE; //Range of jammer
new Handle:cvar_jammer_chance = INVALID_HANDLE; //Chance jammer has to jam bomber
new g_ClientBombs[MAXPLAYERS+1];
new String:g_client_last_classstring[MAXPLAYERS+1][64];
//new bool:bEnabled = false;
new g_isDetonating[MAXPLAYERS+1];
new g_yellCounter[MAXPLAYERS+1];
generic = 0?
head = 1
chest = 2
stomach = 3
leftArm = 4
rightArm = 5
leftLeg = 6
rightLeg = 7
Gear = 8 ?

// list of specific files that are decent
new String:DetonateYellSounds[][] = {
new String:RoamingSounds[][] = {

public Plugin:myinfo = {
	name= "[INS] Suicide Bombers",
	author  = "Jared Ballou (jballou)",
	description = PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION,
	version = PLUGIN_VERSION,
	url = "http://jballou.com/"

public OnPluginStart()
	//PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] Starting");
	cvarVersion = CreateConVar("sm_suicidebomb_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_DONTRECORD);
	cvarEnabled = CreateConVar("sm_suicidebomb_enabled", "1", "sets whether suicide bombs are enabled", FCVAR_NOTIFY, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	cvarDeathChance = CreateConVar("sm_suicidebomb_death_chance", "0.0", "Chance as a fraction of 1 that a bomber will explode when killed", FCVAR_NOTIFY, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	cvarIncenDeathChance = CreateConVar("sm_suicidebomb_incen_death_chance", "0.15", "Chance as a fraction of 1 that a bomber will explode when hurt by incen/molotov", FCVAR_NOTIFY, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	cvarExplosiveDeathChance = CreateConVar("sm_suicidebomb_explosive_death_chance", "0.75", "Chance as a fraction of 1 that a bomber will explode when hurt by explosive", FCVAR_NOTIFY, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	cvarChestStomachDeathChance = CreateConVar("sm_suicidebomb_chest_stomach_death_chance", "0.50", "Chance as a fraction of 1 that a bomber will explode if shot in stomach/chest", FCVAR_NOTIFY, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	cvar_yelling_delay = CreateConVar("sm_yelling_delay", "6", "Yelling delay time");
	cvar_jammer_range = CreateConVar("sm_jammer_range", "1200", "Range of the jammer");
	cvar_jammer_chance = CreateConVar("sm_jammer_chance", "70", "Chance the jammer has to prevent trigger");
	HookEvent("player_hurt", Event_PlayerHurt, EventHookMode_Pre);
	HookEvent("player_death", Event_PlayerDeath, EventHookMode_Pre);
	HookEvent("player_pick_squad", Event_PlayerPickSquad);
public OnConfigsExecuted()
	decl String:buffer[MAX_FILE_LEN];
	new noncached = 0;
	// cache sounds in string array to be used
	for (new i = 0; i < sizeof(RoamingSounds); i++) {
		Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "sound/%s", RoamingSounds[i]);
	for (new i = 0; i < sizeof(DetonateYellSounds); i++) {
		Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "sound/%s", DetonateYellSounds[i]);
	PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] Done adding %d sounds to download table", noncached);
public OnMapStart()
	CreateTimer(2.5, Timer_BomberLoop, _, TIMER_REPEAT | TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);

	new noncached = 0;
	// cache sounds in string array to be used
	for (new i = 0; i < sizeof(RoamingSounds); i++) {
		//if (!IsSoundPrecached(RoamingSounds[i])) {
			//PrintToServer("[FY] Cached: %s", sAllahuSounds[i]);
	for (new i = 0; i < sizeof(DetonateYellSounds); i++) {
		//if (!IsSoundPrecached(DetonateYellSounds[i])) {
			//PrintToServer("[FY] Cached: %s", sAllahuSounds[i]);
	PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] Done caching %d sounds", noncached);
public ConVarChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
	//if(cvar == cvarEnabled)
	//	bEnabled = bool:StringToInt(newVal);
public Event_PlayerPickSquad(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
	//PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] Running Event_PlayerPickSquad");
	new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));

