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Hero: Sephiroth 2006

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Join Date: Aug 2006
Old 09-03-2006 , 04:43   Hero: Sephiroth 2006
Reply With Quote #1


This is merely a rip of Goku. I cut out about 1/3 of the script, all of the sounds, a lot of the precaching, most importantly the check that deducts AP for using a shot, and the check that stops you from casting more than one shot at a time.

I plan on commenting the code and cleaning it up for submission to new heroes - where it's at right now it causes crashes. Props to those who put Goku together, I learned more from this one script than any other...

-edit- Okay so here is the code!!! I finally got it to run without crashing. Your server can only take so much stress, so watch what you set the maxshots cvar to. I plan on cleaning this up, and commenting. This is my first upload and I didn't have time to really make it pretty yet but - here is the sma, please compile yourself.

-note- you must have Goku installed and working, as this hero was ripped from Goku and still uses the Goku models and sprites.

// Sephiroth! - from FFvii series.

/* CVARS - copy and paste to shconfig.cfg

sephiroth_level 60
sephiroth_aps 60            //The amount of AP gained per second (Default 5)
sephiroth_apl 800            //AP amount multiplied by sSephLevel = AP required for each sSephLevel and cost of sSephLevel power use (Default 250)
sephiroth_hpl 300            //HP amount multiplied by sSephLevel, ex. 30*ssj2 = +60HP (Default 30)
sephiroth_hpmax 2400            //Max HP that can be gained (Default 500)
sephiroth_speedbase 969        //Initial Speed boost for sSephLevel 1, only sets if you are slower (Default 300)
sephiroth_speedadd 10        //Speed added to sephiroth_speedbase every next sSephLevel (Default 25)
sephiroth_damage1 100        //Max Damage for sSephLevel 1 power (Default 70)
sephiroth_damage2 150        //Max Damage for sSephLevel 2 power (Default 100)
sephiroth_damage3 250        //Max Damage for sSephLevel 3 power (Default 175)
sephiroth_radius1 100        //Max Radius of Damage for sSephLevel 1 power (Default 100)
sephiroth_radius2 300        //Max Radius of Damage for sSephLevel 2 power (Default 300)
sephiroth_radius3 700        //Max Radius of Damage for sSephLevel 3 power (Default 700)
sephiroth_maxshots 7
sephiroth_blast_decals 1        //Show the burn decals on the walls (0-no 1-yes)


* v1.5 - vittu - 11/24/05
*      - Fixed crash to AMX since it can't register a MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE message.
* v1.4 - vittu - 10/24/05
*      - Cleaned/Changed up code and formatted sounds to smaller file size for release.
*      - Consolodated cvars and global variables so less are declared. Instead
*          of individual settings, multipliers of one cvar are now used. Left 
*          damage and radius cvars of powers for more customization.
* v1.3 - vittu - 9/10/05
*      - Added guided kamehameha.
* v1.2 - vittu - 5/29/05
*      - Added Health and Speed boost to Saiyan level.
*      - Increased time of powerup effect.
* v1.1 - vittu - 5/26/05
*      - Recoded from scratch but kept basic premise.
*      - Created entities for power instead of beams.
*   Hero concept and originally by |RIC|_ALBANIAN.
*   Entity creation partially based on Bazooka, which is based on Missiles Launcher 3.8.2 by Eric Lidman & jtp10181.
*   ***Warning: This hero contains many extra files and may cause problems if you are precaching too much.***
*   Extra sprites and sounds used from Earth's Special Forces a HL mod - http://www.esforces.com/
*     and some sounds from http://www.esf-world.com/

