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WC3 2.5+AMX(X)0.16. Bombplant/defuse gives 107472 XP

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Old 08-06-2004 , 10:48   WC3 2.5+AMX(X)0.16. Bombplant/defuse gives 107472 XP
Reply With Quote #1

As writen in topic you will be given 107472xp in reward for planting the bomb or defuse it.

How can this be, i've change 2 things from the original code of 2.5.x in sma, and this wont change anything concerning to the xp-multiplie setting. Kills and stuffs r ok, the right xp r given out for those stuff, also for headshot bonus.
  • meta list
    Currently loaded plugins:
    description stat pend file vers src load unlod
    [ 1] AMX Mod X RUN - amxx_mm_i686.so v0.16 ini ANY ANY
    [ 2] Fun RUN - fun_amx_i686.so v0.16 cmd ANY ANY
    [ 3] ENGINE RUN - engine_amx_i686. v0.16 cmd ANY ANY
    [ 4] Counter-Strike RUN - cstrike_amx_i686 v0.16 ST cmd Pause Pause
    [ 5] CS Stats RUN - csstats_amx_i686 v0.16 cmd ANY ANY
    [ 6] Vexd Util. Modu RUN - VexdUM_mm_i386.s v0.2.0.7 cmd ANY ANY
    [ 7] XtraFun RUN - xtrafun_mm_i686. v1.2 cmd ANY Pause
    7 plugins, 7 running
I hope theres someone which have a clue of whats going on, warcraft3 works fine except that, but this cant proceed like this coz players will reach lvl10 faster then u will be able to stop them
plastGNU is offline
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Old 08-06-2004 , 10:49  
Reply With Quote #2

go to the wc3.cfg
I have been banned because I spammed on the forums and registered multiple accounts.
killerelite32 is offline
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Old 08-06-2004 , 11:01  
Reply With Quote #3

Ive been looking in warcraft3.cfg aswell, also compared my warcraft3.cfg with the default one, below is my warcraft3.cfg;
 ------------ Enter Warcraft 3 configuration area ------------------

   #### IMPORTANT ####

   If you change something here, you will have to recompile the plugin
   Linux: ./sc warcraft3.sma -o../plugins/warcraft3.amx
   Win:     sc warcraft3.sma -o../plugins/warcraft3.amx

   This file shows all possible configuration options with a brief description 
   of the option. Lines with a // in front of them are comments. If you want
   to change an option simply remove the // in front of the #define. You do not 
   need to set all options, only the ones you want to change.
   This makes upgrading to newer versions easier, and gives you a better overview
   of which options you have changed. This also makes it possible to make a very 
   simple warcraft.cfg, if you for example only want long term with vault saving
   and the rest of the options should stay default, a warcraft3.cfg file with the
   following two lines would suffice.
   #define SHORT_TERM 0
   #define VAULT_SAVE 1

   The file warcraft3.cfg MUST exist (the file can be empty though).

   #### IMPORTANT ####


// #########################################################
// #########################################################

#define WC3_MODULE 0 		// Set this to 1 to use the war3 module, leave at 0 to use the vexd module
#define SHORT_TERM 0		// Set this to 0 for long-term XP, and 1 for short-term XP.
				// Configuration if the server is Steam or non-Steam is taken from the AMX setting
				// in include/amxconst.inc now.

// If you set SHORT_TERM to 0 (-> you want XP to be saved), then you can choose additional ways to
// save the XP here. If booth are left at 0 the plugin will save XP in a file. This is not advisable
// since this makes the server slow and XP WILL get lost. Choose only one.

#define MYSQL_ENABLED 1		// Set this to 1 to use mySQL database saving rather than war3users.ini.
//#define VAULT_SAVE 0		// Set this to 1 to use vault saving rather than war3users.ini.