	decl String:class_template[64];
	GetEventString(event, "class_template",class_template,sizeof(class_template));
	if( client) {
		g_client_last_classstring[client] = class_template;
public Action:Timer_BomberLoop(Handle:timer) //this controls bomber loop to check if distance from player
	new Float:fBomberDistance = GetRandomFloat(100.0, 600.0);
	//PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] TIMER: g_isDetonating: %i", g_isDetonating);
	////PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] TIMER STARTED");
	for (new bomber = 1; bomber <= MaxClients; bomber++)
		if (bomber < 1 || !IsClientInGame(bomber) || !IsFakeClient(bomber) && g_isDetonating[bomber] != 1)
		if ((StrContains(g_client_last_classstring[bomber], "bomber") > -1) && 
			// yell allahu akbar
			if (g_yellCounter[bomber] <= 0)
				g_yellCounter[bomber] = GetConVarInt(cvar_yelling_delay) / 2;
			for (new victim = 1; victim <= MaxClients; victim++) // lets get our victim to compare distance
				if (victim < 1 || !IsClientInGame(victim) || IsFakeClient(victim))
				if (IsPlayerAlive(victim))
					new Float:tDistance = (GetEntitiesDistance(bomber, victim)); // get current distance
					//tDistance = Math_UnitsToMeters(tDistance);
					//PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] Bomber Distance: %f ", tDistance);
					////PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] TIMER VICTIM DETECTED");
					new validAntenna = -1;
					validAntenna = FindValidProp_InDistance(bomber);
					if (tDistance < fBomberDistance)
						new Float:fBomberViewThreshold = 0.80; // if negative, bombers back is turned
						new tCanBomberSeeTarget = (ClientViews(bomber, victim, fBomberDistance, fBomberViewThreshold));
						if (tCanBomberSeeTarget)
							PrintToServer("[SUICIDE]Valid Antenna: %d ", validAntenna);
							if (validAntenna != -1)
								new fRandomInt = GetRandomInt(0, 100); 
								PrintToServer("fRandomInt: %d, CVAR %d", fRandomInt, GetConVarInt(cvar_jammer_chance));
								if (fRandomInt < GetConVarInt(cvar_jammer_chance)) //Jam IED
									PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] JAMMED");
									EmitSoundToAll("weapons/ied/handling/ied_trigger_ins.wav", bomber, SNDCHAN_VOICE, _, _, 1.0);
									EmitSoundToAll("player/voip_end_transmit_beep_03.wav", validAntenna, SNDCHAN_VOICE, _, _, 1.0);
									EmitSoundToAll("ui/sfx/beep.wav", validAntenna, SNDCHAN_VOICE, _, _, 1.0);
									PrintToChatAll("[Jammer] \x04***IED Bomber Jammed***\x04");
									EmitSoundToAll("weapons/ied/handling/ied_trigger_ins.wav", bomber, SNDCHAN_VOICE, _, _, 1.0);
									PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] BOOM");
									g_isDetonating[bomber] = 1;
									CheckExplodeHurt(bomber, true);
								EmitSoundToAll("weapons/ied/handling/ied_trigger_ins.wav", bomber, SNDCHAN_VOICE, _, _, 1.0);
								PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] BOOM");
								g_isDetonating[bomber] = 1;
									CheckExplodeHurt(bomber, true);
							//PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] BOMBER HAS NO LOS!");

//Find Valid Prop
public FindValidProp_InDistance(client)
	new prop;
	while ((prop = FindEntityByClassname(prop, "prop_dynamic_override")) != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE)
		new String:propModelName[128];
		GetEntPropString(prop, Prop_Data, "m_ModelName", propModelName, 128);
		if (StrEqual(propModelName, "models/sernix/ied_jammer/ied_jammer.mdl"))
			new Float:tDistance = (GetEntitiesDistance(client, prop));
			if (tDistance <= (GetConVarFloat(cvar_jammer_range)))
				return prop;

