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player "/help" command

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Old 12-06-2005 , 23:44   player "/help" command
Reply With Quote #1

Sorry if such a plugin already exists, however i did a fairly extensive search and found nothing.

Is there (or could this easily be created) a plugin that allows a player in game to say "/help" or simply "help", and a help box pop up for that player to see a list of either rules and/or commands that are set for the server?

This box would have a corisponding .txt file that it reads so that it can be easily modified.

I think that if this is not already a plugin, it would be easy to create, and be very usefull for a pub server that has alot of stupid people that sonstantly ask for admin help.

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Old 12-07-2005 , 01:07  
Reply With Quote #2

i actually just finished making a plugin similar to this, i'll be posting it soon, however i will edit my current one just for the help section. just give me a min.
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Old 12-07-2005 , 01:13  
Reply With Quote #3

here you go, this should work, if not tell me ;)

All you need to do is make an MOTD style .txt file and place it in your amxmodx/configs folder.

Edit: BTW im new to posting plugins or stuff similar so i dont know how you guys do that 2 attachments in 1 description thing heh

Edit: Alright i added my first plugin. Heres the link to it, if you wanna check that one out to. http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=21661
Attached Files
File Type: amx help.amx (2.0 KB, 108 views)
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (help.sma - 640 views - 735 Bytes)
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Old 12-07-2005 , 12:27  
Reply With Quote #4

Thankyou for creating this, however when i type in "/help", i receive:
e* overflowed
Reliable channel overflow
This did not happen when i had forgoten to place the help.txt vile in the correct directory. It had simlpy informed me that i had not placed the file in the correct directory. After i moved that file, i overflow.

Could this have anything to do with the size of the help.txt file?
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Old 12-07-2005 , 12:42  
Reply With Quote #5

hmm possibly, plz post your help.txt, when i get home i will throw this onto one of my servers and test it.
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Old 12-07-2005 , 12:46  
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ok here it is...: the spacing is a little messed up, but you get the point.
Please follow these rules when you play on the Counter Strike Purgatory and when you post to the Counter Strike Purgatory forums. The Counter Strike Purgatory staff and admins are empowered to punish you if you violate these rules. That punishment may include a permanent ban. So please, play nice while here.

In general, we ask that all players respect one another. We understand that the games on our server involves killing and death but that does not mean we have to play with hate. These are, after all, just games.

For those who need the rules spelled out for them:

No cheating of any kind

Cheating tilts an otherwise level playing field, ruining the game for all. Proven hackers will always receive a permanent ban from our server, no exceptions. Before you succumb to cheating in a futile attempt to improve your game, ask someone to help you develop better skills. We have plenty of highly-skilled players on these servers who are always happy to lend a hand when asked.

For the record, examples of cheating include (but are not limited to) wallhacking, aimbotting, silent-walking, LAN-hacking, and ghosting. Basically, anything that gives you an advantage in game play that is not readily available to other players is considered a cheat (skill, talent, and plain dumb luck not included).

No exploitation of map glitches

This includes popping through unintended holes in maps, including skywalking. Also, if you can see another player through a wall, and that player cannot see you because of the wall, do not take a shot. If you do, you will be banned for glitch exploitation.

One example of an illegal use of a glitch is the shield glitch in CS 1.6 that allows you to shoot while behind the shield. Don't do it. You will be banned.

The only exception to the "no glitch" rule is the cs_l337_assault map when low gravity (typical) is on. There are spots on the map (next to the T Tower and behind CT Tower) that are acceptable for play because all players can reach those spots with low gravity.

No exploitation of video card or video mode glitches

Some video cards and/or video modes can give a player an unfair advantage over other players. For example, on some maps, certain video resolutions (we will not tell you which ones these are!) allow players to see through walls. We consider this to be akin to wallhacking and you will be banned if caught using such a glitch to your advantage.

No racism, sexism, or any hate-based –isms

This includes voice, text, images, and links to hate-based websites. In short, if you say, type, or spray anything that indicates hatred towards anyone or any class of people, you will be banned. Permanently.

The admins on these servers will not tolerate anything associated with racism or hate-based speech. It does not matter if you are part of the class of people you are spewing your crap about (a common excuse). We have no way of knowing that. It also does not matter if you do not find these things offensive. Others do. We can play without the hate that these games tend to attract. Please be respectful.

Avoid race-based names

In general, this is not a bad thing. We should all be proud of who we are. However, while few would argue that there is anything wrong with names like "azn|pride", many would agree that "white.power" is evil, simply because of history and connotation.

Counter Strike Purgatory does not allow race-based names for two reasons. One, they invite attack by less civil-minded individuals. Two, racists will often used race-based names to poke fun at people. Therefore, do not use one. You will likely be asked by an admin to change your name.

No verbal abuse directed toward admins

The admins pay to play here and they are entitled to establish varying game parameters from time to time (within reason as defined by Counter Strike Purgatory). The admins also enforce the rules here. If you don't like it, it is best to keep quiet about it. Players who hurl abusive remarks towards admins may be llama-ed, gagged, kicked, or even banned.

Follow the directions of the admins

See above. The admins pretty much run the show here (within reason as defined by Counter Strike Purgatory). Unless the admin is off his rocker, do as told.

Do not engage in any illegal activites

This includes, but is not limited to, drug sales, illegal file sharing, threatening to do bodily harm, and any other crime as defined by federal and local governments.

