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Show Damage (1.0.7)

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Junior Member
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Here
Old 10-23-2011 , 22:39   Re: Show Damage (1.0.7)
Reply With Quote #181

what you mean with "HTF" ? Sorry my english is not so good :/
Eskiya31 is offline
Grim Reaper
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Australia
Old 10-23-2011 , 22:42   Re: Show Damage (1.0.7)
Reply With Quote #182

= How The Frig

is anyone supposed to help you if you dont say what the error is

Look in

addons/sourcemod/logs/error log files and post errors
Happy Happy Joy Joy

sinblaster is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Here
Old 10-23-2011 , 22:46   Re: Show Damage (1.0.7)
Reply With Quote #183

okey here it is:

L 10/24/2011 - 01:18:14: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 01:18:14: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 01:18:14: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:18:14: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:18:14: [SM] Plugin encountered error 25: Call was aborted
L 10/24/2011 - 01:18:14: [SM] Native "SetFailState" reported: Database failure: Could not find Database conf "sourcebans"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:18:14: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "sourcebans.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 01:18:14: [SM]   [0]  Line 208, D:\htdocs\sourcebans\trunk\game_upload\addons\sourcemod\scripting\sourcebans.sp::OnPluginStart()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:18:14: [admin-flatfile.smx] Error(s) detected parsing addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg
L 10/24/2011 - 01:18:14: [admin-flatfile.smx]  (line 37) A property was declared outside of a section
L 10/24/2011 - 01:18:14: [SM] Plugin encountered error 25: Call was aborted
L 10/24/2011 - 01:18:14: [SM] Native "SetFailState" reported: File Not Found: addons/sourcemod/configs/advertisements.txt
L 10/24/2011 - 01:18:14: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "advertisements.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 01:18:14: [SM]   [0]  Line 331, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/4/6/6/8/24253.attach::ParseAds()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:18:14: [SM]   [1]  Line 44, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/4/6/6/8/24253.attach::OnMapStart()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:20:50: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 01:20:50: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 01:20:50: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:20:50: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:20:50: [SM] Plugin encountered error 25: Call was aborted
L 10/24/2011 - 01:20:50: [SM] Native "SetFailState" reported: Database failure: Could not find Database conf "sourcebans"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:20:50: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "sourcebans.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 01:20:50: [SM]   [0]  Line 208, D:\htdocs\sourcebans\trunk\game_upload\addons\sourcemod\scripting\sourcebans.sp::OnPluginStart()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:20:50: [admin-flatfile.smx] Error(s) detected parsing addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg
L 10/24/2011 - 01:20:50: [admin-flatfile.smx]  (line 37) A property was declared outside of a section
L 10/24/2011 - 01:20:50: [SM] Plugin encountered error 25: Call was aborted
L 10/24/2011 - 01:20:50: [SM] Native "SetFailState" reported: File Not Found: addons/sourcemod/configs/advertisements.txt
L 10/24/2011 - 01:20:50: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "advertisements.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 01:20:50: [SM]   [0]  Line 331, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/4/6/6/8/24253.attach::ParseAds()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:20:50: [SM]   [1]  Line 44, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/4/6/6/8/24253.attach::OnMapStart()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:23:01: Error log file session closed.
L 10/24/2011 - 01:23:01: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 01:23:01: Info (map "cs_assault") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 01:23:01: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:23:01: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:23:01: [SM] Plugin encountered error 25: Call was aborted
L 10/24/2011 - 01:23:01: [SM] Native "SetFailState" reported: Database failure: Could not find Database conf "sourcebans"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:23:01: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "sourcebans.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 01:23:01: [SM]   [0]  Line 208, D:\htdocs\sourcebans\trunk\game_upload\addons\sourcemod\scripting\sourcebans.sp::OnPluginStart()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:23:01: [admin-flatfile.smx] Error(s) detected parsing addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg
L 10/24/2011 - 01:23:01: [admin-flatfile.smx]  (line 37) A property was declared outside of a section
L 10/24/2011 - 01:23:02: [SM] Plugin encountered error 25: Call was aborted
L 10/24/2011 - 01:23:02: [SM] Native "SetFailState" reported: File Not Found: addons/sourcemod/configs/advertisements.txt
L 10/24/2011 - 01:23:02: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "advertisements.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 01:23:02: [SM]   [0]  Line 331, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/4/6/6/8/24253.attach::ParseAds()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:23:02: [SM]   [1]  Line 44, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/4/6/6/8/24253.attach::OnMapStart()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:26:16: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 01:26:16: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 01:26:16: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:26:16: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:26:16: [admin-flatfile.smx] Error(s) detected parsing addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg
L 10/24/2011 - 01:26:16: [admin-flatfile.smx]  (line 37) A property was declared outside of a section
L 10/24/2011 - 01:26:16: [SM] Plugin encountered error 25: Call was aborted
L 10/24/2011 - 01:26:16: [SM] Native "SetFailState" reported: File Not Found: addons/sourcemod/configs/advertisements.txt
L 10/24/2011 - 01:26:16: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "advertisements.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 01:26:16: [SM]   [0]  Line 331, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/4/6/6/8/24253.attach::ParseAds()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:26:16: [SM]   [1]  Line 44, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/4/6/6/8/24253.attach::OnMapStart()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:29:34: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 01:29:34: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 01:29:34: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:29:34: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:29:34: [admin-flatfile.smx] Error(s) detected parsing addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg
L 10/24/2011 - 01:29:34: [admin-flatfile.smx]  (line 37) A property was declared outside of a section
L 10/24/2011 - 01:29:34: [SM] Plugin encountered error 25: Call was aborted
L 10/24/2011 - 01:29:34: [SM] Native "SetFailState" reported: File Not Found: addons/sourcemod/configs/advertisements.txt
L 10/24/2011 - 01:29:34: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "advertisements.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 01:29:34: [SM]   [0]  Line 331, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/4/6/6/8/24253.attach::ParseAds()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:29:34: [SM]   [1]  Line 44, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/4/6/6/8/24253.attach::OnMapStart()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:34:35: [SM] Native "SQL_TQuery" reported: Invalid database Handle 0 (error: 4)
L 10/24/2011 - 01:34:35: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "sourcebans.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 01:34:35: [SM]   [0]  Line 1398, D:\htdocs\sourcebans\trunk\game_upload\addons\sourcemod\scripting\sourcebans.sp::ProcessQueueCallback()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:35:37: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 01:35:37: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 01:35:37: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 01:35:37: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 01:35:37: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:35:37: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:35:37: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:35:37: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:35:37: [admin-flatfile.smx] Error(s) detected parsing addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg
L 10/24/2011 - 01:35:37: [admin-flatfile.smx]  (line 37) A property was declared outside of a section