	return -1;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ClientViews()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
stock bool:ClientViews(Viewer, Target, Float:fMaxDistance=0.0, Float:fThreshold=0.73)
    // Retrieve view and target eyes position
    decl Float:fViewPos[3];   GetClientEyePosition(Viewer, fViewPos);
    decl Float:fViewAng[3];   GetClientEyeAngles(Viewer, fViewAng);
    decl Float:fViewDir[3];
    decl Float:fTargetPos[3]; GetClientEyePosition(Target, fTargetPos);
    decl Float:fTargetDir[3];
    decl Float:fDistance[3];
    // Calculate view direction
    fViewAng[0] = fViewAng[2] = 0.0;
    GetAngleVectors(fViewAng, fViewDir, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
    // Calculate distance to viewer to see if it can be seen.
    fDistance[0] = fTargetPos[0]-fViewPos[0];
    fDistance[1] = fTargetPos[1]-fViewPos[1];
    fDistance[2] = 0.0;
    if (fMaxDistance != 0.0)
        if (((fDistance[0]*fDistance[0])+(fDistance[1]*fDistance[1])) >= (fMaxDistance*fMaxDistance))
            return false;
    // Check dot product. If it's negative, that means the viewer is facing
    // backwards to the target.
    NormalizeVector(fDistance, fTargetDir);
    if (GetVectorDotProduct(fViewDir, fTargetDir) < fThreshold) return false;
    // Now check if there are no obstacles in between through raycasting
    new Handle:hTrace = TR_TraceRayFilterEx(fViewPos, fTargetPos, MASK_PLAYERSOLID_BRUSHONLY, RayType_EndPoint, ClientViewsFilter);
    if (TR_DidHit(hTrace)) { CloseHandle(hTrace); return false; }
    // Done, it's visible
    return true;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ClientViewsFilter()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public bool:ClientViewsFilter(Entity, Mask, any:Junk)
    if (Entity >= 1 && Entity <= MaxClients) return false;
    return true;
stock Float:GetEntitiesDistance(ent1, ent2)
	new Float:orig1[3];
	GetEntPropVector(ent1, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", orig1);
	new Float:orig2[3];
	GetEntPropVector(ent2, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", orig2);

	return GetVectorDistance(orig1, orig2);
public OnClientPutInServer(client) 
	if (IsFakeClient(client))
    	SDKHook(client, SDKHook_OnTakeDamage, Hook_OnTakeDamage); 

public Action:Hook_OnTakeDamage(victim, &attacker, &inflictor, &Float:damage, &damagetype) 
	 	//PrintToServer("damagetype = %d", damagetype);

	if (IsClientInGame(victim) && IsFakeClient(victim) && (StrContains(g_client_last_classstring[victim], "juggernaut") > -1)) 
		new ActiveWeapon = GetEntPropEnt(attacker, Prop_Data, "m_hActiveWeapon");
		if (ActiveWeapon < 0)
			return Plugin_Continue;

		decl String:sWeapon[32];
		GetEdictClassname(ActiveWeapon, sWeapon, sizeof(sWeapon));
		if(IsPlayerAlive(victim) && ((damagetype & DMG_GENERIC) || (damagetype & DMG_GRENADE_IMPACT) || (StrContains(sWeapon, "weapon_defib") > -1) || (StrContains(sWeapon, "weapon_knife") > -1)))
			//PrintToServer("PRE: damage: %f", damage);
			//new Float:locDamage = damage;
			damage = damage * 0.055; //Reverse damage by 97%
			//PrintToServer("POST: damage: %f", damage);
			return Plugin_Changed;
	return Plugin_Continue;

public Action:Event_PlayerHurt(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
	new victimId = GetEventInt(event, "userid");
	////PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] Victim ID is %d, g_isDetonating: %i",victimId, g_isDetonating);
	new victim = GetClientOfUserId(victimId);

	if (!(StrContains(g_client_last_classstring[victim], "bomber") > -1)) 
	if (IsClientInGame(victim) && IsFakeClient(victim) && g_isDetonating[victim] != 1)
		new Float:fChestStomachDeathChance = GetConVarFloat(cvarChestStomachDeathChance);
		new Float:fExplosiveDeathChance = GetConVarFloat(cvarExplosiveDeathChance);
		new Float:fIncenDeathChance = GetConVarFloat(cvarIncenDeathChance);
		new hitgroup = GetEventInt(event, "hitgroup");
		decl String:weapon[32];
		new Float:dmg_taken = GetEventFloat(event, "dmg_health");
		//new Int:victimHealth = GetEventInt(event, "health");
		GetEventString(event, "weapon", weapon, sizeof(weapon));
		//PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] victimHealth is: %i, Damage Taken: %i | RETURNING",victimHealth, dmg_taken);

		new Float:fRandom = GetRandomFloat(0.0, 1.0);
		//PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] Weapon used: %s, Damage done: %i",weapon, dmg_taken);