#include <amxmod>
#include <Vexd_Utilities>
#include <superheromod>

new g_heroName[]="Sephiroth"
new bool:g_hassephiroth[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new bool:g_weaponSwitched[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
//new bool:g_inStun[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new bool:g_betweenRounds
new g_isSaiyanLevel[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new g_powerNum[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new g_powerID[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new g_maxRadius[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new g_maxDamage[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new g_lastWeapon[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new g_prevWeapon[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new g_sSephLevel[3]
new Float:g_ssjSpeed[3]

new g_armorPts, g_spriteSmoke, g_spriteTrailY, g_spriteTrailB, g_spriteTrailR
new g_spriteExplosionY, g_spriteExplosionB, g_spriteExplosionR, g_maxShots

static const g_burnDecal[3] = {28, 29, 30}
static const g_burnDecalBig[3] = {46, 47, 48}
public plugin_init()
    // Plugin Info
    register_plugin("SUPERHERO sephiroth", "1.5", "|RIC|_ALBANIAN / 0 / vittu")

    register_cvar("sephiroth_level", "60")
    register_cvar("sephiroth_aps", "60")
    register_cvar("sephiroth_apl", "800")
    register_cvar("sephiroth_hpl", "300")
    register_cvar("sephiroth_hpmax", "2400")
    register_cvar("sephiroth_speedbase", "969")
    register_cvar("sephiroth_speedadd", "10")
    register_cvar("sephiroth_damage1", "50")
    register_cvar("sephiroth_damage2", "80")
    register_cvar("sephiroth_damage3", "150")
    register_cvar("sephiroth_radius1", "100")
    register_cvar("sephiroth_radius2", "300")
    register_cvar("sephiroth_radius3", "700")
    register_cvar("sephiroth_maxshots", "7")
    register_cvar("sephiroth_blast_decals", "1")

    shCreateHero(g_heroName, "Sephiroth", "Generate Chi/Armor for mega attack.", true, "sephiroth_level")

    // INIT
    register_srvcmd("sephiroth_init", "sephiroth_init")
    shRegHeroInit(g_heroName, "sephiroth_init")

    // KEY DOWN
    register_srvcmd("sephiroth_kd", "sephiroth_kd")
    shRegKeyDown(g_heroName, "sephiroth_kd")

    // KEY UP
    register_srvcmd("sephiroth_ku", "sephiroth_ku")
    shRegKeyUp(g_heroName, "sephiroth_ku")

    // EVENTS
    register_event("ResetHUD", "newSpawn", "b")
    register_event("CurWeapon", "curweapon", "be", "1=1")

    register_logevent("round_start", 2, "1=Round_Start")
    register_logevent("round_end", 2, "1=Round_End")
    register_logevent("round_end", 2, "1&Restart_Round_")

    // LOOP
    set_task(1.0, "sephiroth_loop", 0, "", 0, "b")
public plugin_precache()
    g_spriteTrailY = precache_model("sprites/shmod/esf_trail_yellow.spr")
    g_spriteTrailB = precache_model("sprites/shmod/esf_trail_blue.spr")
    g_spriteTrailR = precache_model("sprites/shmod/esf_trail_red.spr")
    g_spriteExplosionY = precache_model("sprites/shmod/esf_exp_yellow.spr")
    g_spriteExplosionB = precache_model("sprites/shmod/esf_exp_blue.spr")
    g_spriteExplosionR = precache_model("sprites/shmod/esf_exp_red.spr")
    //g_spritePowerUp = precache_model("sprites/shmod/esf_powerup.spr")
    g_spriteSmoke = precache_model("sprites/wall_puff4.spr")
public sephiroth_init()
    // First Argument is an id
    new temp[6]
    new id = str_to_num(temp)

    // 2nd Argument is 0 or 1 depending on whether the id has the hero
    new hasPowers = str_to_num(temp)

    if ( hasPowers ) {
    //This gets run if they had the power but don't anymore
    else if ( !hasPowers && g_hassephiroth[id] ) {
        // remove the power if it was used and user dropped hero
        if ( g_powerID[id] > 0 ) {
            remove_power(id, g_powerID[id])

    // Sets this variable to the current status
    g_hassephiroth[id] = (hasPowers != 0)
public plugin_cfg()
public loadCVARS()
    // These cvars are checked very often
    g_armorPts = get_cvar_num("sephiroth_aps")
    g_maxShots = get_cvar_num("sephiroth_maxshots")
    g_sSephLevel[0] = get_cvar_num("sephiroth_apl")
    g_sSephLevel[1] = g_sSephLevel[0] * 2
    g_sSephLevel[2] = g_sSephLevel[0] * 3
    g_ssjSpeed[0] = get_cvar_float("sephiroth_speedbase")
    g_ssjSpeed[1] = g_ssjSpeed[0] + get_cvar_float("sephiroth_speedadd")
    g_ssjSpeed[2] = g_ssjSpeed[1] + get_cvar_float("sephiroth_speedadd")
public newSpawn(id)
    //g_inStun[id] = false

