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[REQ] Paying up to $100 for FULL VIP Plugin!

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Old 09-06-2012 , 23:58   Re: [REQ] Paying up to $100 for FULL VIP Plugin!
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Of course, you can always kill the market and release a modular-based donator/store plugin on alliedmods.
Though, that doesn't stop people from taking that and selling it; It amazes me that people manage to do so. I would think that people would at least attempt to google before paying for a plugin, to see if it exists already.
Yes, there's no need to explode strings just to store trails.
Me, personally, when I provided trails in a sourcemod plugin i wrote, I categorized them. I did this because I notice that people tend to pick a favourite weapon in a category, use it, and rarely use other weapons in that category. Because it's more efficient, kept the code clean, and meant I didn't have to put an overabundance of time into the trails portion.

I was originally writing skyrpg2 to support l4d2, cs:go, and tf2, but I realized when I finished the l4d2 portion that supporting multiple games would create complexities that I didn't want to deal with. With that being said, the plugin itself is already 10% the size of sourcemod itself; It's jam-packed with features. Like what you've said, I develop the core elements in the plugin the way I want to - what's best for me, regardless of what server owners who may want to use the plugin want. I feel that if they want something that much to their liking, that they'll pay a private developer (like you) rather than download a plugin posted publicly :p).

I'm not sure to what extent you mean when you say a page of trails - if you mean trails for different weapons, or preconfigured trails that the user can't modify. When I write trails, I create a list of all the sprites that can be used, let the user pick which one(s) they're using, and give them full customizability; colour, size, speed, etc., of the trails themselves. In a game like l4d2, the categories i use are simply pistols/shotgun/rifle/uzi/sniper.

I've written a few all-in-one stores, but they get to be so mind-wrecking-huge that if you forget where you were working, they can become easily lost in - and the larger the plugin, the harder it becomes to debug issues. Not harder, rather, the longer it takes.

I imagine people could do a lot with simply generating store credits for time played on the server - and then selling the reserve slots to the server. Unfortunately, in left 4 dead games, you have to reserve an extra slot on the server to check for reserve access, but it's an unfortunate necessary evil.

I've been banging my head into the wall, personally - and into asherkin - for several weeks over the development of the skyrpg2 plugin - with it being so large, you think you've corrected one issue, just for another to pop up and bite you in the butt. I had originally posted a few plugins, but there was a fiasco, which partly involved someone paying $$$ for my work that was taken from AM and sold - so I pulled them off the site.

I apologize to the original author, it seems I derailed this topic.
On a personal stand point, I've never seen the perk to a stand-alone store plugin - with so many currently existing, it mind boggles me why anyone thinks that having a store will bring exclusivity to their server. I imagine players would simply say "I can't get this here for free? It's what I want - and the other server I play on offers it for free. /disconnect." In this heavily saturated market, it's hard to provide enough exclusivity to convince people to pay on your server for what is free on another, which is why I attempt to provide an overabundance of everything on my server. Of course, everything is free - but the downside is the server sees development plugins, so it's occasionally a bumpy ride.

Still, the problem I see with a lot of people requesting paid plugins is they often offer less than what the programmers who are not the lower-wretches would design them for - I believe because private development is time away from your spare time - and probably the time that is required to be invested in its development.

I completely didn't see that you meant lower prices for a donator only plugin, though. I imagine full-on store, or store++ plugins would still render large costs. But, again, I still think most non-developers don't understand why such plugins gather high costs. I imagine you're a lot better at explaining that one than I am, though.
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Old 09-07-2012 , 00:05   Re: [REQ] Paying up to $100 for FULL VIP Plugin!
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I'm far too drunk for your post to make sense, so I'll edit this sometime tomorrow with a proper response!
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Old 09-07-2012 , 00:16   Re: [REQ] Paying up to $100 for FULL VIP Plugin!
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when you're drunk, do you see little pandas everywhere
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Old 09-07-2012 , 00:32   Re: [REQ] Paying up to $100 for FULL VIP Plugin!
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Originally Posted by Skyy View Post
when you're drunk, do you see little pandas everywhere
I do. And their really cute.

But seriously if you paying that much for a plugin you are wasting you time. I hired someone to do a $250 plugin for me and they never even finished the job. There is also a good chance that someone will just recreate what you have and make it free. Also, don't be secretive about what you want your plugin to do because through pm's you WILL get ripped off by someone. Keep it public so people can give you feedback.
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Old 09-07-2012 , 00:46   Re: [REQ] Paying up to $100 for FULL VIP Plugin!
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If they never finished, I hope you either a.) Didn't pay, or b.) Disputed the paypal payment.
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Old 09-07-2012 , 01:21   Re: [REQ] Paying up to $100 for FULL VIP Plugin!
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Once i get some of the features in my store finished i wouldn't mind setting it a lower price then other's (around $30-$40) i just cant find the damn time to work on it!
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Old 09-07-2012 , 01:34   Re: [REQ] Paying up to $100 for FULL VIP Plugin!
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Haha isn't that always the hard part; finding the time?
That's why I don't do private plugins, myself. I like working on my plugins at my own pace!
But, Mitchell, I can help you have an accident where you unfortunately break an appendage if you're looking for some time to work on it.
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Old 09-07-2012 , 06:53   Re: [REQ] Paying up to $100 for FULL VIP Plugin!
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I would not describe the plugin I am privately requesting as hard or complex in any way for the higher-end SM coder.

Like panda said, my goal is Efficiency. Not a whole bunch of BLAHBLAHBLAH.

I want a nice running script which offers something that most don't. Maybe a cool store? Maybe a script hosted online people can go to when they want to sign up to make a donation like a PayPal Button but nicer? Not even really interested in the store to be honest, something like player trails seem cool. However, I would want more categories once again like panda stated.

I will not pay over $100 for this script. Don't even bother throwing it out
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Old 09-07-2012 , 07:24   Re: [REQ] Paying up to $100 for FULL VIP Plugin!
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Skyy, releasing a modular store doesn't *kill* the market unless all the modules people want are also released, no? :p
databomb is offline
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Old 09-07-2012 , 08:58   Re: [REQ] Paying up to $100 for FULL VIP Plugin!
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Originally Posted by Century19 View Post
I would not describe the plugin I am privately requesting as hard or complex in any way for the higher-end SM coder.

Like panda said, my goal is Efficiency. Not a whole bunch of BLAHBLAHBLAH.

I want a nice running script which offers something that most don't. Maybe a cool store? Maybe a script hosted online people can go to when they want to sign up to make a donation like a PayPal Button but nicer? Not even really interested in the store to be honest, something like player trails seem cool. However, I would want more categories once again like panda stated.

I will not pay over $100 for this script. Don't even bother throwing it out
what your asking is more than you would be able to get, scripting takes, time and patience, we have to continuously code for hours and test it, it gets nerve wrecking after a while.
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