// Language of ingame messages and menus from the warcraft3 plugin
// Please select only one :
#define LANG_ENG 1  		// English
//#define LANG_GER 0  		// Deutsch  / German
//#define LANG_FRE 0 		// Français / French

// ### WARNING ###
// The following should only be used by experienced server operators! These are methods of converting
// various forms of saved experience between one another. If you do not know what you're doing
// you need to leave this alone!
//#define CONVERT_TO_VAULT 0	// Convert from war3users.ini file to Vault saving method. This
				// will check for the file war3users.ini, and if it exists will
				// convert it to Vault. Vault move war3users.ini to a file called
				// war3users.bak. After conversion, this will not occur again unless
				// you recreate war3users.ini.
//#define VAULT_PROTECT 1	// Turning this on will stop the conversion from war3users.ini from
				// overwriting information already in the Vault. This is on by default.
				// Turning this off could essentially provide a method of altering the
				// Vault indirectly by creating your own war3index.ini. The Vault would
				// convert and load the new information the next time the map changes or
				// the server starts.
// ##########################
// #### END SERVER SETUP ####
// ##########################

// ################
// #### TWEAKS ####
// ##############################################################################################################

// DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE MYSQL_AUTO_PRUNING do not work 100% correct at the moment, I would not recommend using them
// Vault pruning works fine.

#define DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE 14		// no longer uses the sv_daysbeforedelete cvar.  
					// However many days before deleting XP
					// or pruning from MySQL database.

#define MYSQL_AUTO_PRUNING 0		// Automatically prunes the database of old users at a mapchange 
					// occuring between 5:36 to 5:59 AM. Use at your own risk...

//#define VAULT_PRUNE_LIMIT 5		// This is how often the vault prunes players. Default is every 5 days. 
					// This is not the same as DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE.
					// Every 5 days it will check for players 14 days
					// old, and delete those players from the vault.				

//#define SAVE_WITH_IP 0		// Set to 1 if the plugin should save via IP instead of AuthID
					// Useful for servers running a patched cs1.6 for LAN
#define XP_CHANGEABLE_OUTSIDE 0		// Enabling this will allow you to remove XP from another plugin with
					// this command:  server_cmd("wc3_changexp %d %d",id,xpAmount) 

//#define SLAY_LOSERS 0			// Set 1 to enable. Slays the losing team.
					// Ex: T's plant the bomb. CT's don't defuse. CT's are slayed.
#define STARTINGLEVEL 0			// Which level should players start out at. Useful for long term servers
					// or for clanwars / leagues.					

// ##############################################################################################################
// These are settings to adjust the behavoir of the plugin to match your needs

#define BOMBPLANT_XP_BONUS 6		// What you see is what you get 
#define DEFUSE_XP_BONUS 6		// These are set correctly for longterm XP
#define HOSTAGE_XP_BONUS 6		// Ex: 87 bomb plant bonus, gives you87 XP
#define KILLRESCUEMAN_XP_BONUS 6	// For short term XP, this is multiplied by 10
#define KILL_BOMB_CARRIER 6		// Set to 0 to disable entirely. Otherwise set to base XP to award.
#define VIP_KILL_BONUS 6		// Set to VIP killing reward. Note: You can give exactly 0 XP for this, 
					// by setting to 0.
#define VIP_ESCAPE_BONUS 6		// Set to VIP escape reward.
#define TOME_XP_BONUS 20		// XP for buy a tome of experience.

#define HOSTAGE_TOUCH_BONUS 1 	// Set 1 to enable.
#define ATTEMPT_DEFUSE_BONUS 1 	// Set 1 to enable. 

#define HEADSHOT_BONUS 3 		// Set integer to number given as reward for headshot kills.
#define DEFUSER_KILL_BONUS 1 		// Set 1 to enable. Gives Bonus for killing the bomb defuser.
#define BOMB_EVENT_BONUS 0		// Set 1 to enable. Bonus for spawn, pickup, drop bomb.
#define VIP_SPAWN_BONUS 0		// Set 1 to enable.

#define BOMBSHAREXPRADIUS 1000	// Radius to give XP to teammates for being near the bombplanter/defuser
#define HOSTAGESHAREXPRADIUS 1000	// Same for rescuing Hostages

#define OBJECTIVE_XP_PRINT 1		// If enabled, will print private messages to client console showing the XP 
					// they gain for completeting an objective.
					// This will let even the n00bs catch on to quick XP
					// gain by being near the action.

