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phpBB addon for managing Admins

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Old 05-29-2004 , 19:32  
Reply With Quote #11

so u should work together on a standard to integrate amxx on phpbb since it is not useful to have some plugins developed by several coders which use different tables ;).

or you work together on a huge "phpbb <-> amxx" project

just wanted to make both of you aware of the other plugin in case you dont want to enlighten the jungle of phpbb on your own ;)
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Old 06-01-2004 , 22:49  
Reply With Quote #12

I've sorted out adding SteamID to a users phpBB profile and I've also re-written the amxadmin php script to use phpBB's DB access library so it'll work with any DB supported by phpBB (though this will have to wait until AMXX 0.2 comes out with the new DBI)

I could do with some feedback for the next bit, what options do people want? Authentication via phpbb username / password can be done (as long as we have the md5() function as promised in this thread, since phpbb uses md5 hashes to store passwords), as can SteamID (with or without password). I probably could implement auth via IP but I think that's mainly used for LAN and probably isn't really required.

Clan-tags (ie using FLAG_TAG) might be a bit of a pain however, since it would require adding a user_clantag field to a users profile (trivial now I know how to do it ;) ) but also require a password which is going to be used by many people (could also be done with an extra table linking tags to ID's).

The other question is how do people want to control the access? My thought so far is to add an amxx_access field (and possibly a flags field) to the phpbb_ranks table so you could grant a forum member standard admin rights simply by giving them the apropriate "Admin" rank on the forums. I could of course set it up so that access rights are set on individual players which would make the AMXX code easier but could then be a pain if you want to grant all your admins an extra level.

/me is not good at coming up with ideas
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Old 06-02-2004 , 14:15  
Reply With Quote #13

ideas ... hehe, have a look at the phpamx project ;)
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Old 06-02-2004 , 16:04  
Reply With Quote #14

Originally Posted by tla-nick
I am probably going to do some more extensive phpBB addons / mods / hacks but I'm still figuring out how phpBB is put together and what I want to do with it, though adding steamid's to a profile is one thing I was almost certainly going to do
I'm using phpnuke (as many of you probably are), i'm pretty much a noob when it comes to webserver, php and such so installing a forum mod without step by step instructions becomes an hazardous task... Could some docs taking that in consideration be released with it? Actually I tried to install the mod on a phpbb phpnuke installation without success

Originally Posted by tla-nick
since that would enable a large variety of thinks, such as "this player is currently online on server X", linking to HLStats / PSstats player profiles etc.
Awesome ideas here! Dunno if that may help but you could have a look at the psychonuke project: http://psychonuke.com/
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Old 06-02-2004 , 16:10  
Reply With Quote #15

Originally Posted by tla-nick
The other question is how do people want to control the access? My thought so far is to add an amxx_access field (and possibly a flags field) to the phpbb_ranks table so you could grant a forum member standard admin rights simply by giving them the apropriate "Admin" rank on the forums. I could of course set it up so that access rights are set on individual players which would make the AMXX code easier but could then be a pain if you want to grant all your admins an extra level.
Could it be made so its works similar to giving access to a particular private forum? Like you can give access by putting the phpbb user im a "AMX Low Admins" group or "AMX Rcon Admins" for example, each group having a particular set of flags.
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Old 06-03-2004 , 13:37  
Reply With Quote #16

Originally Posted by Pomme
I'm using phpnuke (as many of you probably are), i'm pretty much a noob when it comes to webserver, php and such so installing a forum mod without step by step instructions becomes an hazardous task... Could some docs taking that in consideration be released with it? Actually I tried to install the mod on a phpbb phpnuke installation without success
I tried a few of the nukes (postnuke, phpnuke etc) and didn't really like any of them TBH.

If it's not working, Did you get the more up to date version? (the first time I atached the zip it had the wrong version of the install instructions in it ).

Originally Posted by Pomme
Could it be made so its works similar to giving access to a particular private forum? Like you can give access by putting the phpbb user im a "AMX Low Admins" group or "AMX Rcon Admins" for example, each group having a particular set of flags.
It could, but there are a few issues with that method. The first is that it's more complicated . The other is a bit more serious, a user can be a member of more than one group (I don't know if there's a limit to the number or not), so doing it that way someone could (theoretically) have multiple access level sets (I can hear the complaints of "omg this sux, the access levels r all fux0r3d" already ) wheras a user can only have one rank at a time, so you could create a Rank "Server Admin" (corresponding to your "AMX Low Admins") and a "Senior Admin" rank (corresponding to your "AMX Rcon Admins") which also gives the Admins a spiffy title on the forums as well ;)

I would like to make things as robust as possible (not foolproof though, Mother Nature always wins that particular contest )
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Old 06-06-2004 , 21:57  
Reply With Quote #17

I think your reasons are good
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