L 10/24/2011 - 01:35:37: [SM] Plugin encountered error 25: Call was aborted
L 10/24/2011 - 01:35:37: [SM] Native "SetFailState" reported: File Not Found: addons/sourcemod/configs/advertisements.txt
L 10/24/2011 - 01:35:37: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "advertisements.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 01:35:37: [SM]   [0]  Line 331, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/4/6/6/8/24253.attach::ParseAds()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:35:37: [SM]   [1]  Line 44, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/4/6/6/8/24253.attach::OnMapStart()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:36:47: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 01:36:47: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 01:36:47: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 01:36:47: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 01:36:47: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:36:47: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:36:47: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:36:47: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:39:17: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 01:39:17: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 01:39:17: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 01:39:17: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 01:39:17: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:39:17: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:39:18: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:39:18: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:39:18: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:39:18: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:39:18: [SM] Plugin encountered error 4: Invalid parameter or parameter type
L 10/24/2011 - 01:39:18: [SM] Native "LogAction" reported: Language phrase "CSTRIKE" not found
L 10/24/2011 - 01:39:18: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 01:39:18: [SM]   [0]  Line 446, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/2/0/9/1/85456.attach::OnPluginStart()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:40:46: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 01:40:46: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 01:40:46: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 01:40:46: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 01:40:46: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:40:46: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:40:46: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:40:46: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:40:46: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:40:46: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:40:46: [SM] Plugin encountered error 4: Invalid parameter or parameter type
L 10/24/2011 - 01:40:46: [SM] Native "LogAction" reported: Language phrase "CSTRIKE" not found
L 10/24/2011 - 01:40:46: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 01:40:46: [SM]   [0]  Line 446, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/2/0/9/1/85456.attach::OnPluginStart()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:45:04: [SM] Plugin encountered error 4: Invalid parameter or parameter type
L 10/24/2011 - 01:45:04: [SM] Native "Format" reported: Language phrase "Votemap" not found
L 10/24/2011 - 01:45:04: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "playersvotes.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 01:45:04: [SM]   [0]  Line 231, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/0/8/8/5/21002.attach::DisplayVoteMenu()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:45:04: [SM]   [1]  Line 201, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/0/8/8/5/21002.attach::Command_Say()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:45:46: [SM] Native "SQL_FetchString" reported: Current result set has no fetched rows
L 10/24/2011 - 01:45:46: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "sourcebans.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 01:45:46: [SM]   [0]  Line 1366, D:\htdocs\sourcebans\trunk\game_upload\addons\sourcemod\scripting\sourcebans.sp::ProcessQueueCallback()
L 10/24/2011 - 01:46:25: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 01:46:25: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 01:46:25: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 01:46:25: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 01:46:25: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:46:25: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:46:25: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:46:25: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:47:43: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 01:47:43: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 01:47:43: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 01:47:43: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 01:47:43: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:47:43: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:47:43: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:47:43: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:47:43: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:47:43: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:52:44: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 01:52:44: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 01:52:44: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 01:52:44: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 01:52:44: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:52:44: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:52:44: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:52:44: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:52:45: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:52:45: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:55:57: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 01:55:57: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 01:55:57: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 01:55:57: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 01:55:57: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:55:57: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:55:57: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:55:57: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 01:56:00: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 01:56:00: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 02:06:19: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 02:06:19: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 02:06:19: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 02:06:19: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 02:06:19: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:06:19: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 02:06:19: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:06:19: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 02:06:19: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:06:19: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 02:20:09: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 02:20:09: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 02:20:09: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 02:20:09: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 02:20:09: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:20:09: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 02:20:09: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:20:09: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 02:20:09: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:20:09: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 02:21:51: [SM] Plugin encountered error 4: Invalid parameter or parameter type
L 10/24/2011 - 02:21:51: [SM] Native "Format" reported: Language phrase "Votemap" not found
L 10/24/2011 - 02:21:51: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "playersvotes.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 02:21:51: [SM]   [0]  Line 231, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/0/8/8/5/21002.attach::DisplayVoteMenu()
L 10/24/2011 - 02:21:51: [SM]   [1]  Line 201, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/0/8/8/5/21002.attach::Command_Say()
