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convert plugin

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Join Date: Jun 2007
Old 07-23-2007 , 07:34   convert plugin
Reply With Quote #1

hi again

i want to conver this plug in

to be like this

just the part of the option on off

i tried to do it but i have some problems in the print and the client side because it works for alla admin clients the on off setting

//ported by Oj@eKiLLzZz
// *******************************************************************************
// Admin Listen 2.3x, Also Copyright 2004, /dev/ urandom. No Warranties, 
// either expressed or implied.
// Props to Maxim for the remake of Luke Sankeys original plugin.
// Props to Luke Sankey for the original AdminMod plugin (SankListen).
// Inspired by PsychoListen by PsychoGuard
// Allows administrators (with flag "n") to see all team chats, and dead chats.
// Use amx_adminlisten_voice 0|1 to turn off and on the hearing of voicecomms

// In 2.0 the Chat Engine was totally rewritten from ground up,
// a different, more efficent method, was used to pick up say messages,
// also fewer calculations and variables in this version.
// 2.1 - VoiceComm rewrite, fixed a few typos in the comments.
// 2.2 - Updated for Condition Zero 1.2, Note that while I've attempted to keep
//       backwards compatability with other mods, I cannot vouch for it working
//       in other mods as I only have a CS:CZ server to test it in.
// 2.3 - Updated to work with Counter-Strike after steams update June 14, 2004. 
// *******************************************************************************

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <engine>

// Counter for the SayText event.
new count[32][32]     
new g_voice_status[2]

public catch_say(id)
    new set_run[8]
    get_cvar_string ( "amx_chat_admin",set_run,7 )

    if(set_run[0] == 1)

    new reciever = read_data(0) //Reads the ID of the message recipient
    new sender = read_data(1)   //Reads the ID of the sender of the message
    new message[151]            //Variable for the message
    new channel[151]
    new sender_name[32]

    if (is_running("czero")||is_running("cstrike"))
           get_user_name(sender, sender_name, 31)
    } else {
    // DEBUG. 
    // console_print(0, "DEBUG MESSAGE: %s", message)
    // console_print(0, "DEBUG channel: %s", channel)
    // console_print(0, "DEBUG sender: %s, %i", sender_name, sender)
    // console_print(0, "DEBUG receiver: %i", reciever)
       //With the SayText event, the message is sent to the person who sent it last.
       //It's sent to everyone else before the sender recieves it.

    // Keeps count of who recieved the message
       count[sender][reciever] = 1          
    // If current SayText message is the last then...
       if (sender == reciever)
              new player_count = get_playersnum()  //Gets the number of players on the server
              new players[32] //Player IDs
              get_players(players, player_count, "c")

              for (new i = 0; i < player_count; i++) 
            // If the player is an admin...
                 if (get_user_flags(players[i]) & ADMIN_BAN)
                // If the player did not recieve the message then...
                        if (count[sender][players[i]] != 1)
                               message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("SayText"),{0,0,0},players[i])
                               // Appends the ID of the sender to the message, so the engine knows what color to make the name.
                               // Appends the message to the message (depending on the mod).
                    if (is_running("czero")||is_running("cstrike"))
                 count[sender][players[i]] = 0  //Set everyone's counter to 0 so it's ready for the next SayText
       return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

public set_adminchat(id, level, cid)
    if(!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new set_chat[4]
    read_argv(1, set_chat, 3)
    server_cmd("amx_chat The Admin Spectate chat is ^"%s^"", set_chat)

    set_cvar_string("amx_chat_admin", set_chat)


public plugin_init(){
   register_plugin("AdminListen","2.3x","/dev/ urandom")
   register_concmd("pro_chat", "set_adminchat", ADMIN_BAN, "<1/0>")

public plugin_modules(){

// *********************
// VoiceComm Stuff
// *********************

public client_infochanged(id)
   if ((get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_BAN) && equal(g_voice_status,"1")) set_speak(id, 4)

public client_connect(id)
   if ((get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_BAN) && equal(g_voice_status,"1")) set_speak(id, 4)

public voice_status(){
   new player_count = get_playersnum()
   new players[32] //Player IDs
   get_players(players, player_count, "c")
   for (new i = 0; i < player_count; i++) {
      if ((get_user_flags(players[i]) & ADMIN_BAN)){         
         if (equal(g_voice_status,"0")) set_speak(players[i], 0)
         if (equal(g_voice_status,"1")) set_speak(players[i], 4)
Qlim4X is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Old 07-24-2007 , 00:36   Re: convert plugin
Reply With Quote #2

any ideas or help???

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