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AmxxProblem:Server CRASH with "Z_CheckHeap: block size does not touch the next block"

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Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2006
Old 11-26-2006 , 23:59   AmxxProblem:Server CRASH with "Z_CheckHeap: block size does not touch the next block"

I know the problem is by AMXMODX...If you want to help me, you can look at the code below! if u not believe is by amxmodx, PLEASE LOOK AT THE CODE BELOW!

this problem make my server crash every day!!!!i really wanna find someone can help me fix it! IF THERE IS NO ONE CAN FIX, ILL USE OTHER MODELS, I REALLY MAD AT THIS PROBLEM!


*********AMXMODX CODE**********

Copyright (C) 1994-1995 Apogee Software, Ltd.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

// Z_zone.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "rt_def.h"
#include "_z_zone.h"
#include "z_zone.h"
#include "rt_util.h"
#include <conio.h>
#include "develop.h"
#include "rt_net.h"

#if (DEVELOPMENT == 1)
#include "rt_main.h"
#include "memcheck.h"

int lowmemory=0;

============================================= =================================


There is never any space between memblocks, and there will never be two
contiguous free memblocks.

The rover can be left pointing at a non-empty block

It is of no value to free a cachable block, because it will get overwritten
automatically if needed

============================================= =================================


int zonememorystarted=0;

// Statics

static memzone_t *mainzone;
static memzone_t *levelzone;
static levelzonesize=LEVELZONESIZE;
static struct meminfo
unsigned LargestBlockAvail;
unsigned MaxUnlockedPage;
unsigned LargestLockablePage;
unsigned LinAddrSpace;
unsigned NumFreePagesAvail;
unsigned NumPhysicalPagesFree;
unsigned TotalPhysicalPages;
unsigned FreeLinAddrSpace;
unsigned SizeOfPageFile;
unsigned Reserved[3];
} MemInfo;

= Z_ClearZone

void Z_ClearZone (memzone_t *zone)
memblock_t *block;

// set the entire zone to one free block

zone->blocklist.next = zone->blocklist.prev = block =
(memblock_t *)( (byte *)zone + sizeof(memzone_t) );
zone->blocklist.user = (void *)zone;
zone->blocklist.tag = PU_STATIC;
zone->rover = block;

block->prev = block->next = &zone->blocklist;
block->user = NULL; // free block
block->size = zone->size - sizeof(memzone_t);

= Z_AllocateZone

memzone_t *Z_AllocateZone (int size)
memzone_t *header;

header = malloc (size+sizeof(memzone_t));
if (!header)
Error ("Z_AllocateZone: Couldn't malloc %i bytes avail=%ld\n",
size+sizeof(memzone_t), Z_AvailHeap());
header->size = size;
Z_ClearZone (header);
return header;

= Z_Init
void Z_Init (int size, int min)
int maxsize;
int sz;

if (zonememorystarted==1)

sz = GamePacketSize();


if (ConsoleIsServer() == true)

if (maxsize<min)
UL_DisplayMemoryError (min-maxsize);
if (maxsize>MAXMEMORYSIZE)

mainzone = Z_AllocateZone (maxsize);
levelzone = Z_AllocateZone (levelzonesize);

if (!quiet)
printf("Z_INIT: %ld bytes\n",(maxsize+levelzonesize));

if (maxsize<(min+(min>>1)))
lowmemory = 1;

printf("============================================ ==================================\n");
printf("WARNING: You are running ROTT with very little memory. ROTT runs best with\n");
printf("8 Megabytes of memory and no TSR's loaded in memory. If you can free up more\n");
printf("memory for ROTT then you should press CTRL-BREAK at this time. If you are\n");
printf("unable to do this you will experience momentary pauses in game-play whenever\n");
printf("you enter new areas of the game as well as an overall decreased performance.\n");
printf(" Press any key to continue\n");
printf("============================================ ==================================\n");

= Z_ShutDown

void Z_ShutDown( void )
if (zonememorystarted==0)

= Z_GetSize

int Z_GetSize (void *ptr)
memblock_t *block;

block = (memblock_t *) ( (byte *)ptr - sizeof(memblock_t));
return (block->size - sizeof(memblock_t));