L 10/24/2011 - 02:26:46: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 02:26:46: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 02:26:46: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 02:26:46: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 02:26:46: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:26:46: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 02:26:46: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:26:46: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 02:26:46: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:26:46: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 02:28:04: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 02:28:04: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 02:28:04: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 02:28:04: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 02:28:04: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:28:04: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 02:28:04: [SM] Unable to load plugin "nominations.smx": Could not find required plugin "mapchooser"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:28:04: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:28:04: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 02:28:05: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:28:05: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 02:28:05: [SM] Unable to load plugin "rockthevote.smx": Could not find required plugin "mapchooser"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:47:37: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 02:47:37: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 02:47:37: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 02:47:37: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 02:47:37: [SM] Unable to load plugin "showdamage.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 02:47:37: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:47:37: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 02:47:37: [SM] Unable to load plugin "nominations.smx": Could not find required plugin "mapchooser"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:47:37: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:47:37: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 02:47:37: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 02:47:37: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 02:47:37: [SM] Unable to load plugin "rockthevote.smx": Could not find required plugin "mapchooser"
L 10/24/2011 - 03:01:26: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 03:01:26: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 03:01:26: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 03:01:26: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 03:01:26: [SM] Unable to load plugin "showdamage.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 03:01:26: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 03:01:26: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 03:01:26: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 03:01:26: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 03:01:26: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 03:01:26: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 03:04:45: [SM] Plugin encountered error 4: Invalid parameter or parameter type
L 10/24/2011 - 03:04:45: [SM] Native "Format" reported: Language phrase "Votekick" not found
L 10/24/2011 - 03:04:45: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "playersvotes.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 03:04:45: [SM]   [0]  Line 221, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/0/8/8/5/21002.attach::DisplayVoteMenu()
L 10/24/2011 - 03:04:45: [SM]   [1]  Line 169, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/0/8/8/5/21002.attach::Command_Say()
L 10/24/2011 - 03:04:55: [SM] Plugin encountered error 4: Invalid parameter or parameter type
L 10/24/2011 - 03:04:55: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Language phrase "Votemap" not found
L 10/24/2011 - 03:04:55: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "playersvotes.smx":
L 10/24/2011 - 03:04:55: [SM]   [0]  Line 209, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/0/8/8/5/21002.attach::Command_Say()
L 10/24/2011 - 03:32:15: Error log file session closed.
L 10/24/2011 - 03:32:15: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 03:32:15: Info (map "cs_office") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 03:32:15: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 03:32:15: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 03:32:15: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 03:32:15: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 03:32:15: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 03:32:15: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 03:32:15: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 03:32:15: [SM] Unable to load plugin "showdamage.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 03:39:48: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 03:39:48: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 03:39:48: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 03:39:48: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 03:39:48: [SM] Unable to load plugin "showdamage.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 03:39:48: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 03:39:48: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 03:39:48: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 03:39:48: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 03:39:48: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 03:39:48: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 03:53:10: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 03:53:10: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 03:53:10: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 03:53:10: [SM] Unable to load plugin "showdamage.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 03:53:10: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 03:53:10: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 03:53:10: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 03:53:10: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 03:53:10: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 03:53:10: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 03:54:51: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 03:54:51: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 03:54:51: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 03:54:51: [SM] Unable to load plugin "showdamage.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 03:54:51: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 03:54:51: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 03:54:51: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 03:54:51: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 03:54:51: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 03:54:51: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 04:00:57: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 04:00:57: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 04:00:57: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 04:00:57: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 04:00:57: [SM] Unable to load plugin "showdamage.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 04:00:57: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 04:00:57: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 04:00:57: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 04:00:57: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 04:00:57: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 04:00:57: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 04:04:06: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 04:04:06: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 04:04:06: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 04:04:07: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 04:04:07: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 04:04:07: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 04:04:07: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 04:04:07: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 04:04:07: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 04:04:07: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 04:05:53: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 04:05:53: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 04:05:53: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 04:05:53: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 04:05:53: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 04:05:53: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 04:05:53: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 04:05:53: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 04:05:53: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 04:05:53: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 04:11:37: SourceMod error session started
L 10/24/2011 - 04:11:37: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111024.log")
L 10/24/2011 - 04:11:37: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find "clientprefs" or "default" database configs
L 10/24/2011 - 04:11:37: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 10/24/2011 - 04:11:37: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.smcash.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 04:11:37: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 04:11:37: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "afk_manager.phrases.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 04:11:37: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 10/24/2011 - 04:11:37: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "plugin.playersvotes.txt"
L 10/24/2011 - 04:11:37: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
Eskiya31 is offline
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Old 10-23-2011 , 23:00   Re: Show Damage (1.0.7)
Reply With Quote #184