    if ( shModActive() && g_hassephiroth[id]  && is_user_alive(id) ) {
        // Set armor in x seconds to avoid breaking max ap settings in other heroes
        //set_task(0.5, "sephiroth_setarmor", id)
        g_isSaiyanLevel[id] = 0
public sephiroth_setarmor(id)
    if ( is_user_alive(id) ) {
        // Start a sephiroth off with 100 AP, even if user has more from other heroes
        //give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit")
        //set_user_armor(id, 100)
public sephiroth_kd()
    if ( g_betweenRounds ) return

    // First Argument is an id
    new temp[6]
    new id = str_to_num(temp)

    if ( !is_user_alive(id) || !g_hassephiroth[id] ) return

    // Reload CVARS to make sure the variables are current

    new userArmor = get_user_armor(id)

    //if ( userArmor < g_sSephLevel[0] ) {
    //    playSoundDenySelect(id)
    //    client_print(id, print_chat, "[SH](Sephiroth) Not enough Chi/Armor")
    //    return

    // Prevent too many entities, which would cause server problems
    //if( g_powerID[id] ){
    //    playSoundDenySelect(id)
    //    client_print(id,print_chat,"[SH](Sephiroth) You cannot use more than one power at a time.")
    //    return

    // Remember this weapon...
    new clip, ammo, weaponID = get_user_weapon(id, clip, ammo)
    g_lastWeapon[id] = weaponID
    g_weaponSwitched[id] = true

    // Switch to knife
    engclient_cmd(id, "weapon_knife")

    if ( userArmor <= g_sSephLevel[0]) {
        client_print(id,print_chat,"[SH](Sephiroth) Minor Energy Attack!")
        //emit_sound(id, CHAN_STATIC, "shmod/goku_ki_blast.wav", 0.8, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)
        set_user_armor(id, userArmor-(g_sSephLevel[0]/4))
        g_maxDamage[id] = get_cvar_num("sephiroth_damage1")
        g_maxRadius[id] = get_cvar_num("sephiroth_radius1")
        g_powerNum[id] = 1
    else if ( userArmor >= g_sSephLevel[0] && userArmor < g_sSephLevel[1] ) {
        client_print(id,print_chat,"[SH](Sephiroth) Energy Attack!!")
        // Wish this sound was shorter
        //emit_sound(id, CHAN_STATIC, "shmod/goku_kamehameha.wav", 0.8, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)
        set_user_armor(id, userArmor-(g_sSephLevel[1]/4))
        g_maxDamage[id] = get_cvar_num("sephiroth_damage2")
        g_maxRadius[id] = get_cvar_num("sephiroth_radius2")
        g_powerNum[id] = 2
    else if ( userArmor >= g_sSephLevel[1]) {
        client_print(id,print_chat,"[SH](Sephiroth) Uber l33t Energy Attack!!!")
        // Wish this sound was shorter
        //emit_sound(id, CHAN_STATIC, "shmod/goku_10x_kamehameha.wav", 0.8, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)
        set_user_armor(id, userArmor-(g_sSephLevel[2]/g_maxShots))
        g_maxDamage[id] = get_cvar_num("sephiroth_damage3")
        g_maxRadius[id] = get_cvar_num("sephiroth_radius3")
        g_powerNum[id] = 3
public sephiroth_ku()
    if ( g_betweenRounds ) return

    // First Argument is an id
    new temp[6]
    new id = str_to_num(temp)

    if ( !is_user_alive(id) || !g_hassephiroth[id] || !g_weaponSwitched[id] ) return

    // Switch back to previous weapon... Only if power was used...
    if (g_lastWeapon[id] != CSW_KNIFE) shSwitchWeaponID(id, g_lastWeapon[id])
    g_weaponSwitched[id] = false
public create_power(id)
    new Float:vOrigin[3], Float:vAngles[3], Float:vAngle[3], entModel[40]
    new Float:entScale, Float:entSpeed, trailModel, trailLength, trailWidth
    new Float:VecMins[3] = {-1.0,-1.0,-1.0}
    new Float:VecMaxs[3] = {1.0,1.0,1.0}