= Z_Free

void Z_Free (void *ptr)
memblock_t *block, *other;

block = (memblock_t *) ( (byte *)ptr - sizeof(memblock_t));
if (!block->user)
Error ("Z_Free: freed a freed pointer");

if (block->user > (void **)0x100) // smaller values are not pointers
*block->user = 0; // clear the user's mark
block->user = NULL; // mark as free

other = block->prev;
if (!other->user)
{ // merge with previous free block
other->size += block->size;
other->next = block->next;
other->next->prev = other;
if (block == mainzone->rover)
mainzone->rover = other;
else if (block == levelzone->rover)
levelzone->rover = other;
block = other;

other = block->next;
if (!other->user)
{ // merge the next free block onto the end
block->size += other->size;
block->next = other->next;
block->next->prev = block;
if (other == mainzone->rover)
mainzone->rover = block;
else if (other == levelzone->rover)
levelzone->rover = block;

= Z_Malloc
= You can pass a NULL user if the tag is < PU_PURGELEVEL

#if (DEVELOPMENT == 1)
int totallevelsize=0;

void *Z_Malloc (int size, int tag, void *user)
int extra;
memblock_t *start, *rover, *new, *base;

// scan through the block list looking for the first free block
// of sufficient size, throwing out any purgable blocks along the way
size += sizeof(memblock_t); // account for size of block header

// if there is a free block behind the rover, back up over them
base = mainzone->rover;
if (!base->prev->user)
base = base->prev;

rover = base;
start = base->prev;

if (rover == start) // scaned all the way around the list
Error ("Z_Malloc: failed on allocation of %i bytes",size);
if (rover->user)
if (rover->tag < PU_PURGELEVEL)
// hit a block that can't be purged, so move base past it
base = rover = rover->next;
// free the rover block (adding the size to base)
base = base->prev; // the rover can be the base block
Z_Free ((byte *)rover+sizeof(memblock_t));
base = base->next;
rover = base->next;
rover = rover->next;
} while (base->user || base->size < size);

// found a block big enough
extra = base->size - size;
if (extra > MINFRAGMENT)
{ // there will be a free fragment after the allocated block
new = (memblock_t *) ((byte *)base + size );
new->size = extra;
new->user = NULL; // free block
new->tag = 0;
new->prev = base;
new->next = base->next;
new->next->prev = new;
base->next = new;
base->size = size;

if (user)
base->user = user; // mark as an in use block
*(void **)user = (void *) ((byte *)base + sizeof(memblock_t));
if (tag >= PU_PURGELEVEL)
Error ("Z_Malloc: an owner is required for purgable blocks");
base->user = (void *)2; // mark as in use, but unowned
base->tag = tag;

mainzone->rover = base->next; // next allocation will start looking here


return (void *) ((byte *)base + sizeof(memblock_t));

= Z_LevelMalloc
= Only use this for level structures.
= You can pass a NULL user if the tag is < PU_PURGELEVEL

void *Z_LevelMalloc (int size, int tag, void *user)
int extra;
memblock_t *start, *rover, *new, *base;

// scan through the block list looking for the first free block
// of sufficient size, throwing out any purgable blocks along the way
size += sizeof(memblock_t); // account for size of block header

// if there is a free block behind the rover, back up over them
base = levelzone->rover;
if (!base->prev->user)
base = base->prev;

rover = base;
start = base->prev;

if (rover == start) // scaned all the way around the list
Error ("Z_LevelMalloc: failed on allocation of %i bytes",size);
if (rover->user)
if (rover->tag < PU_PURGELEVEL)
// hit a block that can't be purged, so move base past it
base = rover = rover->next;
// free the rover block (adding the size to base)
base = base->prev; // the rover can be the base block
Z_Free ((byte *)rover+sizeof(memblock_t));
base = base->next;
rover = base->next;
rover = rover->next;
} while (base->user || base->size < size);