holy crap dude you have errors for everything. Show damage is the least of your issues
Happy Happy Joy Joy

sinblaster is offline
Grim Reaper
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Location: Australia
Old 10-23-2011 , 23:02   Re: Show Damage (1.0.7)
Reply With Quote #185

My advice would be to start at the top. Work your way through each error.
As a gynecologist I would advise you to start all over again. Setup from scratch. One plugin at a time.
Happy Happy Joy Joy

Last edited by sinblaster; 10-23-2011 at 23:02.
sinblaster is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Old 12-23-2011 , 05:34   Re: Show Damage (1.0.7)
Reply With Quote #186

What about enabling it only for one gametype? I'm with L4D2, and could be something like "only for campaign", cause in versus people will get mad.
You are welcome!

januto is offline
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Old 12-23-2011 , 09:05   Re: Show Damage (1.0.7)
Reply With Quote #187

Originally Posted by januto View Post
What about enabling it only for one gametype? I'm with L4D2, and could be something like "only for campaign", cause in versus people will get mad.
I don't have game. But SEARCHING you maybe get RESULTS !

- Then use this plugin cvar sm_show_damage 1/0
- Change cvar from ...<game mod>/cfg/sourcemod/plugin.showdamage.cfg to "disabled"
- Make game mode config and add same cvar there to "enabled"

If not work first time...
(You can check plugin current cvars
rcon sm plugins list
rcon sm cvars number
Then remove or //comment cvar from Show Damage - plugin cfg file

// Enabled/Disabled show damage functionality, 0 = off/1 = on
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
//sm_show_damage "0"
And add same cvar in ...<game mod>/cfg/server.cfg, "disabled"
Do not Private Message @me
Bacardi is offline
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Old 01-12-2012 , 18:07   Re: Show Damage (1.0.7)
Reply With Quote #188


Your plugin fail . When I write !settings in chat then crash server.. I delete showdamage.smx then server restart and i wrote again !settings , running fine with quake . But show damage in !settings make crash!

schwarz is offline
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Old 02-26-2012 , 22:16   Re: Show Damage (1.0.7)
Reply With Quote #189

Originally Posted by schwarz View Post

Your plugin fail . When I write !settings in chat then crash server.. I delete showdamage.smx then server restart and i wrote again !settings , running fine with quake . But show damage in !settings make crash!

Here ya go, fixed & working.
Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (showdamage.sp - 260 views - 7.6 KB)
File Type: smx showdamage.smx (8.0 KB, 294 views)
File Type: gz showdamage.tar.gz (11.0 KB, 389 views)

Last edited by Calystos; 02-26-2012 at 22:19.
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Old 04-28-2012 , 18:10   Re: Show Damage (1.0.7)
Reply With Quote #190

Will this work with CSS Zombie Mod?
DNP is offline

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