Try to achieve the objectives of the map

For example, on assault maps, CTs are responsible for rescuing hostages. If, instead, a CT is camping and let's time expire over and over again, they should not be suprised if ad admin slays or kicks them.

Another example. On assault maps, Ts are supposed to protect and defend hostages. If, instead, a T kills or even wounds a hostage, he should not be surprised when he is slain or kicked.

Remember that it is acceptable for a player to use the entire round time to try to accomplish mission. If you die within the first 10 seconds, don't complain if a player uses the next 4:50 to try to win. Live longer instead. Also note that if it's you against several other players (all your teammates rushed and died), you are entitled to use stealth and strategy to try to win. Ignore the llamas that whine at you for not rushing 7 enemies at once.

You are responsible for your WON/STEAM ID

Aside from voice recognition, the only way we can uniquely identify players is by SteamID. This ID is created for you when you enter the CD-Key after you installed your game. If your SteamID is used to violate any of our rules and it is banned, it is your responsibilty and not ours. Do not post to the forums that it was "your friend" or "your little brother". We won't believe you.

No Spam

Say what you need to say (within the rules) and say it only once. Admins are free to kick spammers.

No Advertising

Unless you are specifically authorized by Counter Strike Purgatory and have paid hefty sums, you are not allowed to advertise anything, including web sites and other game servers.

Use democracy well

Our servers use a democracy plug-in that allows you, the player, to vote for things. If a game setting is not to your liking, you may make votes to make changes. However, if you are a whiny brat who is used to getting your way, don't vote for things over and over. You will be treated as a spammer and kicked.

Also, if you plan to vote kick another player, you had better have a good reason (hacking, abusive language, AFK, etc). If you like to vote kick people for the heck of it, you can expect to be kicked yourself. Oh, and, "because he killed me" is not a valid kick justification.

Don't be going AFK on us

We don't mind that you step away from your computer for vital bodily functions every day or so. However, please keep your Away From Keyboards (AFKs) to a minimum. If you AFK too long on a full server, you will be kicked since you are hogging the spot of another player who has a bigger bladder than yours.
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Old 12-07-2005 , 12:49  
Reply With Quote #7

yes that would probably be the reason lol.. umm when i get home i will try something for you. I will be gettnig home at around 5ish tho, its currently 12:45 for me.

Try making the help.txt file smaller (just for testing) so i dunno maybe just write test or something, just to make sure that it is working. If it again gives u an overflow, then its something with my coding. But i do believe its simply the length, so try just doing a small test help.txt file and tell me what happens. If it works then great, and i will try something at home to see if i can allow u to ave that ENTIRE page and a half lol.

If it gives u the same thing i will look at the coding.

Edit: hehe i used to play on the CSP servers, i got my own gaming community now ;) so im working on that. Still do pop on from time to time tho. You one of the "head" ppl there?
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Old 12-07-2005 , 12:57  
Reply With Quote #8

yeah it is due ot the length.

i cut it in half and it did not overflow, however it cut off before sengind the whole text file... I will play around with this later tonight aswell if you dont mind in trying to figure out why it caps the ammount of text that can be put intoplace.

Im glad to see that you have played on my servers . Small world i suppose.

I am the head admin / Owner of CSP (CSP| Enigma). We recently doubled in size! we now have 11 servers.

thankyou for your help, and Congrats on your own cs community!(will be back later)
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Old 12-07-2005 , 13:06  
Reply With Quote #9

thats cool, i've played on ur 2forts server, then got my own 2. Question for u bout ur servers. Im assuming your renting dedicated servers, where do you go for them?

Also since you have access to the website ftp, and all taht (im assuming) then you can do this. Keep the .txt but then resave it as a .htm files. Then upload the .htm file to http://www.cspurgatory.com/plugins/help.htm

Once you have done that, then delete everything in the .txt file and put this:

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<title>Cstrike MOTD</title>
<style type="text/css">
pre {
body {
a {
text-decoration: underline;
a:link {
color: #FF0000;
a:visited {
color: #FF0000;
a:active {
color: #FF0000;
a:hover {
color: #FF0000;
text-decoration: underline;
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=http://www.cspurgatory.com/plugins/help.htm">

I believe this will allow you to post more then the MOTD shows (so im told heh) and i believe also a scroll bar... i havent tested this but its worth a shot. All i was gonna do once i got home, was upload ur .txt file exactly the way i just told u but instead the link would have been www.immortalgamers.com/plugins/csp/help.htm and let you use that, but since ur the head owner, im assuming you have access to your web ftp, and you can do that your self heh. Anyways tell me if it works.

Also try looking at my plugin i posted. Its basically this but it has /rules, /motd, /hacker, /commands, etc. All work the same way as this one.. although it dosnt have the actual /help command, but many others. If you want to use that, and stil want the help command just let me know ;)

Edit: And thank you very much for the 2 karma hits, i gave u 1 as well ;) ur at -1 cause of the 2 hits heh. You can only give someone 1 karma per 24 hours, and if u do more then thats ur punishment. But, i gave u +1 karma
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Old 12-07-2005 , 13:53  
Reply With Quote #10

ok well... i got it to work kinda...

I have all the text that i had wanted in the box, AND it has a scroll bar! unforutionatly though, when i scroll it does nothing... the bar moves however the text does not! ... i seem to remember having this problem in the past in creating my motd, and i do not think i ever got this problem fixed!

well were getting closer!
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