// found a block big enough
extra = base->size - size;
if (extra > MINFRAGMENT)
{ // there will be a free fragment after the allocated block
new = (memblock_t *) ((byte *)base + size );
new->size = extra;
new->user = NULL; // free block
new->tag = 0;
new->prev = base;
new->next = base->next;
new->next->prev = new;
base->next = new;
base->size = size;

if (user)
base->user = user; // mark as an in use block
*(void **)user = (void *) ((byte *)base + sizeof(memblock_t));
if (tag >= PU_PURGELEVEL)
Error ("Z_Malloc: an owner is required for purgable blocks");
base->user = (void *)2; // mark as in use, but unowned
base->tag = tag;

levelzone->rover = base->next; // next allocation will start looking here


return (void *) ((byte *)base + sizeof(memblock_t));

= Z_FreeTags

void Z_FreeTags (int lowtag, int hightag)
memblock_t *block, *next;

for (block = mainzone->blocklist.next ; block != &mainzone->blocklist
; block = next)
next = block->next; // get link before freeing
if (!block->user)
continue; // free block
if (block->tag >= lowtag && block->tag <= hightag)
Z_Free ( (byte *)block+sizeof(memblock_t));
for (block = levelzone->blocklist.next ; block != &levelzone->blocklist
; block = next)
next = block->next; // get link before freeing
if (!block->user)
continue; // free block
if (block->tag >= lowtag && block->tag <= hightag)
Z_Free ( (byte *)block+sizeof(memblock_t));

= Z_DumpHeap

void Z_DumpHeap (int lowtag, int hightag)
memblock_t *block;
int totalsize;

SoftError("MAIN ZONE\n");
SoftError("zone size: %i location: %p\n",mainzone->size,mainzone);
SoftError("tag range: %i to %i\n",lowtag, hightag);


for (block = mainzone->blocklist.next ; ; block = block->next)
if (block->tag >= lowtag && block->tag <= hightag)
SoftError("block:%p size:%7i user:%p tag:%3i\n",
block, block->size, block->user, block->tag);

if (block->next == &mainzone->blocklist)
break; // all blocks have been hit
if ( (byte *)block + block->size != (byte *)block->next)
SoftError("ERROR: block size does not touch the next block\n");
if ( block->next->prev != block)
SoftError("ERROR: next block doesn't have proper back link\n");
if (!block->user && !block->next->user)
SoftError("ERROR: two consecutive free blocks\n");
SoftError("Total Size of blocks = %ld\n",totalsize);

SoftError("LEVEL ZONE\n");
SoftError("zone size: %i location: %p\n",levelzone->size,levelzone);
SoftError("tag range: %i to %i\n",lowtag, hightag);


for (block = levelzone->blocklist.next ; ; block = block->next)
if (block->tag >= lowtag && block->tag <= hightag)
SoftError("block:%p size:%7i user:%p tag:%3i\n",
block, block->size, block->user, block->tag);

if (block->next == &levelzone->blocklist)
break; // all blocks have been hit
if ( (byte *)block + block->size != (byte *)block->next)
SoftError("ERROR: block size does not touch the next block\n");
if ( block->next->prev != block)
SoftError("ERROR: next block doesn't have proper back link\n");
if (!block->user && !block->next->user)
SoftError("ERROR: two consecutive free blocks\n");
SoftError("Total Size of blocks = %ld\n",totalsize);


= Z_UsedHeap

int Z_UsedHeap ( void )
memblock_t *block;
int heapsize;

for (block = mainzone->blocklist.next ; ; block = block->next)
if ((block->tag>0) && (block->user>0))
if (block->next == &mainzone->blocklist)
break; // all blocks have been hit
return heapsize;

= Z_UsedLevelHeap

int Z_UsedLevelHeap ( void )
memblock_t *block;
int heapsize;

for (block = levelzone->blocklist.next ; ; block = block->next)
if ((block->tag>0) && (block->user>0))
if (block->next == &levelzone->blocklist)
break; // all blocks have been hit
return heapsize;

= Z_UsedStaticHeap

int Z_UsedStaticHeap ( void )
memblock_t *block;
int heapsize;

for (block = mainzone->blocklist.next ; ; block = block->next)
if ((block->tag>0) && (block->tag<PU_PURGELEVEL) && (block->user>0))
if (block->next == &mainzone->blocklist)
break; // all blocks have been hit
return heapsize;

= Z_HeapSize

int Z_HeapSize ( void )
return mainzone->size;

= Z_CheckHeap

void Z_CheckHeap (void)
memblock_t *block;