    // Seting entSpeed higher then 2000.0 will not go where you aim
    // Vec Mins/Maxes must be below +-5.0 to make a burndecal
        case 1:{
            entModel = "sprites/shmod/esf_ki_blast.spr"
            entScale = 0.20
            entSpeed = 2000.0
            trailModel = g_spriteTrailY
            trailLength = 1
            trailWidth = 2
        case 2:{
            entModel = "sprites/shmod/esf_kamehameha_blue.spr"
            entScale = 1.20
            entSpeed = 1500.0
            trailModel = g_spriteTrailB
            trailLength = 100
            trailWidth = 8
            VecMins[0] = -2.0
            VecMins[1] = -2.0
            VecMins[2] = -2.0
            VecMaxs[0] = 2.0
            VecMaxs[1] = 2.0
            VecMaxs[2] = 2.0
        case 3:{
            entModel = "sprites/shmod/esf_kamehameha_red.spr"
            entScale = 2.00
            entSpeed = 1000.0
            trailModel = g_spriteTrailR
            trailLength = 100
            trailWidth = 16
            VecMins[0] = -3.0
            VecMins[1] = -3.0
            VecMins[2] = -3.0
            VecMaxs[0] = 3.0
            VecMaxs[1] = 3.0
            VecMaxs[2] = 3.0

    // Get users postion and angles
    Entvars_Get_Vector(id, EV_VEC_origin, vOrigin)
    Entvars_Get_Vector(id, EV_VEC_angles, vAngles)
    Entvars_Get_Vector(id, EV_VEC_v_angle, vAngle)

    // Change height for entity origin
    if (g_powerNum[id] == 4) vOrigin[2] += 110
    else vOrigin[2] += 6

    new newEnt = CreateEntity("info_target")
    if( newEnt == 0 ) {
        client_print(id, print_chat, "[SH](Sephiroth) Power Creation Failure")

    g_powerID[id] = newEnt

    Entvars_Set_String(newEnt, EV_SZ_classname, "vexd_sephiroth_power")
    ENT_SetModel(newEnt, entModel)

    Entvars_Set_Vector(newEnt, EV_VEC_mins, VecMins)
    Entvars_Set_Vector(newEnt, EV_VEC_maxs, VecMaxs)

    ENT_SetOrigin(newEnt, vOrigin)
    Entvars_Set_Vector(newEnt, EV_VEC_angles, vAngles)
    Entvars_Set_Vector(newEnt, EV_VEC_v_angle, vAngle)

    Entvars_Set_Int(newEnt, EV_INT_solid, 2)
    Entvars_Set_Int(newEnt, EV_INT_movetype, 5)
    Entvars_Set_Int(newEnt, EV_INT_rendermode, 5)
    Entvars_Set_Float(newEnt, EV_FL_renderamt, 255.0)
    Entvars_Set_Float(newEnt, EV_FL_scale, entScale)
    Entvars_Set_Edict(newEnt, EV_ENT_owner, id)

    // Create a VelocityByAim() function, but instead of users
    // eyesight make it start from the entity's origin - vittu
    new Float:fl_Velocity[3], AimVec[3], velOrigin[3]

    velOrigin[0] = floatround(vOrigin[0])
    velOrigin[1] = floatround(vOrigin[1])
    velOrigin[2] = floatround(vOrigin[2])

    get_user_origin(id, AimVec, 3)

    new distance = get_distance(velOrigin, AimVec)

    // Stupid Check but lets make sure you don't devide by 0
    if (!distance) distance = 1

    new Float:invTime = entSpeed / distance

    fl_Velocity[0] = (AimVec[0] - vOrigin[0]) * invTime
    fl_Velocity[1] = (AimVec[1] - vOrigin[1]) * invTime
    fl_Velocity[2] = (AimVec[2] - vOrigin[2]) * invTime

    Entvars_Set_Vector(newEnt, EV_VEC_velocity, fl_Velocity)

