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[TF2] Model Manager 1.0.4 (08/03/2013)

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Old 08-02-2013 , 19:58   Re: [TF2] Model Manager 1.0.3 (07/30/2013)
Reply With Quote #851

Originally Posted by joggylol View Post
Which parts do I edit out and how much would be good?
Using Notepad, Notepad++, or whatever text editor you use to edit stuff,

1) find (ctrl + f) the phrase 256
2) now read around that 256 to make sure u get what it says...
3) Now change 256 to some other number... I feel like 350-400 would suffice

here is the line of code scratch what i said eariler just copy and paste this into ur tf2_modelmanager.sp
in scripting folder (download that file from the main page of this plugin if u dont have it already)

// ---- Items management -----------------------------------------------------------
#define MAX_ITEMS				256
#define MAX_SLOTS				1
#define MAX_LENGTH				256
// ---- Items management -----------------------------------------------------------
#define MAX_ITEMS				350
#define MAX_SLOTS				1
#define MAX_LENGTH				350
Now use the compile.exe included within the scripting folder of the addons/sourcemod/ directory
and once it is completed, move into the scripting/compiled folder and copy the tf2_modelmanager.smx within it
to ur plugins folder replacing the old once...
keep in mind that after FlaminSarge updates the plugin, whether he increases the limit or not, it will change the number again
save that file or just re-edit it again and compile with every update....

This might cause the plugin to malfunction/crash
But depends on the number you input
Try to keep it within the range of your total model's quantity amount
If you have less than 350, that should be fine
If it's more than 350, increase the number to your TOTAL'S #
So everytime you add another model, increase that number...

If you currently have 350, but you added another model, change it to 351



Saxton Hale
Freak Fortress
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Use different ones at different times

You can also ask FlaminSarge nicely to combine the per map cvar plugin:

and that would allow you to choose the folders you want to use per map
with added cvars that Flaminsarge could add in

or you can do it yourself if you know how :/
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Last edited by Jakesterdog123; 08-02-2013 at 20:13.
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Old 08-02-2013 , 23:17   Re: [TF2] Model Manager 1.0.3 (07/30/2013)
Reply With Quote #852

joggy, the issue is NOT, in fact, the plugin limiting the number of models you have. You have so many models that the server can't precache all the resources for those models. You simply can't add any more.

MAX_ITEMS is the only thing that changes the number of models the plugin allows, but the server itself has its own internal table that stores all the resources for the models. You have too many.

There's already a cvar that lets you change which model list to use, please take a look at the cvar list...

Jake, did you read the page about admin overrides? You can set an override for any command, even if it doesn't exist (existing commands work too). So let's say that the command "access_to_bot_models" doesn't exist. I can still set the override and flag in the admin_overrides.cfg file and the plugin will detect it and only allow players with that flag to access the model.

"admin" "access_to_bots access_to_boss" would mean that I need to have the flags for both "access_to_bots" and "access_to_boss" in order to access the model that uses that "admin" setting.

Please take the time to read the relevant resources, and please stop misinforming joggy.

joggy, for your part, you don't seem to have read the SourceMod wiki page on Admin Overrides, either. It's linked in the OP and as I said, Google's first result for "admin overrides" is the correct link.

I've posted the "Pop It, Don't Drop It" pack on the second post in this thread.
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Last edited by FlaminSarge; 08-02-2013 at 23:19.
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Old 08-02-2013 , 23:35   Re: [TF2] Model Manager 1.0.3 (07/30/2013)
Reply With Quote #853

Originally Posted by FlaminSarge View Post
joggy, the issue is NOT, in fact, the plugin limiting the number of models you have. You have so many models that the server can't precache all the resources for those models. You simply can't add any more.

MAX_ITEMS is the only thing that changes the number of models the plugin allows, but the server itself has its own internal table that stores all the resources for the models. You have too many.

There's already a cvar that lets you change which model list to use, please take a look at the cvar list...

Jake, did you read the page about admin overrides? You can set an override for any command, even if it doesn't exist (existing commands work too). So let's say that the command "access_to_bot_models" doesn't exist. I can still set the override and flag in the admin_overrides.cfg file and the plugin will detect it and only allow players with that flag to access the model.

"admin" "access_to_bots access_to_boss" would mean that I need to have the flags for both "access_to_bots" and "access_to_boss" in order to access the model that uses that "admin" setting.

Please take the time to read the relevant resources, and please stop misinforming joggy.

joggy, for your part, you don't seem to have read the SourceMod wiki page on Admin Overrides, either. It's linked in the OP and as I said, Google's first result for "admin overrides" is the correct link.

I've posted the "Pop It, Don't Drop It" pack on the second post in this thread.
Yeah I have way too much models and tried to just keep the favorite models. Also I read up on the overrides, but just figured that STEAMID was easier
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Old 08-03-2013 , 15:41   Re: [TF2] Model Manager 1.0.4 (08/03/2013)
Reply With Quote #854

I realized the plugin wasn't actually checking to make sure you had less than 256 models and would probably generate an array index out of bounds error if you did, and fixed that. I also added the number of models to the output of tf_models_reload so it's immediately obvious how many you have if you use that command.

Please please PLEASE try to stay under 256 models else your server will crash just because of precache table overflows. That limit is in there for your own safety.

Updated to 1.0.4 on Aug 03, 2013. Please update, everyone, else the plugin WILL error once you hit 256 models and then probably just stop working (instead of continuing to work if you have more than 256 models).
Bread EOTL GunMettle Invasion Jungle Inferno 64-bit will break everything. Don't even ask.

