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Level System trying to move to SQL Database

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Old 06-06-2023 , 18:46   Re: Level System trying to move to SQL Database
Reply With Quote #11

Originally Posted by KerwinSweet2003 View Post
Now I read again your message,I tried using REPLACE INTO,by doing that the error dissapears,but when the player gets xp,it just replaces the xp he got,it doesn't add +1 xp,it just replaces it instead of adding it.If you understood what I mean
Yes, that is how it works. It is essentially replacing the existing record. So you will need to know all existing info when using this.

Suppose current XP is 10 and you want to add 1 XP to the DB, when you use replace into, you would provide XP + 1.

REPLACE INTO tblStuff (SteamID, XP) VALUES ('%s', %d);" , szSteamID , CurrentXP + 1 );
If you are doing this only because you are losing data with nVault, you can simplify this by just fixing your nVault issue.
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Old 06-06-2023 , 19:22   Re: Level System trying to move to SQL Database
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upload your vault file and ill go through rows and later send you a sql file
bigdaddy424 is offline
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Old 06-07-2023 , 10:02   Re: Level System trying to move to SQL Database
Reply With Quote #13

Originally Posted by Bugsy View Post
Yes, that is how it works. It is essentially replacing the existing record. So you will need to know all existing info when using this.

Suppose current XP is 10 and you want to add 1 XP to the DB, when you use replace into, you would provide XP + 1.

REPLACE INTO tblStuff (SteamID, XP) VALUES ('%s', %d);" , szSteamID , CurrentXP + 1 );
If you are doing this only because you are losing data with nVault, you can simplify this by just fixing your nVault issue.
g_Xp[id] has both functions (getting user's current xp + Reward)
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Old 06-07-2023 , 10:05   Re: Level System trying to move to SQL Database
Reply With Quote #14

This plugin is made by the same author,is just a coin system instead of a level system,it has the same coding and the sql is working on this plugin,maybe it can help you.

#include <zombie_escape>

// Static (Change it if you need)
new const g_szVaultName[] = "Escape_Coins"
new const g_szLogFile[] = "Escape-Coins.log" // MySQL Errors log file

// MySQL Table
new const g_szTable[] = 
" \
	CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `zombie_escape` \
	( \
		`Nick` varchar(64) NOT NULL, \
		`IP` varchar(34) NOT NULL, \
		`SteamID` varchar(34) NOT NULL, \
		`EC` int(16) NOT NULL, \
		PRIMARY KEY (`Nick`) \
	); \

// Variables
new g_iMaxClients,

// Cvars
new g_pCvarEscapeSuccess, 

// Database
	Host = 0,

// Natives
public plugin_natives()
	register_native("ze_get_escape_coins", "native_ze_get_escape_coins", 1)
	register_native("ze_set_escape_coins", "native_ze_set_escape_coins", 1)

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("[ZE] Escape Coins System", ZE_VERSION, AUTHORS)
	// Hook Chains
	RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_TakeDamage, "Fw_TakeDamage_Post", 1)
	// Commands
	//register_clcmd("say /EC", "Coins_Info")
	//register_clcmd("say_team /EC", "Coins_Info")
	// Static Values
	g_iMaxClients = get_member_game(m_nMaxPlayers)
	// Cvars
	g_pCvarSaveType = register_cvar("ze_coins_save_type", "0")
	g_pCvarEscapeSuccess = register_cvar("ze_escape_success_coins", "15")
	g_pCvarHumanInfected = register_cvar("ze_human_infected_coins", "5")
	g_pCvarDamage = register_cvar("ze_damage_required", "300")
	g_pCvarDamageCoins = register_cvar("ze_damage_coins", "4")
	g_pCvarStartCoins = register_cvar("ze_start_coins", "50")
	g_pCvarMaxCoins = register_cvar("ze_max_coins", "200000")
	g_pCvarEarnChatNotice = register_cvar("ze_earn_chat_notice", "1")
	g_pCvarDBInfo[Host] = register_cvar("ze_ec_host", "localhost")
	g_pCvarDBInfo[User] = register_cvar("ze_ec_user", "user")
	g_pCvarDBInfo[Pass] = register_cvar("ze_ec_pass", "pass")
	g_pCvarDBInfo[DB] = register_cvar("ze_ec_dbname", "dbname")
	// Initialize MySQL - Delay 0.1 second required so we make sure that our zombie_escape.cfg already executed and cvars values loaded from it
	set_task(0.1, "Delay_MySQL_Init")