    // Set Trail on entity
    write_byte(22)            // TE_BEAMFOLLOW
    write_short(newEnt)        // entity:attachment to follow
    write_short(trailModel)    // sprite index
    write_byte(trailLength)    // life in 0.1's
    write_byte(trailWidth)    // line width in 0.1's
    write_byte(255)    //colour
    write_byte(255)    // brightness

    if ( g_powerNum[id] == 2 || g_powerNum[id] == 3 ) {
        new iNewVelocity[3], args[6]
        iNewVelocity[0] = floatround(fl_Velocity[0])
        iNewVelocity[1] = floatround(fl_Velocity[1])
        iNewVelocity[2] = floatround(fl_Velocity[2])

        // Pass varibles used to guide entity with
        args[0] = id
        args[1] = newEnt
        args[2] = floatround(entSpeed)
        args[3] = iNewVelocity[0]
        args[4] = iNewVelocity[1]
        args[5] = iNewVelocity[2]

        set_task(0.1, "guide_kamehameha", newEnt, args, 6)
public guide_kamehameha(args[])
    new AimVec[3], avgFactor
    new Float:fl_origin[3]
    new id = args[0]
    new ent = args[1]
    new speed = args[2]

    if ( !is_valid_ent(ent) ) return

    if ( !is_user_connected(id) ) {
        vexd_pfntouch(ent, 0)

    get_user_origin(id, AimVec, 3)

    Entvars_Get_Vector(ent, EV_VEC_origin, fl_origin)

    new iNewVelocity[3]
    new origin[3]

    origin[0] = floatround(fl_origin[0])
    origin[1] = floatround(fl_origin[1])
    origin[2] = floatround(fl_origin[2])

    if ( g_powerNum[id] == 2 )
    avgFactor = 3
    else if ( g_powerNum[id] == 3 )
    avgFactor = 6
    // stupid check but why not
    avgFactor = 8

    new velocityVec[3], length

    velocityVec[0] = AimVec[0]-origin[0]
    velocityVec[1] = AimVec[1]-origin[1]
    velocityVec[2] = AimVec[2]-origin[2]

    length = sqroot(velocityVec[0]*velocityVec[0] + velocityVec[1]*velocityVec[1] + velocityVec[2]*velocityVec[2])
    // Stupid Check but lets make sure you don't devide by 0
    if ( !length ) length = 1

    velocityVec[0] = velocityVec[0]*speed/length
    velocityVec[1] = velocityVec[1]*speed/length
    velocityVec[2] = velocityVec[2]*speed/length

    iNewVelocity[0] = (velocityVec[0] + (args[3] * (avgFactor-1))) / avgFactor
    iNewVelocity[1] = (velocityVec[1] + (args[4] * (avgFactor-1))) / avgFactor
    iNewVelocity[2] = (velocityVec[2] + (args[5] * (avgFactor-1))) / avgFactor

    new Float:fl_iNewVelocity[3]
    fl_iNewVelocity[0] = float(iNewVelocity[0])
    fl_iNewVelocity[1] = float(iNewVelocity[1])
    fl_iNewVelocity[2] = float(iNewVelocity[2])

    Entvars_Set_Vector(ent, EV_VEC_velocity, fl_iNewVelocity)

    args[3] = iNewVelocity[0]
    args[4] = iNewVelocity[1]
    args[5] = iNewVelocity[2]

    set_task(0.1, "guide_kamehameha", ent, args, 6)
#if defined AMX_NEW
public vexd_pfntouch(pToucher, pTouched) {
    entity_touch(pToucher, pTouched)

public entity_touch(entity1, entity2) {
    new pToucher = entity1
public vexd_pfntouch(pToucher, pTouched) {

    if (pToucher <= 0) return
    if (!is_valid_ent(pToucher)) return

    new szClassName[32]
    Entvars_Get_String(pToucher, EV_SZ_classname, szClassName, 31)

    if(equal(szClassName, "vexd_sephiroth_power")) {
        new id = Entvars_Get_Edict(pToucher, EV_ENT_owner)
        new dmgRadius = g_maxRadius[id]
        new maxDamage = g_maxDamage[id]
        new Float:fl_vExplodeAt[3], damageName[16]
        new spriteExp = g_spriteExplosionY

            case 1:{
                damageName = "Chi Blast"
            case 2:{
                damageName = "Kamehameha"
                spriteExp = g_spriteExplosionB
            case 3:{
                damageName = "10x Kamehameha"
                spriteExp = g_spriteExplosionR