		if (hitgroup == 0)
			//explosive list
			//grenade_molotov, grenade_anm14
			//grenade_m67, grenade_f1, grenade_ied, grenade_c4, rocket_rpg7, rocket_at4, grenade_gp25_he, grenade_m203_he
			if (StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_anm14", false) || StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_molotov", false) ||
				StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_m79_incen", false))
				//PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] incen/molotov DETECTED!");
				if (fRandom < fIncenDeathChance)
					CheckExplodeHurt(victim, false);
			else if (StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_m67", false) || 
				StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_f1", false) || 
				StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_ied", false) || 
				StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_c4", false) || 
				StrEqual(weapon, "rocket_rpg7", false) || 
				StrEqual(weapon, "rocket_at4", false) || 
				StrEqual(weapon, "rocket_law", false) || 
				StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_m79", false) || 
				StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_m203_he", false))
				//PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] Explosive DETECTED!");
				if (dmg_taken >= 50.0)
					if (fRandom < fExplosiveDeathChance)
						CheckExplodeHurt(victim, false);
				else if (dmg_taken < 50.0) 
					if (fRandom < 0.10) //10% chance
						CheckExplodeHurt(victim, false);
			//PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] HITRGOUP 0 [GENERIC]");
		else if (hitgroup == 1)
			//PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] BOOM HEADSHOT");
		else if (hitgroup == 2 || hitgroup == 3)
				if (dmg_taken >= 30.0)
					//if (fRandom < 0.75) // To compensate for higher caliber rifles that may kill target in 1-2 shots we raise chance o 75%
					if (fRandom < fChestStomachDeathChance)
						CheckExplodeHurt(victim, false);
				else if (dmg_taken < 30.0) 
					//PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] Chest/Stomach shot");
					if (fRandom < (fChestStomachDeathChance - 0.1))
						CheckExplodeHurt(victim, false);
		else if (hitgroup == 4 || hitgroup == 5  || hitgroup == 6 || hitgroup == 7)
			if (fRandom < 0.25) //25% chance if shot in legs/arms to panic detonate
				CheckExplodeHurt(victim, true);
	//PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] EventDeath: Victim ID is %d, g_isDetonating: %i",victimId, g_isDetonating);
public Action:Timer_DetonatePeriod(Handle:timer, any:client)
	//new client;
	new bomb;
	new Float:clientPos[3];
	//PrintToServer("[DEBUG]-------BOMB ACTIVE");
	//client = ReadPackCell(bomberPack);
	//bomb = ReadPackCell(bomberPack);
	if (client > 0 && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client))
		bomb = EntRefToEntIndex(g_ClientBombs[client]);
		GetClientAbsOrigin(client, Float:clientPos);
		clientPos[2] = clientPos[2] + 54;
	    //client is our victim and we are running through all medics to see whos nearby
		if(IsFakeClient(client) && IsPlayerAlive(client) && bomb > 0 && bomb != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE && IsValidEdict(bomb) && IsValidEntity(bomb))
			TeleportEntity(bomb, clientPos, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
			return Plugin_Stop;
		return Plugin_Stop;
	return Plugin_Continue;
public CheckExplodeHurt(client, yellBool) {
	g_isDetonating[client] = 1;
	new m_iSquad = GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iSquad");
	new m_iSquadSlot = GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iSquadSlot");
	PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] Running CheckExplodeHURT for client %d name %N squad %d squadslot %d",client,client,m_iSquad,m_iSquadSlot);
	PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] Blowing Up %N with class %s!",client,g_client_last_classstring[client]);

	new Float:vecOrigin[3],Float:vecAngles[3];
	GetClientEyePosition(client, vecOrigin);

	new ent = CreateEntityByName("grenade_ied");
		vecAngles[0] = vecAngles[1] = vecAngles[2] = 0.0;
		TeleportEntity(ent, vecOrigin, vecAngles, vecAngles);
		SetEntPropEnt(ent, Prop_Data, "m_hOwnerEntity", client);
		SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Data, "m_nNextThinkTick", 1); //for smoke
		SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Data, "m_takedamage", 2);
		SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Data, "m_iHealth", 1);
		SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Data, "m_usSolidFlags", 0);
		SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Data, "m_nSolidType", 0);
		g_ClientBombs[client] = EntIndexToEntRef(ent);
		new Handle:bomberPack;
		CreateDataTimer(0.0 , Timer_DetonatePeriod, bomberPack, TIMER_REPEAT | TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);	
		CreateTimer(0.03, Timer_DetonatePeriod, client, TIMER_REPEAT | TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
         WritePackCell(bomberPack, client);
         WritePackCell(bomberPack, ent);

		if (DispatchSpawn(ent)) {
			if (yellBool == true)
			PrintToChatAll("\x05Suicide Bomber detonated bomb.");
public Action:Event_PlayerDeath(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)