public Coins_Info(id)
	ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "COINS_INFO", g_iEscapeCoins[id])

public Delay_MySQL_Init()

public MySQL_Init()
	if (!get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSaveType))
	new szHost[64], szUser[32], szPass[32], szDB[128]
	get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarDBInfo[Host], szHost, charsmax(szHost))
	get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarDBInfo[User], szUser, charsmax(szUser))
	get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarDBInfo[Pass], szPass, charsmax(szPass))
	get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarDBInfo[DB], szDB, charsmax(szDB))
	g_hTuple = SQL_MakeDbTuple(szHost, szUser, szPass, szDB)
	// Let's ensure that the g_hTuple will be valid, we will access the database to make sure
	new iErrorCode, szError[512], Handle:hSQLConnection
	hSQLConnection = SQL_Connect(g_hTuple, iErrorCode, szError, charsmax(szError))
	if(hSQLConnection != Empty_Handle)
		log_amx("[MySQL] Successfully connected to host: %s (ALL IS OK).", szHost)
		// Disable plugin, and display the error
		set_fail_state("Failed to connect to MySQL database: %s", szError)
	// Create our table
	SQL_ThreadQuery(g_hTuple, "QueryCreateTable", g_szTable)

public QueryCreateTable(iFailState, Handle:hQuery, szError[], iError, szData[], iSize, Float:flQueueTime) 
	SQL_IsFail(iFailState, iError, szError, g_szLogFile)

public client_putinserver(id)
	if (is_user_bot(id) || is_user_hltv(id))
	// Just 1 second delay
	set_task(1.0, "DelayLoad", id)

public DelayLoad(id)

public plugin_end()
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSaveType))
		if (g_hTuple != Empty_Handle)

public ze_roundend(WinTeam)
	if (WinTeam == ZE_TEAM_HUMAN)
		for(new id = 1; id <= g_iMaxClients; id++)
			g_flDamage[id] = 0.0
			if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id))
			g_iEscapeCoins[id] += get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEscapeSuccess)
			if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEarnChatNotice))
				ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ESCAPE_SUCCESS_COINS", get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEscapeSuccess))

public ze_user_infected(iVictim, iInfector)
	if (iInfector == 0) // Server ID

	g_iEscapeCoins[iInfector] += get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarHumanInfected)
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEarnChatNotice))
		ze_colored_print(iInfector, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "HUMAN_INFECTED_COINS", get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarHumanInfected))

public Fw_TakeDamage_Post(iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:fDamage, bitsDamageType)
	// Player Damage Himself
	if(!is_user_connected(iVictim) || !is_user_connected(iAttacker) || iVictim == iAttacker || rg_is_player_can_takedamage(iVictim,iAttacker))
		return HC_CONTINUE
	/* // Two Players From one Team
	if (get_member(iAttacker, m_iTeam) == get_member(iVictim, m_iTeam))
		return HC_CONTINUE */
	// iVictim or iAttacker Not Alive
	if (!is_user_alive(iVictim) || !is_user_alive(iAttacker))
		return HC_CONTINUE
	// Attacker is Zombie
	if (get_member(iAttacker, m_iTeam) == TEAM_TERRORIST)
		return HC_CONTINUE
	// Store Damage For every Player
	g_flDamage[iAttacker] += fDamage
	// Damage Calculator Equal or Higher than needed damage
	while (g_flDamage[iAttacker] >= get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarDamage))
		g_iEscapeCoins[iAttacker] += (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarDamageCoins))
		g_flDamage[iAttacker] -= get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarDamage)


