about- glow the supplies by range, like back4blood scavenger cards, cancel glow when picked
- report map supplies left on map start / player join / item picking
- permission configurable who can receive message and use command
- paid request by my friend "コクシムソウ"
PHP Code:
// admin flag to access command and receives query results,
// n=cheats, empty=everyone, see more in /configs/admin_levels.cfg
supply_indicator_access "n"
// announce types, 1=console 2=chat 4=center 8=hint 16=text included phrase 'MapLeft'
supply_indicator_announce "18"
// l4d2 only, apply glow to supplies, -1=disabled 1000=1000 units range 0=infinity range
supply_indicator_glow "1000"
// l4d2 only, does glow flashing
supply_indicator_glow_flash "1"
// l4d2 only, glow species, same as *_supplies
supply_indicator_glow_species "-1"
// how handle infinity supply pile, 1=count as 1 0=not count -1=count as infinity
supply_indicator_pile "-1"
// report event, 1=player join 2=item spawn 4=item picked 8=item pick broadcast -1=all, add numbers together you want.
supply_indicator_reports "-1"
// supplies to indicate, 1=vomit jar 2=pipe bomb 4=molotov
// 8=first aid 16=defibrillator 32=adrenaline 64=pain pills 128=laser -1=All
// add numbers together you want.
supply_indicator_supplies "-1"
PHP Code:
- sm_si [override *_supplies] //report count of supplies
- sm_supplies [override *_supplies] //report count of supplies
changelog- v0.1 (7-March-2023)
- pre release
- v1.0 (8-March-2023)
- just released
- v1.0.1 (8-March-2023, 2nd time)
- fix player delay authorize not trigger supplie report, usually happen on listen server
- make message dont print to bot
- optimize performance about reports to all (reduce an order of magnitude)
- command support trigger by console
Installation- put l4d_supply_indicator.smx on /plugins/
- put l4d_supply_indicator.phrases.txt on /translations/