// Check mainzone

for (block = mainzone->blocklist.next ; ; block = block->next)
if (block->next == &mainzone->blocklist)
break; // all blocks have been hit
if ( (byte *)block + block->size != (byte *)block->next)
Error ("Z_CheckHeap: block size does not touch the next block\n");
if ( block->next->prev != block)
Error ("Z_CheckHeap: next block doesn't have proper back link\n");
if (!block->user && !block->next->user)
Error ("Z_CheckHeap: two consecutive free blocks\n");
if ((block->tag>0) && (block->user>0))
if (block->posttag!=MEMORYPOSTTAG)
Error("Z_CheckHeap: Corrupted posttag\n");
if (block->pretag!=MEMORYPRETAG)
Error("Z_CheckHeap: Corrupted pretag\n");

// Check levelzone

for (block = levelzone->blocklist.next ; ; block = block->next)
if (block->next == &levelzone->blocklist)
break; // all blocks have been hit
if ( (byte *)block + block->size != (byte *)block->next)
Error ("Z_CheckHeap: block size does not touch the next block\n");
if ( block->next->prev != block)
Error ("Z_CheckHeap: next block doesn't have proper back link\n");
if (!block->user && !block->next->user)
Error ("Z_CheckHeap: two consecutive free blocks\n");
if ((block->tag>0) && (block->user>0))
if (block->posttag!=MEMORYPOSTTAG)
Error("Z_CheckHeap: Corrupted posttag\n");
if (block->pretag!=MEMORYPRETAG)
Error("Z_CheckHeap: Corrupted pretag\n");

= Z_ChangeTag

void Z_ChangeTag (void *ptr, int tag)
memblock_t *block;

block = (memblock_t *) ( (byte *)ptr - sizeof(memblock_t));
block->tag = tag;

= Z_AvailHeap

int Z_AvailHeap ( void )

union REGS zregs;
struct SREGS zsregs;

zregs.x.eax = 0x00000500;
memset( &zsregs, 0, sizeof(zsregs) );
zsregs.es = FP_SEG( &MemInfo );
zregs.x.edi = FP_OFF( &MemInfo );

int386x( DPMI_INT, &zregs, &zregs, &zsregs );

return ((int)MemInfo.LargestBlockAvail);


= Z_Realloc

void Z_Realloc (void ** ptr, int newsize)
memblock_t *block;
void * newptr;
int oldsize;

block = (memblock_t *) ( (byte *)(*ptr) - sizeof(memblock_t));
oldsize = block->size;
newptr = SafeMalloc(newsize);
if (oldsize > newsize)
oldsize = newsize;
memcpy( newptr, *ptr, oldsize );
SafeFree( *ptr );
*ptr = newptr;

jackliu92 is offline
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Old 11-27-2006 , 00:18   Re: AmxxProblem:Server CRASH with

If this isn't by amx mod x is shouldn't be here!
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The null pointer exception error and virtual machine bug
Join Date: Oct 2004
Old 11-27-2006 , 12:55   Re: AmxxProblem:Server CRASH with "Z_CheckHeap: block size does not touch the next bl

Yeah thats clearly amxmodx code
fyren sucks
sawce is offline
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Old 11-27-2006 , 17:00   RE

How can i fix it?
jackliu92 is offline
The null pointer exception error and virtual machine bug
Join Date: Oct 2004
Old 11-27-2006 , 17:18   Re: AmxxProblem:Server CRASH with "Z_CheckHeap: block size does not touch the next bl

Its not an amxmodx issue. You just googled the "Z_CheckHeap" error and pasted the first source file you found, didnt you?

Amxmodx doesnt use the Z_* calls for memory allocation, those calls are all used by the engine. I have no idea why you think that is amxmodx code.
fyren sucks
sawce is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Old 11-27-2006 , 18:40   Re: AmxxProblem:Server CRASH with "Z_CheckHeap: block size does not touch the next bl

I don't know what this is but it has nothing to do with AMX Mod X.
BAILOPAN is offline
AMX Mod X Team Member
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Old 11-27-2006 , 18:46   Re: AmxxProblem:Server CRASH with

I'm tickled by how he took the time to colorize it for us.
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