	new Float:fExplosiveDeathChance = GetConVarFloat(cvarExplosiveDeathChance);
	new Float:fDeathChance = GetConVarFloat(cvarDeathChance);
	new Float:fRandom = GetRandomFloat(0.0, 1.0);
	new victimId = GetEventInt(event, "userid");
	new victim = GetClientOfUserId(victimId);
	if (!(StrContains(g_client_last_classstring[victim], "bomber") > -1)) //make sure its a bot bomber
	//PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] EventDeath: Victim ID is %d, g_isDetonating: %i",victimId, g_isDetonating);
	decl String:weapon[32];
	GetEventString(event, "weapon", weapon, sizeof(weapon));
	if (victimId > 0)
		if (IsClientInGame(victim) && IsFakeClient(victim) && g_isDetonating[victim] != 1)
			if (fRandom < fDeathChance)
			else if (StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_m67", false) || 
				StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_f1", false) || 
				StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_ied", false) || 
				StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_c4", false) || 
				StrEqual(weapon, "rocket_rpg7", false) || 
				StrEqual(weapon, "rocket_at4", false) || 
				StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_gp25_he", false) || 
				StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_m203_he", false) ||
				StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_anm14", false) || 
				StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_molotov", false))
				if (fRandom < fExplosiveDeathChance)
	g_isDetonating[victim] = 0;
public CheckExplodeDeath(client) {
	new m_iSquad = GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iSquad");
	new m_iSquadSlot = GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iSquadSlot");
	new Float:fDeathChance = GetConVarFloat(cvarDeathChance);
	new Float:fExplosiveDeathChance = GetConVarFloat(cvarExplosiveDeathChance);
	PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] Running CheckExplodeDEATH for client %d name %N squad %d squadslot %d",client,client,m_iSquad,m_iSquadSlot);

	PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] Blowing Up %N with class %s!",client,g_client_last_classstring[client]);
	//Assign random variable first
	new String:shotWeapName[32];
	new Float:vecOrigin[3],Float:vecAngles[3];
	GetClientEyePosition(client, vecOrigin);

	new ent = CreateEntityByName("grenade_ied");
		//PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] Created IED entity");
		vecAngles[0] = vecAngles[1] = vecAngles[2] = 0.0;
		TeleportEntity(ent, vecOrigin, vecAngles, vecAngles);
		SetEntPropEnt(ent, Prop_Data, "m_hOwnerEntity", client);
		SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Data, "m_nNextThinkTick", 1); //for smoke
		SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Data, "m_takedamage", 2);
		SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Data, "m_iHealth", 1);
		SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Data, "m_usSolidFlags", 0);
		SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Data, "m_nSolidType", 0);
		g_ClientBombs[client] = EntIndexToEntRef(ent);
		new Handle:bomberPack;
		CreateDataTimer(0.0 , Timer_DetonatePeriod, bomberPack, TIMER_REPEAT | TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);	
		CreateTimer(0.03, Timer_DetonatePeriod, client, TIMER_REPEAT | TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
        WritePackCell(bomberPack, client);
        WritePackCell(bomberPack, ent);
		if (DispatchSpawn(ent)) {
			PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] Detonating IED entity");
			PrintToChatAll("\x05Suicide Bomber detonated bomb.");

	if(victim>0 && IsValidEdict(victim) && damage>0)
		decl String:dmg_str[16];
		decl String:dmg_type_str[32];
		new pointHurt=CreateEntityByName("point_hurt");


public Action:YellRomaingSound(client) {
	// statics
	static idx_Sound = -1;
	// static voice = false;

	// decide on voice or sound
	new idx_Old = idx_Sound;
	idx_Sound = GetRandomInt(0, sizeof(RoamingSounds) - 1);

	//PrintToServer("[SUICIDE] Sound ID: Old %d, New %d", idx_Old, idx_Sound);

	// prevent playing the same sound in a row
	if (idx_Old == idx_Sound) {
		return YellRomaingSound(client);
	} else {
		EmitSoundToAll(RoamingSounds[idx_Sound], client);
	return Plugin_Continue;
YellDetonateSound(client) {
	//EmitSoundToAll("weapons/ied/handling/ied_trigger_ins.wav", client, SNDCHAN_VOICE, _, _, 1.0);
	new idx_Sound = -1;
	idx_Sound = GetRandomInt(0, sizeof(DetonateYellSounds) - 1);

	EmitSoundToAll(DetonateYellSounds[idx_Sound], client);
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