#define HOSTAGE_KILL_MAX 3		// Max hostages that can be killed without punishment.	
#define HOSTAGE_KILL_SLAP 1		// Set 1 to enable. Slaps player.	
#define HOSTAGE_KILL_XP 1 		// Set 1 to enable. Removes XP.	
#define FORGIVE_HOSTKILL_ROUND 1 	// Set 1 to enable. Resets hostages killed tracking each round.
#define HOSTAGE_TAX 0			// Punishment for "stealing" Hostages from Teammates, dosen't always work

// Statistics Blocks designed for Warcraft 3 CS 1.5 (DOES NOT ALWAYS WORK IN CS 1.6)
#define WAR3STATS 0			// Set to 1 to enable.
					// Displays correct Attacker / Victim damage, hits, and XP gain.
					// Players can type "stats" at any time.

#define WAR3_MYSQL_TOP15 0		// MYSQL and WAR3STATS required for this one. Set 1 to enable.
					// Gives players Skill ratings, Rank, and Top 15 player list.
					// Will save rank to war3stats table (creates automatically).	
					// If MYSQL pruning is enabled, the war3stats table is pruned as well,
					// if there's a mapchange between 5:05 to 5:35 AM. 
					// Skill = Kills (inc. Ultimates) + Objective Points - Deaths					

					// Prevent XP exploits using objectives on a near empty server (ex: at 5:00 AM)
#define XPLOIT_PROTECT 4		// Set minimum number of players for objective XP handouts.
					// Ex: Set to 4, you need exactly 4 players for XP Bonus'.	

#define OPT_RESETSKILLS 1 		// Option in the warcraft3 menu to allow skills (not XP) to be reset 
					// in the next round. Player can then rechoose his skills if turned on.
#define ITEMS_DROPABLE 1		// Do players drop their item (if they have one) when they die?
					// Ankh and Tomb are ignored. 
					// REQUIRES Vexd Module

// ##############################################################################################################
// PART 3: Ultimate, Skills and Race Tweaking Area
// These are settings to adjust the Skills and Ultimates of the different races. 

#define ULTIMATESEARCHTIME 50 	// How long you hear beep beep beep for... default is 50.
#define ULTIMATE_WARMUP 20.0		// Ultimates do not work for X seconds with this feature.
#define ULTIMATE_READY_SOUND 0	// Set 1 to enable. When your ultimate is ready again it says "Power Restored".	
#define ULTIMATE_READY_ICON 1		// Flashes a Lightning symbol on the left when Ultimate is ready.
#define ULTIMATE_FIRST_ROUND 1	// Turn this off and Ultimates are unavailable the first round of a map

// ## Undead options ##
#define EXPLOSION_RANGE 250     	// Undead Suicide bomber is usually at 300 range
#define WARN_SUICIDERS 1 		// Tells Undead Scourges their bomb is armed when they hit ultimate key.
					// A second key press then detonates it. 			
#define EXPLOSION_MAX_DAMAGE 75	// Damage inflicted by Undead explosion.

// ## Human options ##
#define TELEPORT_COOLDOWN 20.0	// Default is 20.0
#define KNIFEINVISIBILITY 40  	// Max invisibility with knife (255-0, 0=invisible 255=totally visible).
#define BLINK_HUMAN_ULTIMATE 1 	// Set 1 to enable. Teleports player to where they are aiming. 
					// Note: to balance it, I made players "dizzy" when they do it.
#define RETRY_COOLDOWN 1.0		// Default is 3.0, no effect if BLINK_HUMAN_ULTIMATE is 0
#define BLINK_RADIUS 1		// In this radius, enemies with the immunity necklace will cause the 
					// teleport to fail. (For Human Blink ultimate only).	

// ## Orc options ##
#define CHAINLIGHTNING_COOLDOWN 30.0	// Default is 40.0
#define LIGHTNING_DAMAGE 50		// Orc lightning is usually at 50 HP damage
#define ORCNECKLACE 1 		// Set to 1 if the Necklace should protect against Orc Grenades
#define ORCNADE_CVAR 0 		// Set to 1 to create an Orc Grenade CVAR. 				
					// mp_alloworcnade 0 to disable orc grenades.
					// Recommend plugin to set it for specific maps.
					// Get one here: http://amxmod.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=40104

