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[l4d2] Spawn related plugin (Paid work)

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Old 09-30-2010 , 00:16   [l4d2] Spawn related plugin (Paid work)
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I am in need of a personal plugin for an upcoming l4d2 competition. This plugin is related to special infected spawns (more than 4) and i can't reveal too much at this moment. This will be a paid work. Interested parties please drop me a private msg and we can discuss frm there.

kyyle is offline
Death [GER]
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Old 09-30-2010 , 08:03   Re: [l4d2] Spawn related plugin (Paid work)
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Again one of those threads..

If you want someone to complete your request provide more information.
That way you will get only messages from people that really can do what you want. If you do not provide that information you may get spammed with useless messages or wont get any at all.
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Old 10-01-2010 , 02:55   Re: [l4d2] Spawn related plugin (Paid work)
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What i need is a plugin that can help me spawn invisible special infecteds. They must be totally invisible and not be audible to the survivors, not attack the survivors at all and they must not block the path of the survivors (if they are in the survivor's way e.g., at the door entrance, the survivors must be able to walk through them like as if they are not phsically there). Basically i want them in there as dummies. This is for versus mode.
kyyle is offline
Death [GER]
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Old 10-01-2010 , 09:07   Re: [l4d2] Spawn related plugin (Paid work)
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Ok but tell me why would you want non-existant (invisible, noblock, ..) special infected?
Are you trying to use them so that no more are spawned, or are you willing to "activate" them later? Me myself wont do this anyway (no L4D) but now that you posted what you want there is a chance that someone will do it
Death [GER] is offline
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Old 10-02-2010 , 06:59   Re: [l4d2] Spawn related plugin (Paid work)
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They will be used as decoys for pple who 'can' see them. Sry i can't reveal anything more than this. Pls pm me for more details.
kyyle is offline
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Old 10-02-2010 , 11:00   Re: [l4d2] Spawn related plugin (Paid work)
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Kyyle, not giving enough information just means not many people are going to be interested. Odds are your idea isn't unique, or has already been done on a few servers before due to the range of brilliant coders that visit these forums and run help other communities. And should your idea be unique, well, you can simply delete your posts after you've made someone interested.
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Old 10-02-2010 , 15:01   Re: [l4d2] Spawn related plugin (Paid work)
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Okay. I'll be very exact then. The idea of my plugin is aimed at confusing cheaters. By now, experienced players (especially competitive players) should know by now that there are a few hacks out there that are still undetected by vac. Its going to be hard on the server side to detect what kind of client-side hacks players are using. So instead of detecting them, i prefer to confuse them.

In l4d, aimbot issues arent that serious since not many use them (can be easily exposed by spectators according to one of the hackers that i came to recently know). The use of a 3D radar, however, makes the game very imbalance. 3D radar works by bounding a box to your enemies (special infecteds) when they spawn so a hacker can see them even if they are behind walls. True, u can hear from their sounds where they roughly are but u will never get their exact location. A hacker on the other hand, will know their EXACT location, and within less than a second after spawn they (confusers like boomer and damagers like spitter) will be killed. This denies the damage that should be rightfully done to the survivors. And if anyone of you wana say you can hear from their sounds their exact location and can clear the infecteds within 2-3 seconds of their spawn, sry to say this but either u have been pubstomping too much or u have never played competitively or, u have been playing too much in junk servers with ridiculous plugins. Gd teams can get the entire survivor team into total disarray within a second of their spawn. A hacker, however can prevent this from happening. Thus the idea of my requested plugin is to spawn invisible special infecteds (dummies) so instead of 4 bounded boxes, the hacker will see 10 or more boxes and get confused. The only way for him then, is to turn of wotever hack he is using and play fairly. I hope this is clear enough.

FYI: since the begining of l4d2, i've been hanging ard at the forums and never see any plugins similar or even come close to the one i requested. If there are pls let me know.

Last edited by kyyle; 10-02-2010 at 15:05.
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Old 10-04-2010 , 09:13   Re: [l4d2] Spawn related plugin (Paid work)
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Originally Posted by kyyle View Post
Okay. I'll be very exact then. The idea of my plugin is aimed at confusing cheaters. By now, experienced players (especially competitive players) should know by now that there are a few hacks out there that are still undetected by vac. Its going to be hard on the server side to detect what kind of client-side hacks players are using. So instead of detecting them, i prefer to confuse them.

