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admins.cfg problem, and a weird fatal error...

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Old 02-17-2014 , 23:22   admins.cfg problem, and a weird fatal error...
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Let me preface by saying that I've installed sourcebans a number of times and have never run into this before. On one of my servers, it works fine. On all the rest it doesn't. What's happening is admins.cfg is being re-written blank each time but admin_groups.cfg works fine.

-rw-r--r-- 1 steam username 13 Feb 17 22:28 admins.cfg
# cat admins.cfg

So we dug a little deeper and found this:

L 02/17/2014 - 223:17: [SM] Native "SetFailState" reported: [SourceBans] FATAL *** ERROR *** can not find addons/sourcemod/configs/sourcebans/sourcebans.cfg
L 02/17/2014 - 223:17: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "sourcebans.smx":
L 02/17/2014 - 223:17: [SM] [0] Line 2439, D:\scripting\sourcebans.sp::ReadConfig()
L 02/17/2014 - 223:17: [SM] [1] Line 2448, D:\scripting\sourcebans.sp::ResetSettings()
L 02/17/2014 - 223:17: [SM] [2] Line 272, D:\scripting\sourcebans.sp::OnMapStart()

However the file is clearly there:

# ls -la addons/sourcemod/configs/sourcebans/sourcebans.cfg
-rw-rw-r-- 1 steam username 2320 Feb 17 221 addons/sourcemod/configs/sourcebans/sourcebans.cfg

Not really sure what to make of this... permissions are set correctly (644), databases.cfg is setup right (as evidenced by one of my servers working), everything in the web panel works (again evidenced by the one server), my sourcebans.cfg is setup properly (-1 for SID since I'm running forked l4d2 servers with the ip's being set in the launch scripts) , and I've got nothing helpful in my log files other than that strange fatal error noted above.

When I recompile the plugin with debug enabled all I get is this:

L 02/17/2014 - 20:21:17: [sourcebans.smx] OnAllPluginsLoaded()
L 02/17/2014 - 20:21:17: [sourcebans.smx] OnAdminMenuReady()
L 02/17/2014 - 20:21:17: [sourcebans.smx] Result of AddToTopMenu: 14
L 02/17/2014 - 20:21:17: [sourcebans.smx] Added Ban option to admin menu

Then someone connected and now I see this (I masked the server ip and steamid):

L 02/17/2014 - 22:446: [sourcebans.smx] Fetching Group List
L 02/17/2014 - 22:446: [sourcebans.smx] Fetching Admin List
L 02/17/2014 - 22:446: [sourcebans.smx] SELECT authid, srv_password, (SELECT name FROM sb_srvgroups WHERE name = srv_group AND flags != '') AS srv_group, srv_flags, user, immunity FROM sb_admins_servers_groups AS asg LEFT JOIN sb_admins AS a ON a.aid = asg.admin_id WHERE (server_id = (SELECT sid FROM sb_servers WHERE ip = '' AND port = '27016' LIMIT 0,1) OR srv_group_id = ANY (SELECT group_id FROM sb_servers_groups WHERE server_id = (SELECT sid FROM sb_servers WHERE ip = '' AND port = '27016' LIMIT 0,1))) GROUP BY aid, authid, srv_password, srv_group, srv_flags, user
L 02/17/2014 - 22:446: [sourcebans.smx] Finished loading 1 groups.
L 02/17/2014 - 22:446: [sourcebans.smx] Finished loading 0 admins.
L 02/17/2014 - 22:447: [sourcebans.smx] Checking ban for: STEAM_1:0:00000000
L 02/17/2014 - 22:447: [sourcebans.smx] STEAM_1:0:00000000 is NOT banned.

At this point I feel like I'm fresh out of ideas and things to try. I can see no differences in the servers, nothing that sticks out that would cause this. The fatal error above is definitely erroneous and makes me think something is inherently wrong with sourcebans because that file is absolutely there. I even went so far as to re-copy it all again from my working server and no dice.