	new szAuthID[35], szName[64]
	get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName))
	get_user_authid(id, szAuthID, charsmax(szAuthID))
	if (!get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSaveType))
		// Open the Vault
		g_iVaultHandle = nvault_open(g_szVaultName)
		// Get coins
		new szCoins[16], iExists, iTimestamp;
		iExists = nvault_lookup(g_iVaultHandle, szName, szCoins, charsmax(szCoins), iTimestamp);
		// Close Vault
		if (!iExists)
			// Player exist? Load start value then save
			g_iEscapeCoins[id] = get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarStartCoins)
			g_iEscapeCoins[id] = str_to_num(szCoins)
		new szQuery[128], szData[5]
		formatex(szQuery, charsmax(szQuery), "SELECT `EC` FROM `zombie_escape` WHERE ( `Nick` = '%s' );", szName)
		num_to_str(id, szData, charsmax(szData))
		SQL_ThreadQuery(g_hTuple, "QuerySelectData", szQuery, szData, charsmax(szData))

public QuerySelectData(iFailState, Handle:hQuery, szError[], iError, szData[]) 
	if(SQL_IsFail(iFailState, iError, szError, g_szLogFile))
	new id = str_to_num(szData)
	// No results for this query means that player not saved before
		// This is new player
		g_iEscapeCoins[id] = get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarStartCoins)
		// Get user steamid
		new szAuthID[35], szName[64], szIP[35]
		get_user_authid(id, szAuthID, charsmax(szAuthID))
		get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName))
		get_user_ip(id, szIP, charsmax(szIP), 1)
		// Insert his data to our database
		new szQuery[128]
		formatex(szQuery, charsmax(szQuery), "INSERT INTO `zombie_escape` (`Nick`, `IP`, `SteamID`, `EC`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%d');", szName, szIP, szAuthID, g_iEscapeCoins[id])
		SQL_ThreadQuery(g_hTuple, "QueryInsertData", szQuery)
	// Get the "EC" column number (It's 2, always i don't like to hardcode :p)
	new iEC_Column = SQL_FieldNameToNum(hQuery, "EC")
	// Read the coins of this player
	g_iEscapeCoins[id] = SQL_ReadResult(hQuery, iEC_Column)

public QueryInsertData(iFailState, Handle:hQuery, szError[], iError, szData[], iSize, Float:flQueueTime)
	SQL_IsFail(iFailState, iError, szError, g_szLogFile)

	new szAuthID[35], szName[64], szIP[35], iMaxValue
	iMaxValue = get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarMaxCoins)
	get_user_authid(id, szAuthID, charsmax(szAuthID))
	get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName))
	get_user_ip(id, szIP, charsmax(szIP), 1)
	// Set Him to max if he Higher than Max Value
	if (g_iEscapeCoins[id] > iMaxValue)
		g_iEscapeCoins[id] = iMaxValue

	new szData[16]
	num_to_str(g_iEscapeCoins[id], szData, charsmax(szData))

	if (!get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSaveType))
		// Open the Vault
		g_iVaultHandle = nvault_open(g_szVaultName)

		// Save His SteamID, Escape Coins
		nvault_set(g_iVaultHandle, szName, szData)
		// Close Vault
		new szQuery[128]
		formatex(szQuery, charsmax(szQuery), "UPDATE `zombie_escape` SET `EC` = '%d', `SteamID` = '%s', `IP` = '%s' WHERE `Nick` = '%s';", g_iEscapeCoins[id], szAuthID, szIP, szName)
		SQL_ThreadQuery(g_hTuple, "QueryUpdateData", szQuery)

public QueryUpdateData(iFailState, Handle:hQuery, szError[], iError, szData[], iSize, Float:flQueueTime) 
	SQL_IsFail(iFailState, iError, szError, g_szLogFile)

// Natives
public native_ze_get_escape_coins(id)
	if (!is_user_connected(id))
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player id (%d)", id)
		return false;
	return g_iEscapeCoins[id]

public native_ze_set_escape_coins(id, iAmount)
	if (!is_user_connected(id))
		log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player id (%d)", id)
		return false;
	g_iEscapeCoins[id] = iAmount
	return true;
KerwinSweet2003 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2022
Old 06-07-2023 , 10:10   Re: Level System trying to move to SQL Database
Reply With Quote #15

Originally Posted by bigdaddy424 View Post
upload your vault file and ill go through rows and later send you a sql file
You don't need to waste your time with nvault,I put a different version of the level system which players lose their data on nvault but more rarely,but I need the sql version to be able to access the database and to modify anything,by using nvault is more complicated to find someone's data.

I gave a similar plugin above maybe it can help you.
KerwinSweet2003 is offline

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