In l4d, aimbot issues arent that serious since not many use them (can be easily exposed by spectators according to one of the hackers that i came to recently know). The use of a 3D radar, however, makes the game very imbalance. 3D radar works by bounding a box to your enemies (special infecteds) when they spawn so a hacker can see them even if they are behind walls. True, u can hear from their sounds where they roughly are but u will never get their exact location. A hacker on the other hand, will know their EXACT location, and within less than a second after spawn they (confusers like boomer and damagers like spitter) will be killed. This denies the damage that should be rightfully done to the survivors. And if anyone of you wana say you can hear from their sounds their exact location and can clear the infecteds within 2-3 seconds of their spawn, sry to say this but either u have been pubstomping too much or u have never played competitively or, u have been playing too much in junk servers with ridiculous plugins. Gd teams can get the entire survivor team into total disarray within a second of their spawn. A hacker, however can prevent this from happening. Thus the idea of my requested plugin is to spawn invisible special infecteds (dummies) so instead of 4 bounded boxes, the hacker will see 10 or more boxes and get confused. The only way for him then, is to turn of wotever hack he is using and play fairly. I hope this is clear enough.

FYI: since the begining of l4d2, i've been hanging ard at the forums and never see any plugins similar or even come close to the one i requested. If there are pls let me know.
I know of at least one "VAC Proof" wall hack that is just custom textures which make walls transparent. This hack isn't hard to find and is completely free so I wouldn't be surprised at all if this is what most wall-hackers are using since it is very safe (at most you'll get kicked when you connect if sv_pure is in the mood for working).

Alos, a little off topic but I close to 2000h between L4D1 and 2, most of which is from a competitive environment and picking off boomers/spitters right when they spawn is extremely easy because they only spawn in certain locations. With a good set of headphones, some knowledge of how the game works, some basic infected spawning logic and a tiny bit of luck you can clear SI before you can see them with no problem. (Going back and watching my demos from matches, as soon as I hear a SI I will turn to where I expect it is based on where it can spawn and where I can hear it, and I'll already be shooting. Since I have such a good idea where SI are going to be it is usually correct).
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Old 10-04-2010 , 19:06   Re: [l4d2] Spawn related plugin (Paid work)
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Originally Posted by CanadaRox View Post
...picking off boomers/spitters right when they spawn is extremely easy because they only spawn in certain locations. With a good set of headphones, some knowledge of how the game works, some basic infected spawning logic...
He said for versus, meaning he wants to confuse hackers so they don't shoot human-controled infected very soon after they spawn. Since human players spawn ghosted and can then move, their spawns are not limited to certain locations. So, let's say, while a bot spitter generally appears around points A, D, and O, a human one could spawn at any given point A-Z.

Another note: I did see something like this requested a few months ago. It wasn't requested in quite the same way as this (their request involved makeing random infected invisible, disabling bots targeting that infected, and making the infected unable to attack. That way, hackers will target them, which would be near impossible if the infected was out of the way.), but it was not accepted because of too many possible flaws (e.g. the suspected is using a grenade launcher and simple launching in general areas that specials hide. Though he may hit an invisible infected occasionally, there's no way to really tell if he's hacking save spectating him and judging for yourself), which is always a problem with plugins like this.
So, all in all, not to say it's a bad idea, but I suspect it'll be like the request I saw back then and not be accepted (though the fact that this one's paid may help. ).
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Old 10-04-2010 , 23:52   Re: [l4d2] Spawn related plugin (Paid work)
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Hi CanadaRox, yes i know abt the hack u are refering to. But there are other hacks out there that does not need to replace your files with custom textured files. Basically what they do is that they bind a box to you immediately when you spawn (as an infected). Even if you are several walls behind or you are at the other end of the map they will still see ur box. This is what they call a 3D radar. They can even be configured to bind the boxes to pills, molotoves, pipes etc.

Yes a gd headphone can tell you where they roughly are but there are times where you will not know (or be able to guess correctly) their exact location. There are several instance where we thought the boomer is going to come out from the door but nope, you get biled by a boomer on the roof or on the window of the second floor. A hacker, on the other hand, knows EXACTLY whether the boomer comes out from the door on from the window on the 2nd floor because he sees the box binded to the boomer. True, most of the time we can guess correctly where they are but there are definitely times when we can't. A hacker will guess correctly 100% of the time because of the box. It is times like this when you could have done lots of damage to the survivor team but nope, he sees your box and kill you or molo you (in the case of a tank, trust me, i've seen ridiculous molo throws from survivors when the tank is totally out of sight and SO FAR away and already moved away from the spawn point). This can really result in a lot of differences in the health bonus (assuming both teams even reach the saferoom)

Fyi, i rarely tell my team to spawn boomer or spitter first. I'll get a distraction first before getting them to spawn. Even still, those #$@# hackers can sometimes mess up a gd team simply because they can see all of their 4 binded boxes. The time needed to clear all the SI is shortened and hence lesser damage.

Hence..this is my rationale for this plugin. Sadly, no one has approached me on the project yet.. This is really sad because the hackers get to win the game using underhanded means and still manage to get away scot-free..
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