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TF2: Roll the Dice RTD - v0.4

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Old 05-30-2009 , 14:42   Re: TF2: Roll the Dice (0.2)
Reply With Quote #221

So every person that downloads this plugin is expected to read through 22 pages of posts looking for the fixed version?

Why doesn't the OP or some mod update the original post with this fixed version...?

EDIT: Also, is there a way to debug and force it to roll a certain number to test each one and make sure they are all working?

EDIT2: Is there a cfg file somewhere or one that I can make to save settings for rtd between server resets?

EDIT3: Told that when someone rolled blind, they weren't properly unblinded when the timer ran out. They stayed blind until they died.

Last edited by Ripture; 05-30-2009 at 15:49.
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Old 05-30-2009 , 23:09   Re: TF2: Roll the Dice (0.2)
Reply With Quote #222

Is there any way to limit this so only admins can use it? If not, any chance of you adding that as a feature in the future?
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Old 05-31-2009 , 00:49   Re: TF2: Roll the Dice (0.2)
Reply With Quote #223

EDIT: Also, is there a way to debug and force it to roll a certain number to test each one and make sure they are all working?

EDIT2: Is there a cfg file somewhere or one that I can make to save settings for rtd between server resets?

EDIT3: Told that when someone rolled blind, they weren't properly unblinded when the timer ran out. They stayed blind until they died.
1) yes, you go into a test server and lower the wait time to 0, and keep rolling over and over. THen using sm_rtd_disabled and keep adding the already tested rolls to that. Done.

2) Save settings? As in cvar settings? Did you not check the first post. Put all those cvars into the sourcemod.cfg like any other plugin.

3) I have not had any experience with blind not working properly in any sm builds, however I have not used sm 1.3 yet. But I have had blind in mine for a long time and ive never seen that happen.

Originally Posted by mghtyfzz View Post
Is there any way to limit this so only admins can use it? If not, any chance of you adding that as a feature in the future?
Of course theres a way to do that, but it doesnt currently work that way. Youd just have to add admin flag checking before the triggers are allowed to go through. If you had some experience and just looked at some other plugin that uses admin checking, probably wouldnt be that difficult to do.

Last edited by retsam; 05-31-2009 at 00:52.
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Old 05-31-2009 , 02:26   Re: TF2: Roll the Dice (0.2)
Reply With Quote #224

Of course theres a way to do that, but it doesnt currently work that way. Youd just have to add admin flag checking before the triggers are allowed to go through. If you had some experience and just looked at some other plugin that uses admin checking, probably wouldnt be that difficult to do.
I kinda figured id have to do some editing to the plugin for it to work like that. Too bad I have no idea how that would work. Best I can do with sourcemod plugins is install them and I even mess that up fairly often.

But it really is a cool plugin, I just dont want people spamming it.
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Old 05-31-2009 , 12:13   Re: TF2: Roll the Dice (0.2)
Reply With Quote #225

Originally Posted by retsam View Post
1) yes, you go into a test server and lower the wait time to 0, and keep rolling over and over. THen using sm_rtd_disabled and keep adding the already tested rolls to that. Done.

2) Save settings? As in cvar settings? Did you not check the first post. Put all those cvars into the sourcemod.cfg like any other plugin.

3) I have not had any experience with blind not working properly in any sm builds, however I have not used sm 1.3 yet. But I have had blind in mine for a long time and ive never seen that happen.
I will give the testing a try to see for myself. I just had a person tell me that it was broken for them. And nowhere in the first post does it say to save the CVar settings to the sourcemod.cfg. H-Reserved, for example, has it's own cfg in the /cfg/sourcemod/ folder. Or is H-Reserved not like any other plugin? There's no reason to get smug about a simple question.

UPDATE: Do not see a way to disable Team Health, I try to just assume it's "health" if it's actually been coded. I got up to
rcon sm_rtd_disabled rainbow,noclip,gravity,toxic,freeze,slay,health,instantkills,drug,invis,godmode,timebomb,crits
which would leave cloak and constant uber. At this point, saying "rtd" locked the server up. Now, it seems to ignore the disabled rolls and rolls for anything, but if I roll long enough, the server will eventually lock up. I tried rcon'ing the command after I entered the server and then putting it in the sourcemod.cfg, neither seem to be disabling anything now.

There should be a way to "sm_rtd_forceroll Ripture uber" to properly test these things, but whatever. If someone else wants to confirm that both Cloak and Constant Uber work, that would be cool.

