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WC3 Mod on SourceMod?

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Old 05-15-2007 , 09:18   Re: WC3 Mod on SourceMod?
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we will see....said the blind man

I would be very happy if we can get a WC3 SourceMod plugin this year.
f4k0r is offline
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Old 05-15-2007 , 10:43   Re: WC3 Mod on SourceMod?
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Yea, im really looking forward for the release! Been waiting since I bought css.
SWE_Bert is offline
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Old 05-15-2007 , 11:38   Re: WC3 Mod on SourceMod?
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no it's not we will see from my statement, he showed me what he has so far...
FlyingMongoose is offline
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Old 05-21-2007 , 07:30   Re: WC3 Mod on SourceMod?
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I have plans to convert the original WC3 XP plugin to Sourcemod, as faithfully as possible, once I have a little more time and things get a little closer to an official release. I've got a lot of refreshing and studying to do to learn the differences in the syntax, and the messages for producing all the effects, etc.

I don't know anything about all the eventscript WC3 stuff. I'm glad someone made something, I suppose A file converter is only useful if someone ports THAT eventscript plugin to SourceMod though. If I port WC3 XP from AMXX to SourceMod, or if Geesu ports WC3 FT from AMXX to SourceMod, your eventscript file is still useless, as "WC3Source" doesn't match either of the AMXX plugins.
I'm a blast from the past!
ferret is offline
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Old 03-01-2008 , 07:52   Re: WC3 Mod on SourceMod?
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So guys is it done? Looking forward for that plugin! Don't want to change my mod to mani! lol
Artemisfo is offline
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Old 03-03-2008 , 00:45   Re: WC3 Mod on SourceMod?
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There's a TF2 server with something called "SourceCraft" Linky (you have to register on their forums to view it, or just read the following)

Ok, since the SourceCraft mod has drawn a lot of interest, I decided to make a guide to help out the new players who aren't familiar with the mod. Note: this guide assumes that you understand the basics of TF2, if you do not, this mod is not for you.

Lets start out with the basic chat commands:

help - this brings up a list of the basic commands in the mod
scmenu - this also brings up a list of commands however you can go directly to them instead of having to type the commands
showxp - this shows your current xp and your level
changerace - select a different race
raceinfo - shows each race's abilities
skillsinfo - shows what the skills of your current race do
resetskills - resets your skill points in your current race and allows you to reallocate them
spendskills - spend any unused skill points
showskills - shows what skills you have invested in your current race
shopmenu - brings up the list of items available for purchase with your crystals
showcrystals - this shows the current amount of crystals you have, this can also be done via the shopmenu

Some of these commands you might want to bind to a key, such as shopmenu and changerace. To bind a key input the following into your console: example, bind "f" "say shopmenu". By typing that into console you will have bound your shopmenu to your f key. You can bind anything to any key, just make sure you do not bind over a key that you normally use for TF2. The console is accessed by activating the developer console in options and hitting the ~ key.

Ok now that you know the basic commands, let get to the races. There are currently 9 races available in the SourceCraft mod. Each race has 4 abilities, 3 of them are passive and one ability is active, called your "ultimate" which is only available when you have reached level 8 in that race. Each ability can only go up to level 4 and only works with that race. There are some races that only become available at higher overall levels. This means that you have to have an overall level that equals or exceeds the requirements. Also your skill points do not carry over between races, you need to earn them for each race.

Here is each race, their abilities, who they are best suited for, and for some the overall level required to access them:

Human Alliance:
Immunity - makes you immune to shopitems at level 1, explosions at level 2, heathtstealing at level 3 and ultimates at level 4
Devotion Aura - gives you an extra 15-50% per life.
Bash- 15-32% chance to render your enemy immobile for 1 second
Teleport (ultimate) - teleport where you aim, up to 105 feet.
Suited for: Heavies, Pyros, Scouts, Engineers

Zerg (level 32):
Adrenal Glands - increase melee damage
Regeneration - slowly regenerates your health
Healing Aura - regenerate health of your teammates
Tenticles (ultimate) - grab your opponent
Suited for: Medics, anyone who loves meleeing

UAW, United Auto Workers (level 16):
Inflated Wages - get more crystals per kill and assist as well as level up faster
Seniority - 15-80% of respawning where you died
Negotiations - random shit will happen to you, good and bad
Work Rules (ultimate) - gives you a hook which allows you to grab onto anything and pull yourself to it
Suited for: Everyone, people who love shopmenu items

Terran Confederacy (level 32):
Depleated U-238 Shells - increases damage on all weapons
Heavy Armor - take less damage from enemy fire and falls
Stimpacks - move faster
Jetpack (ultimate) - allows you to fly for short periods of time
Suited for: Everyone

Undead Scourge:
Vampiric Aura - 60% chance of receiving up to 30% of the damage you dealt in an attack
Unholy Aura - gives you a speed boost
Levitation - allows you to jump higher
Suicide Bomber (ultimate) - use your ultimate key to explode causing massive damage. It also works passively on your death.
Suited for: Scouts, Spies, Pyros, Heavies.