        Entvars_Get_Vector(pToucher, EV_VEC_origin, fl_vExplodeAt)

        new vExplodeAt[3]
        vExplodeAt[0] = floatround(fl_vExplodeAt[0])
        vExplodeAt[1] = floatround(fl_vExplodeAt[1])
        vExplodeAt[2] = floatround(fl_vExplodeAt[2])

        // Cause the Damage
        new vicOrigin[3], Float:dRatio,  distance, damage
        new players[SH_MAXSLOTS], pnum, vic

        get_players(players, pnum, "a")

        for (new i = 0; i < pnum; i++) {
            vic = players[i]
            if( !is_user_alive(vic) ) continue
            if ( get_user_team(id) == get_user_team(vic) && !get_cvar_num("mp_friendlyfire") && id != vic ) continue

            get_user_origin(vic, vicOrigin)
            distance = get_distance(vExplodeAt, vicOrigin)

            if ( distance < dmgRadius ) {

                dRatio = floatdiv(float(distance), float(dmgRadius))
                damage = maxDamage - floatround(maxDamage * dRatio)

                // Lessen damage taken by self by half
                if ( vic == id ) damage = floatround(damage / 2.0)

                shExtraDamage(vic, id, damage, damageName)

                // Make them feel it
                sh_screenShake(vic, 10, 10, 10)
                //emit_sound(vic, CHAN_BODY, "player/pl_pain2.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)

                new Float:fl_Time = distance / 125.0
                new Float:fl_vicVelocity[3]
                fl_vicVelocity[0] = (vicOrigin[0] - vExplodeAt[0]) / fl_Time
                fl_vicVelocity[1] = (vicOrigin[1] - vExplodeAt[1]) / fl_Time
                fl_vicVelocity[2] = (vicOrigin[2] - vExplodeAt[2]) / fl_Time
                Entvars_Set_Vector(vic, EV_VEC_velocity, fl_vicVelocity)

        // Make some Effects
        new blastSize = floatround(dmgRadius / 12.0)

        // Explosion Sprite
        message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY)
        write_byte(23)            //TE_GLOWSPRITE
        write_short(spriteExp)    // model
        write_byte(01)            // life 0.x sec
        write_byte(blastSize)    // size
        write_byte(255)        // brightness

        // Explosion (smoke, sound/effects)
        message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY)
        write_byte(3)            //TE_EXPLOSION
        write_short(g_spriteSmoke)        // model
        write_byte(blastSize+5)    // scale in 0.1's
        write_byte(20)            // framerate
        write_byte(10)            // flags

        // Create Burn Decals, if they are used
        if ( get_cvar_num("sephiroth_blast_decals") == 1 ) {
            // Change burn decal according to blast size
            new decal_id
            if ( blastSize <= 18 ) {
                //radius ~< 216
                decal_id = g_burnDecal[random_num(0,2)]
            else {
                decal_id = g_burnDecalBig[random_num(0,2)]

            // Create the burn decal
            message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY)
            write_byte(109)        //TE_GUNSHOTDECAL
            write_short(0)            //?
            write_byte(decal_id)    //decal


        // Reset the Varibles
        g_powerNum[id] = 0
        g_powerID[id] = 0
public remove_power(id, powerID)
    new Float:fl_vOrigin[3]

    Entvars_Get_Vector(powerID, EV_VEC_origin, fl_vOrigin)

    // Create an effect of kamehameha being removed
    write_byte(14)        //TE_IMPLOSION
    write_byte(200)    // radius
    write_byte(40)        // count
    write_byte(45)        // life in 0.1's

    g_powerNum[id] = 0
    g_powerID[id] = 0

public sephiroth_loop()
    if ( !shModActive() || g_betweenRounds ) return

    new players[SH_MAXSLOTS], pnum, id

    get_players(players, pnum, "a")

    for (new i = 0; i < pnum; i++) {
        id = players[i]
        if ( g_hassephiroth[id] && is_user_alive(id) ) {

            new userArmor = get_user_armor(id)

