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Problem with entity replace(remove entity sometims)

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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Poland - Wojnowice
Old 07-31-2012 , 15:29   Re: Problem with entity replace(remove entity sometims)
Reply With Quote #11

O.o You are the best :d But what gives you stock? i still dont know. Now i triing these functions. // Mark the entity to kill, but this will be delayed to the next frame, so it's still valid -- I dont understand this. Where you get next frame?


I have wrong message

Your function removes all entities, but count good

And i must improve your function like this:
zmien_m60_i_granatnik() {
    new Float:countM60 = float(GetEntityCountByClassName("weapon_rifle_m60_spawn"));
    new Float:countGrenadeLauncher = float(GetEntityCountByClassName("weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn"));

    if (countM60 > countGrenadeLauncher) {
        ReplaceWeaponByAnotherWeapon("weapon_rifle_m60_spawn", "weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn", "models/w_models/weapons/w_grenade_launcher.mdl", GRENADE_LAUNCHER, RoundFloat((countM60 - countGrenadeLauncher) / 2));
    else if (countGrenadeLauncher > countM60) 
        ReplaceWeaponByAnotherWeapon("weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn", "weapon_rifle_m60_spawn", "models/w_models/weapons/w_m60.mdl", M60, RoundFloat((countGrenadeLauncher - countM60) / 2));
My function only after restarting rounds take away almost all of the entity. Your removes all even after a reboot of the map. Two other features I added to smlib.

Btw. When the command function has a admin entity normally turn.

Except that all the entity are new. For example, with three M60 gets a grenade launcher.

@next edit:

This bug is when example grenade launcher are 3, but m60 is 1. Now i know what i should do.

Last edited by Pawemol12; 07-31-2012 at 16:50.
Pawemol12 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Poland - Wojnowice
Old 07-31-2012 , 17:30   Re: Problem with entity replace(remove entity sometims)
Reply With Quote #12

Berni, where is your post? It was on my post. Bug in forum, O.o, or you delete this?

Sry for double post, I looked for first page

Berni, now I correct code and add 3 seconds timer, after map start and round start. Now my code look like:

Function in plugin:
static zmien_m60_i_granatnik() 
    new countM60 = GetEntityCountByClassName("weapon_rifle_m60_spawn");
    new countGrenadeLauncher = GetEntityCountByClassName("weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn");
    if (countM60 > countGrenadeLauncher) 
        new wynik = countM60 - countGrenadeLauncher;
        if (wynik <= 0)
            wynik = 1;
        ReplaceWeaponByAnotherWeapon("weapon_rifle_m60_spawn", "weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn", "models/w_models/weapons/w_grenade_launcher.mdl", GRENADE_LAUNCHER, wynik);
    else if (countGrenadeLauncher > countM60) 
        new wynik = countGrenadeLauncher - countM60;
        if (wynik <= 0)
            wynik = 1;
        ReplaceWeaponByAnotherWeapon("weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn", "weapon_rifle_m60_spawn", "models/w_models/weapons/w_m60.mdl", M60, wynik);
In smlib:
stock ReplaceWeaponByAnotherWeapon(const String:classNameToFind[], const String:classNameToCreate[], const String:model[], weaponId, max)
    new x;

    new entity = 65;
    while ((entity = FindEntityByClassname(entity, classNameToFind)) != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE && x < max) 

        new Float:location[3];
        new Float:angles[3];

        Entity_GetAbsOrigin(entity, location);
        GetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Send, "m_angRotation", angles);

        // Mark the entity to kill, but this will be delayed to the next frame, so it's still valid

        new newEntity = CreateEntityByName(classNameToCreate);
        Entity_SetModel(newEntity, model);
        SetEntProp(newEntity, Prop_Send, "m_weaponID", weaponId);
        TeleportEntity(newEntity, location, angles, NULL_VECTOR);
        DispatchKeyValue(newEntity, "count", "1");

stock GetEntityCountByClassName(const String:className[])
    new count=0;

    new entity = -1;
    while ((entity = FindEntityByClassname(entity, className)) != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE) {

    return count;
And now all work good. But i must check it a few times.

Last edited by Pawemol12; 07-31-2012 at 17:53.
Pawemol12 is offline

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