Night Elf:
Evasion - 5-30% chance of evading an attack
Thorns Aura - 30-90% of damage dealt to you will be mirrored on to the attacker 15-30%
Trueshot Aura - does 20-80% extra damage to the enemy 30-60% of the time
Entangled Roots (ultimate) - freezes every enemy in range for 10 seconds.
Suited for: Everyone

Protoss (level 32):
Reaver Scarabs - explode on contact and deal extra damage
Arbitor Reality Warping Field - cloaks friendly units in range, NOT THE USER!
Observer Sensors - reveals cloaked enemies and removes their disguises
Dark Archon Mind Control (ultimate) - mind control any enemy engineer equipment (45 second cooldown)
Suited for: Spies, Engineers, anyone who hates Spies and Engineers

Orcish Horde:
Acute Strike - 25% chance of doing massive damage with any non rocket or grenade weapon
Acute Strike - 15% chance of doing massive damage with a rocket or a grenade
Reincarnation - 15-80% chance of respawning at the location where the player died
Chain Lightning (ultimate) - discharge a bolt of lightning that can hit up to 4 people and deal 40 damage
Suited for: Soldiers, Demomen, Heavies, Pyros

Al -Qaeda:
Reincarnation - 15-80% chance of respawning at the location where the player died
Flaming Wrath - cause damage to those around you
Suicide Bomber - explode when you die, causing massive damage
Mad Bomber (ultimate)- explode and cause massive damage to those around you, you might even live!
Suited for: Spies, Scouts, Pyros, people who want to start Jihad!

To use your ultimate you need to bind a key to "+ultimate", so to bind your f key to ultimate type bind "f" "+ultimate" in the console.

Ok, so now you've got your race, but you have all these crystals, and your wondering what are you going to do with those pesky bastards?

Here is a breakdown of the shopmenu items, remember to access these simply type shopmenu in chat:
Ankh of Reincarnation: 40 Crystals - retrieve shopmenu items in your next life
Boots of Speed - 55 Crystals - move faster, comes with appropriate music
Claws of Attack - 60 Crystals - do up to 8 hp extra on each attack
Cloak of Shadows - 45 Crystals -makes you invisible when not moving and when holding a melee weapon
Mask of Death - 10 Crystals - receive health for each attack on the enemy
Necklace of Immunity - 20 Crystals - Immunity to enemy ultimates
Orb of Frost - 35 Crystals - slow down enemies when you hit them
Peripate of Health - 50 Crystals - receive additional health
Tome of Experience - 50 Crystals - receive 25 xp
Scroll of Respawning - 15 Crystals - respawns you, can only be bought twice per map
Sock of the Feather - 45 Crystals - jump higher
Infinite Ammo Packs - 35 Crystals - receive ammo or metal every 10 seconds
Ring of Regeneration - 15 Crystals - slowly regain hp
Mole - 75 Crystals - places you in the enemy respawn, go nuts!
Mole Protection - 15 Crystals - deflect some damage from the mole

These items are great for new players as they give them an upper hand against higher level players, use them wisely and you can take down anyone.

A few final notes:
The mod is currently not completed and can change in the blink of the eye.
Several races have broken abilities or abilities that are working as intended.
Several shop items are also broken.
If you find any bugs please report them on these forums so that they can be fixed.
Finally, if you do not like the mod please post why on our forums, constructive input is valued.
ThatGuy is offline
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Old 05-27-2009 , 01:03   Re: WC3 Mod on SourceMod?
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i so hope they do this for dods!
silentpaul is offline

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Old 05-27-2009 , 09:18   Re: WC3 Mod on SourceMod?
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Originally Posted by silentpaul View Post
i so hope they do this for dods!
Way to resurrect a thread that had no posts in over a year.
psychonic is offline
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Old 05-27-2009 , 11:55   Re: WC3 Mod on SourceMod?
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Originally Posted by psychonic View Post
Way to resurrect a thread that had no posts in over a year.
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