            // Give him armor
            if ( userArmor < g_sSephLevel[2] ) {
                if ( userArmor + g_armorPts > g_sSephLevel[2] ) {
                    set_user_armor(id, g_sSephLevel[2])
                else {
                    // Give the armor item if armor is 0 so CS knows the player has armor
                    if ( userArmor <= 0 ) give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit")

                    set_user_armor(id, userArmor + g_armorPts)

            // Check armor again after it's been set
            userArmor = get_user_armor(id)

            if ( userArmor < g_sSephLevel[0] ) {
                // run it this way so it doesn't check all the elses
                if ( g_isSaiyanLevel[id] > 0 ) {
                    g_isSaiyanLevel[id] = 0
            else if ( userArmor >= g_sSephLevel[0] && userArmor < g_sSephLevel[1] ) {
                // Set these items only once when armor is sSephLevel 1
                if ( g_isSaiyanLevel[id] < 1 ) {

                    set_hudmessage(255, 255, 100, -1.0, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 84)
                    show_hudmessage(id, "Sephiroth - You've turned into Sephiroth")
                    //emit_sound(id, CHAN_STATIC, "shmod/goku_powerup1.wav", 0.8, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)

                    g_isSaiyanLevel[id] = 1
            else if ( userArmor >= g_sSephLevel[1] && userArmor < g_sSephLevel[2] ) {
                // Set these items only once when armor is sSephLevel 2
                if ( g_isSaiyanLevel[id] < 2 ) {

                    set_hudmessage(222, 226, 0, -1.0, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 84)
                    show_hudmessage(id, "Sephiroth - You've turned Superhuman")
                    //emit_sound(id, CHAN_STATIC, "shmod/goku_powerup2.wav", 0.8, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)

                    g_isSaiyanLevel[id] = 2
            else if ( userArmor >= g_sSephLevel[2]) {
                // Set these items only once when armor is sSephLevel 3
                if ( g_isSaiyanLevel[id] < 3 ) {

                    set_hudmessage(248, 220, 117, -1.0, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 84)
                    show_hudmessage(id, "Sephiroth - You've turned into a Demi-God")
                    //emit_sound(id, CHAN_STATIC, "shmod/goku_powerup3.wav", 0.8, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)
                    new sephirothName[32]
                    get_user_name(id, sephirothName, 31)
                    set_hudmessage(196, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.20, 0, 0.25, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 84)
                    show_hudmessage(id, "Sephiroth - %s has turned into a Demi-God", sephirothName)

                    g_isSaiyanLevel[id] = 3
public ssj_boost(id)
    if ( !shModActive() || !g_hassephiroth[id] || !is_user_alive(id) || g_betweenRounds ) return
    if ( !g_isSaiyanLevel[id] ) return

    // Speed Boost
    new speedNum = g_isSaiyanLevel[id] - 1
    if ( get_user_maxspeed(id) < g_ssjSpeed[speedNum]) {
        set_user_maxspeed(id, g_ssjSpeed[speedNum])

    // HP boost
    new userHealth = get_user_health(id)
    if ( userHealth < get_cvar_num("sephiroth_hpmax") ) {
        new addHP = get_cvar_num("sephiroth_hpl") * g_isSaiyanLevel[id]
        if ( userHealth + addHP > get_cvar_num("sephiroth_hpmax") ) {
            set_user_health(id, get_cvar_num("sephiroth_hpmax") )
        else {
            set_user_health(id, userHealth) //+ addHP
public curweapon(id)
    if ( !shModActive() || !g_hassephiroth[id] || !is_user_alive(id) || g_betweenRounds ) return

    new wpnid = read_data(2)

    if ( g_prevWeapon[id] != wpnid ) {
        switch(g_isSaiyanLevel[id]) {
            case 1: if ( get_user_maxspeed(id) < g_ssjSpeed[0] ) set_user_maxspeed(id, g_ssjSpeed[0])
            case 2: if ( get_user_maxspeed(id) < g_ssjSpeed[1] ) set_user_maxspeed(id, g_ssjSpeed[1])
            case 3: if ( get_user_maxspeed(id) < g_ssjSpeed[2] ) set_user_maxspeed(id, g_ssjSpeed[2])
    g_prevWeapon[id] = wpnid
public round_end()
    g_betweenRounds = true