// ## Night Elf options ##
#define NIGHTELF_DROPWEAPON 0		// If turned on enemy drop the weapon they are holding when 
#define ENTANGLEROOTS_COOLDOWN 30.0	// Default is 40.0
					// caught by entangle roots
// ## Blood Elf options ##
#define SHADOWSTRIKE_DAMAGE 10       	// damage done by blood elf shadowstrike
#define SHADOWSTRIKE_DURATION 10    	// duration of blood elf shadowstrike
#define SHADOWSTRIKE_COOLDOWN 30.0  	// cooldown period of blood elf shadowstrike

// Modify level requirements for getting the Ultimate skill.
#define MODIFIED_ULT_LEVEL 0 		// Set 1 to enable modified skill requirements.				
#define UNDEAD_ULT 6			// Default values is 6 for each race.
#define HUMAN_ULT 6
#define ORC_ULT 6
#define ELF_ULT 6						
#define BLOOD_ELF_ULT 6
// ##############################################################################################################
// PART 4: Various other settings ....

// XP Reseting At Level 11 - Need feedback for what to do with this (ex: delete it all?)
// WARNING: Do not enable. A situation could occur where the player will not get his God Mode on reset.
#define XPRESET 0      		// Set to 0 to disable code that detects level 11 and resets char.
#define RESETLEVEL 7       		// Hard level to reset XP too. Player can also choose random (1 to 10). 
#define MIN_RESET_LEVEL 5		// If the player rolls the dice on reset and gets level < MIN_RESET_LEVEL, give 2nd chance.
#define RESET_XP_LEVEL_NOSAVE 6700 	// Should be greater than level 10 (5500), no effect if XPRESET 0.
#define RESET_XP_LEVEL_SAVE 102400    // Should be greater than level 10 (51200), no effect if XPRESET 0.
#define GOD_BLESS_ROUNDNUM 4 		// Number of rounds a reseted player gets God Mode for.	

// Optional HUD Event Warnings
#define BOMB_WARNINGS 0		// Warns when bomb is planted, defused, etc. HUD and sound countdown on plant.
					// WARNING: Designed for AMX 0.9.6 or better. Poor performance otherwise.

#define VIP_EVENTS 0			// VIP spawns, killed, escapes HUD messages.
#define HOSTAGE_EVENTS 0		// Hostage killed, rescued, touched, HUD messages (touched sent to CT only).

#define SHOPMENU_IN_BUYZONE 1		// Restrict shopmenu to buyzone area, can be controlled 
					// by the cvar mp_shopzone to turn off on certain maps

#define SPAWN_PROTECT 3.5		// Protects players from premature death for 10.0 seconds.
					// Set to 0 to disable. set to x.0 seconds for protection (e.g. 5.0)

#define NON_ULTIMATE_VIP 1		// Stop VIP's from using Ultimate abilities. Warns them too.
					// Set 1 to deny them their powers.	

// Bugfixes
#define MULTI_WEP_FIX 1		// Multi-weapon fix, set 1 to enable. Disarms before re-incarnation.
					// No side effects! No double weapons. 		

#define DISABLE_FORCESKIN 1		// Set to 1 to disable forceskin code (from SpaceDude I presume).
					// This will fix issues with a different player model appearing on death.	


/* --------- NEXT TWO OPTIONS SHOULD BE SET TO ZERO  (FOR DEV USE) --------- */	
//#define DEBUG_LOGGER 0		// Logs crap to log file. For Denkkar's entertainment.
//#define TEST_MODE 0			// Gives every client who connects a level 10 char. !!For testing only!!.
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// PART 5: Settings for Human Teleport temporary Fix ....

//Disabled by default
//distance in vertical direction you can teleport 60 is the height of double doors in aztec.
//distance in x,y coordinate system you can teleport. 1200 is length of pit in aztec between the set of dbl doors

// PART 6: Settings for Orc Nade Spam Inhibitor ....