UPDATE2: After starting the test over, seemed to be working until I got through most of them again, left with Constant Uber, Cloak and this time, Team Health since I left it enabled. I rolled Team Health most of the time, but then I started getting things like Beacon, Burn, Freeze, Blind, all things I had already disabled and hadn't seen since I disabled them until I got to these last 3. I have still yet to see Uber or Cloak during all of this, so I can only suspect the ones that crashed the server are either them or have something to do with most of the rolls being disabled.

Looking at the code, Team Health is coded as "health," so maybe this is something that should be added to the first post? Also, Cloak and Uber seem to be handled differently than the rest, so maybe this will lead to the reason why they don't show up and the server crashes. I am completely unfamiliar with this language but I'll see what I can find.

Last edited by Ripture; 05-31-2009 at 13:19.
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Old 05-31-2009 , 13:42   Re: TF2: Roll the Dice (0.2)
Reply With Quote #226

This is in the hopes that (preferably the OP) someone understands this code a lot checks this thread...

        // Calculate the chance of a GOOD command
        if(GetConVarFloat(c_Chance) > GetRandomFloat(0.0, 1.0))
                goodCommand = 1;

                new action = GetRandomInt(GOODSTART, GOODEND);

                //PrintToChatAll("%i", action);
                        while(DisabledCommands[action] || ((action == UBER) && GetEntProp(Player, Prop_Send, "m_iClass") != TF2_MEDIC && !DisabledCommands[UBER]) || ((action == CLOAK) && GetEntProp(Player, Prop_Send, "m_iClass") != TF2_SPY && !DisabledCommands[CLOAK])) // thats not long at all :3
                                action = GetRandomInt(GOODSTART, GOODEND);
                        if((action == UBER) && (GetEntProp(Player, Prop_Send, "m_iClass") != TF2_MEDIC))
                        if((action == CLOAK) && (GetEntProp(Player, Prop_Send, "m_iClass") != TF2_SPY))
I'm very familiar with C++ and so this syntax relatively familiar while some of the functions are not.

If I'm reading this right, you're not allowed to get the Uber roll unless you are a medic and you're not allowed to get the Cloak roll unless you're a spy. This would be why I've never seen them.

Earlier during the parse to determine what rolls are disabled:
        new tempa = 0;
        for(new i=GOODSTART; i<=GOODEND; i++)

        if(tempa == GOODEND + 1)
                bypassGood = 1;

        if((tempa == 2) && (DisabledCommands[UBER]) && (DisabledCommands[CLOAK]))
                bypassGood = 1;
Why skip every good roll if just Uber and Cloak are disabled?

I could have missed it, but it doesn't seem have to have handling for the case that all dice rolls are disabled but the plugin itself is still enabled. Granted, if you wanted to disable all the dice rolls, you would just disable the plugin, a check for completeness wouldn't be hard to do.

EDIT: I was just thinking, and I think the reason why the server is becoming unresponsive when I try to go through the rolls is because I have every roll disabled except Uber and Cloak. This means that unless I'm a spy or a medic, it's going to stick in the while loops that keep looking for a valid roll that isn't disabled. The only one's it will find are either disabled or not allowed because I'm neither a spy or a medic.

Last edited by Ripture; 05-31-2009 at 16:07.
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Old 06-04-2009 , 17:34   Re: TF2: Roll the Dice (0.2)
Reply With Quote #227

I think though I'm not sure yet, taht RTD is now causing some lag issues on my server since this latest update.

Im still using ThatGuy's version, he released a fixed version of 0.8 which is a lot better than 2.0 in my opinion.

Is there a single fixed version yet? It's annoying this is so popular and there is no update and about 4 different versions and even more versions peopel don't release.
I'd be v happy if someone could just release a stable version with rolls that work with no errors

Last edited by crazychicken; 06-04-2009 at 17:41.
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Old 06-04-2009 , 18:16   Re: TF2: Roll the Dice (0.2)
Reply With Quote #228

I dont see how it could cause lag issues. What sorta issues?
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Old 06-05-2009 , 22:19   Re: TF2: Roll the Dice (0.2)
Reply With Quote #229

Completely rewritten version coming SOON. I promise. Just gotta get all the bugs out with the timers and then I can release rtd 0.3!
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Old 06-06-2009 , 19:04   Re: TF2: Roll the Dice (0.2)
Reply With Quote #230

awesome can't wait.

can u add option to allow all messages to appeat in chat. i really like seeing people who roll and what they win
also low grav has never ever worked in any version so far so maybe dont add it ?
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