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[Req] Zombie-Plague Upgrade | Interresting Ideas

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Old 12-03-2008 , 11:23   [Req] Zombie-Plague Upgrade | Interresting Ideas
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These are my ideas...some i took from previous posts that weren't solved, some are my original ideas If these plugins/upgrades would be developed, the gameplay will be much more realistic, captivating and exciting...here they are:
I know this is hard work but i trust you guys because you are pro's and you can handle anything... +karma from me and other users that will see your good work
1) ZP Plugin Upgrade: Siren Sound
Can you please set that before the round starts, a siren would go off anouncing that the virus is out of control? I've heard the siren in HL too so it doesn't need extra resources...the sound should play until it's end even if the infection/swarm or whatever round mod has started, and even if that round has a custom ambience...they should both play at the same time...
For Example: The sound has 7 seconds and it repeates, right? the time before the round starts is 10 seconds...if the sound plays again 3 seconds before the round starts, it should keep playing until the 7th second, meaning it's end...
2) Zombie Class: Watter
Water zombie class that can swim very fast, is vulnerable to fire and hot stuff...it should have a cvar which sets the amount of life the zombie will loose per second when near to these things...the class would be very usefull on maps that have water...for example zm_boatescape...people fall into the watter and the zombie comes swimming fast like hell and infects them
3) Zombie Class Upgrade: Rage
The Rage Zombie is radioactive, right? Well, then it should leave besides the footprints a sort of hazardous radiation green watter...it should have a rage of radiation, depending on a cvar that takes a human's hp when he's near the zombie, the amount of hp depending on a cvar too...
4) ZP Plugin Upgrade: Zombies' Blood
All zombies' blood should be another color, if you can add a cvar to set it by user preferences it would be great and more realistic...
5) Zombie Class: Barnacle
A barnacle zombie that can pull humans with a kind of tentacle(s)...it should have cvars so the users can set the distance the tentacle can reach, how fast it pulls a human and if the zombie can use it to lift it's self up on something, like a kind of hook, and if it can lift it's self or pull it's self using the tentacles, this should have a cvar too setting the speed which the zombie has when it pulls
6) ZP Plugin Upgrade: Day Light Changing
Like in plugin Day Light, the light should change it's self causing day-light and night-light, like in the real world...this will be very realistic if you can imagine it a second It shoud have a cvar that sets how much it takes a 12 hour day light to change from morning to night and the other way around. If this is enabled, the zp_lighting cvar should be ignored. This way the players cannot complain anymore about the lighting of the server...it would be perfect for everybody
7) Extra Item: Teleporter
This extra item may need a model, or it can just use a sprite file that indicates the place you have to get into or close to, to get teleported...it should be only for humans as if when zombie go into that spr or model the will not teleport...the teleporter will move a human in a random map place, but at least if the zombies are many and close to get him he would escape. Even if the map has a place where if you fall, you die it's the human's own risk and that makes the gameplay a lot more exciting. Anyway the human should regulary be teleported at 1 meter above the ground so he won't take damage from the fall to the ground
8) Extra Item: T-Virus Antidote Grenade
A grenade that desinfects zombies and turn them back to humans...this item should kill the last zombie if all the zombies are in it's radius when it explodes...It's the opposite of the infection grenade...
9) Zombie Class: HeadCrab
This zombie class should be able to spawn and throw headcrabs like in HL...it should have a certain amount of headcrabs that can be set by a cvar and the headcrab's hp shoud depend on a cvar too...the headcrabs should infect humans instead of killing them, or if it's not possible, killing them would be fine
10) ZP Plugin Upgrade: Human Pain Sounds
This should be cooler in swarm rounds at least...When humans loose hp they should scream like in Zombie-Swarm plugin...why it isn't cool in the other rounds? Because when they get attacked by zombies they get infected and allready emit a infection sound...or in case they have anti infection armour they don't get hurt and the armour allready emits a hit sound...in nemesis rounds, if they get hit by the nemesis, they die from the first hit so it would be ireal to scream
1) Zombie Class: Blood
This zombie should have instead of +attack2 a knife attack that doesn't infect humans but kills them...the +attack should remain the same and should infect the humans...the attack2 should screw the human's camera like in Zombie-Swarm plugin...it would be good that the plugin should have a cvar that specifies the damage needed to screw the player's camera
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Old 12-03-2008 , 11:44   Re: [Req] Zombie-Plague Upgrade | Interresting Ideas
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Magic words: If you have an issue about specific plugin, post to that plugin's topic. Other thing, don't know have you noticed this:
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Old 12-03-2008 , 11:49   Re: [Req] Zombie-Plague Upgrade | Interresting Ideas
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i noticed it...i saw that all the other users posted here their requests/suggestions so i posted here too...sorry
if a moderator can move it i would be pleased...pls don't give me a warning
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Old 12-03-2008 , 16:45   Re: [Req] Zombie-Plague Upgrade | Interresting Ideas
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also dont use those colors if you read the rules, not suppose to do that. but ya post in their designated forum section. cause its all bold and only 2 colors... just type normally.

i was going to post about 1 a while ago but never got around to it,

i agreed with 1 and 6 and they will never make 8. (i only agree with those cause i dont use different classes)

and also yeah a lot of people started to post here because in the zombie plague section there are only like 3-4 coders... sooo i know i have posted here for some help since i know it would be a century before someone in the ZP forum answered or tried to even help... here is a better way of getting things done is posting in here.

Also, the daylight/nighttime idea, there is a plugin already for that, though it has errors and no one wants to fix them it seems so it ends up crashing the server eventually, ive tried it. and i dont think they would code it into the main plugin, it would just stay as a sub plugin.
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Last edited by drumzplaya13; 12-03-2008 at 16:52.
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