I'm running a l4d2 server with MetaMod 1.10.1 and SourceMod 1.6.0-dev4215. Some of my servers are on Debian and the others on Ubuntu. The working server is on Ubuntu. Non-working are on both so that seems irrelevant.

Any help would be greatly appreciated in getting this sorted out. Thanks!
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Old 02-18-2014 , 04:35   Re: admins.cfg problem, and a weird fatal error...
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With Sourcebans 1.5 (I assume thats what your running the cfg has to be in the root of the cfg folder.) Also why are you running 1.6 I remember it being buggy as hell before with SB.
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Old 02-18-2014 , 10:54   Re: admins.cfg problem, and a weird fatal error...
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Originally Posted by DrFallen View Post
With Sourcebans 1.5 (I assume thats what your running the cfg has to be in the root of the cfg folder.) Also why are you running 1.6 I remember it being buggy as hell before with SB.
No, I'm on 1.4.10 and everybody in the competitive scene uses SM 1.6 with l4d2 because any earlier versions have tiny lag spikes when tanks spawn. That small hiccup is enough to miss a deadstop/skeet/whatever and can/has contributed to game losses. I've been running 1.6 for a long time now, and again I've successfully ran sourcebans on a large number of servers without ever running into this issue.
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Old 02-18-2014 , 17:10   Re: admins.cfg problem, and a weird fatal error...
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Originally Posted by epilimic View Post
No, I'm on 1.4.10 and everybody in the competitive scene uses SM 1.6 with l4d2 because any earlier versions have tiny lag spikes when tanks spawn. That small hiccup is enough to miss a deadstop/skeet/whatever and can/has contributed to game losses. I've been running 1.6 for a long time now, and again I've successfully ran sourcebans on a large number of servers without ever running into this issue.
Fair enough. That definitely looks like the output from the 1.5 plugin though. Check your Server ID make sure its synced. Can you provide your latest errors log. It could also be that its not connected to your webserver.
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Old 02-18-2014 , 20:39   Re: admins.cfg problem, and a weird fatal error...
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Originally Posted by DrFallen View Post
Fair enough. That definitely looks like the output from the 1.5 plugin though. Check your Server ID make sure its synced. Can you provide your latest errors log. It could also be that its not connected to your webserver.
Yeah all my servers show up in the webpanel with an ID there. As I said I have the sourcebans.cfg set to -1 on them all as they're forked and running on the same installation. My error log is completely clean, nothing at all.

I think it's connecting to the webserver just fine since it writes to my admin_groups.cfg file with no problem. Also the sourcebans.log shows:

L 02/18/2014 - 09:46:56: [sourcebans.smx] Fetching Group List
L 02/18/2014 - 09:46:56: [sourcebans.smx] Fetching Admin List
L 02/18/2014 - 09:46:56: [sourcebans.smx] SELECT authid, srv_password, (SELECT name FROM sb_srvgroups WHERE name = srv_group AND flags != '') AS srv_group, srv_flags, user, immunity FROM sb_admins_servers_groups AS asg LEFT JOIN sb_admins AS a ON a.aid = asg.admin_id WHERE (server_id = (SELECT sid FROM sb_servers WHERE ip = '' AND port = '27016' LIMIT 0,1) OR srv_group_id = ANY (SELECT group_id FROM sb_servers_groups WHERE server_id = (SELECT sid FROM sb_servers WHERE ip = '' AND port = '27016' LIMIT 0,1))) GROUP BY aid, authid, srv_password, srv_group, srv_flags, user
L 02/18/2014 - 09:46:57: [sourcebans.smx] Finished loading 1 groups.
L 02/18/2014 - 09:46:57: [sourcebans.smx] Finished loading 0 admins.
L 02/18/2014 - 09:46:59: [sourcebans.smx] Checking ban for: STEAM_1:0:0000000
L 02/18/2014 - 09:46:59: [sourcebans.smx] STEAM_1:0:0000000 is NOT banned.

