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Modify plugin - Admin activity

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Join Date: Nov 2014
Old 11-16-2014 , 13:40   Modify plugin - Admin activity
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Hi there,
I have this plugin who register activity on everyadmin from server (all commands which they are using)
#include <amxmodx>

#pragma semicolon 1

#define PLUGIN "Activitate Admini"

#define VERSION "2.0c"









new const g_szFileName[ ] = "activitate_admini";

new g_CvarLogConnect;

new g_CvarLogDisconnect;

new g_CvarLogMap;

new g_CvarLogTimeLeft;

new g_CvarLogCommand;

new g_szFile[ 128 ];

new g_szMapName[ 32 ];

public plugin_precache( )


    get_localinfo( "amxx_configsdir", g_szFile, sizeof ( g_szFile ) -1 );

    format( g_szFile, sizeof ( g_szFile ) -1, "%s/%s", g_szFile, g_szFileName );


    if( !dir_exists( g_szFile ) )

        mkdir( g_szFile );


    new szCurentDate[ 15 ];

    get_time("%d-%m-%Y", szCurentDate , sizeof ( szCurentDate ) -1 );


    format( g_szFile, sizeof ( g_szFile ) -1, "%s/%s_%s.txt", g_szFile, g_szFileName, szCurentDate );


    if( !file_exists( g_szFile ) )


        write_file( g_szFile, "-| Aici este salvata activitatea fiecarui admin. |-", -1 );

        write_file( g_szFile, " ", -1 );

        write_file( g_szFile, " ", -1 );


    get_mapname( g_szMapName, sizeof ( g_szMapName ) -1 );

    format( g_szMapName, sizeof ( g_szMapName ) -1, "- Harta: %s|", g_szMapName );



public plugin_init( )


    register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, "Askhanar" );


    g_CvarLogConnect = register_cvar( "aa_log_connect", "1" );

    g_CvarLogDisconnect = register_cvar( "aa_log_disconnect", "1" );

    g_CvarLogMap = register_cvar( "aa_log_map", "1" );

    g_CvarLogTimeLeft = register_cvar( "aa_log_timeleft", "1" );

    g_CvarLogCommand = register_cvar( "aa_log_commands", "3" );



public client_putinserver( id )


    if( !is_user_admin( id )

        || !get_pcvar_num( g_CvarLogConnect ) )

        return 0;


    write_file( g_szFile, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", -1 );

    LogCommand( " %s [ %s | %s ] s-a conectat pe server.",

            GetInfo( id, INFO_NAME ), GetInfo( id, INFO_AUTHID ), GetInfo( id, INFO_IP ) );

    write_file( g_szFile, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", -1 );

    return 0;



public client_disconnect( id )


    if( !is_user_admin( id )

        || !get_pcvar_num( g_CvarLogDisconnect ) )

        return 0;


    write_file( g_szFile, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", -1 );

    LogCommand( " %s [ %s | %s ] s-a deconectat de pe server.",

            GetInfo( id, INFO_NAME ), GetInfo( id, INFO_AUTHID ), GetInfo( id, INFO_IP ) );

    write_file( g_szFile, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", -1 );


    return 0;



public client_command( id )


    static iLogCommand;

    iLogCommand = get_pcvar_num( g_CvarLogCommand );

    if( !is_user_admin( id ) || !iLogCommand )

        return 0;


    static szCommand[ 36 ];

    read_argv( 0, szCommand, sizeof ( szCommand ) -1 );


    if( get_command_value( szCommand ) == iLogCommand

        || get_command_value( szCommand ) > 0 && iLogCommand == 3 )


        static szArgs[ 101 ];

        read_args( szArgs, sizeof ( szArgs ) -1 );


        remove_quotes( szArgs );


        LogCommand( " %s [ %s | %s ] '%s %s' ",

            GetInfo( id, INFO_NAME ), GetInfo( id, INFO_AUTHID ), GetInfo( id, INFO_IP ), szCommand, szArgs );



    return 0;


LogCommand( const szMsg[ ], any:... )


    static szMessage[ 256 ], szLogMessage[ 256 ];

    vformat( szMessage, sizeof ( szMessage ) -1, szMsg , 2 );


    static iLogMap, iLogTimeLeft;

    iLogMap = get_pcvar_num( g_CvarLogMap );

    iLogTimeLeft = get_pcvar_num( g_CvarLogTimeLeft );


    formatex( szLogMessage, sizeof ( szLogMessage ) -1, "|%s|%s%s%s",

        _get_time( ), iLogMap ? g_szMapName : "", iLogTimeLeft ? _get_timeleft( ) : "", szMessage );


    write_file( g_szFile, szLogMessage, -1 );


stock get_command_value( const szCommand[ ] )


    static iCommandValue;


    if( equali( szCommand, "amx_", 4 ) )

        iCommandValue = 1;

    else if( equali( szCommand, "admin_" , 6 ) )

        iCommandValue = 2;


        iCommandValue = -1;


    return iCommandValue;



stock bool:is_user_admin( id )


    if( get_user_flags( id ) & ADMIN_SLAY )

        return true;


    return false;



stock _get_time( )


    new szTime[ 32 ];

    get_time( " %H:%M:%S ", szTime ,sizeof ( szTime ) -1 );


    return szTime;


stock _get_timeleft( )


    static szTimeLeft[ 25 ];

    format( szTimeLeft, sizeof ( szTimeLeft ) -1, "- TimeLeft: %d:%02d|", get_timeleft( ) / 60, ( get_timeleft( ) % 60 ) );


    return szTimeLeft;



stock GetInfo( id, const iInfo )



    new szInfoToReturn[ 64 ];


    switch( iInfo )


        case INFO_NAME:


            static szName[ 32 ];

            get_user_name( id, szName, sizeof ( szName ) -1 );


            copy( szInfoToReturn, sizeof ( szInfoToReturn ) -1, szName );


        case INFO_IP:


            static szIp[ 32 ];

            get_user_ip( id, szIp, sizeof ( szIp ) -1, 1 );


            copy( szInfoToReturn, sizeof ( szInfoToReturn ) -1, szIp );


        case INFO_AUTHID:


            static szAuthId[ 35 ];

            get_user_authid( id, szAuthId, sizeof ( szAuthId ) -1 );


            copy( szInfoToReturn, sizeof ( szInfoToReturn ) -1, szAuthId );



    return szInfoToReturn;

My problem is that this plugin register all commands which starts with amx_ . I am using this plugin in one zombie server and i want to register also commands which starts with zp_ , not only amx_ !

Can you help me please?
What i have to modify or to add?

Thank you,
Best regards.
maNIaRO is offline

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