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Last edited by FlaminSarge; 08-03-2013 at 15:44.
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Old 08-03-2013 , 22:09   Re: [TF2] Model Manager 1.0.4 (08/03/2013)
Reply With Quote #855

SO You can override commands even if they don't exist...
I guess that would help me to recognize labels for different users...
Also, I set an override for n on one of the models, and everyone was able to use them
I changed it to sm_admin and only my admins were able to use it

I guess what the point of making them up is to recognize who gets certain models or further limit models exclusively to fewer groups of admins
Example: allow_access_to_this_model

Ah, now I'm wondering if I can make up overrides if the FLAGS don't exist...

Just to make sure, which is the proper format for this?

"allow_access_to_this_model" "<flags>"
"allow_access_to_this_model" ""

and now what do I put in the tf2modellist.cfg for models???

"admin" "allow_access_to_this_model "
"admin" "<flags>"

Or do flags not matter....

No now I'm more confused... if I make up an override, do I have to make up flags or give it flags...

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Last edited by Jakesterdog123; 08-03-2013 at 22:18.
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Old 08-03-2013 , 23:49   Re: [TF2] Model Manager 1.0.4 (08/03/2013)
Reply With Quote #856


What if you rewrite the plugin entirely...
stay with me on this...

and change the model system...

Let's have a (mysql???) global database for custom models hosted on sourcemods or something and players can access the database through an interface in-game and pick out custom models... maybe even a SEARCH plugin could be created to search through the databse in game :O and incorporate it into the menu system!

Sounds like a cool idea, right? Kinda like steam workshop! HEY MAYBE WE COULD USE STEAM WORKSHOP!!!



Maybe you could incorporate some workshop API and that would allow for the plugin to access the workshop databse and pick out files...

Why don't we incorporate the addons pack system and then we wouldn't need to keep adding files to sm_downloader.smx everytime we add models :/

We can keep the current plugin for custom hosted, but maybe a totally seperate plugin for what I was talking about before.
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Last edited by Jakesterdog123; 08-03-2013 at 23:53.
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Old 08-04-2013 , 07:38   Re: [TF2] Model Manager 1.0.4 (08/03/2013)
Reply With Quote #857

jakester, three things:
1) Condense your posts. Please. Keep in mind they are text, and you don't have to act like you're actually talking to somebody.
2) You should NOT be using the sm_downloader plugin with this plugin. You should be learning to use .dep files properly, as they DO work properly and if they are not working for you then you have not learned to use them properly.
3) Your admin overrides question could have been answered simply by you actually trying out each of the two scenarios you asked about and seeing which of the two worked (hint, only one would have). You don't need to post a giant wall of text that sounds like a conversation between two personalities in one person's head onto the forums.

I apologize for being brusque, but you're starting to do this for every single post you make on this thread and it's neither helping yourself, nor others.
Bread EOTL GunMettle Invasion Jungle Inferno 64-bit will break everything. Don't even ask.

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Last edited by FlaminSarge; 08-04-2013 at 07:57.
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Old 08-04-2013 , 21:29   Re: [TF2] Model Manager 1.0.4 (08/03/2013)
Reply With Quote #858

Sarge did you ever figure out how to make the plugin load the custom model's ragdolls when the player dies?
Would really really like to see that feature implemented.
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Old 08-04-2013 , 22:50   Re: [TF2] Model Manager 1.0.4 (08/03/2013)
Reply With Quote #859

Originally Posted by Helvetica View Post
Sarge did you ever figure out how to make the plugin load the custom model's ragdolls when the player dies?
Would really really like to see that feature implemented.
@Helvetica, some models actually have that implemented in them. If the model is a reskin of an existing TF2 model it usually will load ragdolls on player death. Some of the models on my server were created with this in mind. Look for models like that or edit the models in a graphic design program like Blender if you want to add that feature to your models. Or, contact the creators of the models and ask them to do it for you.

FlaminSarge, k...
I guess my writing isn't professional when I post sometimes. I probably should accept your generously offered honest advice. Although, I'm heartbroken that my inadequate condensing of posts displeases you to that extent
I'm an English major, but I slowly developed a habit of communicating casually on forums to ease the arduous convention of complexified proper expression to the general audience of internet users (youth), and will probably absent-mindedly do as so regardless of said brusque criticism to exemplify,as the kids say these days, my swagger.

But I'll try this "proper grammar" you speak of.

About the dep files, in my case, I do use .dep files very well I even made youtube tutorials on this plugin. It's just that I host the server and fast download server on separate hosts, and in my case the files won't download without using sv_downloader to redirect to my FTP host. I guess I didn't really know what deps were until you explained that to me. I thought they are dependencies that the plugin reads to find a model's files.

Also, what optimistic conceptions have you spawned of my super amazing incredible idea? (What conclusion have you formed?)
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Last edited by Jakesterdog123; 08-07-2013 at 02:16.
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Old 08-05-2013 , 13:53   Re: [TF2] Model Manager 1.0.4 (08/03/2013)
Reply With Quote #860

Originally Posted by Jakesterdog123 View Post
About the dep files, in my case, I do use .dep files very well I even made youtube tutorials on this plugin. It's just that I host the server and fast download server on separate hosts, and in my case the files won't download without using sv_downloader to redirect to my FTP host. I guess I didn't really know what deps were until you explained that to me. I thought they are dependencies that the plugin reads to find a model's files.

Also, what optimistic conceptions have you spawned of my super amazing incredible idea? (What do you think? :/)
You clearly have your dep files setup wrong then, I've got fastdl setup on all my servers and I dont have to use downloader to "redirect" them, it does it automatically because the download table first looks at the fastdl, if it finds the bz2 or whatever the file is there, it'll set the client to download from it, if it doesn't exist it'll either fail download or fall back to downloading from the server depending what the file is and what version of source you are using.
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