//Disabled by default
// 0 is not used, 1 means that he grenades will explode at the users origin (thus killing/maiming them), and the user will be
// teleported back to that origin of throwing the nade after 1 second to make sure they are close
#define ORC_SPAM_FIX 0

/* ---------------------------------- Exit Warcraft 3 configuration area --------------------------------------	*/
I have actaully no idea of where to look for my issue, coz ive looked everywhere ;(
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Old 08-06-2004 , 11:16  
Reply With Quote #4

these two lines :
#define BOMBPLANT_XP_BONUS 6      // What you see is what you get
#define DEFUSE_XP_BONUS 6      // These are set correctly for longterm XP
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Old 08-06-2004 , 11:20  
Reply With Quote #5

So this would work better then:
#define BOMBPLANT_XP_BONUS 1      // What you see is what you get 
#define DEFUSE_XP_BONUS 1      // These are set correctly for longterm XP
How much xp will a player be rewarded if plant the bomb of defusing the bomb? when they both r set to "1" instead of "6"? Any clue?
plastGNU is offline
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Old 08-06-2004 , 11:25  
Reply With Quote #6

yes, they would get 1.
I have been banned because I spammed on the forums and registered multiple accounts.
killerelite32 is offline
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Old 08-06-2004 , 11:54  
Reply With Quote #7

Humm.. doesnt mather if i put "0" or "1" after those two settings, will be rewarded 107472xp anyways if I plant the bomb :/

plastGNU is offline
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Old 08-06-2004 , 11:56  
Reply With Quote #8

u would need it to be like:
#define BOMBPLANT_XP_BONUS 107472
#define DEFUSE_XP_BONUS 107472
I have been banned because I spammed on the forums and registered multiple accounts.
killerelite32 is offline
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Old 08-06-2004 , 11:58  
Reply With Quote #9

yup, Im aware of that.
Thats the wierd with it, must be something in the code that aint right, or if its something with my .inc files in my include folder that aint right. Bcoz it doesnt change anything if I change settings in warcraft3.cfg as u have seen.
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Old 08-06-2004 , 12:21  
Reply With Quote #10

Below is what I could find in code concerning bombplantxp and defusexp :/

		if( antiExploit ){
			temp =  3 * xpgiven[p_level[id]]
		temp = 3 * xpgiven[p_level[id]]												
	playerxp[id]+=  temp
		//set_hudmessage(0, 160, 97, -1.45, 0.85, 2, 6.0, 15.0, 0.2, 0.3,100);
		//show_hudmessage(targetid,"+%d XP for personally planting the bomb",temp );						
		#if LANG_ENG
			client_print(id,print_chat, "[WC3] %s recieved %d extra XP for personally planting the bomb.",sName,temp)
		#if LANG_GER
			client_print(id,print_chat, "[WC3] %s bekam %d extra XP fuer das legen der Bombe.",sName,temp)
		#if LANG_FRE
			client_print(id,print_chat, "[WC3] %s a recu %d XP supplementaires pour avoir personnellement amorce la bombe.",sName,temp)
	for (new i=0; i<numplayers; ++i){
		get_user_origin(targetid, targetorigin)
		if ((get_distance(origin, targetorigin)<=BOMBSHAREXPRADIUS) &&(targetid != id)){
			#if XPLOIT_PROTECT						
				if( antiExploit ){
					temp = BOMBPLANTXP + xpgiven[p_level[targetid]]
				temp = BOMBPLANTXP + xpgiven[p_level[targetid]]										
			#if WAR3_MYSQL_TOP15 
				skillStat[targetid] += 2
			playerxp[targetid]+=  temp
				//set_hudmessage(0, 160, 97, -1.05, 0.85, 2, 6.0, 15.0, 0.2, 0.3,101);
				//show_hudmessage(targetid,"^n +%d XP for bomb plant support",temp );					
				#if LANG_ENG
					client_print(targetid,print_chat, "[WC3] %s recieved %d XP for supporting the bomb planting effort.",sName,temp)
				#if LANG_GER
					client_print(targetid,print_chat, "[WC3] %s bekam %d XP fuer das helfen beim legen der Bombe.",sName,temp)
				#if LANG_FRE				
					client_print(id,print_chat, "[WC3] %s a recu %d pour avoir couvert la pose de la bombe.",sName,temp)
		displaylevel(targetid, 1)
public set_longtermxp(){
	new textline[64], nextline=0, textlength, mapname[64]
	new filename[32] = "war3maps.ini"
	if (file_exists(filename)){
			nextline = read_file(filename,nextline,textline,63,textlength)
			if (equali(textline,mapname))
		} while(nextline)

	if (get_cvar_num("mp_savexp")){
		new Float:xpmultiplier=get_cvar_float("mp_xpmultiplier")
		DEFUSEXP /= 10
		XPBONUS /= 10
Any ideas?
plastGNU is offline

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