    for (new id=1; id <= SH_MAXSLOTS; id++) {
        if ( g_hassephiroth[id] ) {
            g_isSaiyanLevel[id] = 0
            if ( g_powerID[id] > 0 ) {
                remove_power(id, g_powerID[id])
public round_start()
    g_betweenRounds = false
public client_disconnect(id)
    if( g_hassephiroth[id] && g_powerID[id] > 0 ) {
        remove_power(id, g_powerID[id])
Please help me test and report any errors. Scripting pros out there please take a look and see if there is any room for improvement.
Attached Files
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Last edited by heliumdream; 09-04-2006 at 12:48.
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Old 09-03-2006 , 05:26   Re: Hero: Sephiroth 2006
Reply With Quote #2

even do its a rip cant w8 4 this one cuz reminds me of 35 from the anime "Elfen Lied" hawe it up soon
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Old 09-03-2006 , 12:40   Re: Hero: Sephiroth 2006
Reply With Quote #3

This is etsakly the same as Goku :S
Prepair This Fall He Will Come

Last edited by Trollkarlen; 09-05-2006 at 12:07.
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Old 09-03-2006 , 12:47   Re: Hero: Sephiroth 2006
Reply With Quote #4

This looks really tight and im defently getting it

here is no file u can download ??

He said that this hero crashes the server and hes going to fix it up then post it.
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Old 09-03-2006 , 15:41   Re: Hero: Sephiroth 2006
Reply With Quote #5

I did not include a amxx but I did include the code, create the amxx yourself =D. Fair warning - if you shoot too many at 1 time, you will crash. Period.

Last edited by heliumdream; 09-06-2006 at 16:58.
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Old 09-03-2006 , 20:51   Re: Hero: Sephiroth 2006
Reply With Quote #6

maybe because too many entity thats the error i get when spamming destructo disc
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Old 09-03-2006 , 21:57   Re: Hero: Sephiroth 2006
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Have you gotten your maxshots cvar to work?
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Old 09-03-2006 , 21:58   Re: Hero: Sephiroth 2006
Reply With Quote #8

That's a big correctomundo. I have it set so you CAN easily crash your server. If you're having a problem set the armor points gained per second down or decrease the max shots.
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Old 09-03-2006 , 21:58   Re: Hero: Sephiroth 2006
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maxshots is working as far as I know, I change it and the effects take place...were you having a problem?

my cvar is sephiroth_maxshots 12 and I get a lot of shots.

You can test to see if the cvar is working, by how much each level 3 missile is deducting. For instance, Goku would have the kamehameha cost 2400 armor. instead, Sephiroth devides that 2400 by the maxshot cvar, in my case 12. This makes my level 3 kame cost 200 armor instead. If you changed your maxshot cvar to 6 your kame would cost 400. Note, there are three levels to Sephiroth, not like Goku who has four. The armor tiers are: 800/1600/2400 instead of 600/1200/1800/2400.

I have made level 1 and 2 kame's divide their ap cost by 4, to limit spam if you keep mashing and are lower than level 3. The idea is to stay above 1600 armor and keep shooting level 3 kame's like I did in my picture.

I found from testing what was causing most of the crashes is intermittent use of level 1, 2, and 3 kame's. If you just use level 3's, you are only calling one sprite/model routine. If you are spamming all 3 level kame's you call the sprite/model routine for all 3 kame's. Everyone on your server must also cache this shit, and this is just far to much information going at once so it just crashes the server.

I almost went as far as to remove the shooting capabilities from level 1 and 2 period, this would eliminate the need to precache 4 or 6 more sprites/models and improve performance even more. It would also cut the script size in half.

Last edited by heliumdream; 09-03-2006 at 22:13.
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Old 09-03-2006 , 22:12   Re: Hero: Sephiroth 2006
Reply With Quote #10

edit: haha nvm i just didnt know wtf im doing. i made it cost 0 ap so yea.

Last edited by Sidewinder; 09-03-2006 at 22:15.
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