It seems to just be having a problem reading the admins for some reason. I'd assume that the table was somehow messed up except that it works on the one server.
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Old 02-19-2014 , 07:43   Re: admins.cfg problem, and a weird fatal error...
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So for the admins that haven't been written in are they in the groups they should be? Also I noticed a update to 1.4 it might fix a bugs. Also try with the 1.5 plugin if they are already written in.
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Old 02-19-2014 , 20:29   Re: admins.cfg problem, and a weird fatal error...
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Originally Posted by DrFallen View Post
So for the admins that haven't been written in are they in the groups they should be? Also I noticed a update to 1.4 it might fix a bugs. Also try with the 1.5 plugin if they are already written in.
All the admins are in the correct group (I only have 1 group for now with the admins in it) and they all write properly on my working server.

"auth" "steam"
"identity" "STEAM_0:1:20980355"
"flags" "z"
"group" "Full Server Admins"
"immunity" "100"
"auth" "steam"
"identity" "STEAM_0:0:00000000"
"group" "Full Server Admins"
"auth" "steam"
"identity" "STEAM_0:1:00000000"
"group" "Full Server Admins"

"Full Server Admins"
"flags" "z"

After trying with the 1.5 plugin, I'm still experiencing the same issue. admin_groups.cfg writes fine but admins.cfg writes empty.

"SourceBans" (1.5.0-dev) by GameConnect
"SourceBans: Admins" (1.5.0-dev) by GameConnect
"SourceBans: Bans" (1.5.0-dev) by GameConnect

All 3 plugins load with a clean error log. Sourcebans.log shows nothing new either.

When I try the 1.4.11 update, it loads fine but still having the same issue.
"SourceBans" (1.4.11) by SourceBans Development Team

I went ahead and put 1.4.11 on my working server, and it still works.

Last edited by epilimic; 02-19-2014 at 20:47.
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Old 02-20-2014 , 14:01   Re: admins.cfg problem, and a weird fatal error...
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Alright so I'm making some headway here.. I went ahead on my testbed server and forked it like the rest and it seems to be having the same problem now. I didn't think this was the cause since I took one of my forked servers and only ran a single copy of it, and it still happened.

The method of forking I'm using is this.. basically I have a start/stop script setup for each server copy, they look like this:

screen -mdS zz ./l4d2/srcds_run -ip +hostport 27015 +map c2m1_highway +exec run1.cfg -tickrate 60

Each start script has a different hostport set and a different run#.cfg set, as well as their own screen session. This allows for multiple copies of each server to run from the same install, and makes managing a lot of servers incredibly simple, especially when it comes to config/plugin updates since you don't need to upload 15 copies of the same file to different places.

Inside each run#.cfg file is a line that execs a server#.cfg file which has the individual server settings. This is useful for running different tickrates and having different settings running from the same install.

I recall another method of doing this by adding servers via gamepanelx which basically creates a new folder for each server copy that is named ip:port, and then hardlink everything inside those together, effectively accomplishing the same thing. I'm gonna give this a shot and see if it fixes this. I still don't really understand why my current method would be able to read and write the groups file correctly but completely derp out on the admins file.
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Old 02-20-2014 , 17:59   Re: admins.cfg problem, and a weird fatal error...
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I'm not sure then really I've not had the need to fork servers theres a read/write error somewhere possibly to do with whatevers in you run#.cfg. I'm pretty sure they locked l4d servers at 30
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Old 02-20-2014 , 18:52   Re: admins.cfg problem, and a weird fatal error...
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Originally Posted by DrFallen View Post
I'm not sure then really I've not had the need to fork servers theres a read/write error somewhere possibly to do with whatevers in you run#.cfg. I'm pretty sure they locked l4d servers at 30
run#.cfg simply calls the individual server#.cfg. This is done this way because you can't load a specific server.cfg directly from a launch script; no cvars are read. By doing this you can specify a server.cfg for each copy. Also I run prodigysim's tickrate enabler to unlock higher than 30 tick. I'll have a chance to get gamepanelx going soon, will post back with results.
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